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Venting Saying poor social skills are the reason for male inceldom implies females have good social skills



Blackpill active measures
Mar 25, 2021
As the title says, saying the main reason for male incedom is poor social skills implies that most women have good social skills, which is bullshit

Any guy that’s been in social settings that include males and females knows that women constantly get away with shit that would immediately land a guy in a state of social exclusion.

Unbelievably poor senses of humour, low self-awareness, uninteresting topics of conversation, etc.

This is something that pisses me off as if sexual/romantic success was based on how intriguing to be around someone was, most women would be truecels
all women have as power is a vagina,that saves them for everything if they had a dick theyll be in serious trouble,maybe even killed or bullied af
It only implies that females have good social skills if you deny that its natural for girls to get approached by males and have a much higher SMV than men. Which most of the IT soycels deny that say you just need to be more social (its true though, but women make a clear cut as soon as you approach them romantically)
it's simply that women aren't punished for saying cringe and socially inappropriate things.
no one calls them out for talking about sex in the open or using vulgar profanity (taboo for a woman throughout history), so they think they're socially adep.
for foids, social adeptness is simply talking a lot about inane and irrelevant things; they consider those who are quiet and reserved (due to years and years of bullying and abuse) to be inept socially because it's the type of social problem that foids never have, it's a masculine trait.

similarly, i also hate when studies and people say foids have higher verbal IQ/language proficiency than males. these people have never read a piece of writing by a foid. they have absolutely no verbal IQ or skill with language. they talk 10 times as much as men, but their effective vocabulary is limited to very basic ESL language, meme-speak, and political buzzwords.
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Dating is different for men and women. Women just have to show up, they don't need any social skills whatsoever.

Men are expected to start, advance, and carry the entire social interaction with women, which requires social skills. Unless they're Chad, in which case nothing is expected of them either, but most men aren't Chads unfortunately.
I´ve been around groups of people that would either mock me or completely ignore me whenever I spoke, while at the same time giving nothing but positive attention to a good looking girl that barely ever said anything, and when she did it was always something extremely banal or retarded. That girl even managed to get a bf from a new group within three days of meeting them. That same group made fun of me for being quiet even though I was far more talkative than the girl. There is no equality. The game is rigged.
all women have as power is a vagina,that saves them for everything if they had a dick theyll be in serious trouble,maybe even killed or bullied af
LoooL if femoids had dicks instead of vaginas it would be so over for them. :feelshaha:
As the title says, saying the main reason for male incedom is poor social skills implies that most women have good social skills, which is bullshit

Any guy that’s been in social settings that include males and females knows that women constantly get away with shit that would immediately land a guy in a state of social exclusion.

Unbelievably poor senses of humour, low self-awareness, uninteresting topics of conversation, etc.

This is something that pisses me off as if sexual/romantic success was based on how intriguing to be around someone was, most women would be truecels
Which most of them dont, GrAYcel
Vagina is the best social tool
It is also implying one more thing OP:

That women are not shallow. It's not looks. It's you. Something is wrong with you.

It is a fucking insult.

Foids are the most shallow and vain.
I´ve been around groups of people that would either mock me or completely ignore me whenever I spoke, while at the same time giving nothing but positive attention to a good looking girl that barely ever said anything, and when she did it was always something extremely banal or retarded. That girl even managed to get a bf from a new group within three days of meeting them. That same group made fun of me for being quiet even though I was far more talkative than the girl. There is no equality. The

Its a gynocentric society for a Reason.
game is rigged.
If women were judged like men, they'd be considered the biggest losers on the planet.

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