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Based Revenge is the only thing keeping me alive



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
There was one time I was about to kill myself, but then I realised how cucked suicide is, especially if you’re an incel.

If you’re chad or a rich/high status person, well first of all you have no reason to kill yourself but let’s say you still did, hundreds of people will attend your funeral and you will be remembered by the people who knew you in life.

But as an incel, you most likely have few/no friends, no status, so only your parents would attend your funeral, and even they would do their best to forget about you after some time because the memory of you would just remind themselves of the genetic failure which they produced, a son who not only couldn’t fulfill his secondary biological purpose in life: sex/reproduction but also didn’t fulfill his primary purpose in life: survival, something which would bring them great shame every time they remember.

But the most important point I want to raise, is the fact that society actually wants incels to kill themselves. So If you kill yourself, you are giving society what it wants. You only have to go to IncelTears to see so many of them encouraging and supporting incel suicide, and that’s only a small subsection of the rest of society which wants the same thing but doesn’t say it out loud and clearly in a direct or explicit manner.

Why do you think so many incels get bullied in school? Bullies can’t kill incels directly, that would be murder, so what they do is they physically and/or mentally torture the incel until existence becomes so unbearable for him that he takes his own life. And when incels take their own life, the bullies have achieved their purpose (death of incels) without being held responsible for it or suffering any consequences.

No matter how tough life gets, I will never kill myself nor will I allow the people who made me want to kill myself, to escape any consequences. Revenge is the motivation which keeps me alive day after day.

I hate society, society is my enemy, and I will never let society (my enemy) win by giving them what they want (my premature death). This is a war which they have raged against me, a war which they started, and it’s a war which I will put to an end in a devastating fashion.

I will do my best to win in life, but if I fail I won’t fail alone, I will make sure that those who wronged me go down with me. If I’m gonna die, I have nothing to lose, and society might hate me and view me as a bad person afterwards but their opinion of me was never positive in the first place, it was always negative, I was demonised as a bad person even when I never committed any crime, so fuck what society thinks, but at least I can die peacefully knowing I got my revenge and those who brought me a life of pain and suffering have finally faced the consequences after I created my own justice in a world devoid of justice
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stay blessed, king :feelsokman:
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Although our condition can and does suck at times there’s no true reason any of us should think our lives are worth less than any normies.

Everyone on earth has problems to deal with of some sort after all. :feelshehe:

Ours are just arguably worse or more awful than most.
Well based nice little talk, btw if anyone want to killhimself here dont do it alone :feelsaww:
Great Post! You are an incel philosopher.:feelsokman:
Yes, a fellow revengecel I will fight on. And I will have my revenge on npcs in gta. Once the deed is done. Then I can rest.
This post is premium, grade A lifefuel! Dig your heels into the dirt and fight back! Suicide is cucked! LDARmaxxing is cucked! Don't go down without a fight! Make your mark in this bitch!
Based. Strike against the clown world.
There’s no point in caring that they “ won” once you’re dead. My complete inability to process suffering or anything I might have “ missed out” on would outweigh any short term satisfaction they may get.
Based. Suicide is for pussies
A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth

African provERb
indeed this is a great reason to NOT suicide, but is unfortunate that this will for revenge will end up nowhere, it is set, no change ever
I felt the urge to stand up and applaude after reading that. (Ewwwwwwww cringe) Naa; I'll tell you why.

but also didn’t fulfill his primary purpose in life: survival,

Survival is a mental endevour. It doesn't matter that I've got mental problems, at least I can keep my s*** together. Something that's taken for granted in many mentalcels who are holding up.

that would be murder, so what they do is they physically and/or mentally torture the incel until existence becomes so unbearable for him that he takes his own life.

I genuinely remember a time my beta bully said to me once. (Me, alpha and beta bully were all 16 at school) 'Don't tell alpha bully I told you this, but if I were you, I would kms' MESSED. UP.
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What's cucked is your mentality lmao, why would you care about what your parents or the people that you know of think when you eventually kill yourself. That's retarded as shit, suicide was never about other people. It's about yourself, if other people are causing you harm go murder them. But your ugliness is a matter of luck, not of man. So who's "them" that you gonna take revenge on?

Like really, i've considered suicide multiple times. And not because of childish reasons like you or other's have, and that's why your entire view of "suicide" is something as meaningless and shallow as "iTs cUcKed, jUST tAke revenge bro" There's people who are more dead than alive, and sometimes the pain is too much to take in. If you find that living has become a nightmare with no end in sight, that's when suicide becomes an option.

You say as suicide was something easy that anyone can do lmao, most people here can't even approach a woman much less actually commiting to the act of suicide. If some incel has an objetive view of his situation and believes that there's hardly anything possible to do to upgrade his life, he should be allowed to take his life with his pride intact.
What's cucked is your mentality lmao, why would you care about what your parents or the people that you know of think when you eventually kill yourself. That's retarded as shit, suicide was never about other people. It's about yourself, if other people are causing you harm go murder them. But your ugliness is a matter of luck, not of man. So who's "them" that you gonna take revenge on?

Like really, i've considered suicide multiple times. And not because of childish reasons like you or other's have, and that's why your entire view of "suicide" is something as meaningless and shallow as "iTs cUcKed, jUST tAke revenge bro" There's people who are more dead than alive, and sometimes the pain is too much to take in. If you find that living has become a nightmare with no end in sight, that's when suicide becomes an option.

You say as suicide was something easy that anyone can do lmao, most people here can't even approach a woman much less actually commiting to the act of suicide. If some incel has an objetive view of his situation and believes that there's hardly anything possible to do to upgrade his life, he should be allowed to take his life with his pride intact.
I hate society, society is my enemy, and I will never let society (my enemy) win by giving them what they want (my premature death). This is a war which they have raged against me, a war which they started, and it’s a war which I will put to an end in a devastating fashion.
Based. I came to this same conclusion but it was more personal. My mom hated my dad and many years later she dated this older high tier normie, almost Chad guy. Me and him didn't get along and cut all communication other than the awkward holiday events where I felt somewhat obligated to see my mom. He died a couple years ago and after the funeral my mom basically said she wished it was me :dafuckfeels:

At that time I had already moved out and between wage slaving and beginning to swallow blackpill I was seriously considering suicide. This reveal from my mother provided the motivation to not do so. I know she's always hated me and thus I hated her in return. The best form of revenge against her is to not give her what she wants. I won't kill myself because every breathe I take is another blow to her. She's the primordial foid which all my hatred for women stems from. Living to spite her is also a slap in the face to all other foids[UWSL] out there[/UWSL]:feelsdevil:
Giga based. As a subhuman you must live to spite and antagonise normalcucks. If you rope you’re basically cucking yourself out of life because of some worthless hole. GIGAcucked
I’ll die in this wretched place but the only thing that keeps me alive is the thirst for vengeance
Absolutely fucking based to the max. Just remember brocels, whenever somebody rejects you or shows you disrespect within the first minute of meeting you, they are effectively saying that they don’t think your genetics are good enough to exist.
Absolutely fucking based to the max. Just remember brocels, whenever somebody rejects you or shows you disrespect within the first minute of meeting you, they are effectively saying that they don’t think your genetics are good enough to exist.
Yeah and never let faggits and foids get away with dissing you
There was one time I was about to kill myself, but then I realised how cucked suicide is, especially if you’re an incel.

If you’re chad or a rich/high status person, well first of all you have no reason to kill yourself but let’s say you still did, hundreds of people will attend your funeral and you will be remembered by the people who knew you in life.

But as an incel, you most likely have few/no friends, no status, so only your parents would attend your funeral, and even they would do their best to forget about you after some time because the memory of you would just remind themselves of the genetic failure which they produced, a son who not only couldn’t fulfill his secondary biological purpose in life: sex/reproduction but also didn’t fulfill his primary purpose in life: survival, something which would bring them great shame every time they remember.

But the most important point I want to raise, is the fact that society actually wants incels to kill themselves. So If you kill yourself, you are giving society what it wants. You only have to go to IncelTears to see so many of them encouraging and supporting incel suicide, and that’s only a small subsection of the rest of society which wants the same thing but doesn’t say it out loud and clearly in a direct or explicit manner.

Why do you think so many incels get bullied in school? Bullies can’t kill incels directly, that would be murder, so what they do is they physically and/or mentally torture the incel until existence becomes so unbearable for him that he takes his own life. And when incels take their own life, the bullies have achieved their purpose (death of incels) without being held responsible for it or suffering any consequences.

No matter how tough life gets, I will never kill myself nor will I allow the people who made me want to kill myself, to escape any consequences. Revenge is the motivation which keeps me alive day after day.

I hate society, society is my enemy, and I will never let society (my enemy) win by giving them what they want (my premature death). This is a war which they have raged against me, a war which they started, and it’s a war which I will put to an end in a devastating fashion.

I will do my best to win in life, but if I fail I won’t fail alone, I will make sure that those who wronged me go down with me. If I’m gonna die, I have nothing to lose, and society might hate me and view me as a bad person afterwards but their opinion of me was never positive in the first place, it was always negative, I was demonised as a bad person even when I never committed any crime, so fuck what society thinks, but at least I can die peacefully knowing I got my revenge and those who brought me a life of pain and suffering have finally faced the consequences after I created my own justice in a world devoid of justice
They don’t give a fuck man

Stop thinking about them boyo because they sure as shit don’t think about you

You think these women and chad that ignore you/ bully you think about you

You don’t have ( unfortunately ) the means for revenge ?

The only revenge thing you can do is be a powerful moneymaxx individual, and maybe one day if there is a collapse of society , you’ll have your say:feelsokman:

You’ll have your pick of skank

[UWSL]Only seek your own pleasure [/UWSL]:feelsYall:
Yeah and never let faggits and foids get away with dissing you
last time someone treated me like shit, and like I didn’t matter, I punched that motherfucker in the face. It was the only time I ever did anything based, and stoped taking others’ bullshit, and nobody has ever fucked with me since. :feelsdevil:
My will is to contribute to the based parade of light of the inkwell caliphate, and take revenge on GTA NPCs during the great INCEL REBELLION (modded) :feelsdevil::ahegao:
last time someone treated me like shit, and like I didn’t matter, I punched that motherfucker in the face. It was the only time I ever did anything based, and stoped taking others’ bullshit, and nobody has ever fucked with me since. :feelsdevil:
Based how old were you :feelsLSD: I’ve finished school so it’s too late for me to regain my honor. Can’t exactly start a fight in uni right?
It's fun getting back at people.
Yeah, sounds good. Revenge, sweet revenge. I'm with you.
Exactly, every Incel that kills himself is like an opium shot for society, if we take revenge society will briefly feel our pain. I'm betting that in that one moment ER felt amazing. :ahegao:
Never kill yourself even if you really want to, you're just giving everyone what they secretly want you to do

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