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Brutal Ricecel spent $360,000 dollars to have three kids via surrogacy, 2 daughters and 1 son, after years and years of rejection. What no pussy does to a MF

This is our only way to pass on our genes.
fucking brutal.
Why would you want to pass your inferior genes? To cause more suffering and inceldom?
Never said I wanted to. I'm saying it's the only way we can have kids.
He should be punished for knowingly having a rice boy when he’s been suffering from being rice his whole life. This comrade in suffering is a traitor.
Kinda based. He wanted something and instead of betabuxxing, he went ahead and got the kids himself. He seems like a good dad too. Hopefully those kids can cope well
Why would you want to pass your inferior genes? To cause more suffering and inceldom?
I will never allow myself to reproduce even if I got the chance to
Kinda based. He wanted something and instead of betabuxxing, he went ahead and got the kids himself. He seems like a good dad too. Hopefully those kids can cope well

Cope with what? He’s got 2 daughters and is clearly rich, his son tho….
So how many of his kids have white genes?
2 daughters? this ricechad will be a father of 5 in 15 years :ahegao:
The kids are going to grow up confused
Based. I can imagine alot of single mothers will be seething when they read this headline.
Why would you want to pass your inferior genes? To cause more suffering and inceldom?
he paid a lot for quality surrogates. I wouldn't be surprised if he lurked here around 2018
Based. I can imagine alot of single mothers will be seething when they read this headline.
lots of people angry that there's no mom around for a nuclear 2 parent household.

Yet they are fine with a strong independent single mom

but really what kind of self-respecting female would touch a balding gook. He would never be able to breed if he didn't do this.
Why would you want to pass your inferior genes? To cause more suffering and inceldom?
Agreed. Even if I magically got a gf I’d never have kids. I’d hate for anyone else to suffer socially and with the physical health issues I did
lots of people angry that there's no mom around for a nuclear 2 parent household.

Yet they are fine with a strong independent single mom

but really what kind of self-respecting female would touch a balding gook. He would never be able to breed if he didn't do this.
Delusional idiots thinking any woman would want him. Most kids probably wouldn't want a short bald virgin asian guy to become their adoptive father either.
Fuck that.
Mogs you


Honestly I'd do this if gene editing became possible. I'd keep 99% of my own genes for the sperm but edit the height and have good children.
All that just to raise an incel and two cumdumps for white men.

Mogs you


Honestly I'd do this if gene editing became possible. I'd keep 99% of my own genes for the sperm but edit the height and have good children.
Kek let me guess the egg donors: left two slavwhore right one pajeeta.
Kek let me guess the egg donors: left two slavwhore right one pajeeta.
It doesn't say but India doesn't have commercial surrogacy, so quite likely right one is SEA monkey. Left two are hard to tell, but slavwhore likely.
I had a look and actually it's not that easy to pay to reproduce with a third world woman, which is probs why it cost this ricecel 360k - he reproduced with American women for mega $$$ it seems:

^ Very few countries allow surrogacy and the ones that do it's only for citizens OR for foreign couples (so the woman is not genetically related to the baby). Seems if you want to pass on your genes for a few dollars your best options are Laos and Kenya lmfaooooo
I had a look and actually it's not that easy to pay to reproduce with a third world woman, which is probs why it cost this ricecel 360k - he reproduced with American women for mega $$$ it seems:

^ Very few countries allow surrogacy and the ones that do it's only for citizens OR for foreign couples (so the woman is not genetically related to the baby). Seems if you want to pass on your genes for a few dollars your best options are Laos and Kenya lmfaooooo
What if they just keep your baby and sell it to harvest organs? :dafuckfeels:
… more than a decade?

They just let this then-28 year old ricecel start searching for a surrogate?
What if they just keep your baby and sell it to harvest organs? :dafuckfeels:
imagine breeding whores in a harem for the sole purpose of harvesting fetuses for organs
"Where have all the good men gone?"

This man is a true Chad. He didn't let being incel stop him from breeding at above replacement level. He managed to be evolutionarily successful despite being incel. He didn't allow women and their "red flags" and "deal breakers" to be the gatekeepers of his evolutionary success.

I am 31 and finding a woman who is young enough to give me 3 kids seems like a nearly impossible task. I mean on dating apps I can't even get obese women to meet up with me. Today this really fat woman just unmatched me after I messaged her with "Hi how are you?".

But I have a good job and over $400k saved up so reproducing the way this guy did is within my power. What a world we live in.
I've thought of surrogacy, certainly better than betabuxxing
imagine breeding whores in a harem for the sole purpose of harvesting fetuses for organs

This man is a true Chad. He didn't let being incel stop him from breeding at above replacement level. He managed to be evolutionarily successful despite being incel. He didn't allow women and their "red flags" and "deal breakers" to be the gatekeepers of his evolutionary success.
True, based in a certain way.
Damn his son is already norwooding. Smart ricecel he just shouldn’t have had sons
His son is going to lurk this forum in 15 years. The daughters will get plenty of dick though, even the pajeeta.
Based. Even he looks tall but he don't have confidence in his face. Also he have money but toilets in first world countries don't need that.
The only cucked thing is he have to pay to toilets to make those kids
What a Waste of Money . But i Guess His Desire for a Family / Kids was way to Deep .
Good for him, realizing his dreams. Only regrettable part of that is how much of that money went to the surrogates, I hope they incurred heavy taxes (they probably passed it on to the guy though, since he doesn't really have any other choice). I think ideally the state would subsidize surrogacy, so that women can in part contribute to it, but for some reason the state only allows funds to be funneled from men to women, for example abortion, not the other way around.
This is actually lifefuel and seeing those pictures is motivation to work... although paying into the same system that works against us is cucked... but really it's looking more and more like it's the only chance i'll have at raising a family

@EnglishCel wonder what you think about this
'I have taken quite a few adventures around the world with the kids so far. I went to Alaska, Disneyworld, Columbia and Mexico with all three of them.

'We have also been to Paris, Seattle, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland too.'
Dude is clearly fucking loaded, but still, imagine both the expenditure AND headache of having a woman along with you on those trips :feelshaha: probably wouldn't have been able to go to half of them, also woman wouldn't have wanted to go to alaska, "like omg it's so cold there!"

Mega lifefuel he is giving those kids such a good life, at least it seems so based on this article. Look how happy and proud he looks too. Imagine if it were a single mom with dark triad bf's in and out of the house and exposing her kids to that shit.

'People will come up to me and say, "Oh is it dad's weekend to babysit" or "wow you have your hands full today," and that is honestly so offensive to any father in a relationship or not.
Lol, JFL at modern soyciety. "Childcare" is so normalized (anyone who knows a couple will know this, they endlessly talk about "but the cHiLdCaRe"), it's YOUR fucking children, it should be normal to take care of them. And yet people see it as "babysitting" and even parents (especially women) think of it this way, children are like distractions from their lives, or like something they just pop out and want to forget about, maybe take a picture of the happy moments here and there for their instagram, celebrate birthdays, all the typical "photo opportunities" (there's another word for this maybe that I am forgetting) that people see in those photobooks or home videos, like they want the records of having raised a child but not to do the actual work. Fucking insane society we live in. Thanks feminism.
this will become the norm.
mother led households will be a rarity of the past in the west.

all single father families.

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