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that applies to foids, blacks, gays, and trannies.
another fancy name for an asshole
Ironic. It applies to basically everyone who engages in identity politics. That includes white men.
I wouldn't say modern white men have a victim complex, unless that includes seeing everyone else but themselves as a victim.
Many soys apologize for their "white privilege."
I wouldn't say modern white men have a victim complex, unless that includes seeing everyone else but themselves as a victim.
Many soys apologize for their "white privilege."
White men in the racist/alt right circles absolutely do have a victim complex.
They think BMWF relationships being portrayed in media is specifically an attack on white men.
White men in the racist/alt right circles absolutely do have a victim complex.
They think BMWF relationships being portrayed in media is specifically an attack on white men.

yes, but the times are very bad for them to indulge in that victim complex.
they risk complete ostracization from society, so in a way, it's more "brave" to do this, while others act the victim with the full support of society.

btw, i dislike the fact that white nationalists cohabitate with noodlewhores; i think it renders their complaints about BMWF completely moot the second they set their penis in a noodlewhore, so i am not supporting this WMAF miscegenation at all.

for soys, there's a different problem, where they are all cucks, so they support the victim complexes of other groups and feed their attention seeking and desire for social validation, which white nationalists are not a recipient of.
yes, but the times are very bad for them to indulge in that victim complex.
they risk complete ostracization from society, so in a way, it's more "brave" to do this, while others act the victim with the full support of society.

btw, i dislike the fact that white nationalists cohabitate with noodlewhores; i think it renders their complaints about BMWF completely moot the second they set their penis in a noodlewhore, so i am not supporting this WMAF miscegenation at all.

for soys, there's a different problem, where they are all cucks, so they support the victim complexes of other groups and feed their attention seeking and desire for social validation, which white nationalists are not a recipient of.

I don't think it's "brave" at all, because a lot of these men follow the same supremacist ideology of people who enslaved black people and even back then white men STILL had a victim and entitlement complex. Their whole "niggers don't know how good they have it and should stop crying. White men are the real ones struggling!" existed even when blacks were objectively oppressed and marginalized, so I have doubts that even if alt-right grievances were resolved their victim complex would go away.

I believe that the victim morality is a cultural thing every modern subgroup participates in on all sides.
I don't think it's "brave" at all, because a lot of these men follow the same supremacist ideology of people who enslaved black people and even back then white men STILL had a victim and entitlement complex. Their whole "niggers don't know how good they have it and should stop crying. White men are the real ones struggling!" existed even when blacks were objectively oppressed and marginalized, so I have doubts that even if alt-right grievances were resolved their victim complex would go away.

I believe that the victim morality is a cultural thing every modern subgroup participates in on all sides.

Sure, but it's a lot more annoying when the actually privileged and coddled (foids) start acting victims.
The hypocrisy is more apparent.
There's no denying that white nationalists currently get a VERY bad rap in media, as if they are murderers, and it's almost considered a crime to be against miscegenation.
And I think miscegenation is one of the prime causes of inceldom in the case of many ethnics.
The problem comes when they don't practice what they preach.

But if you split whites into two groups like this, the right and the left, it balances out to white people don't particularly have a victim complex; that is reserved for foids (who naturally have this ingrained into their brain structure), gays (men who wallow in the sense of being persecuted and enjoy the 'tragic' feeling of being victimized so that they can make art), and trannies (who are mentally ill in the way that they love any attention and seek importance by pretending to be victimized).
And I've been seeing this a lot from blacks as well, saying any slight against them is racist, and beating people up or even killing them for saying the word "nigger." That kind of aggression comes from taking black slurs to be FAR worse than slurs against other races (which they themselves indulge in) and seeing themselves as a special kind of pariah that deserves tiptoeing around.
that applies to foids, blacks, gays, and trannies.
So actually to all of those which should not have rights.
Ironic. It applies to basically everyone who engages in identity politics. That includes racist white men.
Racist (race-realist) white men don't say they are victims. They say other races are inferior. Not a victim thing.
Racist (race-realist) white men don't say they are victims. They say other races are inferior. Not a victim thing.

It's actually the opposite of victim complex, although I assume that too can get annoying if pushed too far.
But most of the blatant racism I've faced was from my own women, Mexicans, and blacks... in that order.
Racist (race-realist) white men don't say they are victims. They say other races are inferior. Not a victim thing.
Racists start playing the victim when they cant oppress other people anymore.
They cried when the slaves were freed and demanded reperations from the goverment,burned crosses when black people were judged in the same level as white people in courts.
Racists have the biggest victim complex.Just look at the cops that kill black people for fun and get caugh,they act like a sad boy for a day or two and get paid-vacation from their uppers bcs they have ''Trauma'' from killing a black dude
More than blacks who go around looting stores bcs cops shooted a crack addict thug nigger.
I wouldn't say modern white men have a victim complex, unless that includes seeing everyone else but themselves as a victim.
Many soys apologize for their "white privilege."
That’s bullshit. Steven regularly cries about how hard it is to have an opinion as a “straight white male” in today’s status quo.

“The cut” makes a video slightly bashing whites and it gets mass disliked with everyone circle-jerking how hard it is being a white male

Imagine being a white man or woman and thinking your life is even remotely difficult. Your races’s victim complex is even more idiotic than anybody else’s
That’s bullshit. Steven regularly cries about how hard it is to have an opinion as a “straight white male” in today’s status quo.

“The cut” makes a video slightly bashing whites and it gets mass disliked with everyone circle-jerking how hard it is being a white male

Imagine being a white man or woman and thinking your life is even remotely difficult. Your races’s victim complex is even more idiotic than anybody else’s

the fact that there are videos bashing white males on youtube and not taken down should tell you that the mainstream is against white men.
those videos should get disliked, although not censored.
you never see articles on yahoo or cnn about some white men complaining of being a victim, google suppresses them, twitter bans them.
paypal and credit card companies cut off doing business with corporations that are sympathetic to white nationalism.
and other races are given free reign to bash on white men all they want, whereas white men can't respond with similar race-based comebacks.
they have to be overcareful and walk on tiptoes.
they do have an advantage in the sexual market, but i find it easier to believe that a tranny, black, or foid is hired or accepted into uni over a white guy based on race than in anything opposite.

i'm not white, but i can see how one can have pride in his heritage and not want the whole culture and bloodline to go extinct through miscegenation, though it's blown out of proportion for some people.
i'm very sympathetic to those who are against race mixing as it is a sacrifice to not fuck ethnics for white men, who have ethic women throwing themselves at them.
once again, i've never heard of a white man actually resisting these advances and have strength in his convictions, but the idea itself is nice.
cope more, hypocrite
everything is now "white genocide" despite the fact that white people exterminated Native American population etc. while the only peril for white people is immigration and peaceful replacement because white people just don't want to have children
White people exterminated Native Americans? You dumb shit, whites have been traveling to Americas for hundreds if not thousand+ years before Columbus and nothing like this hapenned. As a matter of fact, whites brought civilization to those lands. Until a few (literally few) countries that were degenetated and ruled by jews at this time decided to go there and get rid of natives to build their "Empire in it's infancy" in XVII century. If it wasn't for jews, as always, there would be no slaughter of natives just like they slaughtered millions of whites in europe to bring "cucktianity" aka jewification of gentiles there. You know nothing about actual history, so keep eating your mcdonalds, watch your next avengers movie and sip on your soda and let your brain rot away, you dumb normie and never respond to my posts, or actually get some books, read about actual history on the internet and maybe use those 3 neurons that you still have in your brain left to connect 2+2 to come to the right conclusion and THEN come back to me.
Racists start playing the victim when they cant oppress other people anymore.
They cried when the slaves were freed and demanded reperations
Stopped reading there. Even native americans had slaves. Even white people WERE slaves. 99% of "WHITE" people who had slaves were jews. As I said to the guy above, educate yourself and then come back.
Plus this retarded argument doesn't work here. About 80-90% of blacks are eternal victims in their own minds, while 80-90% of white people don't want slavery to come back and that's even a very pessimistic number. Race realists for the most part also just want to send blacks back to africa, just as conservatives always wanted to do. So even your tiny population representation doesn't compare to all those negroes who still can't shake off the victim complex, while they are being pandered to and handed out freebies by the govt (from other people's work) more than anyone else in history. Of course this is to bastardize the humanity and leave it with the dumbest population out there that is easy to control, as jews outright say it is the case.
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the fact that there are videos bashing white males on youtube and not taken down should tell you that the mainstream is against white men.
those videos should get disliked, although not censored.
you never see articles on yahoo or cnn about some white men complaining of being a victim, google suppresses them, twitter bans them.
paypal and credit card companies cut off doing business with corporations that are sympathetic to white nationalism.
and other races are given free reign to bash on white men all they want, whereas white men can't respond with similar race-based comebacks.
they have to be overcareful and walk on tiptoes.
they do have an advantage in the sexual market, but i find it easier to believe that a tranny, black, or foid is hired or accepted into uni over a white guy based on race than in anything opposite.

i'm not white, but i can see how one can have pride in his heritage and not want the whole culture and bloodline to go extinct through miscegenation, though it's blown out of proportion for some people.
i'm very sympathetic to those who are against race mixing as it is a sacrifice to not fuck ethnics for white men, who have ethic women throwing themselves at them.
once again, i've never heard of a white man actually resisting these advances and have strength in his convictions, but the idea itself is nice.
You misunderstand. It’s intuitive. If whites really were these un-feeling, judicious chads who recognized their superiority at every moment, those people and their videos would be less than a blip on their radar. Hell, this forum wouldn’t exist and would be replaced with JBW If you really wanted to be as objective as possible

fact of the matter is, whites are not victims of anything In today’s world generally speaking, they want to be victims for sympathy points but there’s a difference from wanting to be and actually being one.
"No true Scotsman".

White people exterminated Native Americans. It's a historical fact. Only 0 IQ contrarian /pol/tards deny it. These "degenerated and ruled by jews" countries were white. People who personally murdered Native Americans were white.

Your insolence in covering up history makes me want to wish niggers victory.
Yeah get fucked retard. Stay oblivious to the facts, ignore the fact that whites had awesome relationship with Americas for centuries, eat your jewish poison food and die of cancer for all I care. The less normoids like you in this world, the better.

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