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Russia is a disgrace to the European family of nations.

Anarcho Nihilist

Anarcho Nihilist

Jul 12, 2024
Is Russia the most shameful country in Europe and a disgrace to the European family of nations? I do not know a more corrupt place where the government can rob its own people in such an arrogant way. I do not know a country that has run in wars exclusively throwing cannon fodder at the enemy. I do not know a place in Europe where ignorance and cowardice in the face of power flourish as much as here. I can endlessly talk about how much Russia has been backward all its history, under tsarism, under the Bolsheviks, and now, I can endlessly talk about theft, corruption, and genocide of my own people. Only in Russia can the government live in private palaces, have golden toilets, while most of the population lives in poverty. This is literally Africa, where African dictators wallow in luxury while the rest of their population barely finds anything to eat.
So much for muh le based trad anti-degen russia huh :feelsseriously:
Ivan Turgenev said: "If Russia had failed, there would have been no loss or unrest in humanity."
Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin: "If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: they drink and steal."
"If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: they drink and steal."
Basically a golden rule at this point
Basically a golden rule at this point
Yes, I love Russian classic literature, especially Gogol, Turgenev, Kuprin, Saltykov-Shchedrin, they ridicule corruption, theft, stupidity and all the vices, cowardice in front of power, deification and worship of power itself, which reign in this place to this day.
Russia has been overrun by Jewish control just like every other European country
Yes, I love Russian classic literature, especially Gogol, Turgenev, Kuprin, Saltykov-Shchedrin, they ridicule corruption, theft, stupidity and all the vices, cowardice in front of power, deification and worship of power itself, which reign in this place to this day.
Decades and hundreds of years have passed yet not much have changed and the future looks pretty bleak :feelsbadman: :feelscry: I still have some hope in gen Z though, they're not as cucked (both to foids and to the gov) as soviet boomers and millenials
Russia has been overrun by Jewish control just like every other European country
The Russian Empire was better than the USSR, but it was still shit in terms of the economy, the standard of living of the population, education, the only plus is that you could beat up some Jews with a crowd of friends and then write a petition to the emperor for clemency and he pardoned you and you escaped punishment, so you could at least beat the Jews in the face without fear of being punished.
The Russian Empire was better than the USSR, but it was still shit in terms of the economy, the standard of living of the population, education, the only plus is that you could beat up some Jews with a crowd of friends and then write a petition to the emperor for clemency and he pardoned you and you escaped punishment, so you could at least beat the Jews in the face without fear of being punished.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Decades and hundreds of years have passed yet not much have changed and the future looks pretty bleak :feelsbadman: :feelscry: I still have some hope in gen Z though, they're not as cucked (both to foids and to the gov) as soviet boomers and millenials
Russian zoomers are no better, they are the same. Generations change, but the mentality remains the same. Everyone wants to break through to power in order to steal and take bribes to buy a yacht, a limousine, a palace, a golden toilet. In general, respect for the individual has been destroyed here for centuries, it was here that you were always the plaything of the tsar or the Communist party, and your life was worthless, and your life was thrown into the fire of adventures that you absolutely did not need, after which you found yourself on your own.
Is Russia the most shameful country in Europe and a disgrace to the European family of nations? I do not know a more corrupt place where the government can rob its own people in such an arrogant way. I do not know a country that has run in wars exclusively throwing cannon fodder at the enemy. I do not know a place in Europe where ignorance and cowardice in the face of power flourish as much as here. I can endlessly talk about how much Russia has been backward all its history, under tsarism, under the Bolsheviks, and now, I can endlessly talk about theft, corruption, and genocide of my own people. Only in Russia can the government live in private palaces, have golden toilets, while most of the population lives in poverty. This is literally Africa, where African dictators wallow in luxury while the rest of their population barely finds anything to eat.
russia never was gayropean. as russian i would kms than claimed be gayropean
russia never was gayropean. as russian i would kms than claimed be gayropean
Images 1
Jewkraine is worse than Russia, jeet.It’s literally the biggest shithole is Europe.It’s HDI is lower than Sri Lanka.It’s a fake country anyways (btw, I’m not russian myself.I’m a slavcel but not a russian)
Jewkraine is worse than Russia, jeet.It’s literally the biggest shithole is Europe.It’s HDI is lower than Sri Lanka.It’s a fake country anyways (btw, I’m not russian myself.I’m a slavcel but not a russian)
Yes, but Russia is the same shit, I quickly know that before the war in Ukraine there was a higher standard of living, since there is a lot of shadow economy there.
Yes, but Russia is the same shit, I quickly know that before the war in Ukraine there was a higher standard of living, since there is a lot of shadow economy there.
No, It’s just propaganda.Their HDI was still shit.Maybe not as shitty as it’s today during the war but still comparable to Sri Lanka.Russia has a higher HDI, actually
No, It’s just propaganda.Their HDI was still shit.Maybe not as shitty as it’s today during the war but still comparable to Sri Lanka.Russia has a higher HDI, actually
There are a lot of lies in Russia, and I don't believe any Russian statistics, there is an illusion everywhere. Many in the world sincerely believed that Russia had the second most powerful army in the world and that, as a result, the trench war would last for years for some villages.
Some Russian philosopher or writer or someone said that in 20 years everything will change in Russia and in 100 years nothing will change.
There are a lot of lies in Russia, and I don't believe any Russian statistics, there is an illusion everywhere. Many in the world sincerely believed that Russia had the second most powerful army in the world and that, as a result, the trench war would last for years for some villages.
You’re kinda right (btw, I never went to any of those countries)
selling their white foids to the chinks


Some Russian philosopher or writer or someone said that in 20 years everything will change in Russia and in 100 years nothing will change.
"IN RUSSIA, EVERYTHING CHANGES IN 20 YEARS, BUT NOTHING IN 200!" This is the Russian writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.
"IN RUSSIA, EVERYTHING CHANGES IN 20 YEARS, BUT NOTHING IN 200!" This is the Russian writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.
I think this kinda applies to other slavic countries but less then to Russia, its like they are mentally stuck forever whilst other slavic countries are slowly climbing out of the holes they are in.
Jewkraine is worse than Russia, jeet.It’s literally the biggest shithole is Europe.It’s HDI is lower than Sri Lanka.It’s a fake country anyways (btw, I’m not russian myself.I’m a slavcel but not a russian)
Jewkraine was made as a buffer state between west and east. For the most of it's history it was controlled by Russia and there was a peace but once CIA overthrown the government and had a plan to integrate it into NATO and EU there was never ending war with Russia.
I think this kinda applies to other slavic countries but less then to Russia, its like they are mentally stuck forever whilst other slavic countries are slowly climbing out of the holes they are in.
It does seem to be this way, from the inside looking out
I think this kinda applies to other slavic countries but less then to Russia, its like they are mentally stuck forever whilst other slavic countries are slowly climbing out of the holes they are in.
The Czech Republic, Slovenia have already made good progress in their development, even Poland has achieved something and now it has some kind of cultural footprint in the world, the Witcher 3 is literally recognized as one of the greatest games of all time.
Jewkraine was made as a buffer state between west and east. For the most of it's history it was controlled by Russia and there was a peace but once CIA overthrown the government and had a plan to integrate it into NATO and EU there was never ending war with Russia.
They don’t have any place in NATO or EU, especially in EU.Jewkraine’s GDP is comparable to curry countries and it’s very poor compared to european standards
The Czech Republic, Slovenia have already made good progress in their development, even Poland has achieved something and now it has some kind of cultural footprint in the world, the Witcher 3 is literally recognized as one of the greatest games of all time.
Outside of the biggest cities and we still have issues with poverty, alcoholism and the cold and selfish boomer generation mentality, im not saying we have it as bad as Russia but we have a long way to go.
Everything you wrote is standard for modern europe. Its standard for the whole world, in fact.

Russians and slavs are the only europeans with balls in my book. They're strong, warriors and never back down. I never met a russian who was pathetic.

The hate towards russia and slavs is unjustified, originating from western fears of losing territory to the growing slavic arm. A fear that subconsciously persists in modern westerners.
Everything you wrote is standard for modern europe. Its standard for the whole world, in fact.

Russians and slavs are the only europeans with balls in my book. They're strong, warriors and never back down. I never met a russian who was pathetic.

The hate towards russia and slavs is unjustified, originating from western fears of losing territory to the growing slavic arm. A fear that subconsciously persists in modern westerners.
Everything you wrote is standard for modern europe. Its standard for the whole world, in fact.

Russians and slavs are the only europeans with balls in my book. They're strong, warriors and never back down. I never met a russian who was pathetic.

The hate towards russia and slavs is unjustified, originating from western fears of losing territory to the growing slavic arm. A fear that subconsciously persists in modern westerners.
All European countries are disgraces now. I used to be very Pro-Russia but I’ve realized that not a single government on planet earth has the white man’s interests in mind.
Russia is a Shithole with high abortion rares, divorce rates, HIV rates, communist worship, highest Muslim population in Europe, low church attendance & high suicide rates. Russian femoids are huge mudsharks too.
Russia is a Shithole with high abortion rares, divorce rates, HIV rates, communist worship, highest Muslim population in Europe, low church attendance & high suicide rates. Russian femoids are huge mudsharks too.
Based. Among other things, it is quite poor, and settlements outside Moscow and St. Petersburg are similar to the third world.
Yes, I love Russian classic literature, especially Gogol, Turgenev, Kuprin, Saltykov-Shchedrin, they ridicule corruption, theft, stupidity and all the vices, cowardice in front of power, deification and worship of power itself, which reign in this place to this day.
Then you presumably like these passages from Turgenev's "The Smoke":

А у меня, осмелюсь доложить вам, из головы следующее воспоминание не выходит. Посетил я нынешнею весной Хрустальный дворец возле Лондона; в этом дворце помещается, как вам известно, нечто вроде выставки всего, до чего достигла людская изобретательность -- энциклопедия человечества, так сказать надо. Ну-с, расхаживал я, расхаживал мимо всех этих машин и орудий и статуй великих людей; и подумал я в те поры: если бы такой вышел приказ, что вместе с исчезновением какого-либо народа с лица земли немедленно должно было бы исчезнуть из Хрустального дворца все то, что тот народ выдумал, -- наша матушка, Русь православная, провалиться бы могла в тартарары, и ни одного гвоздика, ни одной булавочки не потревожила бы, родная: все бы преспокойно осталось на своем месте, потому что даже самовар, и лапти, и дуга, и кнут -- эти наши знаменитые продукты -- не нами выдуманы. Подобного опыта даже с Сандвичевскими островами произвести невозможно; тамошние жители какие-то лодки да копья изобрели: посетители заметили бы их отсутствие. Старые наши выдумки к нам приползли с Востока, новые мы с грехом пополам с Запада перетащили, а мы все продолжаем толковать о русском самостоятельном искусстве! Иные молодцы даже русскую науку открыли: у нас, мол, дважды два тоже четыре, да выходит оно как-то бойчее.

I've encountered ultra-MAGA Russia-copers, who bemoan this female paraphilia: attraction to bad boys and outright criminals whilst said guys themselves trivilialize, rationalize or whitewash Russia's aggression against Ukraine. This is obviously an untenable position: a genuine Supreme Gentleman must oppose both hybristophilia and criminals, and war criminals are criminals, too.
Then you presumably like these passages from Turgenev's "The Smoke":

А у меня, осмелюсь доложить вам, из головы следующее воспоминание не выходит. Посетил я нынешнею весной Хрустальный дворец возле Лондона; в этом дворце помещается, как вам известно, нечто вроде выставки всего, до чего достигла людская изобретательность -- энциклопедия человечества, так сказать надо. Ну-с, расхаживал я, расхаживал мимо всех этих машин и орудий и статуй великих людей; и подумал я в те поры: если бы такой вышел приказ, что вместе с исчезновением какого-либо народа с лица земли немедленно должно было бы исчезнуть из Хрустального дворца все то, что тот народ выдумал, -- наша матушка, Русь православная, провалиться бы могла в тартарары, и ни одного гвоздика, ни одной булавочки не потревожила бы, родная: все бы преспокойно осталось на своем месте, потому что даже самовар, и лапти, и дуга, и кнут -- эти наши знаменитые продукты -- не нами выдуманы. Подобного опыта даже с Сандвичевскими островами произвести невозможно; тамошние жители какие-то лодки да копья изобрели: посетители заметили бы их отсутствие. Старые наши выдумки к нам приползли с Востока, новые мы с грехом пополам с Запада перетащили, а мы все продолжаем толковать о русском самостоятельном искусстве! Иные молодцы даже русскую науку открыли: у нас, мол, дважды два тоже четыре, да выходит оно как-то бойчее.

I've encountered ultra-MAGA Russia-copers, who bemoan this female paraphilia: attraction to bad boys and outright criminals whilst said guys themselves trivilialize, rationalize or whitewash Russia's aggression against Ukraine. This is obviously an untenable position: a genuine Supreme Gentleman must oppose both hybristophilia and criminals, and war criminals are criminals, too.
Thanks for the detailed answer, brocel. In fact, there are only two things that I love about Russia: its classical literature and nature, and that's it.

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