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Blackpill Roastie claims catcalling is worse than inceldom and gets destroyed



Apr 22, 2018
I don't believe she'd get followed and stalked since fucking 12yo. Grab her? Isn't that aggravated assault? Where the fuck she live? In a ghetto? I've never seen a woman get catcalled in my entire life. Where the fuck do they live?
Femoids that walk around dressed like sluts deserve to be harassed and catcalled.
Well we've all seen that video on a girl being catcalled in NYC. Guys saying good day to her, calling her cute or whatever. Poor girl, I hope they cure her PTSD.
i thought it was stupid, but i didn't know the meaning behind these stupid cat call video's

Femoids that walk around dressed like sluts deserve to be harassed and catcalled.
Femoids are so solipsistic they actually think breaking a nail is worse than a man dying on a war or dangerous job simply because the nail breaking was something that happened to them while the other shit happened to other people, men on top of this.
i thought it was stupid, but i didn't know the meaning behind these stupid cat call video's

That video showed how retarded the SJW left is, they tried to make men look bad by catcalling that slut but then only nonwhite men did it, so the video became too politically incorrect and was intentionally forgotten.
Femoids are so solipsistic they actually think breaking a nail is worse than a man dying on a war or dangerous job simply because the nail breaking was something that happened to them while the other shit happened to other people, men on top of this.
The best lifefule would be to see all those cunts get their privileges taken away.
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I don't believe she'd get followed and stalked since fucking 12yo. Grab her? Isn't that aggravated assault? Where the fuck she live? In a ghetto? I've never seen a woman get catcalled in my entire life. Where the fuck do they live?

I am inclined to belive that they use the sexual harrassment lie in order to garner pity or hijack the discussion. Nearly all of the women that i witnessed on the internet says the same things; "i was raped" , "i was harrassed" and more.
I don't believe she'd get followed and stalked since fucking 12yo. Grab her? Isn't that aggravated assault? Where the fuck she live? In a ghetto? I've never seen a woman get catcalled in my entire life. Where the fuck do they live?
Me either, never seen a femoid get catcalled but some guys do stare where I live .
Why do women insist on pretending like they're catcalled? It happens maybe down town on a Friday and Saturday night when everyone is wasted but otherwise I don't believe its happening on a mass scale. Its like they enjoy being flippant with the truth, because they know if they're honest and say "I've been catcalled once" then their point goes out the window.
It's just a way to humble brag about their level of attractiveness. Like when a woman complains "Oh guys just kept coming over to me at the bar, I just wanted to hang around with my Stacy friends", they don't care...they just want you to know that they're seen as attractive and wanted by people.

It's just a way these whores usurp the conversation to turn it about them. Roasties literally cannot handle someone being more of a victim so they manufacture problems out of anything, they'll spin literally anything into an issue if it further cements their victim status.
Me either, never seen a femoid get catcalled but some guys do stare where I live .
I've seen it, especially when girls are dressed like sluts. It shouldn't happen tbh, I can see why they are upset about it.

Obviously it is ridiculous to compare someone saying something to you on the street to crippling loneliness and depression.
Me either, never seen a femoid get catcalled but some guys do stare where I live .
What's wrong with staring at someone? If I were a handsome guy walking around without a shirt, girls will stare at me too. I don't see how's that any valid. I'd probably get approached by women, too.
Why do women insist on pretending like they're catcalled? It happens maybe down town on a Friday and Saturday night when everyone is wasted but otherwise I don't believe its happening on a mass scale. Its like they enjoy being flippant with the truth, because they know if they're honest and say "I've been catcalled once" then their point goes out the window.
It's just a way to humble brag about their level of attractiveness. Like when a woman complains "Oh guys just kept coming over to me at the bar, I just wanted to hang around with my Stacy friends", they don't care...they just want you to know that they're seen as attractive and wanted by people.

It's just a way these whores usurp the conversation to turn it about them. Roasties literally cannot handle someone being more of a victim so they manufacture problems out of anything, they'll spin literally anything into an issue if it further cements their victim status.

i thought it was stupid, but i didn't know the meaning behind these stupid cat call video's

If these guys weren't ethnic and Chads these sluts would not have had a problem with them catcalling. Everyday that I am on here I keep learning the nature of these beasts.
i thought it was stupid, but i didn't know the meaning behind these stupid cat call video's

When this video first came out I was furious over the attention it was getting and I couldn't quite articulate what is was about the concept that enraged me so. Only since sitting down and studying the black pill can I put into thoughts and words exactly why I disagreed so much with that video. OP's reddit post basically summerizes those thoughts and feelings entirely. I wish I could send this well constructed reddit post back in time to myself.
Lol she deleted her posts...
god guys trying to go out on dates with me is so annoying! i hate when people find me attractive!

Catcalling sure seems terrible. Straight from a whore's mouth.
woke poster, its freeing in a way for fully blackpilled incels to realise we have literally NOTHING to lose, hell we could suicide,ER and their would be no risk of us losing anything.

( losing our lives would be a benefit)
Being desired is the same as not being desired.

Women complaining about catcalling and "harassment" is like celebrities complaining about press harassment or rich people complaining about being burgled.
low IQ, even acidfaced foids would get tinder matches and lays. foids C A N N O T be incel.
Why do women insist on pretending like they're catcalled? It happens maybe down town on a Friday and Saturday night when everyone is wasted but otherwise I don't believe its happening on a mass scale. Its like they enjoy being flippant with the truth, because they know if they're honest and say "I've been catcalled once" then their point goes out the window.
It's just a way to humble brag about their level of attractiveness. Like when a woman complains "Oh guys just kept coming over to me at the bar, I just wanted to hang around with my Stacy friends", they don't care...they just want you to know that they're seen as attractive and wanted by people.

It's just a way these whores usurp the conversation to turn it about them. Roasties literally cannot handle someone being more of a victim so they manufacture problems out of anything, they'll spin literally anything into an issue if it further cements their victim status.
You can really tell it's bullshit when even landwhales claim to be raped and catcalled.
Gonna make a safe bet here and say she's exaggerating to a very extreme level.
You can't claim that your point is more valid than the opposing one when you've never experienced it. Especially if your a woman
I don't believe she'd get followed and stalked since fucking 12yo. Grab her? Isn't that aggravated assault? Where the fuck she live? In a ghetto? I've never seen a woman get catcalled in my entire life. Where the fuck do they live?
Where the fuck do you live? If I walk down the street in this shithole wasteland; there are niggers in booty shorts getting yelled at.
I am inclined to belive that they use the sexual harrassment lie in order to garner pity or hijack the discussion. Nearly all of the women that i witnessed on the internet says the same things; "i was raped" , "i was harrassed" and more.
I too am convinced all these little internet warriors are just liars.
I get catcalled when I walk arround, people make fun of me and I dont know why
i thought it was stupid, but i didn't know the meaning behind these stupid cat call video's

I just talked about this bitch the other day on another thread. She sure has it hard huh!? Fucking bitch can´t take compliments why we go on for years hoping just to get as much as a glance, a flirt or any sign of validation! Ungrateful creature!

BTW: And for the OP the post it was amazing A+ 200IQ post! She surely got destroyed, I kinda wanna see her response. However I´m sure she didn´t get it at all and still thinks she has it worse. But it was seriously perfectly written, he kept a nice tone no name calling or getting angry as I do all the time. He calmly explained it as articulate as it could be told.
LOL @ that cucked sub allowing women.
god guys trying to go out on dates with me is so annoying! i hate when people find me attractive!
People keep trying to hand me giant checks for a million dollars! Others say I'm lucky, but it's a real burden!

"Guys I eat so much food Im obese, you kids in Africa at least have it good in that you cant get fat, fuck being fat, I now have to buy an SUV because my bfs BMW sedan cant hold me anymore"

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