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Based Riddle me this Godcels



wyattu cokku onry
Nov 17, 2017
If your god is real, why did he curse you and reward your tormentors? If god is good, why are we here? Was it a sin from a previous life or is it to test our faith?
I only follow the blackpill.
religion is a giant cope
because he's not real and invented by sand/caveniggers
religion is a giant cope
I was surprised to hear that some forum members are religious. I am utterly puzzled by the level of mental gymnastics one must perform to reconcile religion with blackpill because religion (any religion) by default justifies any suffering you experience in life as either a test or a divine punishment and Abrahamic religions in particular tell you that you should accept the suffering in your life because you will be rewarded in an afterlife.
ER is the only thing I worship
Still 0 Godcels in this thread have come to defend their delusion. Religion is a shit cope. It is like packing your pipe with dry dog turds because you ran out of tobacco.
I was surprised to hear that some forum members are religious. I am utterly puzzled by the level of mental gymnastics one must perform to reconcile religion with blackpill because religion (any religion) by default justifies any suffering you experience in life as either a test or a divine punishment and Abrahamic religions in particular tell you that you should accept the suffering in your life because you will be rewarded in an afterlife.
Ikr, I'm even talking to a dude who commits hubris, a sin, and his retort was "hurr durr we Christians don't believe we're free of sin", like, dude, that's not the point, the point is that you are religious but your subconscious betrays you as a sinner.
There's some really low IQ people here, and they tend to be religious.
If he's real they'd all go to hell anyway because nobody follows their religion properly these days.
god is nature , and it is a evil bitch
Religion is not about facts and the evidence, its a belief. You cannot prove or disprove religion any more than you can prove or disprove any abstract idea. Its a belief, when you try and show that there is no evidence for it you are wasting your time. People dont accept religion like they accept that a flu vaccine will make you immune to the flu based on studies, experiment, and peer reviewed analyses, they just believe it.
If he's real they'd all go to hell anyway because nobody follows their religion properly these days.
2000 years ago Jews realized this after fucking up over and over by sleeping with their daughters and worshipping Moloch so they killed Jesus and the New Testament was born. Now you can sin as much as you want and still go to heaven as long as you believe in Jesus. What beautiful morality we have gained from our judeo-christian heritage.
Not super religious but doesn't Christianity say the world is shit?
And that's the reason why we need a savior?
Not super religious but doesn't Christianity say the world is shit?
And that's the reason why we need a savior?
You're not the one who needs a savior, it is Chad and Stacy whose souls are in danger due to sinning too much on Tinder and at parties who need to be saved. So Jesus died on the cross for them to be able to fuck like rabbits and bully you and still go to heaven. Christianity is the most cucked religion.
You're not the one who needs a savior, it is Chad and Stacy whose souls are in danger due to sinning too much on Tinder and at parties who need to be saved. So Jesus died on the cross for them to be able to fuck like rabbits and bully you and still go to heaven. Christianity is the most cucked religion.
People who sin relentlessly don't get accepted, I think
Not that it matters anyway because hell is a fake cope to keep you believing that the world is just and bad people will be punished someday so that you don't riot. Even the Pope is having pedo sex parties on Epstein's plane while you rot in your apartment.
Deist perspective: Because he made the world and fucked off. He might be benevolent and nice or he might not, he’s just hands off as a general rule.

Theist perspective: Because this world is supposed to fucking suck. People are supposed to suffer because a life of endless pleasure does not produce worthwhile and meaningful people. Look at all the shitty hedge find gremlins running around who have been raised in the lap of l

Gnostic perspective: D E M I U R G E

To be clear, I’m not really supportive of hierarchical religion. But there’s nothing insane about believing in some form of a higher power.

They can sin as much as they want as long ad they repent on their deathbed. Jfl
at least in catholic dogma one has to meaningfully repent. You can’t just say “sorry teehee” and be fully absolved. You have to really deeply regret your choices and desperately want to make amends for them. Proper confession requires genuine intention.
Not super religious but doesn't Christianity say the world is shit?
And that's the reason why we need a savior?

They say the world is burdenen by sin; it will collapse and selected humans will get new genderless bodies in the heavens, preferably the 7th heaven where god has his throne according to the bible and quran. You can check where the 7th heaven is in the geocentric model; it doesnt exist in the heliocentric one.
2000 years ago Jews realized this after fucking up over and over by sleeping with their daughters and worshipping Moloch so they killed Jesus and the New Testament was born. Now you can sin as much as you want and still go to heaven as long as you believe in Jesus. What beautiful morality we have gained from our judeo-christian heritage.
That's what religion is to people these days, if there's something they don't like they just ignore it, and still wear the label because they think that's all they need to get into heaven.
You're mistaking this realm with heaven.
Religion is not about facts and the evidence, its a belief. You cannot prove or disprove religion any more than you can prove or disprove any abstract idea. Its a belief, when you try and show that there is no evidence for it you are wasting your time. People dont accept religion like they accept that a flu vaccine will make you immune to the flu based on studies, experiment, and peer reviewed analyses, they just believe it.
I believe God is testing us by giving us desires that can never be met. He wants to see if we will go ER or not.
I am not sure why this thread was made.Various books and videos have been made on the problem of evil such as this one on the question of injustice god is not hindered in terms of power,intelligence etc for he is infinitely perfect so to assume that god would let injustice happen is pure nonsense.God allows evil actions to be done but he does not let them go unscathed.Of course for you to accept what i just said is almost impossible for you imagine gods existence to be nothing more then a nice fantasy spread around from delusionals to other delusionals.Despite christianity having been defended by millions of philosophers,scientists,historians and other learned man on the basis of reason(my sig is nice introduction to apologetics),modern man seems to think that christianity is void of intellectuals when it cannot be further from the truth.

In catholic christianity we consider it heresy to assume that this life is not the first life that we have been given,but you might be interested in the concept of original sin and how that carries over to current man.
That's a cope

at least in catholic dogma one has to meaningfully repent. You can’t just say “sorry teehee” and be fully absolved. You have to really deeply regret your choices and desperately want to make amends for them. Proper confession requires genuine intention.

It doesn't even matter because the whole concept of an afterlife is a fake carrot on a stick that's meant to stop you from setting fire to credit card companies in Minecraft. But for the sake of argument: a delusional christcuck Chad might truly regret the bad things he did in his life on his deathbed and he'll go to heaven in your system. It won't matter that you'll be dead for 20 years by that time because you suffered a stroke due to decades of cumulative stress you've endured since your adolescence. What's done is done.

Cuckianity: we were put on this Earth to suffer and atone for the original sin. The virtuous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished. The meek will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Reality: the cruelest people with the ugliest souls are rewarded again and again while the weak are trampled on. Those who are most worthy of punishment are also the best at evading it. Your primitive monkey brain is actually hard wired to take pleasure in putting others down, ensuring that you couldn't live a virtuous life even if you wanted to. Ultimately none of our decisions even matter because your quality of life is determined the instant you're born with an ugly face.

God: "Nothing personal, kid."
God allows evil actions to be done but he does not let them go unscathed.
Of course. It just so happens that the bad people that bullied you will get punished in an afterlife whose existence you can't confirm until you die yourself.
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There's still unanswered questions like what is dark energy? The jewish kabbalah seems to say that creation began at a point, and some jew 800 years age guessed the universe was 15 billion years old. Probably just a lucky guess, but still interesting.
God doesn't exist. Only high IQ people who use deities to scare normies to gain power and shekels
If your god is real, why did he curse you and reward your tormentors? If god is good, why are we here? Was it a sin from a previous life or is it to test our faith?

You're asking, as one infinitesimally small and finite conscious entity, to imagine what it would it would be like to peer into the mind of an infinite, omniscient and omnipotent God. You're asking questions whose answers are fundamentally unknowable.

Whatever calculus is operating on the divine level is literally unfathomable. We don't have the hardware to process the answers, even if we got them.

This is an emotionally charged topic for nearly every person, so odds are very high that anybody entering this discussion will bring all of their emotional baggage with them to take up most of the conversational space. I've been down this road many times and everytime, without fail, it devolves into a shitshow.
You're asking, as one infinitesimally small and finite conscious entity, to imagine what it would it would be like to peer into the mind of an infinite, omniscient and omnipotent God. You're asking questions whose answers are fundamentally unknowable.

Whatever calculus is operating on the divine level is literally unfathomable. We don't have the hardware to process the answers, even if we got them.

This is an emotionally charged topic for nearly every person, so odds are very high that anybody entering this discussion will bring all of their emotional baggage with them to take up most of the conversational space. I've been down this road many times and everytime, without fail, it devolves into a shitshow.
We know enough to label him as a jerk.
He told some dude to kill his own son and then he retracted that.
He made a dude suffer lots of tribulations just so he could gotcha the devil.
He murked a guy for refusing to take his brother's widow as his wife.

A fuckup.
He flooded the world to get rid of wicked humans and Nephilim. Theologists agree that Nephilim are still around today.

A moron.
He described bats as birds in the OT when he was making a list of unclean animals.

So how can he be a jerk, a fuckup and a moron and still be called omnibenevolent, omnipotennt and omniscient?

Answer: he can't, because he doesn't exist.
We know enough to label him as a jerk.
He told some dude to kill his own son and then he retracted that.
He made a dude suffer lots of tribulations just so he could gotcha the devil.
He murked a guy for refusing to take his brother's widow as his wife.

A fuckup.
He flooded the world to get rid of wicked humans and Nephilim. Theologists agree that Nephilim are still around today.

A moron.
He described bats as birds in the OT when he was making a list of unclean animals.

So how can he be a jerk, a fuckup and a moron and still be called omnibenevolent, omnipotennt and omniscient?

Answer: he can't, because he doesn't exist.

We don't have access to all of the variables and data to form a complete picture of the mind of God. And like I said, even if we did, we don't have the hardware to process it all.

We have what amounts to a local quark's perspective of what celestial bodies are doing billions of light years away. These questions and concerns always interpolate human flaws and superimpose them onto the divine and its properties. They anthropomorphize something that is conceptually alien and unknowable on an intimate, human level.

I'm not interested in interpretations of the divine through theological texts. So when you make claims about the "Abrahamic God" being "x and y" they're personalized and custom-tailored qualms you may or may not have, hence why I initially said that this subject is polluted by people's emotional baggage.

I only care about the philosophical, not why God did this in this religion and did that in the other religion.
We don't have access to all of the variables and data to form a complete picture of the mind of God. And like I said, even if we did, we don't have the hardware to process it all.

We have what amounts to a local quark's perspective of what celestial bodies are doing billions of light years away. These questions and concerns always interpolate human flaws and superimpose them onto the divine and its properties. They anthropomorphize something that is conceptually alien and unknowable on an intimate, human level.

I'm not interested in interpretations of the divine through theological texts. So when you make claims about the "Abrahamic God" being "x and y" they're personalized and custom-tailored qualms you may or may not have, hence why I initially said that this subject is polluted by people's emotional baggage.

I only care about the philosophical, not why God did this in this religion and did that in the other religion.
So you're a deist. I can respect that. Thomas Jefferson was a deist, too.
We inherited the sin from our seed, which is Adam. Is not exactly that we're being punished by something our ancestor did, but rather that what he did perverted our very natured. We are evil because of it.
So you're a deist. I can respect that. Thomas Jefferson was a deist, too.

Deist/theist are just labels we use to compartmentalize others to make it easier for us to understand them. I don't think the distinction is really all that important, or even necesssary. A theist is perfectly capable of divorcing their theology from their God in order to try and analyze God, and, likewise, a deist is more than capable of adopting a particular theological perspective for the same reason. The personal-impersonal dichotomy, I think, is unnecessary with respect to the subject of God. An all knowing and all powerful God can be both.

Take the parable of Moses, for example. God spoke to him through a burning bush. Why was it a burning bush? I don't know, but if I were to speculate, it may have had something to do with the fact that Moses was in a desert, and perhaps mechanistically this was a simple way to reach the human senses given the circumstances. Why didn't God wait later to communicate via a different method? Again, I don't know, but if i were to guess, perhaps whatever message that needed to be passed was timely. God has access to all of variables, so for some reason known only to God, it probably made sense at the time to communicate that way at that moment. Why didn't God have some kind of 24/7 Bluetooth connection with Moses and give him live updates? Perhaps such a thing wasn't necessary. It's hard to be certain, but we can speculate all sorts of things.

Here is a case where an impersonal God makes a personal relationship with an agent. It's possible that God is only personal with his agents (prophets), which might explain why all current, modern day communication seems to be one-way.

All of this is flavoring and sprinkling to help us give context and infer the motives of such a mind (the prime consciousness) and to help understand the properties of such a being. Whatever we do, though, we have to try and be aware of the logical disparity between a finite created thing (us) and the infinite creator of that thing when making any effort to understand said creator. It's like asking a video game character to try and understand the mind of the programmer about why certain game events take place and certain characters are "NPCs."
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Deist/theist are just labels we use to compartmentalize others to make it easier for us to understand them. I don't think the distinction is really all that important, or even necesssary. A theist is perfectly capable of divorcing their theology from their God in order to try and analyze God, and, likewise, a deist is more than capable of adopting a particular theological perspective for the same reason. The personal-impersonal dichotomy, I think, is unnecessary with respect to the subject of God. An all knowing and all powerful God can be both.

Take the parable of Moses, for example. God spoke to him through a burning bush. Why was it a burning bush? I don't know, but if I were to speculate, it may have had something to do with the fact that Moses was in a desert, and perhaps mechanistically this was a simple way to reach the human senses given the circumstances. Why didn't God wait later to communicate via a different method? Again, I don't know, but if i were to guess, perhaps whatever message that needed to be passed was timely. God has access to all of variables, so for some reason known only to God, it probably made sense at the time to communicate that way at that moment. Why didn't God have some kind of 24/7 Bluetooth connection with Moses and give him live updates? Perhaps such a thing wasn't necessary. It's hard to be certain, but we can speculate all sorts of things.

Here is a case where an impersonal God makes a personal relationship with an agent. It's possible that God is only personal with his agents (prophets), which might explain why all current, modern day communication seems to be one-way.

All of this is flavoring and sprinkling to help us give context and infer the motives of such a mind (the prime consciousness) and to help understand the properties of such a being. Whatever we do, though, we have to try and be aware of the logicalndisparity between a finite created thing (us) and the infinite creator of that thing when making any effort to understand said creator. It's like asking a video game character to try and understand the mind of the programmer about why certain game events take place and certain characters "NPCs."
Cool, but I think I'll wait for the film to be released.
Cool, but I think I'll wait for the film to be released.

I don't think that's necessary, tbh. The idea of God is now universal across cultures and nations, worldwide. We also have access to information like never before in our history, so we can inform ourselves and come to a conclusion on our own.

It simply now is a matter of self-reflection, personal reasoning, and ultimately choice with respect to coming to the conclusions of, "yes, I believe in God (or a god), and here's why," or, "no, I don't believe in God (or any god), and here's why."
It doesn't even matter because the whole concept of an afterlife is a fake carrot on a stick that's meant to stop you from setting fire to credit card companies in Minecraft. But for the sake of argument: a delusional christcuck Chad might truly regret the bad things he did in his life on his deathbed and he'll go to heaven in your system. It won't matter that you'll be dead for 20 years by that time because you suffered a stroke due to decades of cumulative stress you've endured since your adolescence. What's done is done.

Cuckianity: we were put on this Earth to suffer and atone for the original sin. The virtuous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished. The meek will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Reality: the cruelest people with the ugliest souls are rewarded again and again while the weak are trampled on. Those who are most worthy of punishment are also the best at evading it. Your primitive monkey brain is actually hard wired to take pleasure in putting others down, ensuring that you couldn't live a virtuous life even if you wanted to. Ultimately none of our decisions even matter because your quality of life is determined the instant you're born with an ugly face.

God: "Nothing personal, kid."

Of course. It just so happens that the bad people that bullied you will get punished in an afterlife whose existence you can't confirm until you die yourself.
You know, you're probably the most angriest atheist I've ever met...

Byt being angry isn't an argument for anything
Have u heard the story of Job
God is incompatible with the blackpill.

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