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RageFuel Roasties bashing sex dolls again



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
Sex dolls show us what men want from real women — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “sex doll” is merely a reflection of what men feel they are entitled to do to women.
News broke last week that a “sex doll brothel” was opening in Toronto. While bylaw issues stalled Aura Dolls from opening in its proposed location, the setback is likely temporary. Silicone sex dolls are the most recent product to enter the market for men to fulfill their porn fueled fantasies. Advertised by Aura Dolls, “each hole features different yet unique textures, ridges and tightness to give you intense sensations that are impossible to achieve even through real penetration.”

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for women who are already considered merely receptacles to fulfill every man’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes sir,” make coffee and sweep the floor.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “sex dolls.” They represent the ultimate debasement of women. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect women. “Sex dolls” are a manifestation of porn culture and the male dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure men can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.

It isn’t a plastic doll lying underneath them. It’s every woman who has turned them down; every woman they can’t have; every women who has been more successful, more praised, and more desired than the man can ever dream of being… and now that man can do whatever he wants to that woman. Make no mistake, that isn’t a doll he’s doing, or maybe raping, choking, or hitting — it’s all those women he can’t measure up to.

Maybe one day it will be a real woman.

Men do not have a right to sex. Feminists have worked for centuries to free women from the objectification that stems from oppression. It’s a steep climb made even more difficult by the barriers thrown our way. Scantily dressed women and little girls dressed in bras and sheer stockings are used to “sex” up advertisements for almost any product — cars, beer, cigarettes, clothes, shoes, and lingerie. The more objectified the woman, the better the ad and the higher the revenues.

Pornography is freely available to all, including children, with a simple search on a phone. It’s violent, dehumanizing, and falls within the spectrum of torture. Its victims are women and girls. Thanks to porn culture, the word “consent” has lost all meaning. In pornography, women say “no” while tears stream down their faces. Their pain and fear is real. The message received by men is, “do it harder, do it longer and make her suffer more.” Children huddle in small groups on school playgrounds during recess or lunch, watching degrading porn on the screen of that one kid who is allowed to bring a phone to school.

While young children are being educated about consent in schools, they are simultaneously getting contradictory messages from pornography, and learning that women are disposable objects.

Porn culture teaches girls that their value comes from the attention men and boys give them. In order to receive that attention, they have to morph themselves into an object for male pleasure. Boys have learned from pornography that they have a right to use and abuse women and girls. Some boys and men have been so convinced of this that when told “no” by women, they become enraged and filled with hatred.

Adolescent girls and young women are more objectified today than at any other time in history. The toys they play with, the clothes they wear, the movies and television programs they watch, and the online and video games they play all present women and girls as disposable sex objects.

“Sex doll brothels” are a symptom of the larger problem of misogyny — the rights of men continue to supersede those of women. Until women’s human rights are respected, women will continue to be no more than disposable objects.

And what, after all, is more disposable than a silicone doll? When it is done being used by a man it’s cleaned up and moved along to another user. When it is broken down, torn, battered, and no longer useful, it is tossed out with the trash. Sounds like what life is like for many real women, doesn’t it?

Tell me again how silicone sex dolls are harmless male fantasies.

We shouldn’t be surprised we are here in 2018. What is surprising and should cause outrage is how so many people allowed us to get here.

Megan Walker is Executive Director of the London Abused Women’s Centre.

Link to article
How about we fucking use them as sex dolls after we take away their rights and imprison them in internment camps?
who ever said societies job was to protect and respect women? women? you aren't entitled to our protection and respect especially when you go against what we want even though its harmless to you.
I love how threatened they are by sex dolls. You can tell the average roasty knows something is up and that they are going to lose a chunk of their power. Once sex dolls become advanced enough there will be no reason to put up with female bullshit. Why date some whiny used up whore who will cheat if you can buy a hyper realistic doll who never ages and is catered towards your tastes? No one will even date foids if AI becomes more advanced as well. I think foids pick up on this on some subconscious level and in turn they try to justify why sex dolls are HORRIBLE and CREEPY. They're just afraid of the inevitable replacement.
Blackpill: sex is a human right, men are not entitled for wanting sex
idk why theyre worried were virgins fucking dolls not chad chad has them hes not gonna buy one
They still rely on betabuxx and orbiter power though. There will be a STEEP drop in orbiters once sexdolls become advanced enough.
Can someone please find a picture of the cunt that wrote this gargage so we can make fun of her ?
cucks are too bluepilled they're so filled with soy they wanna respect women all the time and virtue signal
they do it because they think it will get them love and pussy. If technology gets better and a sex doll can give them love and pussy they will ditch those foids they orbit super fast.
They already began banning sex doll brothel despite how shitty that concept is.

I cant wait for them to freak the fuck out once sex dolls become affordable and better.

We will have to arm ourselves and defend our waifus from the thots my brothers.

One day I will be with my robo waifu defending our love from whores and 3d sluts.
Roasties are getting scared boyo, they are scared. Sexdolls will liberate us.
How about we fucking use them as sex dolls after we take away their rights and imprison them in internment camps?
They're sincerely asking for it now, so I guess we should give them their wish.
Still probably more hygienic than a real prostitute but going to a sex doll brother is kind of like sharing an onahole with your bros. My onaholes always look unuseable after 3 uses ngl.
Who the fuck wrote this shit? Porn is degrading to the women who voluntarily go get paid to do it? The absolute state of liberals in 2018.
It isn’t a plastic doll lying underneath them. It’s every woman who has turned them down; every woman they can’t have; every women who has been more successful, more praised, and more desired than the man can ever dream of being… and now that man can do whatever he wants to that woman. Make no mistake, that isn’t a doll he’s doing, or maybe raping, choking, or hitting — it’s all those women he can’t measure up to.
So, in a nutshell she's butthurt that ugly males can have sex with good looking women, even if they're fake.
Women on abortion: My body my choice

Women on sex dolls: Men are not entitled to plastic
Dildos show us what women want from real men — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “dildo” is merely a reflection of what women feel they are entitled to do to men.

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for men who are already considered merely phallus's to fulfill every woman’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes madam,” fetch diet coke and fix the car.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “dildos.” They represent the ultimate debasement of men. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect men. “dildos” are a manifestation of porn culture and the female dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure women can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.....

...and so forth..
Read the first few paragraphs. Just your typical feminist opening seen in all blogs. Nothing original, just stirred up vomit.

Women on abortion: My body my choice

Women on sex dolls: Men are not entitled to plastic

> They represent the ultimate debasement of women

No, they are a merely a masturbation toy you melodramatic piece of shit.
lol, they're trying their best to shit all over them because they know that once they become mainstream they won't have power over men anymore, feelsgoodman
I remember a discussion I had I watching a documentary about sex dolls. There were purple haired dykes, and stacies in the group. And by purple haired dykes, I'm not just saying that flippantly, they were literally butch purple haired dykes, who should have no business as far as what lonely straight men that cause no harm to others. Oddly, it was the purple haired dykes that were most upset about this, with the same tone and reasoning for being upset and disgusted at these sexbot incels as the author. The stacies were pretty laissez faire about it, they saw sexbots as a reasonable solution for incels. Also, this was before inceldom blew up, and I thoroughly explained that these tragic men were TRUCELS, without using our lexicon of course.
Dildos show us what women want from real men — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “dildo” is merely a reflection of what women feel they are entitled to do to men.

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for men who are already considered merely phallus's to fulfill every woman’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes madam,” fetch diet coke and fix the car.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “dildos.” They represent the ultimate debasement of men. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect men. “dildos” are a manifestation of porn culture and the female dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure women can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.....

...and so forth..

Highest IQ post on this forum
Leftist "Lesbian" feminists do not have a right to sex. Women do not have a right to sex. Men do not have a right to sex.

Or in other words. Leftist "Lesbian" feminists don't have a right to be heard and religiously adhered to.
I love how threatened they are by sex dolls. You can tell the average roasty knows something is up and that they are going to lose a chunk of their power. Once sex dolls become advanced enough there will be no reason to put up with female bullshit. Why date some whiny used up whore who will cheat if you can buy a hyper realistic doll who never ages and is catered towards your tastes? No one will even date foids if AI becomes more advanced as well. I think foids pick up on this on some subconscious level and in turn they try to justify why sex dolls are HORRIBLE and CREEPY. They're just afraid of the inevitable replacement.
women>try make themselves look like dolls with 100 layers of makeup and plastic surgery
women>get mad when men start fucking dolls because theyre totally perfect and dont come with all the bitchiness

foid logic 101
I remember a discussion I had I watching a documentary about sex dolls. There were purple haired dykes, and stacies in the group. And by purple haired dykes, I'm not just saying that flippantly, they were literally butch purple haired dykes, who should have no business as far as what lonely straight men that cause no harm to others. Oddly, it was the purple haired dykes that were most upset about this, with the same tone and reasoning for being upset and disgusted at these sexbot incels as the author. The stacies were pretty laissez faire about it, they saw sexbots as a reasonable solution for incels. Also, this was before inceldom blew up, and I thoroughly explained that these tragic men were TRUCELS, without using our lexicon of course.

Its ALWAYS the leftist lesbian leftincels Radfemincels. Kicking off.
> They represent the ultimate debasement of women

No, they are a merely a masturbation toy you melodramatic piece of shit.
Dildos show us what women want from real men — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “dildo” is merely a reflection of what women feel they are entitled to do to men.

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for men who are already considered merely phallus's to fulfill every woman’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes madam,” fetch diet coke and fix the car.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “dildos.” They represent the ultimate debasement of men. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect men. “dildos” are a manifestation of porn culture and the female dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure women can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.....

...and so forth..
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Many women will want to BAN sexdolls, at least the ones that MEN use, and yet KEEP the right to their Dildos and such!!
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"Porn culture"
Have these fucking cunts ever seen dominatrix porn, or even a video where the girl takes control? It's not only men who "rape" the females in porn videos. Plus, probably less than 1% of videos on PornHub or another site are of actual rapes occurring. That's just evidence to use in a trial. People can have a fetish for taking control, and as long as it's consensual, it doesn't fucking matter.
Porn actresses are PAID, CONSENTING ADULTS. :)
Fuck feminism. Who would respect a culture who dictates what you can and cannot do with a piece of fucking silicone?
Once sex dolls become advanced enough there will be no reason to put up with female bullshit.

idk why theyre worried were virgins fucking dolls not chad chad has them hes not gonna buy one
dont think they should care since its only incels that will use them

They know that if western culture accepts sex dolls and a male sexual lifestyle based on them, the infinite supply of beta orbiters most foids have will cease to exist, or there will be at least SOME scarcity of beta orbiters. You should realize that most +5/10 foids can go to college and learn nothing but still get the degree because a ton of orbiters do everything for her, and i guess it happens also in the work place.
If average and below average males stop worshipping foids when receiving nothing in exchange, most foids would drop out of college, trust me lol Also: no more orbiters fighting for inviting her to eat, or carring their groceries, or taking them to one place to another, etc.... They would stop living as princesses, and their tutorial mode-life would turn to be just easy, not absurdly easy as they like it.
And lets not even mention betabuxers lol

One day I will be with my robo waifu defending our love from whores and 3d sluts.

Dildos show us what women want from real men — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “dildo” is merely a reflection of what women feel they are entitled to do to men.

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for men who are already considered merely phallus's to fulfill every woman’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes madam,” fetch diet coke and fix the car.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “dildos.” They represent the ultimate debasement of men. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect men. “dildos” are a manifestation of porn culture and the female dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure women can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.....

...and so forth..

If she thinks shes right, she should be able to realize that this is also right... but its so extremely not-PC that she probably hasnt even thought about it.
One day we will read the shit feminist write nowadays and just laugh. They just dont care at all being wrong, because you can be absolutely and obviously wrong and still have a fucking job based on your lies just because there is a certain ammount of people that want to read lies at all costs.
Sex dolls show us what men want from real women — we should pay attention

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “sex doll” is merely a reflection of what men feel they are entitled to do to women.
News broke last week that a “sex doll brothel” was opening in Toronto. While bylaw issues stalled Aura Dolls from opening in its proposed location, the setback is likely temporary. Silicone sex dolls are the most recent product to enter the market for men to fulfill their porn fueled fantasies. Advertised by Aura Dolls, “each hole features different yet unique textures, ridges and tightness to give you intense sensations that are impossible to achieve even through real penetration.”

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for women who are already considered merely receptacles to fulfill every man’s desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be programmed to say “yes sir,” make coffee and sweep the floor.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “sex dolls.” They represent the ultimate debasement of women. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and protect women. “Sex dolls” are a manifestation of porn culture and the male dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure men can have sex when and however they want it no matter at what cost.

It isn’t a plastic doll lying underneath them. It’s every woman who has turned them down; every woman they can’t have; every women who has been more successful, more praised, and more desired than the man can ever dream of being… and now that man can do whatever he wants to that woman. Make no mistake, that isn’t a doll he’s doing, or maybe raping, choking, or hitting — it’s all those women he can’t measure up to.

Maybe one day it will be a real woman.

Men do not have a right to sex. Feminists have worked for centuries to free women from the objectification that stems from oppression. It’s a steep climb made even more difficult by the barriers thrown our way. Scantily dressed women and little girls dressed in bras and sheer stockings are used to “sex” up advertisements for almost any product — cars, beer, cigarettes, clothes, shoes, and lingerie. The more objectified the woman, the better the ad and the higher the revenues.

Pornography is freely available to all, including children, with a simple search on a phone. It’s violent, dehumanizing, and falls within the spectrum of torture. Its victims are women and girls. Thanks to porn culture, the word “consent” has lost all meaning. In pornography, women say “no” while tears stream down their faces. Their pain and fear is real. The message received by men is, “do it harder, do it longer and make her suffer more.” Children huddle in small groups on school playgrounds during recess or lunch, watching degrading porn on the screen of that one kid who is allowed to bring a phone to school.

While young children are being educated about consent in schools, they are simultaneously getting contradictory messages from pornography, and learning that women are disposable objects.

Porn culture teaches girls that their value comes from the attention men and boys give them. In order to receive that attention, they have to morph themselves into an object for male pleasure. Boys have learned from pornography that they have a right to use and abuse women and girls. Some boys and men have been so convinced of this that when told “no” by women, they become enraged and filled with hatred.

Adolescent girls and young women are more objectified today than at any other time in history. The toys they play with, the clothes they wear, the movies and television programs they watch, and the online and video games they play all present women and girls as disposable sex objects.

“Sex doll brothels” are a symptom of the larger problem of misogyny — the rights of men continue to supersede those of women. Until women’s human rights are respected, women will continue to be no more than disposable objects.

And what, after all, is more disposable than a silicone doll? When it is done being used by a man it’s cleaned up and moved along to another user. When it is broken down, torn, battered, and no longer useful, it is tossed out with the trash. Sounds like what life is like for many real women, doesn’t it?

Tell me again how silicone sex dolls are harmless male fantasies.

We shouldn’t be surprised we are here in 2018. What is surprising and should cause outrage is how so many people allowed us to get here.

Megan Walker is Executive Director of the London Abused Women’s Centre.

I made some changes to the article I think you all might enjoy :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

No matter how you package, pretty it up, or slough it off as harmless, the inanimate object that is a “dildo” is merely a reflection of what women feel they are entitled to from men.

Dildos are the direct rejection of men as a whole aside from the ONE thing that gives the woman pleasure. Why does it have to be in the shape of a man's organ? Why not shape it into a woman's finger? Why should it be so thick and have to feel like the real thing?

Dildos, while made from almost any material, plastic to vegetable, have been used to fulfill their phallic fantasies. Ribbed, curved, or extremely thick - they're all designed "for her pleasure". They even vibrate to "to give you intense sensations that are impossible to achieve even through real penetration".

How lovely is that? Another dehumanizing step for men who are already considered merely receptacles to fulfill women's ever-changing desires and fantasies. No doubt, they will soon be emasculated and programmed to say “yes m'am,” when told to fix the floorboards and carry all the groceries while you keep that phallus behind.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing harmless about “dildos.” They represent the ultimate debasement of men. They represent yet another level of society’s detachment from its responsibility to value, respect, and appreciate men as a whole. “Dildos” are a manifestation of porn culture and the female desire to dominant society’s belief that it needs to do whatever it can to make sure women can have their own sex with male phallic objects when and however they want it no matter at what cost.

It isn’t a plastic knob being held inside them. It’s every man who they have turned down; every man they can’t have; every man who has been more successful, more praised, and more desired than the woman can ever dream of being… and now that woman can do whatever she wants to that man's phallus. Make no mistake, that isn’t a dildo she’s doing, or maybe raping, choking, or hitting — it’s all those men she can’t measure up to.

And what, after all, is more disposable than a silicone dildo? When it is done being used by a woman it’s cleaned up and moved along to another user. When it is broken down, torn, battered, and no longer useful, it is tossed out with the trash. Sounds like what life is like for many real men, doesn’t it?

Tell me again how dildos are harmless female fantasies.

We shouldn’t be surprised we are here in 2018. What is surprising and should cause outrage is how so many people allowed us to get here.
All men must remain celibate and sad! No sex! Only sadness! :soy:
As if there are no more pressing issues

if it were up to me, we'd ban birth control and contraceptives, ban welfare to single mothers, reinstate socially enforced monogamy, and bring back no fault DV laws. If foids want to complain, we could just keep dolls on stand by and cut all the bitches off from the D, and ban all dildos too. Make them live lives of total inceldom and ban all their sex toys. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
if it were up to me, we'd ban birth control and contraceptives, ban welfare to single mothers, reinstate socially enforced monogamy, and bring back no fault DV laws. If foids want to complain, we could just keep dolls on stand by and cut all the bitches off from the D, and ban all dildos too. Make them live lives of total inceldom and ban all their sex toys. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

No stonings/beatings?
Basically she is saying only Chad is entitled to have sex...everyone else...no porn no sexdoll no nothing.

TBH This is a pretty funny article. Anyways doesnt' matter what the West does, shit will still advance in Asian countries and spillover into the West.

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