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Hypocrisy Schizophrenic foid who sees' things that aren't there has a boyfriend



Autism is a death sentence for ugly men
Jun 28, 2018
Someone from my sisters social circle, she sees things which aren't there like fairies and has paranoid delusions yet still lives with her supportive boyfriend in an apartment and doesn't work. She has a big supportive friend group by the sounds of it and they all hang out.

A guy in her situation would be seen as lower than cesspit bacteria to foids :fuk: You can't be anything other than cookie cutter normal NT if you're a guy wanting a relationship, mental problems are a big no-no. NevER began for mentalcels.
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Schizophrenia is worse than inceldom, but schizophrenia as a male is infinitely worse.
I'm not schizophrenic, but I have schizophrenic traits from schizophrenic genes that prevent me from driving.



The Psychiatric Risk Gene Transcription Factor 4 (TCF4) Regulates Neurodevelopmental Pathways Associated With Schizophrenia, Autism, and Intellectual Disability​

Genetic variants in and around the transcription factor 4 (TCF4) gene are associated with range of disorders that are frequently associated with cognitive dysfunction.1–3 The most recent schizophrenia GWAS reported three independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TCF4 that surpassed the threshold for genome wide significance.4 Intriguingly, rare TCF4 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) have also been described in schizophrenia patients, although their impact on the function of the protein has not been established.5,6 In addition to the genetic studies in schizophrenia, TCF4 variants are associated with early information processing and cognitive markers, some of which are schizophrenia endophenotypes.7–10 Damaging TCF4 mutations have also been described in large-scale genotyping studies in patients with ID, neurodevelopmental disorders, and most recently ASD.11–15 Haploinsufficiency of TCF4 causes Pitt–Hopkins syndrome (PTHS); a rare form intellectual disability (ID) associated with characteristic facial features, autonomic dysfunction, and behavioral traits that resemble autism spectrum disorder (ASD).16–19 Collectively, these studies implicate TCF4 in a range of neurodevelopmental disorders.

CF4 is a member of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of proteins.20–22 For the purposes of disambiguation, it should be noted that TCF4 (Gene ID: 6925) described herein should not be confused with T-cell factor 4 (Gene ID: 6934, official gene symbol, TCF7L2) since they can share the same acronym. TCF4 and its paralogues, collectively known as E-proteins, interact with other bHLH proteins to regulate DNA binding specificity and transcriptional activity at promoters and enhancers that contain E-boxes (5′-CANNTG).2,20,23 The human TCF4 gene encodes multiple protein isoforms of which only the major isoforms TCF4-A and TCF4-B have been characterized in detail.24 In neurons, TCF4 regulates the intrinsic excitability of pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex and has been shown to attenuate neurite branching.25,26 Furthermore, haploinsufficiency of Tcf4 in mice affects gene expression and DNA methylation in the brain, leading to enhanced long-term potentiation, learning and memory deficits, and autistic-like behavior.22,25,26 By contrast, mice over-expressing Tcf4 in the brain display deficits in sensorimotor gating, fear conditioning, and circadian processes as well as impairments in attentional and behavioral anticipation.7,27

Schizophrenia is worse than inceldom, but schizophrenia as a male is infinitely worse.
Well she seems to be getting on ok when it comes to friends and relationships, but Schizophrenia as a male has an even lower fertility ratio than those with autism.
I'm not schizophrenic, but I have schizophrenic traits from schizophrenic genes that prevent me from driving.
Have you ever met your foid counterparts? Do they have and trouble dating and getting sex?
Well she seems to be getting on ok when it comes to friends and relationships, but Schizophrenia as a male has an even lower fertility ratio than those with autism.
No friends and support for schizophrenia. The reason it’s worse than autism is because you’re too busy in another dimension.
Have you ever met your foid counterparts? Do they have and trouble dating and getting sex?

Mother has auditory psychosis:

I see...

My mother, though not necessarily schizophrenic, suffers from PTSD and auditory psychosis. I doubt she is NT. Anyway, she was always depressed throughout my childhood and would often think people were making violent hand signs at her.

We shared a bedroom/bed when I was younger due to unfortunate circumstances and poverty.

Mother has auditory psychosis and takes Vraylar for it. I have Palinopsia and occasional rabies paranoia from ASD.



As a young child, I actually had OCD traits from ASD, though I never realized it until I was an adult. Whenever I had negative sexual thoughts, I was fearful of divine punishment and would repeatedly say "No, no, no" three or four times after each occurrence while rubbing my ears. The sexual thoughts sometimes occurred while I was fidgeting with knives.

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I have ASD-related health anxiety and experience paranoia regarding Lyssavirus(Rabies), where I have sensations of bat saliva dripping on my skin. This is why I stopped reading rabies case studies, as they would give me paresthesia.

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Mother has auditory psychosis...her husband was quite violent and spent hours yelling. He also would rattle his keys and repeatedly open/close cabinets.
Someone from my sisters social circle, she sees things which aren't there like fairies and has paranoid delusions yet still lives with her supportive boyfriend in an apartment and doesn't work. She has a big supportive friend group by the sounds of it and they all hang out.

A guy in her situation would be seen as lower than cesspit bacteria to foids :fuk: You can't be anything other than cookie cutter normal NT if you're a guy wanting a relationship, mental problems are a big no-no. NevER began for mentalcels.
If you're a mentally ill man your doomed to be alone. Yet they tell us to grind and spend all this money just to share basic human experiences.
Her schizophreniamatch is rotting in an institution.
Mother has auditory psychosis:
Yet she still got a man to fuck her and breed with.
If you're a mentally ill man your doomed to be alone. Yet they tell us to grind and spend all this money just to share basic human experiences.
Double standards bro, foids can be anything and still get laid.
Her schizophreniamatch is rotting in an institution.
Or even worse, posting on here.
Foids can have every disease, mental or physical, imaginable and still have "a loving and caring boyfriend and a great social circle".
Reminder that it’s ok for women to be short, autistic, schizophrenic etc, but if you have these traits as a man, it‘s a death sentence. Hypergamy and matriarchal society to blame.
Foids can have every disease, mental or physical, imaginable and still have "a loving and caring boyfriend and a great social circle".
It's not fair, why do foids get to enjoy such privilege.
He was also carrying a copy of the defective allele, however.
What are the implications of that?
I think there's actually been a few (genuine) schizo posters on here.
Is Sneir schizo or just on drugs?
Reminder that it’s ok for women to be short, autistic, schizophrenic etc, but if you have these traits as a man, it‘s a death sentence. Hypergamy and matriarchal society to blame.
:yes: What a time to be alive.
Well, I have schizophrenia.
I can say that, yes, it’s a social death sentence.
I have never met a foid that was willing to take a chance on me.
In psych therapy they tell us to go out and be proactive about making friends. That we can find a girlfriend.
Then we go out into the world and nothing is how the therapist said it would be.
We learn to never tell anyone about our schizophrenia. Because if we do, we will be ghosted even if everything had been going well up to that point.
Even females with schizophrenia won’t date a schizophrenic guy.
Then we go out into the world and nothing is how the therapist said it would be.
This kind of bluepilled "therapy" should be avoided.

I have ditched several therapists who gave me bluepilled advice.

I currently go to therapy with a psychoanalyst who is kinda based. The things he tells me about real world interactions turn out to be true more often than not. My current experience in therapy is one of learning new things about dealing with the world and with normies. Yes, I know therapy won't fix my autism, won't turn me into a Chad slayer of pussy, but it helps me function in society -- which is something I'm very lacking.

If you're getting unhelpful platitudes, I believe this therapy can't be too helpful, unless you plan on delusionmaxxing and not leaving your room.
Tutorial mode simp society go brrr
Someone from my sisters social circle, she sees things which aren't there like fairies and has paranoid delusions yet still lives with her supportive boyfriend in an apartment and doesn't work. She has a big supportive friend group by the sounds of it and they all hang out.

A guy in her situation would be seen as lower than cesspit bacteria to foids :fuk: You can't be anything other than cookie cutter normal NT if you're a guy wanting a relationship, mental problems are a big no-no. NevER began for mentalcels.

I know a short (4'10~4'11), balding, obese Asian toilet with acne who has schizophrenia and she said that she tried writing down the names of the first few hundred met she slept with but lost count before turning 20. She's 30 now and still sleeps with like 3 men and 1 toilet every week.

Male losers are incels, female losers are sluts.
Mental illness doesn't stop women from getting into relationships, different story for men. Like most women with autism have been in relationships where as autistic men.. nope.
Well, I have schizophrenia.
I can say that, yes, it’s a social death sentence.
I have never met a foid that was willing to take a chance on me.
In psych therapy they tell us to go out and be proactive about making friends. That we can find a girlfriend.
Then we go out into the world and nothing is how the therapist said it would be.
We learn to never tell anyone about our schizophrenia. Because if we do, we will be ghosted even if everything had been going well up to that point.
Even females with schizophrenia won’t date a schizophrenic guy.
These therapists must know how hopeless it is for male sufferers but have no choice but to give out worthless advice that doesn't work in the real world.
This kind of bluepilled "therapy" should be avoided.

I have ditched several therapists who gave me bluepilled advice.

I currently go to therapy with a psychoanalyst who is kinda based. The things he tells me about real world interactions turn out to be true more often than not. My current experience in therapy is one of learning new things about dealing with the world and with normies. Yes, I know therapy won't fix my autism, won't turn me into a Chad slayer of pussy, but it helps me function in society -- which is something I'm very lacking.

If you're getting unhelpful platitudes, I believe this therapy can't be too helpful, unless you plan on delusionmaxxing and not leaving your room.
What sorts of thing does the based psychoanalyst say?
Tutorial mode simp society go brrr
:yes: It's gone too far.
I know a short (4'10~4'11), balding, obese Asian toilet with acne who has schizophrenia and she said that she tried writing down the names of the first few hundred met she slept with but lost count before turning 20. She's 30 now and still sleeps with like 3 men and 1 toilet every week.

Male losers are incels, female losers are sluts.
Have you ever tried to get with her? What are her "type"?
Mental illness doesn't stop women from getting into relationships, different story for men. Like most women with autism have been in relationships where as autistic men.. nope.
It's just so fucked, at what point will enough be enough and when will people stop lying to us and giving bluepilled advice. Most people know deep down that it's over for the likes of us.

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