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Reminder to youngcels : your employer will only use you to feel important



Jul 31, 2019
NEVER work hard. If you get a job, NEVER put any effort into it. Because I will tell you from personal experience, most jobs you'll get, your managers or employers will just use you to talk down to you, to endlessly disrespect you, to make you do the hardest, shittiest jobs nobody else can do while also shit talking you about how much of a bad worker you are. It's all a scam.

These managers are nobodies themselves making pennies, with ugly fat wives they're beta buxing. As an ugly low status male, they will simply make you do the shittiest jobs and also condescend you, talk down to you the entire time to feel important.

I still remember my first few jobs, like hell even a grocery store. I had 8 hour shifts doing nothing but pushing dozens of carts the entire time with no break, Always on weekends so literally just pushing 10 carts every 2 minutes. I did the most miserable, hardest Job there and yet was endlessly talked down to and disrespected. I was endlessly blamed for things I didn't do, endlessly the fall guy for the manager and other workers fuck ups and shortcomings. Despite working the hardest, I was treated like shit left and right. I remember my blood boiling when it was freezing hail outside and the manager would literally tell me I'm not allowed to go inside and just had to push carts for eight hours the entire time outside while everyone else did nothing but have a social hour inside. This happened alot at every job I was ever at. Even other workers (better looking ) acknowledged how shitty I was getting treated all the time.

That is all that awaits you as a low status ugly male if you try to work. If you can tolerate that, at LEAST don't put any effort into it because they don't deserve your sweat. They'll just disrespect you for it.
and they'll ask you repeatedly to cover somebody else's shift just when you think you have the next day to LDAR :feelsrope:
Minimum wage, minimum effort
Even more applicable with volunteering. Did manual labour at a foodbank, my supervisor would treat me like shit.
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Yeah when I worked I put in little effort. I used to feel a tinge of guilt but now that I'm blackpilled I don't feel guilty at all.
Thats why its important for incels to get very high trained jobs where your expertise is hard to replace and if you walk out on the job, your employer is fucked.

Incels should go into STEM and IT fields that they have a hard time replacing workers. Systems administration working the graveyard shift is the best job for an incel I think of. And it starts at like 80,000 and you can work you way up to 100,000. Lots of great jobs in systems admin are in Atlanta right now.
Thats why its important for incels to get very high trained jobs where your expertise is hard to replace and if you walk out on the job, your employer is fucked.

Incels should go into STEM and IT fields that they have a hard time replacing workers. Systems administration working the graveyard shift is the best job for an incel I think of. And it starts at like 80,000 and you can work you way up to 100,000. Lots of great jobs in systems admin are in Atlanta right now.
Hahahahjahajajhajaj the stem meme sure is a good one
Hahahahjahajajhajaj the stem meme sure is a good one
Seriously. Basically 100% of guys in STEM at my university were incel-tier. Thats no mistake.

My school's STEM programme was small. Like 100 people. 94 incels and 6 landwhales. JFL, and not even fucking kidding, brocel.
Minimum wage, minimum effort
The saddest shit was when they would threaten to cut your hours if you didn't dance around for them

I should have just spit in their faces
Seriously. Basically 100% of guys in STEM at my university were incel-tier. Thats no mistake.

My school's STEM programme was small. Like 100 people. 94 incels and 6 landwhales. JFL, and not even fucking kidding, brocel.
Women are overtaking an already over sized field

They'll take your spots with half the qualifications just because they meet a quota
I hate wageslaving. I don’t try at all
I hate wageslaving. I don’t try at all

If you are in such a position to be able to do this, do it by all means.

Unfortunately all my jobs I haven't been, but if you have, do it.
This is how 95% of people are at work any way, especially in white collar jobs. The remaining 5% carry the whole company
Great advice. Never bust your ass. Only do the minimum needed to get by. I learned that the hard way.

FACT: Promotions are based on nepotism, quotas, being Chad (looks halo), and being a foid (sleeping with the boss). Hard work never counts for jack shit. No one in history ever got a promotion solely by working hard. Muh hard work, muh bootstraps is the path of the blue pilled fool.

If you are in such a position to be able to do this, do it by all means.

Unfortunately all my jobs I haven't been, but if you have, do it.
Jfl they want me to ask customers to fill out a survey. Fuck that. They also want me to greet customers. Nah I’m good
Jfl they want me to ask customers to fill out a survey. Fuck that. They also want me to greet customers. Nah I’m good
Impressive. I was fired from several jobs for not being "cheerful enough". Surprised I even managed to get hired. Usually I was rejected and then shit talked for daring to come back asking the status of my resume.
This is why I'm afraid of getting a job. The constant disrespect by both my manager, fellow employees and customers on top of work I know is useless would be soul destroying.
It's better to ldar till we die, we have no motivation to work in a stressful environment earning basically nothing
Impressive. I was fired from several jobs for not being "cheerful enough". Surprised I even managed to get hired. Usually I was rejected and then shit talked for daring to come back asking the status of my resume.
Did you get fired from the grocery store?
Did you get fired from the grocery store?
There was a union, so no. But that came of the cost of all my income getting raped and I couldn't even get it back in tax returns because unions didn't count as refundable deductions

I quit from it. One day, my manager talked some more shit to me and then finished it off with "buddy" as he usually did to remind me he looks down on me. So, I said okay, then ate a few of the products, a few others I threw into the garbage after spitting on them then I left without saying anything.

There was one guy who really shit talked me endlessly there. Before I left I made sure to tell him to suck my dick and hope he enjoys being miserable for all eternity with no future

One or the best decisions I ever did.
NEVER work hard. If you get a job, NEVER put any effort into it. Because I will tell you from personal experience, most jobs you'll get, your managers or employers will just use you to talk down to you, to endlessly disrespect you, to make you do the hardest, shittiest jobs nobody else can do while also shit talking you about how much of a bad worker you are. It's all a scam.

These managers are nobodies themselves making pennies, with ugly fat wives they're beta buxing. As an ugly low status male, they will simply make you do the shittiest jobs and also condescend you, talk down to you the entire time to feel important.

I still remember my first few jobs, like hell even a grocery store. I had 8 hour shifts doing nothing but pushing dozens of carts the entire time with no break, Always on weekends so literally just pushing 10 carts every 2 minutes. I did the most miserable, hardest Job there and yet was endlessly talked down to and disrespected. I was endlessly blamed for things I didn't do, endlessly the fall guy for the manager and other workers fuck ups and shortcomings. Despite working the hardest, I was treated like shit left and right. I remember my blood boiling when it was freezing hail outside and the manager would literally tell me I'm not allowed to go inside and just had to push carts for eight hours the entire time outside while everyone else did nothing but have a social hour inside. This happened alot at every job I was ever at. Even other workers (better looking ) acknowledged how shitty I was getting treated all the time.

That is all that awaits you as a low status ugly male if you try to work. If you can tolerate that, at LEAST don't put any effort into it because they don't deserve your sweat. They'll just disrespect you for it.
yes but they won't give further shifts if you continue to be lazy.
yes but they won't give further shifts if you continue to be lazy.
If you put in 100% effort, congrats, they might give you 5-10 more hours while shit talking you the whole time. Meanwhile their buddy puts in 15% effort while getting even more shifts than you at 100%

It's major delusion to think hard work gets you anything substantial.
There was a union, so no. But that came of the cost of all my income getting raped and I couldn't even get it back in tax returns because unions didn't count as refundable deductions

I quit from it. One day, my manager talked some more shit to me and then finished it off with "buddy" as he usually did to remind me he looks down on me. So, I said okay, then ate a few of the products, a few others I threw into the garbage after spitting on them then I left without saying anything.

There was one guy who really shit talked me endlessly there. Before I left I made sure to tell him to suck my dick and hope he enjoys being miserable for all eternity with no future

One or the best decisions I ever did.
Lol based. I get really triggered when people call me buddy, it’s so disrespectful tbh. In fact this one fat bitch called me a “growing boy” even though I’m 20. She annoys the fuck out of me
Lol based. I get really triggered when people call me buddy, it’s so disrespectful tbh
My manager did that all the time at that job. I was like 19 at the time.

I remember one day seriously pausing and asking him to stop doing that. I said I would prefer to called by my real name, and not "buddy". He looked at me and said okay, then a few days later it's back to buddy this buddy that. That's what set me off really.
If you put in 100% effort, congrats, they might give you 5-10 more hours while shit talking you the whole time. Meanwhile their buddy puts in 15% effort while getting even more shifts than you at 100%

It's major delusion to think hard work gets you anything substantial.
yeah. I looked at my roster and this gigastacy got way more shifts than currycels.

IF you're high IQ, work hard at school and become a doctor or engineer and you will be better. otherwise dont work hard
yeah. I looked at my roster and this gigastacy got way more shifts than currycels.

IF you're high IQ, work hard at school and become a doctor or engineer and you will be better. otherwise dont work hard
"Just become a doctor or engineer when every other male is trying to do the same, bro. Just do it while women are taking up all of those fields with half the qualifications, bro".
This is why I'm afraid of getting a job. The constant disrespect by both my manager, fellow employees and customers on top of work I know is useless would be soul destroying.
Just leech off your parents as long as you can

There is absolutely no reason to wage slave while an ugly low status male. It will just depress you even more, ruin your self worth while sucking you dry of free time all for NOTHING
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True, and to get as much money as possible from your work
"Just become a doctor or engineer when every other male is trying to do the same, bro. Just do it while women are taking up all of those fields with half the qualifications, bro".

Just leech off your parents as long as you can

There is absolutely no reason to wage slave while an ugly low status male. It will just depress you even more, ruin your self worth while sucking you dry of free time all for NOTHING
Not really. Let's say you're in the UK or Australia. You can do UKCAT or GAMSAT get in based on your scores. Should be fine. Females also need to reach the same scores. You may get dicked on the interview stage but it wouldn't be easy for femoids as they will probably be stacy from at least an upper middle class family. Women get much more extra advantages in office jobs where there are quotas
just work hard bro!!!

boomer tier advice.
NEVER work hard. If you get a job, NEVER put any effort into it. Because I will tell you from personal experience, most jobs you'll get, your managers or employers will just use you to talk down to you, to endlessly disrespect you, to make you do the hardest, shittiest jobs nobody else can do while also shit talking you about how much of a bad worker you are. It's all a scam.

These managers are nobodies themselves making pennies, with ugly fat wives they're beta buxing. As an ugly low status male, they will simply make you do the shittiest jobs and also condescend you, talk down to you the entire time to feel important.

I still remember my first few jobs, like hell even a grocery store. I had 8 hour shifts doing nothing but pushing dozens of carts the entire time with no break, Always on weekends so literally just pushing 10 carts every 2 minutes. I did the most miserable, hardest Job there and yet was endlessly talked down to and disrespected. I was endlessly blamed for things I didn't do, endlessly the fall guy for the manager and other workers fuck ups and shortcomings. Despite working the hardest, I was treated like shit left and right. I remember my blood boiling when it was freezing hail outside and the manager would literally tell me I'm not allowed to go inside and just had to push carts for eight hours the entire time outside while everyone else did nothing but have a social hour inside. This happened alot at every job I was ever at. Even other workers (better looking ) acknowledged how shitty I was getting treated all the time.

That is all that awaits you as a low status ugly male if you try to work. If you can tolerate that, at LEAST don't put any effort into it because they don't deserve your sweat. They'll just disrespect you for it.

It is true, I experienced this first hand. My boss himself would call me a retard and belittle me at every opportunity one time he said that I am lying about going to university because they wouldn't let me in because too much of a retard. He would insult me 24/7 it got to the point where I legit just stopped giving a fuck about what he says lol I thought to myself if he really thought that he would fire me already so he must just be compensating or some shit he was some stupid curry Bangladeshi nigger fuck him. But all managers made fun of me too and made me do shitty jobs I wanted to ER all this cucks but I needed the money so I just did the job. I know how u feel bro reading this post reminds of everything that happened to me I know exactly how you feel believe me you are not alone bro.

In the end though I navigated myself into a pretty nice position at that shitty job I was out of view of managers with some other 2 truecels so we basiaclly just talked about fucking girls and done nothing lol just fucked around while lifting some boxes outside loading up the stocks with food and shit we could do whatever the fuck we wanted and we took paid brakes for free loool the managers didnt even say anything to us because they needed us.

Fuck that shit job though I never do it again. I rather NEET or die or be homeless than do that kind of jobs again in my life.
NEVER work hard. If you get a job, NEVER put any effort into it. Because I will tell you from personal experience, most jobs you'll get, your managers or employers will just use you to talk down to you, to endlessly disrespect you, to make you do the hardest, shittiest jobs nobody else can do while also shit talking you about how much of a bad worker you are. It's all a scam.

These managers are nobodies themselves making pennies, with ugly fat wives they're beta buxing. As an ugly low status male, they will simply make you do the shittiest jobs and also condescend you, talk down to you the entire time to feel important.

describes how every fat old boomer treated me while young

from a basketball coach to boss at a shitty job to family
I'm aware of Mr Shekelberg
There was a union, so no. But that came of the cost of all my income getting raped and I couldn't even get it back in tax returns because unions didn't count as refundable deductions

I quit from it. One day, my manager talked some more shit to me and then finished it off with "buddy" as he usually did to remind me he looks down on me. So, I said okay, then ate a few of the products, a few others I threw into the garbage after spitting on them then I left without saying anything.

There was one guy who really shit talked me endlessly there. Before I left I made sure to tell him to suck my dick and hope he enjoys being miserable for all eternity with no future

One or the best decisions I ever did.

Ragequitting a job is always epic

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