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Reminder that you have to approach girls if you want a date



Feb 26, 2018
Works everytime.


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its kind of true though so im fucked
That only works if you aren't 2/10 like me.
no thanks i dont want to get cucked
Chad doesn't even have to approach women, they come to him
I just want to look as half attractive as him.
i will never approach a girl. I'm too high inhibition. I've always imagined a girl asking me out. It's how all my fantasies play out. I won't have it another way. Sorry ladies.
Chad usually approaches. He just never gets rejected, so he's high "confidence".

He approaches after getting signals that makes it clear to him it's in his pockets.

It's like getting a super like on Tinder, sure you still have to click on "like", but you know it's a catch beforehand
He approaches after getting signals that makes it clear to him it's in his pockets.

It's like getting a super like on Tinder, sure you still have to click on "like", but you know it's a catch beforehand
Lmao Chad gets IOIs left and right, so he can approach whatever girl he wants even if she hasn't seen him yet and he can take her.
lol...I seriously don’t get people who think that all it takes is trying. You don’t need to be Chad but you need to check a lot of boxes to even have a chance with girls, and then you can begin trying. If you don’t meet the base criteria, then you might as well be chasing the wind.
I remember some story about a short asian nerd trying this at a university. He ended up getting arrested jfl.
lol...I seriously don’t get people who think that all it takes is trying. You don’t need to be Chad but you need to check a lot of boxes to even have a chance with girls, and then you can begin trying. If you don’t meet the base criteria, then you might as well be chasing the wind.
What's your base criteria

The only criterion on the female side is exist, btw. Lol
What's your base criteria

The only criterion on the female side is exist, btw. Lol
The base criteria is dimensioned from their primality nature. Mainly for a few reasons.
-They love conquesting social spheres when a guy meets the base criteria of being a prize via LMS, and other mediums like a predatorial shadowking/ primal prodigy/ obscure otherworldly oppressor. Having a chad/ being at the top of a pack of 6' aryans always helps.
-They will be free from the pain/ sadness of being a loser. That every girl is haunted with probably more than getting raped on the street.
-They have an inner criticism pillared (naturally/ naturally frequent occurring denominator/ NFOD) by the rules/ regulations/ perceptions of society. If you control what is frequent in nature, then you'll always win. It's our survival mechanism. Women wanna feel like the primality/ horror of the public is always on her mind. Women get tense/ fearful feelings about ppl in general around age 4. They wanna feel like the people they're impressing/ going to win are people who DO NOT accept anyone with imperfect walk in life. And that people only stick around people who have the MOST perfect footing in all existence.
This is what I call the societal selfseeking stream stress. Because people are self seeking/ primal, women feel that pressure. And they wanna be on top of the wave of people's selfseeking nature/ primal value vying. Even 10/10 stacies are insecure (ESPECIALLY, since by then they've already felt on top of the world, and don't wanna lose that postiion. So they're probably less liable to let anything go). They fear not being on top of the wave where people predicate their selfseeking stream on someone/ something else. That's why women are angry guys are into nerdy/ sports/ non-appraising things for them. Because ALL women want that narcissistic enjoyment of being on the top of the selfseeking stream of the psyches of society.

Every girl is a schemer trying to control her own world. She's not an NPC normie IRL, she is a player (with the same general brain structure as other human beings, with cuntish twists, but still somewhat sentient, and has natural sentience BUILT for understanding ungenuineness) who toggles pvp while pretending to offer you money if you do things with her, and who will take all your loot. In order to manipulate women, you need to consider every dimensionality drift the human mind commonly has, along with what she has in particular, and subvert them. You need to have good discernment skills/ insight to know the human mind inwards and outwards in order to do that.
The base criteria is dimensioned from their primality nature. Mainly for a few reasons.
-They love conquesting social spheres when a guy meets the base criteria of being a prize via LMS, and other mediums like a predatorial shadowking/ primal prodigy/ obscure otherworldly oppressor. Having a chad/ being at the top of a pack of 6' aryans always helps.
-They will be free from the pain/ sadness of being a loser. That every girl is haunted with probably more than getting raped on the street.
-They have an inner criticism pillared (naturally/ naturally frequent occurring denominator/ NFOD) by the rules/ regulations/ perceptions of society. If you control what is frequent in nature, then you'll always win. It's our survival mechanism. Women wanna feel like the primality/ horror of the public is always on her mind. Women get tense/ fearful feelings about ppl in general around age 4. They wanna feel like the people they're impressing/ going to win are people who DO NOT accept anyone with imperfect walk in life. And that people only stick around people who have the MOST perfect footing in all existence.
This is what I call the societal selfseeking stream stress. Because people are self seeking/ primal, women feel that pressure. And they wanna be on top of the wave of people's selfseeking nature/ primal value vying. Even 10/10 stacies are insecure (ESPECIALLY, since by then they've already felt on top of the world, and don't wanna lose that postiion. So they're probably less liable to let anything go). They fear not being on top of the wave where people predicate their selfseeking stream on someone/ something else. That's why women are angry guys are into nerdy/ sports/ non-appraising things for them. Because ALL women want that narcissistic enjoyment of being on the top of the selfseeking stream of the psyches of society.

Every girl is a schemer trying to control her own world. She's not an NPC normie IRL, she is a player (with the same general brain structure as other human beings, with cuntish twists, but still somewhat sentient, and has natural sentience BUILT for understanding ungenuineness) who toggles pvp while pretending to offer you money if you do things with her, and who will take all your loot. In order to manipulate women, you need to consider every dimensionality drift the human mind commonly has, along with what she has in particular, and subvert them. You need to have good discernment skills/ insight to know the human mind inwards and outwards in order to do that.
Well damn, when you put it that way
Noone got lakdn by actively approaching actually
I'm high inhib so it's hard for me to approach, but i've given it a shot and it really just doesn't work if you're ugly af. Doesn't matter if you approach hamplanets or literal stacy, you're fucked.
i will never approach a girl. I'm too high inhibition. I've always imagined a girl asking me out. It's how all my fantasies play out. I won't have it another way. Sorry ladies.

This is triggering as fuck, knowing that a guy who mogs me refuses to approach girls even though he could get one (you're probably 4+ like most guys here) while I've done 100s of approaches and got rejected so many times.

I am WILLING to approach women. I don't expect women to do what I wouldn't. I am not unreasonable. I don't approach women anymore simply because I know how awkward it is for them to have to reject me.

You don't deserve a gf with your attitude. You're probably just a mentalcel like 95% of posters here.
Bingo. If you have to resort to approaching, you're aren't a Chad.
We already know we're not Chads, we just need to look into the mirror to figure out quickly that no woman will ever approach us, even if we lived 1000 lifetimes with our faces.
When we approach we're trying to desperately prove to the world that we can be normies, basically begging the world to not let us die alone. Unfortunately, many of us find out we're subhuman in the process, and not failed normies.
Bingo. If you have to resort to approaching, you're aren't a Chad.

Most men on the face of the earth aren't chads but many still get gfs. Mindblowing, I know. You may wanna take a seat to catch your breath.

(jk, ur already sitting down in your mother's basement)
Most men on the face of the earth aren't chads but many still get gfs. Mindblowing, I know. You may wanna take a seat to catch your breath.

(jk, ur already sitting down in your mother's basement)
Your point? Sub Chads have to approach. Not true Chads.
This is triggering as fuck, knowing that a guy who mogs me refuses to approach girls even though he could get one (you're probably 4+ like most guys here) while I've done 100s of approaches and got rejected so many times.

I am WILLING to approach women. I don't expect women to do what I wouldn't. I am not unreasonable. I don't approach women anymore simply because I know how awkward it is for them to have to reject me.

You don't deserve a gf with your attitude. You're probably just a mentalcel like 95% of posters here.
It's lonely at the top. We are the only incels here.
Beta no approach krew
Most men on the face of the earth aren't chads but many still get gfs. Mindblowing, I know. You may wanna take a seat to catch your breath.

(jk, ur already sitting down in your mother's basement)
Cope. Its over no matter what I do.
Most men on the face of the earth aren't chads but many still get gfs. Mindblowing, I know. You may wanna take a seat to catch your breath.

(jk, ur already sitting down in your mother's basement)
Yes, revered sir, even you admit this. I believe many of us here suffer from Autism + less than ideal looks. I look at guys with women and pick out flaw after flaw on the guys. There is something more than meets the eye. Women date burn victims and 600lb men. If looks theory was true that would be IMPOSSIBLE.

There are millionaires who are so cheap that they live on a 30cent can catfood each day.
Yes, revered sir, even you admit this. I believe many of us here suffer from Autism + less than ideal looks. I look at guys with women and pick out flaw after flaw on the guys. There is something more than meets the eye. Women date burn victims and 600lb men. If looks theory was true that would be IMPOSSIBLE.

There are millionaires who are so cheap that they live on a 30cent can catfood each day.

Looks theory is REAL. It just can't be extrapolated across every interaction or LTR that ever happened.

Yes, I am starting to agree that most posters here are 4-6/10 aspies who use looks theory as a cope for their being too shy and beta to speak to a woman.

"But but Chad gets raped by women in his sleep". You're NOT FUCKING CHAD, guys!
Sub Chads need to apporach in order to have success but it's a waste of time at a certain looks level
Looks theory is REAL. It just can't be extrapolated across every interaction or LTR that ever happened.

Yes, I am starting to agree that most posters here are 4-6/10 aspies who use looks theory as a cope for their being too shy and beta to speak to a woman.

"But but Chad gets raped by women in his sleep". You're NOT FUCKING CHAD, guys!
Yes, that is why it is called "Looks Theory" not "Looks Law"

Now that you mention it, I do but not your actual looks. People PM me pics all the time on here.
You didn't rate me, you just said it's over.
I remember some story about a short asian nerd trying this at a university. He ended up getting arrested jfl.

This, I read many stories like this. I read too about some unattractive white guy pic being posted with #metoo shit in the uni social media page with many girls calling him names, just because he asked one single girl on a date.
Oh that was you? And you used real pics, right?

If so, I take it back. You are not LARPing if that was really you.
Is it that hard to believe that there's an actual incel on an incel site. I guess it is with all the fakecels around.
Is it that hard to believe that there's an actual incel on an incel site. I guess it is with all the fakecels around.

I've seen two Tyronelites (in PM) in the last week, even an lightskinned Arab chadlite. Whogivesafucc is a rhinoplasty and liplift away from looking decent.
I've seen two Tyronelites (in PM) in the last week, even an lightskinned Arab chadlite. Whogivesafucc is a rhinoplasty and liplift away from looking decent.

You say it's over at 3 or 4 ? And at what number do you consider guys LARPing ?
I'm high inhib so it's hard for me to approach, but i've given it a shot and it really just doesn't work if you're ugly af. Doesn't matter if you approach hamplanets or literal stacy, you're fucked.
try to lowinhib max
No shit, maybe for autistic whites on here this is revelation but over for me anyway
What's your base criteria

The only criterion on the female side is exist, btw. Lol

Depends I suppose; it’s a bit of a trickle-down effect with looks at the top. If you’re moderately attractive, you then get to be judged on how social you are; do you have social circles that are constantly expanding and contracting, and do you have upwards mobility within these circles? Are you from a local culture & ethnicity, or are you well adapted socially to the customs of your place of residence if you’re not a local?

I think those are the most important or base requirements for having a shot with women, since I’d say people are pretty flexible with the rest (keep in mind though that a lot of women get to be picky about other stuff, but these to me are the basics as to having a chance).

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