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JFL Roastie (probably with 6’4” high T boyfriend) posts virtue signalling bluepill “height doesn’t matter sweety” on r/short



Better incel than jestermaxxing for scraps
Aug 7, 2018

Hear that guys? Being 5’2” is the same as being 6’2”. Just lol at us for thinking something as trivial as height makes a difference.. “it’s just a number bro”

“ being short isn’t everything bro! It’s only like 99% of everything so it’s irelevant bro! Just work on the other 1% of things u can control”

“Girls like short guys bro! Just lift and be alpha!”

Daily reminder that male quality of life = size. If you cant kill other men with your bare hands, you are nothing to women. Same with all other sexually dimorphic mammal species.

Height is the most important thing in the entire universe. I would suck dick every day for the rest of my life to be 6’2”
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Why the fuck is she even on the forum? foids just want to be the centre of attention everywhere on the internet.
Why the fuck is she even on the forum? foids just want to be the centre of attention everywhere on the internet.
There’s actual foids on that subreddit complaining about being 5’2” jfl like being a short girl is anywhere near the realm of being a short man.
There needs to be an /r/shortmen and it should ban any condescension or virtue signalling.
WOW I sure do feel respected when I get called a "shortie" :rolleyes:. JFL even when foids try to virtue signal they can't help but be rude and patronize short men.

Why the fuck is she even on the forum? foids just want to be the centre of attention everywhere on the internet.
WOW I sure do feel respected when I get called a "shortie" :rolleyes:. JFL even when foids try to virtue signal they can't help but be rude and patronize short men.
Ofc.. she can’t ACTUALLY have a bunch of manlets think they have a shot with her
Ofc.. she can’t ACTUALLY have a bunch of manlets think they have a shot with her
they hate manlets so much they can never just straight up compliment us they have to slyly say fuck you just to let us know how shitty we are because of a trait we couldn't change.

Hear that guys? Being 5’2” is the same as being 6’2”. Just lol at us for thinking something as trivial as height makes a difference.. “it’s just a number bro”

“ being short isn’t everything bro! It’s only like 99% of everything so it’s irelevant bro! Just work on the other 1% of things u can control”

“Girls like short guys bro! Just lift and be alpha!”

Daily reminder that male quality of life = size. If you cant kill other men with your bare hands, you are nothing to women. Same with all other sexually dimorphic mammal species.

Height is the most important thing in the entire universe. I would suck dick every day for the rest of my life to be 6’2”

Age and face are most important. Height is a 'nice to have', not a 'need to have'.
Personality is irrelevant when you're old and/or ugly.
has to be a LARP, no way this is real

if it’s real, then >meme gender
Interesting how on Reddit females don't care about height but in real life they bully and reject guys for being short all the time
Being young and having a Chad face is way more important than height. I've known 5'7"-5'8" slayers. They were young and good-looking. That's literally all that matters.
Being young and having a Chad face is way more important than height. I've known 5'7"-5'8" slayers. They were young and good-looking. That's literally all that matters.
5’2” is not the same as 5’8”.. 5’8” is 2 inches below average, and a 5’8” guy can still have decent fighting success if he has a big enough frame.

I also know manlet slayers, but none are turbomanlet and all are high test large framed brick skulled killers
It's always chicks with tall boyfriends that say this lol
5’2” is not the same as 5’8”.. 5’8” is 2 inches below average, and a 5’8” guy can still have decent fighting success if he has a big enough frame.

I also know manlet slayers, but none are turbomanlet and all are high test large framed brick skulled killers
5'2" is a bit extreme, though I would wager that Brad Pitt and George Clooney in their prime at 5'2" would still get laid.
I got banned from r/short within two posts. Their mods are fucking losers. That girl doesn't know the hell a short man lives every day. Someone needs to ask how tall her bf is, or the average height of the men she's dated.
I got banned from r/short within two posts. Their mods are fucking losers. That girl doesn't know the hell a short man lives every day. Someone needs to ask how tall her bf is, or the average height of the men she's dated.
that’s one thing that will consistency be noticeably above average 100% of the time for every girl you ask.

Hear that guys? Being 5’2” is the same as being 6’2”. Just lol at us for thinking something as trivial as height makes a difference.. “it’s just a number bro”

“ being short isn’t everything bro! It’s only like 99% of everything so it’s irelevant bro! Just work on the other 1% of things u can control”

“Girls like short guys bro! Just lift and be alpha!”

Daily reminder that male quality of life = size. If you cant kill other men with your bare hands, you are nothing to women. Same with all other sexually dimorphic mammal species.

Height is the most important thing in the entire universe. I would suck dick every day for the rest of my life to be 6’2”


Hear you loud & clear.

Hear that guys? Being 5’2” is the same as being 6’2”. Just lol at us for thinking something as trivial as height makes a difference.. “it’s just a number bro”

“ being short isn’t everything bro! It’s only like 99% of everything so it’s irelevant bro! Just work on the other 1% of things u can control”

“Girls like short guys bro! Just lift and be alpha!”

Daily reminder that male quality of life = size. If you cant kill other men with your bare hands, you are nothing to women. Same with all other sexually dimorphic mammal species.

Height is the most important thing in the entire universe. I would suck dick every day for the rest of my life to be 6’2”

No you absolute fucking twat

Facial bones are the single most important thing in the entire universe

Height is immediately 2nd
No you absolute fucking twat

Facial bones are the single most important thing in the entire universe

Height is immediately 2nd
“Face>height because I’m the exception to height>face”

^^^is basically what you’re saying. 1st percentile height won’t get u pussy no matter how chad your face is. Neither will 1st percentile face regardless of your height

But foids will overlook an average to below average face in favor of FIGHTING SUCCESS.
“Face>height because I’m the exception to height>face”

^^^is basically what you’re saying. 1st percentile height won’t get u pussy no matter how chad your face is. Neither will 1st percentile face regardless of your height

But foids will overlook an average to below average face in favor of FIGHTING SUCCESS.

No that’s not at all what I’m saying you other twat. I’m saying attraction is built off the fucking FACE not off the height.


When will you whiny Manlet phaggots understand this? Your height BREAKS your attractiveness, but it doesn’t MAKE your attractiveness,

The most important attraction builder wil always be face!!!
No that’s not at all what I’m saying you other twat. I’m saying attraction is built off the fucking FACE not off the height.


When will you whiny Manlet phaggots understand this? Your height BREAKS your attractiveness, but it doesn’t MAKE your attractiveness,

The most important attraction builder wil always be face!!!
high iq
No that’s not at all what I’m saying you other twat. I’m saying attraction is built off the fucking FACE not off the height.


When will you whiny Manlet phaggots understand this? Your height BREAKS your attractiveness, but it doesn’t MAKE your attractiveness,

The most important attraction builder wil always be face!!!
If something is so powerful that is has the ability to BREAK your attractiveness , that is what’s called a PREREQUISITE.. like being human or having a cardiovascular system.. BARE FUCKING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS.

Scenario. You have a gf and u have kids with her. I think she’s kinda hot and I wanna fuck her . In order to fuck her , I have to kill you and then kill her kids (were primates in the jungle).. I can’t do that because YOURE LARGER THAN ME AND U CAN KILL ME. Your children inherit those height genes and then they survive 20 years later when some manlet incel wants to kill his kids and fuck his girl. Facial aesthetics is the icing on the cake. Height/frame combo is the cake, the table, the structural foundation of the building the table is in, etc. when it comes down to actual SURVIVAL, not western comfortable lives, fighting success is paramount. And we Are NOT past primitive survival instincts. Case closed. You’re 6’3” and roided IIRC. If you’re not slaying at that size, everything else about you must be a genetic abomination . I think you’re NW7? At your heught , the rest of you just has to be within like 2 standard deviations of average , or just to be passable , and you’re good to go.. bro NOTHING beats height. If you can effortlessly KILL another man , that’s the ultimate and final mog. Reducing his entire existence, all his experiences and everything into a bloody beat up corpse.. and that ability comes with height and that’s what makes pussies wet. Not MUH CANTHAL TILT MUH DORSAL HUMP.. face still contributes so fighting success , so it’s obv not irrelevant . But less important than the other part of you that makes up 90% of you by weight and is responsible for survival success

It’s impossible to be alone if you’re large enough.. face just increases your attractiveness among men your own size or bigger. Foids want handsome sons so they’ll get pussy when they’re older (sexy son hypothesis) but never at the expense of something far more important like survival success. They ideally want handsome alive sons, not handsome dead sons .. but an average or ugly alive son is better than a handsome dead son
Can we agree height is the most important prerequisite for consideration, but then in the process of consideration the most important thing is face?
Can we agree height is the most important prerequisite for consideration, but then in the process of consideration the most important thing is face?
Yeah. thats about right

We can be friends now lol
I know a foid like this.She used to say
"Height doesn't matter,tehee.meanwhile her last three boyfriends we're all 6'7.Here 6'2 isn't really considered that tall.

"I am stronk independent woman.Gets a B+ starts crying,instantly becomes an A."

Hear that guys? Being 5’2” is the same as being 6’2”. Just lol at us for thinking something as trivial as height makes a difference.. “it’s just a number bro”

“ being short isn’t everything bro! It’s only like 99% of everything so it’s irelevant bro! Just work on the other 1% of things u can control”

“Girls like short guys bro! Just lift and be alpha!”

Daily reminder that male quality of life = size. If you cant kill other men with your bare hands, you are nothing to women. Same with all other sexually dimorphic mammal species.

Height is the most important thing in the entire universe. I would suck dick every day for the rest of my life to be 6’2”

Only 14 points and 58 comments, looks like that virtue signaling didn't even go so smoothly past the soyboys.
I hate women saying shit like this. They are just doing it just to make themselves look better. As someone who is 5'4 I know they would never date me, i only get looks of disgust being this height.
yOu ArE aLL BeAuTiFuL nO MaTTeR wHaT
Tfw closer to 5'2 than to 6'4
>"height doesnt matter"

>"dear shorties"
Cumsack that thinks her height is the same issue as with men
"many females don't care about height"
95% of women care about height, the overwhelming majority.
When foids say they've dated plenty of short guy there's a reason it's always past simple. A foid is rarely currently dating a "short" guy.
When foids say short they mean 5'9" - 5'11".
95% of women care about height, the overwhelming majority.
JFL if you think it's only 95%. All but extremely rare fetishists care about height, so 99.99%.
When foids say short they mean 5'9" - 5'11"
the 5'11pill never dwells deep enough in me, it always hits me hard
Gotta keep the cucks bluepilled by dangling that carrot on a stick, she is doing it terribly too, just the title of the post is condescending.

Whore if you are reading this kill yourself.
There’s actual foids on that subreddit complaining about being 5’2” jfl like being a short girl is anywhere near the realm of being a short man.
really starting to hate them more and more
I got banned from r/short within two posts. Their mods are fucking losers. That girl doesn't know the hell a short man lives every day. Someone needs to ask how tall her bf is, or the average height of the men she's dated.
She said one of her previous bfs was 5'4 and shes single atm. Its a larp
No that’s not at all what I’m saying you other twat. I’m saying attraction is built off the fucking FACE not off the height.


When will you whiny Manlet phaggots understand this? Your height BREAKS your attractiveness, but it doesn’t MAKE your attractiveness,

The most important attraction builder wil always be face!!!
You're retarded
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