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Blackpill Roasties crying over men getting black pilled



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
They think that turning 25 makes them too old to be approached.

“No one tries to chat me up anymore,” Emma*, a 27-year-old Londoner tells me. “When I was 20, I’d go into a bar and have countless guys offer to buy me a drink, now they don’t even bother to say hello.” She shows me pictures of herself back then, and I’m struck by her statements – she’s arguably more attractive now; better dressed with sleek blonde hair and an enviable body from five-a-week gym sessions.

The truth is that men, even normies, are getting black pilled. Non incel men have been rejected by landwhales on tinder. They have been to college and seen girls taking turns with Chad. Why would they even bother approaching her by the bar and buying her expensive drinks? She will just fuck Chad from tinder without him buying her anything.
JFL, poor roastie, no more beta orbiters
roastie on suicide watch. this gives me pleasure. I'm gonna go offer 2 rakat to st.blackops2cel (PBUH)
They think that turning 25 makes them too old to be approached.


The truth is that men, even normies, are getting black pilled. Non incel men have been rejected by landwhales on tinder. They have been to college and seen girls taking turns with Chad. Why would they even bother approaching her by the bar and buying her expensive drinks? She will just fuck Chad from tinder without him buying her anything.

Absolutely. Why the fuck would I spend money on a dried up cunt who looks at me with disgust?

Ironic lulz are the best lulz. :feelsokman:

She can enjoy hitting the wall as well. Because boyo, am I going to enjoy it.
tag should be life fuel

No, it is the Black Pill reaching the masses. Non Incel men getting aware of Beta Bucks and Alpha Fucks.
What's the point of chatting up with women if all they want is Chad?
Age is not the problem.
Many 18-22 year olds still look like rather childlike. The idea that 25 is the new invisible age is pure bullshit.
Partly, it's also bullshit MGTOW cope. JFL at the idea of a "wall", let alone 20-something being the age of said wall.
This is some bullshit MGTOW and feminists believe alike, while pretty much all normal men are, of course, perfectly fine with women over 25 or whatever.

The real problem is that women have shit personalities and become increasingly disgusting personality wise.
Hence, I guess there ARE increaisngly many men who do not find the idea of a LTR with a foid to be attractive.
What do women have to offer anyway other than their body? They don't have humor (all political correctness), they don't have their own mind (just parrot everything from the feminist mainstream media), they can't cook, they aren't warm, they aren't soft, they are bitter, narcissitic, sarcastic SCUM and just nasty and unpleasant to be around with.

So once you get into an LTR age it might be better to be single, really. It's not like RL women actually make your life better. They will just be emotional burdens.

So once women get into this babie-rabies age, men -at least the smart men- tend to stay away, I guess.
What's the point of chatting up with women if all they want is Chad?

Beta males used to impress women with what was called "game." But then the Internet came and blackpilled them all.
Beta males used to impress women with what was called "game." But then the Internet came and blackpilled them all.
Lmao. True. Unfortunately there are still many cucks around.
She basically means good looking guys don't ask her out.
She basically means good looking guys don't ask her out.

No. She means that men don't approach her, or buy her a drink any more. The guy being good looking or not is irrelevant to buying her drinks. It only matters if she wants to sleep with the guy or not.
Buying girls drinks is like a slot machine. You might win the jackpot but don't count on it
I have a dream: the blackpill spreading virally among all cucks and feminism ending.
So what does that say about me when I message a large number of 50+ used up whores on POF and not a single one of them responds? Someone is fucking these monsters.
Why would any non Chad bother with those foids? You will only get rejected and laughed at. Chad has plenty of women to choose from. There is an attractive woman turning 18 everyday, he doesn't have to commit to some 30yo roastie.
Buying girls drinks is like a slot machine. You might win the jackpot but don't count on it
Buying a girl anything is like setting your money on fire; but you let some homeless guy fuck you first.
Sounds like she's full of shit and just wants even more attention.
Men with high smv dont approach her because they have options. Unfortunately for her, these are the type of men she’s after. Just lol if this bitch thinks some makeup, going to the gym, and being a career woman is going to hide her premature nasal folds and crows feet and give her access to Chad. An incel would take her, hell even those beta cucks will take her.... but ofc that’s not what she wants.
This thread is all keks until you realize she still has more smv than every man youve walked past today combined
Roasties getting toastie
This is it, once more and more men realize that there's no reason to give ANY female the time of day is when things will start to change.
No matter how much feminists might say "We women don't need no man" if a majority of men begins to ignore these attention whores there's no way women would not react to it.
Someone should tell her she isn't entitled to romance from men.
Age is not the problem.
Many 18-22 year olds still look like rather childlike. The idea that 25 is the new invisible age is pure bullshit.
Partly, it's also bullshit MGTOW cope. JFL at the idea of a "wall", let alone 20-something being the age of said wall.
This is some bullshit MGTOW and feminists believe alike, while pretty much all normal men are, of course, perfectly fine with women over 25 or whatever.

The real problem is that women have shit personalities and become increasingly disgusting personality wise.
Hence, I guess there ARE increaisngly many men who do not find the idea of a LTR with a foid to be attractive.
What do women have to offer anyway other than their body? They don't have humor (all political correctness), they don't have their own mind (just parrot everything from the feminist mainstream media), they can't cook, they aren't warm, they aren't soft, they are bitter, narcissitic, sarcastic SCUM and just nasty and unpleasant to be around with.

So once you get into an LTR age it might be better to be single, really. It's not like RL women actually make your life better. They will just be emotional burdens.

So once women get into this babie-rabies age, men -at least the smart men- tend to stay away, I guess.

This. Men are going LDAR and MGTOW because we're tired of getting verbally abused by women we try to approach IRL. At least 60% of women I've cold approached have looked at me like I'm a rapist when I used to do that.

And now everyone can just use Tinder. So Chads sit at home on Tinder, and every other man learns to stop trying. Then women complain.

Women are miserable no matter what. So now they have shared their misery with us by becoming hypergamous, cruel, white worshipping bitches. Great. Now no one wins.
Well, she used to get "countless" guys approaching her, now she gets only 10 to 20. You need to understand the frustration. Wall is a MGTOW meme boyo.
LMAO look at how entitled they feel to male attention

(JFL)Boohoo instead of Chads approaching you, you now only get approached by normies, boohoo
This is fake bullshit. Cry for even more attention. They want non-stop attention whenever they go out, and should never have to pay for a drink... They are NOT invisible, they just refuse to respond to anyone that's not a Chad.
roasties getting toasty, the wall is real
This is it, once more and more men realize that there's no reason to give ANY female the time of day is when things will start to change.
No matter how much feminists might say "We women don't need no man" if a majority of men begins to ignore these attention whores there's no way women would not react to it.

"Well, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"

Sounds like we got a case of WGTOW? Like MGTOW but they bitch about men instead of women all day.
JFL if you think women actually struggle like this. In her head she is thinking she wanted to be approached by one particular guy but wasn't. Even then she could date guys 10 times better looking if she only got on a dating site for 5 minutes.

Women don't struggle with dating. Don't drink the false hope alternate reality coolaid. It hurts every time when you land back.

*MEGASAGE* this thread.
"Why arent guys flocking to buy me stuff so I can reject them"

Its a mystery
Earlier this year, Sadie Frost confessed to “feeling invisible”. At just 52, and still a mainstay in the press, the former model and It girl said she’s become “irrelevant”; lamenting her ability to command the spotlight being diminished by her age

Ah, "at just 52"


52 is still at least 2 decades behind the true female prime, am I right guys?

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she thinks its her age.
shes just ugly and or fat.
Not to mention guys know its not worth it anyhow.
The fattest pigs think they are princesses nowadays. Why bother?

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