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Serious School is meant to preserve the hierarchy, not educate



Feb 24, 2020
The ultimate purpose of school is to create a barrier that blocks the undesired and projects the desired into much better positions.

All the chads are given popularity, positive feedback and reinforcement, friends, everything, these will shape him into becoming successful later in life.

What do foids get? They have the entire system built in a way for them, teachers will often be lenient on foids and be willing to give them a million chances, this is also so foids can get fucked by chad while aiming for a career so she doesn't have to settle with a sub 8 man

What do incels get? Bullying, isolation, ridicule, exclusion; these all serve the goal of pushing the incel out of school and into home, where he will be seen by nobody and hopefully become homeless and die alone. Even if incels do struggle through to the end, the effects of the isolation and bullying will have still made them less suited for the workforce.

School was never meant for education, it was for preserving a flow of betabux wageslaves back during the industrial ever, is it any wonder that it hasn't changed one single bit despite hundreds of years passing?

If school really valued education, they'd completely eliminate negative side effects and ONLY teach shit that's needed, not fucking useless shit that you're forced to keep in your mind for 2 weeks for a test. They wouldn't force people to wake up early in the morning, they'd allow them to wake up later so they can be at the peak of their mental awareness. But they do this so that chads and foids can socialize after 3 while the incels rot for the rest of the day. Another subtle way to stack cards against incels and make them want to quit.
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whoever made the education system clearly didn't have education in mind, they just wanted money
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.
- H.L. Mencken
True dude. Chads and females always pass school without studying and incels are there only for their entertainment. Why nobody is doing anything about bullying? Because it is fun and incels are meant to fail it. A flamethrower we need.
School and kindergarten were essentially devised to alienate children from their parents. Once a kid enters school environment he\she is not your child anymore. He assumes traits and roles not from his parents, but from society. Capitalists had taken away our children from us because they rightly believed that raising youth in a fashion that serves your purpose today is key to dominating the society tomorrow. This was the initial step of their plan. Now this system has become stable and self-reproducing.
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I don't think the modern school system was designed with this hierarchy that you mentioned in mind; the hierarchy simply occurs on its own. Human nature is what drives us to segregate ourselves, and form preferences based on looks, so this would happen even without a school system in place.

That said, because schools aren't built around this hierarchy, they are often ill prepared for it. So when guys like us get bullied in school, and develop low self-esteem as a result, the school system treats the situation from the perspective of behavioral determinism. In other words, if a guy is lonely, has low self esteem and feels isolated, the school system may treat the child as though something is wrong with him.

With is why a lot of bullied children (myself included) end up on medication and given a diagnosis, or they labeled as "special needs" or "special education", an indirect way of saying there's something wrong with them.

The school system is based on behavioral determinism, because that is the natural bias of human beings. We tend to shy away from and resist any idea that biology is beyond our control, and so we always address problems from the behavioral perspective, which often results in the victim being blamed (i.e. He needs to work on his social skills, another way of saying his loneliness is his own fault)

Great post. I think this should explored much further.:)
True dude. Chads and females always pass school without studying and incels are there only for their entertainment. Why nobody is doing anything about bullying? Because it is fun and incels are meant to fail it. A flamethrower we need.
They do try and do something about bullying, but their solution is often to punish the victim.

If you are lonely and have low self-esteem, then you are often labeled as having a social disorder and made to take medicine, rather than people ask what's wrong with you.

If someone beats you up and you fight back, you get called the aggressor and get removed from school.

Likewise, if you report a bully and the bully gets punished somehow (often lightly if they are more attractive) then you'll be labeled a snitch by your peers and other children will avoid you (which they already did anyway).

This my friend is what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy. People automatically assume you are the bad guy, and then punish you accordingly by making all your behaviors and reactions your own fault. They already dislike you because you're ugly/short/etc, and so they aim to prove to themselves that you truly are what they imagined you to be, and feel justified when you act accordingly, even if your response is normal.
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Good observation
High IQ. School sorts everyone into genetic “classes” with the ugly, short kids at the bottom and Chad of course being at the top. Chad will almost certainly be the most well respected and popular kid in the school. Ponder it for a moment, when has your typical high school jock ever been at the bottom of the social hierarchy in school, or been the subject of ridicule?

That said, the “jock” will be the most successful in terms of sports and will often succeed in his education due to positive reinforcement from his fellow students whereas the ugly student will be subjected to bullying and harassment like a serf was subjected to domination by his noble overlord, lowering the ugly students academic ability that would otherwise be high, due to social pressures.
High IQ, schools are just a beta simp factory
It's just a place where parents drop their children so they can fuck in peace (not each other in most cases)

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