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Reproduction is the only real meaning to our lives.



Nov 8, 2017
Every organism, biological or zoological, thrives only on one purpose: to reproduce.

Humans are a higher order organism on account of their intelligence, but how could fundamentals change within a few decades? One works to feed himself (=independent) and then once he has built a good career, a house and disposable cash then next thing to look forward is to make a family.

To use intelligence to avoid facing the checks & balances of nature (contraception, abortion) and 'live the moment' which is nothing but be a dopamine addict all the active years of life. Eventually everything fades - the organization you worked for retires you, the social media/reddit points, likes, popularity all loses relevance. You age, the skin isn't tight and healthy looking. Diseases last longer, the cough is almost permanent. Friends disappear, the intellect/knowledge of black pill lost to dementia (if you haven't roped already).

And in all this the only cope is that you managed to pass on your genes: that a replica of yours is out there somewhere and you can breath your last making peace with the ephemeral nature of everything.


My point being, no matter what the retards in IT say about sexlessness, the pain from within for a man in his active sexual years to be incapable of attracting a woman is really life numbing. It deprives you of the primal purpose of life and it is very cruel - when Chads have it in abundance and it's not like they are reproducing either. A disruption at one end means somewhere the balance is off the hook.

My friends in their mid 30s+ who are beta men, are struggling to provide to the insane demands of the degenerate female just to have this family. I doubt whether even that would be possible for the younger generations to come.

Again, it would be retarded to use 'climate change, overpopulation' to evade the burden of not reproducing: look at the number of amazon trucks and deliveries happening. Did people stop consuming because 'earth is warming yo?'

I wish I can witness all of it come crashing - the economy, the social fabric of family, society as the narcissist/solipsist tendencies of women scale new heights each day, pushing their motherhood to 30s and 40s ('want some day!'). The delusions that this show can keep going without giving the beta workers a purpose to their lives and that they would be the meek submissive, feel good, nice guys whose cash can be 'taxed' through onlyfans forever.

Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
Reproduction is the only purpose of all living beings, be it a bacteria or a human. Even for viruses who aren't even alive, they still strive to reproduce.
cope there's no meaning regardless of how you put it
you talk as if having a kid is automatically going to make you happy, if that were the case normies wouldnt be so miserable in their marriages
What all modern men really need to do is to be more family oriented, where men put their children above even mothers. When men do this, they prioritize their communities, create legacies, and search for women worthy of them (causing women to conform as a result). And once fathers are seen as important for children lives, then we must make a stand on this view and the brotherhood will happen.

This is the mind set that I see in most of history, but not in eras when hedonism flourished.
What all modern men really need to do is to be more family oriented, where men put their children above even mothers. When men do this, they prioritize their communities, create legacies, and search for women worthy of them (causing women to conform as a result). And once fathers are seen as important for children lives, then we must make a stand on this view and the brotherhood will happen.

This is the mind set that I see in most of history, but not in eras when hedonism flourished.

I can't agree this is even really a hedonistic era unless you're a foid. Simply extremely gynocentric.

This is an interesting take, but no-one has a solution for how we are supposed to stop women from subverting everything through biology. They have the children, they have the vaginas, they have higher social competence (in that they collaborate to serve their interests) and being primary caretakers indoctrinate the children to their benefit.

I can see no other method than to eject females from the reproduction process entirely and/or evolve to become something other than a competing tournament species that doesn't require wombs for gestating young.
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I cummed inside a cup and I'm sending it to the sperm banks by replacing chads semen with mine. Yes manlets will be everywhere and they will be good sons that will take over the world for the furon race
I can't agree this is even really a hedonistic era unless you're a foid. Simply extremely gynocentric.
I see it in around the fall of Sumeria, Israel by the Assyrians, the Hellenized greek/roman empire, the byzantine empire, etc. You might also notice it prior and during Nazi Germany.
This is an interesting take, but no-one has a solution for how we are supposed to stop women from subverting everything through biology. They have the children, they have the vaginas, they have higher social competence (in that they collaborate to serve their interests) and being primary caretakers indoctrinate the children to their benefit.

I can see no other method than to eject females from the reproduction process entirely and/or evolve to become something other than a competing tournament species that doesn't require wombs for gestating young.
That's one of the reasons why I advocate for sexbots and artificial wombs.
They'll get rid of simpry and might encourage men to become more of a fatherly figures, dismissing motherhood as the default altogether.
reproduction is a cope.
life in itself is a cope from an eternal death/darkness. Within that timeline, reproduction is a cope.

There's no denying these. The higher the order of the cope, the more meaningful one's life.

One's sexual thirst eventually is nature's imperative to find a mate & reproduce, not please the ego with validations of multitudinous options of it. Ted Kaczynski said it better: the man/woman who lived their lives according to the age have no qualms accepting ageing and moving on to the successive phases and finally accepting death.

For those who are stuck in pleasing the ego phase, mate selecting throughout the 20s, 30s and even in 40s, they want to perpetuate the youth while in reality nature has bereft of their body those capabilities. Try to see the expressions in the faces of 35+ woman to understand what uncle Ted implied.
I see it in around the fall of Sumeria, Israel by the Assyrians, the Hellenized greek/roman empire, the byzantine empire, etc. You might also notice it prior and during Nazi Germany.

I know what you're referring to. The correlation between females expanding rights (more accurately privileges) and the breakdown/collapse of those societies.

The current state of the west is not quite what I consider the equivalent. Particularly as I doubt there will be any 'collapse'.

That's one of the reasons why I advocate for sexbots and artificial wombs.
They'll get rid of simpry and might encourage men to become more of a fatherly figures, dismissing motherhood as the default altogether.

Yes, I've heard this before. It would help, as many copes do but it ultimately doesn't sate the base needs men have regarding women. Its basically the same failing those who advocate legalizing prostitution on a wide scale. I believe it would noticeably impact women's influence but not completely. For example note how in Germany or other areas where prostitution is legal, men remain extremely gynocentric and simp to an insane degree.

Though this is all a pipe dream, because it is fact women who impede any attempts to legalize prostitution for obvious reasons. And they seek to do the same with sexbots and artificial wombs. Women are acutely aware of any threats to their sexual monopoly and seek to destroy or neuter them. They will make use of the oppression narrative/damseling and white knights/politicians will capitulate.
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Tired of hearing this cope, life is literally what you make it
Tired of hearing this cope, life is literally what you make it

Tired of hearing the 'you can do whatever you want and justify it with your thought processes'

One is a slave to their dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins. They don't secrete at will (unless you drug yourself). Traditional life had the most balanced (or, least distorted/unhappy) path of balancing. Modern life created artificial ways - the phone being the centre of your universe.

Traditional society conditioned kids to be the meaning to life. Modernity crams 'YOLO! push kid making as much as possible' thus programming kid making to be a burden. Zoomers walking towards the cliff, pleasing themselves and once you cross a certain age to do those dramas anymore, the emptiness that have accumulated all these years stares straight into your face.

Hence the question of the existence of free will.
I cummed inside a cup and I'm sending it to the sperm banks by replacing chads semen with mine. Yes manlets will be everywhere and they will be good sons that will take over the world for the furon race
No its not.

Only people with good genes should reproduce. People like us (including women) should LDAR.
This hit home. I can tell you that a life without relationships and family is incredibly empty and meaningless. I often question why I am alive or what the point of my life has been. I don't have an answer for that.
I've already talked about this and it's not just reproduction in general but the act of reproducing too, not being able to that symbolize genetic failure is suicidal
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HIGH IQ thread:blackpill:
a replica of yours
That's an exaggeration though. Actually, children don't have that much in common with the parent.
Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
I'm an antinatalist anyways. After all, I just don't want to spread my shitty genes. I don't wanna make someone suffer.
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cope there's no meaning regardless of how you put it
you talk as if having a kid is automatically going to make you happy, if that were the case normies wouldnt be so miserable in their marriages
The only meaning in life is to chase as many dopamine hits as possible before you die.
cope there's no meaning regardless of how you put it
you talk as if having a kid is automatically going to make you happy, if that were the case normies wouldnt be so miserable in their marriages
when you die you remember nothing.

reproduction is a cope. there is no purpose in life, no meaning.

just coz 4 billion years ago some random proteins started to copy themselves out of pure randomness, doesnt mean you have to "adhere" to some rules or something.
Tired of hearing this cope, life is literally what you make it
Every organism, biological or zoological, thrives only on one purpose: to reproduce.

Humans are a higher order organism on account of their intelligence, but how could fundamentals change within a few decades? One works to feed himself (=independent) and then once he has built a good career, a house and disposable cash then next thing to look forward is to make a family.

To use intelligence to avoid facing the checks & balances of nature (contraception, abortion) and 'live the moment' which is nothing but be a dopamine addict all the active years of life. Eventually everything fades - the organization you worked for retires you, the social media/reddit points, likes, popularity all loses relevance. You age, the skin isn't tight and healthy looking. Diseases last longer, the cough is almost permanent. Friends disappear, the intellect/knowledge of black pill lost to dementia (if you haven't roped already).

And in all this the only cope is that you managed to pass on your genes: that a replica of yours is out there somewhere and you can breath your last making peace with the ephemeral nature of everything.


My point being, no matter what the retards in IT say about sexlessness, the pain from within for a man in his active sexual years to be incapable of attracting a woman is really life numbing. It deprives you of the primal purpose of life and it is very cruel - when Chads have it in abundance and it's not like they are reproducing either. A disruption at one end means somewhere the balance is off the hook.

My friends in their mid 30s+ who are beta men, are struggling to provide to the insane demands of the degenerate female just to have this family. I doubt whether even that would be possible for the younger generations to come.

Again, it would be retarded to use 'climate change, overpopulation' to evade the burden of not reproducing: look at the number of amazon trucks and deliveries happening. Did people stop consuming because 'earth is warming yo?'

I wish I can witness all of it come crashing - the economy, the social fabric of family, society as the narcissist/solipsist tendencies of women scale new heights each day, pushing their motherhood to 30s and 40s ('want some day!'). The delusions that this show can keep going without giving the beta workers a purpose to their lives and that they would be the meek submissive, feel good, nice guys whose cash can be 'taxed' through onlyfans forever.

Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
Retatded “muh reproduction” thread again, very retarded thread , life isn’t just to reproduce, then you can try to fuck every girl you can even land whales, life isn’t about fucking reproduction you idiot, normie low iq shit
The only meaning in life is to chase as many dopamine hits as possible before you die.
More like this
Also living in the optimal life is the purpose more
Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
Is it anything different right now?? Retarded greycel post
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In about 5 billion years, the Sun will expand beyond the orbit of Mars and all life will cease. Then all of our agonizing and whining about the meaning of it all will fall silent. Finally.
If you dont reproduce, your genom built a shit body and its journey ends here.

A good genom is the one that is immortal.
Every organism, biological or zoological, thrives only on one purpose: to reproduce.

Humans are a higher order organism on account of their intelligence, but how could fundamentals change within a few decades? One works to feed himself (=independent) and then once he has built a good career, a house and disposable cash then next thing to look forward is to make a family.

To use intelligence to avoid facing the checks & balances of nature (contraception, abortion) and 'live the moment' which is nothing but be a dopamine addict all the active years of life. Eventually everything fades - the organization you worked for retires you, the social media/reddit points, likes, popularity all loses relevance. You age, the skin isn't tight and healthy looking. Diseases last longer, the cough is almost permanent. Friends disappear, the intellect/knowledge of black pill lost to dementia (if you haven't roped already).

And in all this the only cope is that you managed to pass on your genes: that a replica of yours is out there somewhere and you can breath your last making peace with the ephemeral nature of everything.


My point being, no matter what the retards in IT say about sexlessness, the pain from within for a man in his active sexual years to be incapable of attracting a woman is really life numbing. It deprives you of the primal purpose of life and it is very cruel - when Chads have it in abundance and it's not like they are reproducing either. A disruption at one end means somewhere the balance is off the hook.

My friends in their mid 30s+ who are beta men, are struggling to provide to the insane demands of the degenerate female just to have this family. I doubt whether even that would be possible for the younger generations to come.

Again, it would be retarded to use 'climate change, overpopulation' to evade the burden of not reproducing: look at the number of amazon trucks and deliveries happening. Did people stop consuming because 'earth is warming yo?'

I wish I can witness all of it come crashing - the economy, the social fabric of family, society as the narcissist/solipsist tendencies of women scale new heights each day, pushing their motherhood to 30s and 40s ('want some day!'). The delusions that this show can keep going without giving the beta workers a purpose to their lives and that they would be the meek submissive, feel good, nice guys whose cash can be 'taxed' through onlyfans forever.

Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
almost every single hour of my life, when I am alone, I pang to cum inside a vagina. The visions stab at me like it was supposed to be my destiny
To reproduce is Our biological imperative

If that isnt Met , your Life is Worthless or Just a Big Cope
In about 5 billion years, the Sun will expand beyond the orbit of Mars and all life will cease. Then all of our agonizing and whining about the meaning of it all will fall silent. Finally.
jfl if u think this joke of a species will make it 5 billion years into the future
Everyday I must read this shit in this forum.
You can travel to Africa any day you want, and get a sheboon pregnant on the same day.
But, is that the meaning you want for your life? :feelsthink:
Yeah it is not the main quest either,fucking retard
Everyday I must read this shit in this forum.
Yeah people are that retarded bro ,I want these retards gone
completely false. It's a mere urge, nothing more.
If that isnt Met , your Life is Worthless or Just a Big Cope
You are a huge fucking idiot if you that’s right, you can just go to Africa and impregnate a woman , will that make your life amazing?
To reproduce is Our biological imperative

If that isnt Met , your Life is Worthless or Just a Big Cope
Reproduction is fucking cope, that’s why lowlife places have more kids
,,life's meaning" is subjected to the individual. there's no ubiquitary meaning beyond one's perspective.
Every organism, biological or zoological, thrives only on one purpose: to reproduce.

Humans are a higher order organism on account of their intelligence, but how could fundamentals change within a few decades? One works to feed himself (=independent) and then once he has built a good career, a house and disposable cash then next thing to look forward is to make a family.

To use intelligence to avoid facing the checks & balances of nature (contraception, abortion) and 'live the moment' which is nothing but be a dopamine addict all the active years of life. Eventually everything fades - the organization you worked for retires you, the social media/reddit points, likes, popularity all loses relevance. You age, the skin isn't tight and healthy looking. Diseases last longer, the cough is almost permanent. Friends disappear, the intellect/knowledge of black pill lost to dementia (if you haven't roped already).

And in all this the only cope is that you managed to pass on your genes: that a replica of yours is out there somewhere and you can breath your last making peace with the ephemeral nature of everything.


My point being, no matter what the retards in IT say about sexlessness, the pain from within for a man in his active sexual years to be incapable of attracting a woman is really life numbing. It deprives you of the primal purpose of life and it is very cruel - when Chads have it in abundance and it's not like they are reproducing either. A disruption at one end means somewhere the balance is off the hook.

My friends in their mid 30s+ who are beta men, are struggling to provide to the insane demands of the degenerate female just to have this family. I doubt whether even that would be possible for the younger generations to come.

Again, it would be retarded to use 'climate change, overpopulation' to evade the burden of not reproducing: look at the number of amazon trucks and deliveries happening. Did people stop consuming because 'earth is warming yo?'

I wish I can witness all of it come crashing - the economy, the social fabric of family, society as the narcissist/solipsist tendencies of women scale new heights each day, pushing their motherhood to 30s and 40s ('want some day!'). The delusions that this show can keep going without giving the beta workers a purpose to their lives and that they would be the meek submissive, feel good, nice guys whose cash can be 'taxed' through onlyfans forever.

Try watching the movie 'children of men'. It gives an idea of how a world without kids looks like: conflict, violence, arson and lawlessness.
Collapse is why I will never rope. I am sure that within my natural lifetime all of this will come crashing down, and even if I am too old to really do anything at that point, it will be so sweet to see.
I'd argue that there's actually no inherint true meaning to our lives at all.

Whether Chad or Incel or normie we just imagine one scenario or the other is the be all, end all of meaning because as a wise person once said "human beings seem to want to weave a web of meaning where there may be none".
In a ideal scenario rape a female and pass down your genetic material is ideal, chad can have the privilage of do this and get betas to rise his offspring but im way to ugly to get laid and im poor/dont want to be the slave of some toilet piece of shit
Cope nigga, is it the pleasure.
There are four different answers to this question. Each answer comes from a different perspective. There is no "THE ANSWER," because it all depends on who's asking and who's answering. "What is the meaning of life" is a meaningless to question to ask in a vacuum.

The biological and evolutionary (materialist) answer is that the meaning of life is to procreate and spread your DNA. That's the species-level answer. Then there's the religious answer that is dependent upon your particular subscription of theism, which is to please your god so that you can enter heaven (and avoid hell). This is the group level answer (but can be personal). Thirdly, there's the individualistic answer, and that is finding your own purpose - your raison d'être - that you carve out for yourself in this world and your driving, motivating force - your reason to get up in the mornings (this seems to be a big source of unhappiness in individualistic cultures, as they tend to be materialistic and consumerist, neither of which truly help fulfill this goal). This is the strictly personal answer. And finally (but not finally), there's the spiritual and mystical answer, which isn't necessarily religious (can be secular), and that is to purify and elevate your consciousness to free it from the problems plaguing the human condition (things like greed etc.). This is a hodgepodge answer mixing the previous three in no certain or equal parts.

There is a fifth type of answer, but it seeks to answer a specific and narrow subset of that question (arguably a separate question altogether), which truly is the only real unknown, and that is the cosmic-level answer. It's the answer to why there is conscious life at all in the universe that is capable of being aware of the universe itself and its own position relative to the planet and the greater cosmos. Alternative spins to the question are, "why did God create humans," or, "why did life evolve consciousness" (the second I can hazard a guess, but the first is philosophically impossible, since the mind and intents of a being that is posited to have created space-time itself and is independent from its limitations, cannot logically be fathomed by a finite being that is subject to those same space-time limitations). Some deists and pantheists speculate that the universe is God or the mind of God, and that humans are merely aspects or small parts of God's consciousness, and that the creation of humans were meant to be a device for God to experience the world. That's an interesting and imaginative idea, but I'm not a big fan of it.
when you die you remember nothing.

reproduction is a cope. there is no purpose in life, no meaning.

just coz 4 billion years ago some random proteins started to copy themselves out of pure randomness, doesnt mean you have to "adhere" to some rules or something.

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