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RageFuel Right-wingers are in denial and can't accept that they are losing



Sep 18, 2018
I hate the left and support populism but even if so I am becoming increasingly annoyed by how much in denial they are about how thanks to brainwashing leftism is actually winning. A common theme in their delusion is how they keep talking about how the left is supposedly losing popularity and that the right is gaining, while completely ignoring that the left is still more powerful anyway.

A great example is this video:

Notice the hyperbolic title. "GOP VOTERS ARE COMING TO TOWN YEAAAAAA!!!!"

And yet at 6:00 he basically admits that the democrats are polling higher anyway, and that they are merely not losing as badly as before, but that they are still actually losing......

This is the kind of bullshit that has come to characterize most right-wing pundits and Trump supporters now. They honestly think they are winning somehow because they are just merely not polling in the 30's. Just fucking LOL. And it's the same in Europe. SD got pathetic 18% and this is seen as a victory for some reason, even though literally the first thing the other parties did was to simply declare they won't work with them.

And then there is also this fucking gem where the dude basically admits that 90% of the populists are just old people and that the youth doesn't give a shit about populism. 10 years and 90% of their voters will be dead from old age (start watching at 2:16):

I am also starting to suspect that Trump and Brexit were just 2 flukes that merely happened two times in a row. Literally any candidate could have defeated Hillary and yet Trump just barely won without even winning the popular vote. Trump's victory was not the result of a backslash against sjws or political correctness as Trump supporters would like to believe, it was merely the result of Hillary being the worst candidate ever. And even then, he STILL lost the popular vote anyway. Trump won IN SPITE of being Trump, not because he is Trump.

And Brexit only happened because the youth vote was lazy and could not be bothered to show up. If there had been 100% voter turnout then the pro-brexit side would have been raped. If the remainers get their wish and there is a second vote then brexit will die. Simple as that.

Populism is getting completely raped and these dumb cunts think they are winning somehow and that the left is losing the culture war. LMAO. They should just swallow the black pill and accept that the west is both brainwashed beyond repair and completely fucked.
This “culture war” will either end as a (((feminist communist dictatorship))) or Sharia law. I hope for the latter.
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I'm glad someone finally says it. And contemporary conservatives aren't really conservative. The conservatives of today were liberals 15 years ago. It's now a conservative opinion to believe in genders, or not to hate white males. The conservatives of 2030 will probably be like the SJWs of today. It's over for traditionalism.
I'm glad someone finally says it. And contemporary conservatives aren't really conservative. The conservatives of today were liberals 15 years ago. It's now a conservative opinion to believe in genders, or not to hate white males. The conservatives of 2030 will probably be like the SJWs of today. It's over for traditionalism.

Well it's not really over for traditionalism, since the muslims are ultra conservative to the core and will probably destroy progressivism and feminism if the right-wing doesn't prove able to do so. Honestly I think islam destroying the west is a blessing in disguise. I would rather see the west destroyed by foreign invaders than to have it devolve into whatever garbage the sjw feminist far-left has planned for it.

You just proved my point. "OMG SD and AfD are getting 15-18% VOTE OMG THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!!!!"

(Rolls eyes).

Even if these parties got 40+% of the vote it would still not be enough. The other parties would just ignore them and work together against them. And that's assuming that after a while the elites of the west won't just outright ban these parties so that they won't have to compete with them at all, which they very well might actually do since there are already some calls for this from left-leaning politicians to make it illegal to be against open borders. Yes, ILLEGAL. They want to make being against immigration a HATE CRIME. Let that sink in. If they are able to do this (and why would they not?) all they will have to do is charge populist parties with promoting hate for not being open-border and then they won't be able to run. This would basically kill populism by making it basically illegal. And if the natives complain, so what? All the immigrants will replace them anyway so the elites won't depend on them for votes anymore anyway.

In fact, this is actually their whole game plan: Import huge numbers of foreigners who don't care about democracy, and then slowly strip away peoples rights until they have a dictatorship. Then once robots have made the proles useless they will probably just exterminate them.

Democracy is dying a slow death, and so is populism. The current "rise" of populism in europe is nothing more than the final death scream of a dying animal. It's last hurrah before it finally gets bayoneted to death by the forces of marxism and globalism.
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The Right-Wing are fucking cucks tbh.
Democracy is dying a slow death, and so is populism. The current "rise" of populism in europe is nothing more than the final death scream of a dying animal. It's last hurrah before it finally gets bayoneted to death by the forces of marxism and globalism.
The left is the one making its final screams. They're trying to take control of the internet in a desperate attempt to stop the spread of right wing ideas. They've seen the writing on the wall, and now there resorting to illegal practices to stop it. Europe's realized they made a mistake during WWII.
I certainly know it’s over for the right. This generation is almost entirely enslaved by leftist lies, social shaming, and propaganda
The left is the one making its final screams. They're trying to take control of the internet in a desperate attempt to stop the spread of right wing ideas. They've seen the writing on the wall, and now there resorting to illegal practices to stop it. Europe's realized they made a mistake during WWII.

What makes you think it won't work? Suppression WORKS. If they can take over the internet and then ban those parties that are rising against them what makes you think it won't work?

The ONLY slight chance things might go wrong is if the EU increases it's power grabs fast enough and creates enough bullshit economy destroying laws that more member states just leave causing it to implode. And even if this happens local governments will just go communist or Islamic after a while anyway if they haven't already. Sweden did not need the EU to get cucked.
Islamic theocracy looks to be the best probable scenario. The leftists are going to reap what they've sown by letting hordes of Islamists into the West
Wpid wp 1398573479663
What makes you think it won't work? Suppression WORKS.
The amount of backlash they have gotten from it makes me think it wont work.
Islamic theocracy looks to be the best probable scenario. The leftists are going to reap what they've sown by letting hordes of Islamists into the West
.View attachment 49295
I wouldn't mind sharia law if it was done by white people and not Islamises.
Its fine anyways. I want western countries to fucking burn for their liberalism.
I'm glad someone finally says it. And contemporary conservatives aren't really conservative. The conservatives of today were liberals 15 years ago. It's now a conservative opinion to believe in genders, or not to hate white males. The conservatives of 2030 will probably be like the SJWs of today. It's over for traditionalism.
Daily reminder that trump, with virtually identical political beliefs, was a registeted democrat 20 years ago and widely referred to as a liberal.

Its fucking over.
The amount of backlash they have gotten from it makes me think it wont work.

What backslash? The only people complaining are white conservative males. Literally everybody else doesn't give a shit. And polls show that even among the youth it's only white males who are being angered by this. Nobody else cares. In the UK even the white youth doesn't appear to give a shit and is overwhelmingly left.

Sjws are winning the culture war. Granted that in Europe the victory won't be permanent since Islam will take over after a while anyway.

Its fine anyways. I want western countries to fucking burn for their liberalism.

This. I have lost my simpathy for westerners. A bunch of worthless degenerates. The future doesn't belong to them, and it's going to feel good watching them scream in horror once they FINALLY realize what they have done, and that there is nothing they can do about it.
Hitler admires Islam

:feelzez: He will get what he always wanted, just not the way he expected
Third Position here. What's this right wing you speak of?
legit. society is beyond fucked, hope it burns.
The right wing consistently cedes ground but Kavanaugh is getting confirmed and that is a huge win for the right. Now the GOP has the majority on the top court in the country, theyre even talking about possibly over turning roe v wade. only a matter of time before that old kike ginsburg drops dead too, and hopefully before Trump's term is up.
The problem with the right wing is it's been infected by liberal proxies for some time now. The conservative has been hand in hand with the neo-liberal. The neo-liberal talks conservative enough to link hands together. The conservative brings the neo-liberal into the camp of the right completely unawares that he has now linked the left wing into his camp. Some people have been in the business of leading their opposition for some time now. A few generations of having the leaven of Neo-Liberal doctrine in the right has radically changed even the fundamentals.

What is a neo-liberal though?

Shapiro is an example. Most people think he is a strong right winged persona. He really is a liberal at heart, and it shows in his doctrine. He engages in double speak. ( I don't support transsexuals BUT what people chose to do in their time is their business ) This shows his power level, and is a wink at the transsexual movement. ;) This is known as the doctrine of Do as thou wilt.

You either think people should be transsexual, or you think they shouldn't. You either are okay with it, or you hate it.

These pansy Neo-liberal conservatives. Who dare speak of traditional family values, and gender roles, but make room for allowance of Sodomite Queers, and Transsexuals are the downfall of the right. This would be unheard of even decades ago. Whenever you here the phrase "But what people choose to do" That is a wink of their Neo-Liberal power level.

What happened to America? Even a few generations ago a woman could be arrested for wearing pants. That was cross dressing. Now women are wearing the pants literally, and figuratively. The Sodomites were so far into the closet they didn't dare challenge us. Now they are leading the right. (Milo)

The right has been infected by left-wing socialist / communist plants for a long time now.
Well, it depends who you listen to. Most political commentators I listen to (who are all right-wing) fully accept that it's an uphill battle but it's still worth fighting for.

Why would you watch commentators that you don't agree with?
The problem with the right wing is it's been infected by liberal proxies for some time now. The conservative has been hand in hand with the neo-liberal. The neo-liberal talks conservative enough to link hands together. The conservative brings the neo-liberal into the camp of the right completely unawares that he has now linked the left wing into his camp. Some people have been in the business of leading their opposition for some time now. A few generations of having the leaven of Neo-Liberal doctrine in the right has radically changed even the fundamentals.

What is a neo-liberal though?

Shapiro is an example. Most people think he is a strong right winged persona. He really is a liberal at heart, and it shows in his doctrine. He engages in double speak. ( I don't support transsexuals BUT what people chose to do in their time is their business ) This shows his power level, and is a wink at the transsexual movement. ;) This is known as the doctrine of Do as thou wilt.

You either think people should be transsexual, or you think they shouldn't. You either are okay with it, or you hate it.

These pansy Neo-liberal conservatives. Who dare speak of traditional family values, and gender roles, but make room for allowance of Sodomite Queers, and Transsexuals are the downfall of the right. This would be unheard of even decades ago. Whenever you here the phrase "But what people choose to do" That is a wink of their Neo-Liberal power level.

What happened to America? Even a few generations ago a woman could be arrested for wearing pants. That was cross dressing. Now women are wearing the pants literally, and figuratively. The Sodomites were so far into the closet they didn't dare challenge us. Now they are leading the right. (Milo)

The right has been infected by left-wing socialist / communist plants for a long time now.
Any hope for an actual right wing movement died with George Lincoln Rockwell. You get to choose from neocon zionists or marxist communists. The whole game is a sham
I watch certain things for research purposes. It's really hard to ignore the polarized debate today.

I think generally speaking we've lost most of the millennial generation. A lot of them support socialism, faggotry, globalism, mass immigration, and are more concerned with enforcing a socialist empire that will put the heel upon whites, Christians, and Capitalists who believe in free market.

The Conservative Zionist Neocons care more about Israel than the USA. True. But the whole system is not a Communist conspiracy. Even Communist hate the USA in it's current state. The USA even fought Communism in a cold war, ultimately causing the collapse of the Soviet Union.

However we do have a big Jew, Zionist, and Communist problem on our hands. As the left is totally un-hinged, and wants socialism. Which is the primer for communism. The right as fucked up as they are.. They are not on board with throwing Capitalism out the window for a Socialist state.
The reasons conservatives are losing and will lose:

- Women benefit from liberalism (free tax dollars for single moms, abortion clinics, endless Chad Cock Carousels, etc.).
- Women are an unstoppable force because men will do anything to make them happy.
- Automation and computerization of the workforce are pushing more and more men out of jobs.
- Universal basic income is basically an inevitability at this point - the only question is when it kicks in (ie. when, not if).

You simply can't fight these points. Conservatives can only delay things by a few years here or there. "Progress" is unstoppable.
The reasons conservatives are losing and will lose:

- Women benefit from liberalism (free tax dollars for single moms, abortion clinics, endless Chad Cock Carousels, etc.).
- Women are an unstoppable force because men will do anything to make them happy.
- Automation and computerization of the workforce are pushing more and more men out of jobs.
- Universal basic income is basically an inevitability at this point - the only question is when it kicks in (ie. when, not if).

You simply can't fight these points. Conservatives can only delay things by a few years here or there. "Progress" is unstoppable.

Can you elaborate on "Universal basic income is basically an inevitability at this point" ?

I'm not aware of what this is, and need some help understanding it.

Edit: Ah I see now. It's some socialized program for a collectivism, of free money. A bit of the opposite of what Conservatives want.
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Can you elaborate on "Universal basic income is basically an inevitability at this point" ?

I'm not aware of what this is, and need some help understanding it.

The number of well paying jobs are rapidly dropping in the West as as automation, computerization, and outsourcing are replacing entire fields of jobs.

As a simple example, consider taxi and truck drivers. What happens when driverless cars become a common reality? All those jobs will disappear. All the money that currently is spread out among all those taxi and truck drivers will instead go to just a handful of people. ie. Primarily the small teams of engineers developing and organizing these driverless vehicles. So the money that used to be spread over thousands of workers will be consolidated to just a small few hundred "higher ups".

This has already happened with many factory jobs. Previously, many things were made by thousands of workers in assembly lines in factories. Now, those factories run themselves, and those workers are obsolete. The money goes to the few people running the company and building/designing the assembly line. All the people who would have otherwise had jobs from working those lines are out of work.

In the past, when industrialization progressed, it would create new work. Ie. When the assembly lines became obsolete, people would move to making the machines that went into creating the assembly lines. Or into tech sectors. etc. But this is no longer the case. The jobs that are being made obsolete are not being replaced. They are simply being automatized and there is no need for new work as society starts to run itself.

More and more jobs will be replaced. Phone reps are replaced by "Press 1 for ___" voice systems that are becoming more advanced and now commonly respond to voice command. Waiters are replaced in sushi joints by iPads where you order and pay automatically, and only the busboy is still necessary to carry the food to you. Hookers are already complaining about sex dolls and how they will be replaced as they become more advanced.

Most jobs will become replaced over time. The last high end jobs will likely be in fields like computer programming, engineering, health care, and law. The trades will survive as well, like plumbing, construction, electricians, and general contracting. Everywhere else will continue to see jobs and incomes dropping. There is only so much plumbing a society needs. Not everyone can become a plumber.

So what happens when the jobless rate hits ~20%? When people want work but there simply isn't enough work to go around? When the top 1% has become so incredibly rich because they are the ones running the automated taxi fleets, automated factories, and automated service industries?

It is inevitable that basic universal income will need to be instituted and those that can't get jobs will be paid some basic amount of money just for existing. It will act as a redistribution from the top 1% to the bottom 20%. That redistribution used to happen naturally through employment jobs. But once those jobs are gone, it will have to happen through government orchestration.

Honestly, it makes me a little sick to realize or say that this will be the case. But it is completely unavoidable. The only question is "when", not if.
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Quite simply, the number of high paying jobs are rapidly dropping as automation, computerization, and outsourcing replace many jobs in the west.

As a simple example, consider taxi and truck drivers. What happens when driverless cars become a common reality? All those jobs will disappear. All the money that currently is spread out among all those taxi and truck drivers will instead go to just a handful of people. ie. Primarily the small teams of engineers developing and organizing these driverless vehicles. So the money that used to be spread over thousands of workers gets consolidated to just a small few hundred "higher ups".

This has already happened with factories. Previously, many things were made by thousands of workers in assembly lines in factories. Now, those factories run themselves, and those workers are obsolete. The money goes to the few people running the company and building the assembly line, and all the people who would have otherwise had jobs from working those lines are out of work.

In the past, when industrialization progressed, it would create new work. Ie. When the assembly lines became obsolete, people would move to making the machines that went into creating the assembly lines. Or into tech sectors. etc. But this is no longer the case. The jobs that are being made obsolete are not being replaced. They are simply being automatized and there is no need for new work.

The inevitable outcome is that more and more jobs will be replaced. Phone reps are replaced by "Press 1 for ___" voice systems that are becoming more advanced and now commonly respond to voice command. Waiters are replaced in sushi joints by iPads where you order and pay automatically, and only the busboy is still necessary to carry the food to you. Hookers are already complaining about sex dolls and how they will be replaced as they become more advanced.

It is inevitable that most jobs will become replaced over time. The last high end jobs will be in fields like computer programming, engineering, health care, and law. The trades will survive as well, like plumbing, construction, electricians, and general contracting. Everywhere else will continue to see jobs and incomes dropping. And there is only so much plumbing a society needs. Not everyone can become a plumber.

So what happens when the jobless rate hits ~20%? When people want work but there simply isn't enough work to go around? When the top 1% has become so incredibly rich because they are the ones running the automated taxi fleets, automated factories, and automated service industries?

It is inevitable that basic universal income will need to be instituted and those that can't get jobs will simply be paid some basic amount of money just for existing. It will be a redistribution from the top 1% to the bottom 20%. That redistribution used to happen naturally through basic employment jobs. But once those jobs are gone, it will have to happen through government orchestration.

Honestly, it makes me a little sick to realize or say that this will be the case. But it is completely unavoidable. Again the only question is "when", not if.

Thanks for the in depth explanation. Now I see what you're saying. I thought my grandpa was crazy when he told me the robots, are coming for the jobs lol. Now I know it's real. -Gulp!
You mean the cuckservatives? I strongly dislike 'em too.
The problem with the right wing is it's been infected by liberal proxies for some time now. The conservative has been hand in hand with the neo-liberal. The neo-liberal talks conservative enough to link hands together. The conservative brings the neo-liberal into the camp of the right completely unawares that he has now linked the left wing into his camp. Some people have been in the business of leading their opposition for some time now. A few generations of having the leaven of Neo-Liberal doctrine in the right has radically changed even the fundamentals.

What is a neo-liberal though?

Shapiro is an example. Most people think he is a strong right winged persona. He really is a liberal at heart, and it shows in his doctrine. He engages in double speak. ( I don't support transsexuals BUT what people chose to do in their time is their business ) This shows his power level, and is a wink at the transsexual movement. ;) This is known as the doctrine of Do as thou wilt.

You either think people should be transsexual, or you think they shouldn't. You either are okay with it, or you hate it.

These pansy Neo-liberal conservatives. Who dare speak of traditional family values, and gender roles, but make room for allowance of Sodomite Queers, and Transsexuals are the downfall of the right. This would be unheard of even decades ago. Whenever you here the phrase "But what people choose to do" That is a wink of their Neo-Liberal power level.

What happened to America? Even a few generations ago a woman could be arrested for wearing pants. That was cross dressing. Now women are wearing the pants literally, and figuratively. The Sodomites were so far into the closet they didn't dare challenge us. Now they are leading the right. (Milo)

The right has been infected by left-wing socialist / communist plants for a long time now.

I'm a Social Monarchist myself. Kind of an oddball
I'm a Social Monarchist myself. Kind of an oddball

I hear ya on that one. People do find it odd that I like Monarchy, and Theocracy. I just like the idea of a King. I like the idea of having a doctrine that does not change on a whims notice because some politician gets elected once in four years.
This “culture war” will either end as a (((feminist communist dictatorship))) or Sharia law. I hope for the latter.
Anarchy will ensue fairly shortly
It doesn't help they plague the school system with leftist propaganda, I notice that a lot at school.
So what happens when the jobless rate hits ~20%? When people want work but there simply isn't enough work to go around? When the top 1% has become so incredibly rich because they are the ones running the automated taxi fleets, automated factories, and automated service industries?

It is inevitable that basic universal income will need to be instituted and those that can't get jobs will be paid some basic amount of money just for existing.


Let me ask you this: Why do you think it is that even though automation is making humans more and more useless to the economy, that the elites still go out of their way to flood the west with third world labor while telling us that it's needed because there isn't enough labor to go around (which is 100% bullshit because of automation killing jobs)? Why would they do something that is so blatantly not needed?

The reason is because they aren't trying to import labor. They are importing voters. Why do they want those voters? Because western voters value democracy, and third world voters don't. The elite knows that once automation makes most of the population useless it will lead to the social problems you mentioned, and that it will result in massive demand for reforms. The elites don't want this, because they don't want to lose their power and wealth.

And thus, they have decided to replace pro-democracy westerners with anti-democracy third worlders so that in time they can simply get rid of the democracy altogether. That way, once they no longer want to pay for basic income or whatever welfare programs exist at that time and they have the means to exist without the problems, they will simply because to use their dictatorial powers to exterminate them with no ill effect to themselves. This is the REAL reason the elites want to replace westerners. The elite understand the future implications of automation, and they are taking steps to insure their own future existence in advance by replacing westerners...

This is the final end game of the globalist elite. Just outright kill everybody else, and then reign over a robotic utopia that only they control. It's what they have always wanted: Full control over the means of production without having to share anything with the proles at all. The era of the common man, will soon come to an end.

OP is a jew

lol ok.
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Why would I as an incel care about right winged and left winged fucks, fuck them all.
The reason is because they aren't trying to import labor. They are importing voters. Why do they want those voters? Because western voters value democracy, and third world voters don't.

High IQ observation, this literally happened in the UK. The labour party around 2003-2006 opened up the UKs borders to allow any EU citizen to be able to move there and work. They told UK citizens it would only be 10 or 20 thousand people a year, in reality it ended up being 300,000. At first labour said it was an honest mistake, but they have since then basically admitted they did it on purpose because they knew foreign migrants are far more likely to vote for labour and a welfare state than vote along English conservative lines.

Its the same in America, Democrats want to flood the country with Mexicans, Africans, anyone they can get, and why? Look at the voting demographics. Hispanics and blacks vote something like 90-100% Democrat.
I hear ya on that one. People do find it odd that I like Monarchy, and Theocracy. I just like the idea of a King. I like the idea of having a doctrine that does not change on a whims notice because some politician gets elected once in four years.

Social Monarchy is similar to Sorelianism and Juche, sort of.

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