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JFL Roasties are mad Reddit is full of incels

  • Thread starter blackpillforever
  • Start date


Sep 25, 2020

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/mjetg7/the_amount_of_total_incels_on_reddit_is_becoming/

Lol what does this dumb hole expect, reddit is literally the most popular website for socially awkward losers. Though nowadays the term "incel" is now a misused term for men who don't agree with feminism and don't wanna be a simp for females. Kinda like liberals will say everyone who doesn't agree with them is a nazi. I skimmed through the post and she was crying about how foids don't have jean pockets, and a guy told her to buy male jeans, and she started reeing and called him an incel kek.
If they had sex with them, then the total ammount of incels wouldn't be really concerning
Our numbers will only increase lol.

We are returning to prehistoric times where only every 10th male procreated.
If they had sex with them, then the total ammount of incels wouldn't be really concerning
Fr. Most of these bitches on Reddit are 3/10 nerdy girls who looksmatch with most of those guys. Chad only tho
Retard ass roasties. Lives in her own little head. Ugly men suffer a lot more than her privileged ass, I would give anything for all these cunts to live just one day as an ugly truecel.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/mjetg7/the_amount_of_total_incels_on_reddit_is_becoming/

Lol what does this dumb hole expect, reddit is literally the most popular website for socially awkward losers. Though nowadays the term "incel" is now a misused term for men who don't agree with feminism and don't wanna be a simp for females. Kinda like liberals will say everyone who doesn't agree with them is a nazi. I skimmed through the post and she was crying about how foids don't have jean pockets, and a guy told her to buy male jeans, and she started reeing and called him an incel kek.

I find it funny when women attack men for "being virgins" / "that like anime body pillows" / "like to have sex with dolls" etc.

They don't realize that for these men these inanimate objects have more value to them than they will ever have, and their behavior and choices in sexual selection made these "losers" to crawl back into copes and despising real women, it's not like they gave these men any other option.

So basically for them we are "losers" because we are not born the chads that they are willing to have sex with
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Retard ass roasties. Lives in her own little head. Ugly men suffer a lot more than her privileged ass, I would give anything for all these cunts to live just one day as an ugly truecel.
So basically for them we are "losers" because we are not born the chads that they are willing to have sex with
The "empathetic gender" has no fucking care or concern for struggling males (despite the reason for their struggle being their genetics, which is the same foundation on which racism lies, but women all jump to be anti-racist, while brutally harassing men to the point of suicide if they have poor genes). They have a false sense of reality where the magical patriarchy exists that somehow hurts women, when in reality soyciety worships them for just existing. They can't stand the idea that men are treated unfairly both legally and socially, so they brush over any retaliation with the idea that we aren't equal and that they just want equality for women.
The "empathetic gender" has no fucking care or concern for struggling males (despite the reason for their struggle being their genetics, which is the same foundation on which racism lies, but women all jump to be anti-racist, while brutally harassing men to the point of suicide if they have poor genes). They have a false sense of reality where the magical patriarchy exists that somehow hurts women, when in reality soyciety worships them for just existing. They can't stand the idea that men are treated unfairly both legally and socially, so they brush over any retaliation with the idea that we aren't equal and that they just want equality for women.
True and Avogadro's IQ. We're preaching to the choir. The people who really need to hear this don't want to and don't care to.

If women acknowledged the truth of female privilege they would have to eat all of their words and start acting fair and accept responsibility for their actions. Which we all know they will never do.
I know reddit is full of incels of denial but these toilet thinks anyone that doesn't suck her toes is an ''incel''.

''Muh gender paygap'' LMAO that theory is so bullshit not even the most biased soy media gives a shit about it at all, otherwise they would be flooding it 24/7 and push politicians to do something about it. There's no gender paygap you retarded hole, it's literally illegal to get paid less based on gender.
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The "empathetic gender" has no fucking care or concern for struggling males (despite the reason for their struggle being their genetics, which is the same foundation on which racism lies, but women all jump to be anti-racist, while brutally harassing men to the point of suicide if they have poor genes). They have a false sense of reality where the magical patriarchy exists that somehow hurts women, when in reality soyciety worships them for just existing. They can't stand the idea that men are treated unfairly both legally and socially, so they brush over any retaliation with the idea that we aren't equal and that they just want equality for women.
When they whine about gender pay gap, they are only looking at the top 5% of men (that sometimes RIGHTFULLY achieved their high status because they worked hard for it), they aren't looking down to the lower class wageslave men that statistically earn less than the average woman (I've seen papers on that)

When they talk about male privilege, they are talking about the chads they look up to (yes women, newsflash chad is privileged), not the average ugly male that are completely invisible in their lives

The reality is that they don't want equality, they want absolute power second only to the chads and high status men that are pretty much the only male archetype that is significant in their lives
Foids JFL.

It's like they don't understand what reddit even is. They expect every site to cater to them no matter how big or small of the userbase they are.

And sadly that's pretty common to happen. LOL.
If women acknowledged the truth of female privilege they would have to eat all of their words and start acting fair and accept responsibility for their actions. Which we all know they will never do.
When they talk about male privilege, they are talking about the chads they look up to (yes women, newsflash chad is privileged), not the average ugly male that are completely invisible in their lives
Molecules of H2O in the Pacific Ocean IQ. Women conflate "patriarchal male privilege" with Chad privilege. Chad is born either with top percentile genetics, or slightly worse genetics with enough familial wealth to reach high levels of physical attraction. Then a web of factors such as how people worship Chad constantly boosts his mental health and extraversion, resulting in a positive feedback loop in which people are even more attracted to him due to his now optimistic and positive outlook on life. Then on top of that even jobs want to hire Chad because of both the halo effect and because he provides a greater image for the company. Chad then becomes even more wealthy, with even greater ego and mental health, passing women around on his dick, meanwhile us incels have the exact opposite happen to us and we indeed become invisible to everyone else, especially these retarded foids that complain about jack shit for absolutely no fucking rational reason.
"we're oppressed, the UN said so" if you were oppressed the UN wouldn't support you, you worthless fucking whore
Our numbers will only increase lol.

We are returning to prehistoric times where only every 10th male procreated.
I wonder if men went ER back then. Not with guns obviously but they could burn their village or something. I can't believe they were all simps, it only takes one guy to go ER.
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Ugh, why isn't reddit full of Chads? This is why I like instagram more, teehee
Molecules of H2O in the Pacific Ocean IQ. Women conflate "patriarchal male privilege" with Chad privilege. Chad is born either with top percentile genetics, or slightly worse genetics with enough familial wealth to reach high levels of physical attraction. Then a web of factors such as how people worship Chad constantly boosts his mental health and extraversion, resulting in a positive feedback loop in which people are even more attracted to him due to his now optimistic and positive outlook on life. Then on top of that even jobs want to hire Chad because of both the halo effect and because he provides a greater image for the company. Chad then becomes even more wealthy, with even greater ego and mental health, passing women around on his dick, meanwhile us incels have the exact opposite happen to us and we indeed become invisible to everyone else, especially these retarded foids that complain about jack shit for absolutely no fucking rational reason.
that's extremely brutal ngl :reeeeee:

this should be made into a thread and stickied ngl. many people would probably go ER on the spot after reading it.
Look at how fucking mad she gets lol. Yet god forbid a male makes a childish post like this one.
I'd bet my fucking house they wouldn't last more than a year living as a manlet trucel.
Look at how fucking mad she gets lol. Yet god forbid a male makes a childish post like this one.
I'd bet my fucking house they wouldn't last more than a year living as a manlet trucel.
worthless entitled bitches. really wish we lived in a sane world where these wenches would be burned for their heresy
Why do they need pockets if they have purses?
Lmao look at all the Simps in comment section
Even non incel men are getting fed up with foids
Also I like how her entire thread was basically her whining and crying over not being pandered to but at the bottom she goes out of her way to imply the people disagree with her are the *real* crybabies.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpB83chNBQc
many people would probably go ER on the spot after reading it.
Indeed, the heart of the blackpill is rooted in science and rationality that mainly consists of the concept of positive/negative feedback loops on individual's success due to factors completely out of people's control (mainly genetics but also wealth partially).
Look at how fucking mad she gets lol. Yet god forbid a male makes a childish post like this one.
I'd bet my fucking house they wouldn't last more than a year living as a manlet trucel.
It's also beyond enraging that women's response to male struggle is that these struggling males simply shouldn't exist, and they have the audacity to get angry that incels are even remotely in their sphere of presence. How fucking diabolically shitty of a person do you have to be to go eye to eye with another person's depression and then ADD ON TO IT by harassing and excluding them. It is clear that disadvantaged "inkwell" males have a higher rate of suicide, and foids respond to this by supporting and advancing their eugenicist wet dreams. This entire thread is raw concentrated blackpill ER fuel ngl.
reddit is literally the most popular website for socially awkward losers. Though nowadays the term "incel" is now a misused term for men who don't agree with feminism and don't wanna be a simp for females. Kinda like liberals will say everyone who doesn't agree with them is a nazi.
Ugh, why isn't reddit full of Chads? This is why I like instagram more, teehee
@ldarshortcel called it.
the dumb cunt pretty much shut herself down by saying a woman in africa has it worse than she does, (which i agree with,) which pretty much throws the whole " women in first world countries are still oppressed and not equal!"
Her cunty attitude will make more men recognize that women are privileged. Keep doing what you do, even with all censorship men are getting tired of your shit, hole.
Every other social media is full of misandry, but nobody cares about that now, do they?
''Muh gender paygap'' LMAO that theory is so bullshit not even the most biased soy media gives a shit about it at all, otherwise they would be flooding it 24/7 and push politicians to do something about it. There's no gender paygap you retarded hole, it's literally illegal to get paid less based on gender.
And even if it were true what man wouldn't trade 10% pay for chad smv and people being more welcoming to you socially?
> How many times do we have to say that equality for women doesn’t take anything away from men?

It's never been about equality, though.

Take for instance recruitment in the army and firefighters. Physical requirements are explicitly lower for females. What the hell is the point of physical requirements, then? If the job can be done by someone who is not stronger than a female, why does it make any sense to select the strongest amongst the men? There is only one job, so if that job requires physical fitness, there is no reason whatsoever to have two different sets of requirements.

Besides, a privilege doesn't indeed take anything away from other people. That's not the point of a privilege, not necessarily anyway. A privilege is for instance the right for famous men or really good looking women to cut lines for the entrance of a night club. Had these people not be allowed to cut the line, the line would still be there and people would still have to wait.

Special treatments are usually granted ex-nihilo, they don't consist in taking something away from someone to give it to someone else. That's why they are often morally tolerable, but they are still annoying and a source of antagonism. And if leftists disagree with that they are big hypocrites because it's the same with what they call "white privilege".

BTW sex is the ultimate incarnation of that. When a female lets Chad fuck her, she doesn't deprive any incel of anything, as she would never have let him fuck her anyway. Incels still hates her gutts for it.
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Maybe if your standards weren't so fucking high, there would be less incels
Just a thought though.
Women don’t get treated equally, they get treated above us.
i don't use reddit anymore it's for cucks.

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