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News Reminder that us Incels WON the battle vs. Cucktears.



38 Year Old Virgin.
Nov 8, 2017
There's a lot of threads about them, wanting to debate them, etc...

Yes, they got us off Reddit. That had more to do with Reddit being run by people in Silicon Valley, a deformed area of degeneracy.

What did this accomplish?

We splintered off into here and a few other places, which allowed us all to become far less filtered (except for the few retards still clinging to Reddit).

Do you notice that IT rarely posts about this board anymore? Whiteknight fags mocking us have moved on?

It's because they know they can't censor us. They are powerless to stop us.

The game is no longer fun for them. The mind of the progressive focuses on those that they can easily manipulate and overpower.

When you argue with IT, you're attempting to fight a pointless battle. They don't want to debate us because they don't care. It's never been about our ideas being wrong. They just want to control weak males into being what they want.

People accepting the blackpill is growing quickly, and they all know it.
High IQ post.
yeah but this board sucks now
The first person to turn the blackpill into some kind of religious monetary gain will be worth millions. Just will take balls to do.
All they did was shook the wasps nest.
This site has been a giant step for the incel cause.
God, I despise reddit-loving cucks do much. They just can't move on.
It's not about the platform, it's about the content. mostof the post here now are just the same thing repeated over and over. People are just posting to get stars under their name now
we havent been features on their sub in 14 days kek
we havent been features on their sub in 14 days kek


As an aside, I'm suddenly getting an insatiable urge to hatefuck an Inceltears slut until she passes out.
the post quality went down with time. I tought it was bad a few months before the migration but i thibk kt's even worst now. There are too much low effort post
I don't give a fuck about them
Reddit was at least more fun then this place. I used to crack up all the time at the dark humor and memes on there. This place is more depressing with everyone repeating themselves over and over again
the post quality went down with time. I tought it was bad a few months before the migration but i thibk kt's even worst now. There are too much low effort post
Make some high effort posts then. Only those who contribute have a right to complain
Yeah, too many fakecels like @FeminismsCancer, @St.Tropez, @Zyros, @Octopusgun2, @Jewsel
Me a fakecel tagged along the good-looking fakecels? You never saw what I look like (bald, ugly, old manlet)
Yeah, too many fakecels like @FeminismsCancer, @St.Tropez, @Zyros, @Octopusgun2, @Jewsel
I agree with most of these except for @Jewsel
They lost the battle and we lost the war
I agree with most of these except for @Jewsel
hes a comfirmed fakecel tho ik him irl he larps here cuz hes a weeb thats the only thing he talks about if u read his comment lol he only comes her to talk to other pedos (uhh i mean lolicels xDddd)
hes a comfirmed fakecel tho ik him irl he larps here cuz hes a weeb thats the only thing he talks about if u read his comment lol he only comes her to talk to other pedos (uhh i mean lolicels xDddd)
I though jews liked each others
reddit is pretty shit tier but this site is good
i like him but i hate how hes here only because hes a weeb pedophile and theres tons of weebs and pedos here
yeah the anime fags and their loli shit need to fuck off too r9k, same thing with traps, ponies etc
off topic, but why do you make videos on dailymotion and not on youtube? Do you have a youtube account?
yeah the anime fags and their loli shit need to fuck off too r9k, same thing with traps, ponies etc
The moralfags are the ones who need to fuck off to cucktears where you came from.
Cucktears has no morals, you should join them.
Cucktears has no morals, you should join them.
I'm blackpilled AF, you are moral high grounding everyone with your stupid ideas of what's right and wrong.
Winners create morals, losers follow them.
yeah the anime fags and their loli shit need to fuck off too r9k, same thing with traps, ponies etc
Sorry for having a hobbie you personally dislike. Ehhh lets ban them all for no reason, fuck people who do different things than me.
Sorry for having a hobbie you personally dislike. Ehhh lets ban them all for no reason, fuck people who do different things than me.
I have no problem with anime, in fact I watch dragonball super atm, it's the loli and trap fags
That is what I'm referring to.
we will bully the brownies until he fuck off back to which ever pony forum he came from, and the traps fags belong in r9k
we will bully the brownies until he fuck off back to which ever pony forum he came from, and the traps fags belong in r9k
Why? There's no reason to. You're just like the people on reddit who hate pedophiles and incels.
Why? There's no reason to. You're just like the people on reddit who hate pedophiles and incels.
yeah, the fag @St.Tropez had 15 gf and all the anime fags were defending him because he was trap so they can fuck off back to r9k and the brownie is clearly more interested in fucking horse than speaking of inceldom, he doesn't belong here
The real reason they don't have screenshots of this board is because they can't create alts making very extremists threads now, how sad :c
yeah, the fag @St.Tropez had 15 gf and all the anime fags were defending him because he was trap so they can fuck off back to r9k and the brownie is clearly more interested in fucking horse than speaking of inceldom, he doesn't belong here
He only speaks of it when he has to reply to and defend himself against retards on here, and St. Tropez needed to f off.
He only speaks of it when he has to reply to and defend himself against retards on here, and St. Tropez needed to f off.
you can't convince me, everyday another white guy is exposed as a fakecel you guys are a joke
It was over for inceltears when the Atomic Blackpill was dropped.
My eyes practically popped out of my skull when I saw that, smirking ear to chin.
They may seem to carry on making excuses, and denying and ridiculing, but something changed in the minds of all blue-pillers that day.

For a single moment, the blinding light of truth revealed itself and none could deny it's brilliance.
Sorry for having a hobbie you personally dislike. Ehhh lets ban them all for no reason, fuck people who do different things than me.
off topic, but why do you make videos on dailymotion and not on youtube? Do you have a youtube account?
I was banned on YouTube. My videos would be deleted quickly.

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