Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Saying hi



Inceldom is not about the sex act.
Apr 29, 2019
After lurking for ages here (since it was incels.me, don't remember when exactly) and /r9k/ and such, I joined this site a few days ago. I don't know why, there's really nothing more to be said, but I did anyways, so I'm writing here to say hello.

I'm over 30 and live in a pozzed city on the east coast of the US, that's as specific as I'll get, I don't want to dox myself, being on a site like this is dangerous. I'm not the oldest person here, based on threads I've seen while lurking, but I'm up there. A lot of you are very young and should probably not really consider yourselves incels yet.*

I'm white and I understand that ethinicels have it even harder than I do in the race category. But JBW theory still hurts me, and I don't understand why you'd want to hurt a fellow incel. To my currycel/ricecel/arabcel friends, please understand, I'm not saying you aren't disfavored more than me, but "just" being white doesn't cut it. There is no "just", you need to have a good total package or be the 0.0001% in one catagory to make up for failings in others. I'm a manlet, but I would never tell some hideous freakcel who's a tallfag he's a volcel because "just be tall theory". Being tall is a huge advantage, but it's not going to overcome 3/10 facial structure.

Framecel turned gymcel. I know gymcelling is cope, but I feel better being healthy and that matters to me. I don't kid myself into believing that muscles are going to make me ascend, but I feel physically better and people do treat me like slightly less shit simply because being both ugly (= dangerous) and muscular I make them a little afraid. Their hatred is a given, so their fear is welcome.

I work a computer job and make okay money, so I shouldn't complain to a lot of you who are wagecucking. But still, half of what I earn is taken by the feminist government to give to already spoiled foids, soulless corporations, and bottomless pit bureaucracies like congress and the education (indocrination) system, and it drives me fucking nuts. And of course my office is full of insufferable normies and bobblehead foids who produce nothing at bullshit HR and "company culture" jobs, work fewer hours, have no expectations set of them, and earn more.

My plan is to live as frugally as possible (which I do, but the city I live in is very expensive) and save my cash until I can buy a little place in the middle of nowhere - the US or somewhere cheap like Indonesia or something - and live off my savings and maybe a little online IT wagecucking if necessary. But just to get away from people as much as possible, be in nature. I hate humanity but the earth itself can be a stunningly beautiful place.

I guess that's all I have to say right now. Hi.

* A message to you youngcels who might ascend, or who might even come out of the remainder of puberty a high-tier normie. Godspeed, but remember: the blackpill is real. Even if you end up getting the slightly-less-shit end of the stick, the blackpill is an observable fact. Always remember what you've learned in places like this, never forget how it feels, and never forget that your wife will expect to be treated like a queen while offering nothing in return, she will cheat on you - guaranteed, no matter what - and would leave on a moments notice if something even marginally better came along that she thought she could lock down. Run your life as you see fit, but please, remember the truth you've learned and experienced.
Hi,elliot rodger here.
Hi, welcome to the forum! Its always nice to see effort posters on here. :feelsautistic:
Hi and welcome to the ultimate community
You sound like a based mother fucker. Welcome to the hell. Let's rot together.
@Blacktarpill he did not post in the specified thread so I feel that I should tag you to welcome him.

@DaveBuster you seem like a polite and good fella. Hope you enjoy your stay because you'll never leave :feelstrash:
Welcome, worthy friend. It will be a long and hard journey for all of us but it will be easier if there will be more of us.
* A message to you youngcels who might ascend, or who might even come out of the remainder of puberty a high-tier normie. Godspeed, but remember: the blackpill is real. Even if you end up getting the slightly-less-shit end of the stick, the blackpill is an observable fact. Always remember what you've learned in places like this, never forget how it feels, and never forget that your wife will expect to be treated like a queen while offering nothing in return, she will cheat on you - guaranteed, no matter what - and would leave on a moments notice if something even marginally better came along that she thought she could lock down. Run your life as you see fit, but please, remember the truth you've learned and experienced.
a wise wizard has joined our ranks. what a great day.
Welcome, looks similar to my planned future tbh.
Hello, there.
Have you always been redpilled?

Have you ever tried to get a foid into your life? If so, how did you go about it? What went wrong? If not, why? Have you stopped trying entirely?
Welcome new cel, @Blacktarpill is the beta around here
Have you always been redpilled?

Lol god no. I was so pozzed in the past it's utter cringe for me to even think about. It's weird, I was so deeply unpopular and abused throughout school, that should've finished it once and for all. But, I told myself, just ignore it, buckle down, get good grades get through this shit. Everybody hates their schooling, right? I went on to college and early adulthood and I was a good little coper, I was gonna fix the world! We were ALL gonna band together and keep that march of wonderful neoliberal progress going! Someday ALL the people of the world are gonna have the chance to be latte-sipping, Hegel-reading, Whole-Foods-shopping weenies like god intended and boy isn't that gonna be heaven on earth!

I suppressed my misanthropy and closed my eyes to what I knew to be the truth about human nature and the power structures it creates. I was happy to believe that through the power of our collective good vibes and insufferable smugness change will come. To be honest I don't know when I finally accepted it, but I know it came quickly. I went from pozzed self-deluder to full-on red/blackpiller over the course of just a few months. I think I just saw that it was never really going to get better, in fact it was in view getting quite a bit worse. The over-privileged Stacies and Chads from my childhood years became over-privileged adults, now with a helping of #wokeaf self-congratulating as if their certainty of their own loveliness wasn't already enraging enough. There is no justice in the world and there never will be.

Have you stopped trying entirely?

I'm gonna skip your other questions for now, we'll see how much I feel like sharing in other threads as time goes on. But yes, I do not in any way pursue women, and to be honest I don't care. I can't promise younger 'cels that they won't, but personally I've slid into wizardry as comfortably as one can. For me, the revolting nature of this feminized, globalist society is a bigger and more hideous problem than me not having love (or espeically sex) in my life. I could escortcel if I cared that much, but I don't. I'd rather use my money to buy a few minutes of living in a just world than a few minutes of sex, too bad that's not an option.

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