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Based Saudi Arabia executes thot

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1252
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Based sandcels
saudi arabia is humanity's last hope but its slowly becoming cucked unfortunately
good job sandniggas
She's not entitled to help.
based sand niggers
prostitute blet
She deserved it. Jfl at "locked her in his house" we all know that noodlewhore voluntarily stayed there and got paid to have sex with him, but got angry that he found a hotter maid.

Screen Shot 2020 02 29 at 30316 PM
Screw both Saudi Arabia and feminist thots. No dog in this fight.
Meanwhile in the West, women are crying sexism when they “earn” 50k a year by selling pictures of their feet, selling bath water and through prostitution
Call me cucked, but there's a good enough chance she may be innocent. Probably not as high of a chance as this maid trying to get some rich Arab dick and become wife number x (or blackmail him for money), but still significant.

The reality there is very different from here. You have rich sand niggers who fuck maids, other people's sisters and wives, then play completely dumb and say they don't know who she is (in the non-maid cases). The society naturally sides with the man's word, and the rich ones obviously get away with more shit.

Remember that we're talking about rich enough to literally buy slaves on the black market.
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Fuck the Saudis, I hope Riyadh gets nuked.
Call me cucked, but there's a good enough chance she may be innocent. Probably not as high of a chance as this maid trying to get some rich Arab dick to become wife number x (or blackmail him for money), but still significant.

The reality there is very different from here. You have rich sand niggers who fuck maids, other people's sisters and wives, then play completely dumb and say they don't know who she is (in the non-maid cases). The society naturally sides with the man's word, and the rich ones obviously get away with more shit.

Rmember that we're talking about rich enough to literally buy slaves on the black market.
Yeah, I don't agree with what they did. Plus, sandniggers are as degenerate, if not more degenerate than western billionaires. Just look up Instagram port-a-potties.
Call me cucked, but there's a good enough chance she may be innocent. Probably not as high of a chance as this maid trying to get some rich Arab dick to become wife number x (or blackmail him for money), but still significant.

The reality there is very different from here. You have rich sand niggers who fuck maids, other people's sisters and wives, then play completely dumb and say they don't know who she is (in the non-maid cases). The society naturally sides with the man's word, and the rich ones obviously get away with more shit.

Rmember that we're talking about rich enough to literally buy slaves on the black market.
I tink this too
Screw both Saudi Arabia and feminist thots. No dog in this fight.
I agree. I feel like none of us really have the facts on what really went on here so we aren't really the ones who should be commenting. Maybe he really did use her as a sex slave. Its not uncommon in Saudi Arabia for those oil barons to hire women as domestic servants and keep them in a cage for sex. Which isn't something they have to do, either. They can hire prostitutes from Thailand and the former USSR who know full well what they're getting into when they arrive. Instead they promise salaries that are way too much for cleaning and put them in cages to work as sex slaves. Maybe this chick really did defend herself. Who really knows? Anyway i've been over there and the only country in that whole region I felt was somewhat level headed was United Arab Emirates/Dubai. The rest... meh I will never go back. Anyway, this is just cucktears fodder, imo.
I agree. I feel like none of us really have the facts on what really went on here so we aren't really the ones who should be commenting. Maybe he really did use her as a sex slave. Its not uncommon in Saudi Arabia for those oil barons to hire women as domestic servants and keep them in a cage for sex. Which isn't something they have to do, either. They can hire prostitutes from Thailand and the former USSR who know full well what they're getting into when they arrive. Instead they promise salaries that are way too much for cleaning and put them in cages to work as sex slaves. Maybe this chick really did defend herself. Who really knows? Anyway i've been over there and the only country in that whole region I felt was somewhat level headed was United Arab Emirates/Dubai. The rest... meh I will never go back. Anyway, this is just cucktears fodder, imo.

True, but it should also be made clear that cucktears has no moral ground to say anything. Those assholes consider any criticism of Saudi Arabia to be "Islamophobic" and a "hate crime."
The Saudi swine have beheaded men for being atheists, but no one gives a fuck about them. Womyn first, sky daddy worshippers second, science-based men dead last in this clown world.
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True, but it should also be made clear that cucktears has no moral ground to say anything. Those assholes consider any criticism of Saudi Arabia to be "Islamophobic" and a "hate crime."
The Saudi swine have beheaded men for being atheists, but no one gives a fuck about them. Womyn first, sky daddy worshippers second, science-based men dead last in this clown world.

Too true. Also Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old. What do you think of that, cucktears? Who is the paedo now?
They can hire prostitutes from Thailand and the former USSR who know full well what they're getting into when they arrive. Instead they promise salaries that are way too much for cleaning and put them in cages to work as sex slaves. Maybe this chick really did defend herself. Who really knows?
I've never heard of this happening in saudi arabia so it's certaintly not common. But of course she will try to use foreigner's warped view on saudi arabia to get a pussy pass for murder.
I've never heard of this happening in saudi arabia so it's certaintly not common. But of course she will try to use foreigner's warped view on saudi arabia to get a pussy pass for murder.
I have. If you read about human trafficking, Saudi Arabia and the arab states are the worst offenders. I know only because I am weird and read about these kinds of things. I am really into international politics and foreign policy.
I have. If you read about human trafficking, Saudi Arabia and the arab states are the worst offenders. I know only because I am weird and read about these kinds of things. I am really into international politics and foreign policy.
It's probably not common among the upper class, only the very rich multi millionaire and billionaire saudis.
It's probably not common among the upper class, only the very rich multi millionaire and billionaire saudis.
I think a big part of it is that its a country where its very common for foids not to be allowed out of the house. So they take in foids to work as cleaners and just sort of disappear them. The US just added Saudi Arabia to its human trafficking blacklist. Which was actually pretty based, when you think about it, because Saudi Arabia is one of the few allies the US has in its fight against Iran. The whole conflict in Yemen is a proxy war between iran and the USA/Saudi Arabia. I have a lot of friends in the Philippines and I knew one foid there I used to talk to online who actually did the sending of cleaners to Saudi Arabia. I thought that was pretty fucked up so I stopped talking to her. Who knows what she would have done to me if i went to the Phils to meet her. My advice to incels is not to talk to anyone on those dating sites for Southeast Asian countries, because they're mostly scammers.
I think a big part of it is that its a country where its very common for foids not to be allowed out of the house. So they take in foids to work as cleaners and just sort of disappear them.
They can drive alone now. They were able to leave alone for years.
I have a lot of friends in the Philippines and I knew one foid there I used to talk to online who actually did the sending of cleaners to Saudi Arabia. I thought that was pretty fucked up so I stopped talking to her. Who knows what she would have done to me if i went to the Phils to meet her. My advice to incels is not to talk to anyone on those dating sites for Southeast Asian countries, because they're mostly scammers.
I bet she's making most of that stuff up. When filipino foids go to saudi there's less restrictions on their freedom than local foids.
Good but they also should execute all the insta thots they allow to post almost naked pics in expensive hotels.
They can drive alone now. They were able to leave alone for years.

I bet she's making most of that stuff up. When filipino foids go to saudi there's less restrictions on their freedom than local foids.

I am not talking about being LEGALLY able to leave the house. Americans are used to this culture where, if its legal, you can just go out and do it. Not so in Saudi Arabia. I am talking about CULTURALLY able to leave the house. The head of the Saudi household calls the shots. If he tells his wife, you cannot leave the house, she cannot. If she does, he will divorce her, and kick her to the curb. As a divorcee, its over for her, no one will ever marry her again, and no one will hire her.

What my e-girl was doing was working for an employment agency that hired maids to be sent to Saudi Arabia. She didn't tell me that they were forced into sex. However, its a common practice. I knew a western male who lived in Dubai who also forced his maid into sex and didn't let her leave. So its not just the arabs doing this. Its pretty common across the whole region.

Human trafficking there isn't restricted to just foids, either. They hire Filipino construction worker men and pay them almost nothing. You know what is completely weird? In POLAND of all places, they still have foreign worker schemes left over from when Poland was a communist country. One of the countries that Poland contracts with is the DPRK (North Korea). North Koreans work in construction building highrises and as longshoremen on the shipyards without pay. If you go there and ask those North Korean guys if they get paid for their work, they won't answer you. They go to work, work 14 hour day, and then go back to the hotels that they live in. They aren't allowed to leave the hotel. Lots of slavery going on in 2020, way after the American civil war. And people still want to beat up the USA for something that happened 160 years ago.
Speaking of, recently they let women smoke and drive, lmao. Wonder if the car accident rate went up.
I am not talking about being LEGALLY able to leave the house. Americans are used to this culture where, if its legal, you can just go out and do it. Not so in Saudi Arabia. I am talking about CULTURALLY able to leave the house. The head of the Saudi household calls the shots. If he tells his wife, you cannot leave the house, she cannot. If she does, he will divorce her, and kick her to the curb. As a divorcee, its over for her, no one will ever marry her again, and no one will hire her.
A maid doesn't have to listen to the "man of the house" if she wants to find work somewhere else.
What my e-girl was doing was working for an employment agency that hired maids to be sent to Saudi Arabia. She didn't tell me that they were forced into sex. However, its a common practice. I knew a western male who lived in Dubai who also forced his maid into sex and didn't let her leave. So its not just the arabs doing this. Its pretty common across the whole region.
This seems like feminist larp. Those saudis can get way higher tier hookers instead of trying to enslave and rape noodlewhore maids.
Human trafficking there isn't restricted to just foids, either. They hire Filipino construction worker men and pay them almost nothing. You know what is completely weird? In POLAND of all places, they still have foreign worker schemes left over from when Poland was a communist country. One of the countries that Poland contracts with is the DPRK (North Korea). North Koreans work in construction building highrises and as longshoremen on the shipyards without pay. If you go there and ask those North Korean guys if they get paid for their work, they won't answer you. They go to work, work 14 hour day, and then go back to the hotels that they live in. They aren't allowed to leave the hotel. Lots of slavery going on in 2020, way after the American civil war. And people still want to beat up the USA for something that happened 160 years ago.
North korean construction workers in poland have almost nothing to do with filipino maids in saudi. I bet if those men killed their real captors they would face jail too.
A maid doesn't have to listen to the "man of the house" if she wants to find work somewhere else.
Leave? From a cage?

Ok boyo. I'm opposed to human trafficking of foids so I am a feminist larp.

I am a feminist larp. Awaiting ban.
Leave? From a cage?

Ok boyo. I'm opposed to human trafficking of foids so I am a feminist larp.

I am a feminist larp. Awaiting ban.
I bet that maid can't even prove there was a human sized cage in his house.

Just saying. Not just me saying this. The US has a card to play in SA as well. As I said, they're backing Saudi Arabia in their fight against the Houthi rebel crisis in Yemen. However, they still added Saudi Arabia to a list of countries that could mean sanctions for human trafficking.

They could hire Thais or Russians to work for sex, but that would mean actually paying them. Not cheap, either. If sex is $100 a day, that is $3000/month. Some of them do this, I know for a fact. But its a lot easier to lock foids in quarters for cleaning and sex and be done with it. No one gets paid then. Arabs are some of the stingiest motherfuckers. That is why they are so rich.

Going back to antiquity, people from the Arabian continent have taken foids as sex slaves. When they sacked Constantinople they killed all of the ugly foids and kept the 5+ looks foids as sex slaves. The men were given the choice of either being used as frontline soldiers or working as slaves.

I agree with a lot of the way that the Arabs have kept third wave feminism out of their countries, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Rape and slavery is just not cool. If its anti-incel to oppose rape and slavery, I'll happily take the LARP designation and go away back to TFL and MGTOW.
Saudi Arabia sucks ass, not because of the typical feminist whine of "misogyny," but because life in that retarded Islamo-theocracy is pretty fucking miserable for everyone. The Saudi government has beheaded MEN for things like "blasphemy", "sorcery", being an atheist, and criticizing the government. But of course none of the virtue signalers give a fuck about men.

Some of you guys sound pretty retarded praising the Saudis. If you had to live there your dumb ass would still be incel, plus all of your fun copes would be taken away. Get caught with a bottle of beer in Saudi and they'll march you to the town square, tie you to a post, and give you fifty lashes with a whip. It's a shitty ass place to be a man.

And then there's the whole Islamic "four wives" thing. Chaddam can marry four foids, meaning three incels have to go without. Worst part is those losers who are stuck without women act retarded and instead of trying to overthrow the system that's oppressing them, they believe all the propaganda Chaddam shovels at them and go jihad against the Western scapegoats. Meanwhile Chaddam is laughing as his harem takes turns sucking his dick. Those jihadis are nothing but cucked morons who do Chaddam's bidding and make war on their fellow incels.
Saudi Arabia sucks ass, not because of the typical feminist whine of "misogyny," but because life in that retarded Islamo-theocracy is pretty fucking miserable for everyone. The Saudi government has beheaded MEN for things like "blasphemy", "sorcery", being an atheist, and criticizing the government. But of course none of the virtue signalers give a fuck about men.

Some of you guys sound pretty retarded praising the Saudis. If you had to live there your dumb ass would still be incel, plus all of your fun copes would be taken away. Get caught with a bottle of beer in Saudi and they'll march you to the town square, tie you to a post, and give you fifty lashes with a whip. It's a shitty ass place to be a man.

And then there's the whole Islamic "four wives" thing. Chaddam can marry four foids, meaning three incels have to go without. Worst part is those losers who are stuck without women act retarded and instead of trying to overthrow the system that's oppressing them, they believe all the propaganda Chaddam shovels at them and go jihad against the Western scapegoats. Meanwhile Chaddam is laughing as his harem takes turns sucking his dick. Those jihadis are nothing but cucked morons who do Chaddam's bidding and make war on their fellow incels.

Jfl at islam copers, thinking it will cure inceldom. Only the elite get to have any quality pussy and can have it as much as they want while the rest of men are either with ugly landwhales or are poor incels. Islam has always created unlivable, unsafe, poor shitholes. In reality it's just a death cult and a mafia religion. Also their religious leaders prey on little children and molest them.

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