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Blackpill Reminder that nature is objectively evil and there is no limit for suffering

  • Thread starter Welcumtotherealworld
  • Start date


Subhuman Filth
Mar 11, 2018
Seriously to all the religious cucks out here you're just naive and coping by telling yourself that there has to be a reason why you're suffering like this. There doesn't have to be a reason for anything, none at all. A guy could kidnap a little boy and slowly amputate and eat his limbs while he's alive for no reason at all. There are thousands of people with horrible deformities that have them in chronic pain. Shit like leukemia and osteoporosis.

Nature is not here to be friendly to you, nature is not here to be egalitarian. Nature is here to literally kill the weak and save the strong. Wolves will often eat the legs of their prey so that they stay alive so the meat stays fresh. What ever diety that would create a world where such suffering exists would be objectively evil.

I often hear religious people say "god did this to create free will". This is cope to create a logical devide. If a diety wanted he could create a perfect world with enough resources for everyone and where everyone were Chad and Stacy and lived in a disease free euphoria. Hell even removing the ability to feel pain would go a long way. But no he chooses to punish humanity forever and if you even dare to not believe in him or pray to some other god he will punish you infinitely with the highest amounts of pain in hell forever....

Does this sound like someone who deserves to be prayed to...
No it doesn't
Religiouscels are retarded sorrynotsorry
I said no it doesn't in response to you saying does this sound like someone who deserves to be prayed to op
Ah ok, you didn't quote it, or at least I can't see ur quote.
Religion is the biggest bluepill in existence
There is no right or wrong, good or evil, or any kind of balance in that way, everything just exists and plays out by some rules. The worst part is that you can pop into existence and experience it; and depending on your luck (i.e. no control over your fate), either suffer horribly or live heavenly. For the latter, life is beautiful and great, you enjoy it, but for the former, it's just suffering, nothing gets better, ultimately you want to stop existing, and that's when you suicide.
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There is no right or wrong, good or evil, or any kind of balance in that way, everything just exists and plays out by some rules. The worst part is that you can pop into existence and experience it; and depending on your luck (i.e. no control over your fate), either suffer horribly or live heavenly. For the latter, life is beautiful and great, you enjoy it, but for the former, it's just suffering, nothing gets better, ultimately you want to stop existing, and that's when you suicide.
Life is straight bullshit
Legit. I'm sick of this meme where people act like christcucks to be edgy.
Seriously to all the religious cucks out here you're just naive and coping by telling yourself that there has to be a reason why you're suffering like this. There doesn't have to be a reason for anything, none at all. A guy could kidnap a little boy and slowly amputate and eat his limbs while he's alive for no reason at all. There are thousands of people with horrible deformities that have them in chronic pain. Shit like leukemia and osteoporosis.

Nature is not here to be friendly to you, nature is not here to be egalitarian. Nature is here to literally kill the weak and save the strong. Wolves will often eat the legs of their prey so that they stay alive so the meat stays fresh. What ever diety that would create a world where such suffering exists would be objectively evil.

I often hear religious people say "god did this to create free will". This is cope to create a logical devide. If a diety wanted he could create a perfect world with enough resources for everyone and where everyone were Chad and Stacy and lived in a disease free euphoria. Hell even removing the ability to feel pain would go a long way. But no he chooses to punish humanity forever and if you even dare to not believe in him or pray to some other god he will punish you infinitely with the highest amounts of pain in hell forever....

Does this sound like someone who deserves to be prayed to...

Christian Gnosticism provides an excellent theological solution to the problem of evil

Christian Gnosticism attributes the creation of the physical world to an impotent, cruel being they call The Demiurge. Gnostic interpretations of the Demiurge's nature vary, and the theological understandings associated with it have been countless, but what all Christian Gnostics have in common is the belief that the creator of the physical universe is malevolent.

Some Gnostics believe that the Demiurge and his evil whims are expressed in the old testament, and Jesus was sent from beyond Creation to save mankind from its creator. Others believe that it was Lucifer that gave mankind the potential for salvation by causing original sin, thereby shattering the facade built by the creator and granting mankind soul and virtue. In every Gnostic scripture, nature, including that which man was created to follow, is defined as the source of all evil, whereas virtue is conversely defined as that which is acquired through turning against all that is natural and hence created by the Demiurge (Some Gnostic sects enforced Veganism and Celibacy for all of their members, among other things thought to be contrary to mankind's ordained purpose). Virtue, to the Gnostics, is only possible because man alone possesses a fragment of a perfect uncreated realm of ideas that lies beyond the physical in the form of the soul, which longs to reunite with the divine and free itself from the shackles imposed upon it by creation.

Sin is the natural state of man and all that exists in accordance to the creator's flawed law, virtue is all that goes against it and longs to reunite with the realm of perfection beyond creation. Gnostic descriptions of what forces lie beyond creation and how mankind attained their favor are extremely convoluted and vary wildly depending on the system, but all seem to believe that Jesus either came directly from beyond or was "adopted" by it at some point in his lifetime.

Basically Nature = source of all evil
We are suffering because of polygamy and degeneracy. I would not be suffering if I could get a pre-arranged virgin wife. In the past, when we actually behaved how God intended, we were happy.
please stop calling all religious people retards and stuff.

if you want to sit at home depressed, lonley, and suicidal, then do it. Don't get on your computer typing "it's over man!!" "religous people are retards hurr durr"

no disrespect, but this stuff gets really annoying.
please stop calling all religious people retards and stuff.

if you want to sit at home depressed, lonley, and suicidal, then do it. Don't get on your computer typing "it's over man!!" "religous people are retards hurr durr"

no disrespect, but this stuff gets really annoying.
Seriously to all the religious cucks out here you're just naive and coping by telling yourself that there has to be a reason why you're suffering like this. There doesn't have to be a reason for anything, none at all. A guy could kidnap a little boy and slowly amputate and eat his limbs while he's alive for no reason at all. There are thousands of people with horrible deformities that have them in chronic pain. Shit like leukemia and osteoporosis.

Nature is not here to be friendly to you, nature is not here to be egalitarian. Nature is here to literally kill the weak and save the strong. Wolves will often eat the legs of their prey so that they stay alive so the meat stays fresh. What ever diety that would create a world where such suffering exists would be objectively evil.

I often hear religious people say "god did this to create free will". This is cope to create a logical devide. If a diety wanted he could create a perfect world with enough resources for everyone and where everyone were Chad and Stacy and lived in a disease free euphoria. Hell even removing the ability to feel pain would go a long way. But no he chooses to punish humanity forever and if you even dare to not believe in him or pray to some other god he will punish you infinitely with the highest amounts of pain in hell forever....

Does this sound like someone who deserves to be prayed to...
I think you got the wrong idea about religion and God. Yes the world is inherently bad but it is not important, we mistakenly put human emotions on a pedestal and pretend that they matter but it's nothing. In Christianity you have sins that you should avoid and in Hinduism they flat out tell you that desires causes pain. It's all the same message, you wrongfully glorify the world clinging to your desires as if they would make you happy.
We are suffering because of polygamy and degeneracy. I would not be suffering if I could get a pre-arranged virgin wife. In the past, when we actually behaved how God intended, we were happy.
COPE, NO YOU WOULDN'T. In the times where sex was a right we had to deal with tons of other shit as well like starvation, plagues and war. Something always wants to make your life hell. And even then it might solve YOUR problems but tons of people would still suffer.
COPE, NO YOU WOULDN'T. In the times where sex was a right we had to deal with tons of other shit as well like starvation, plagues and war. Something always wants to make your life hell. And even then it might solve YOUR problems but tons of people would still suffer.
Dying in a war after a happy life with your family is not such a bad deal, you know. Everything is better than today's state of affairs. We have betrayed God and we are paying the price.
Dying in a war after a happy life with your family is not such a bad deal, you know. Everything is better than today's state of affairs. We have betrayed God and we are paying the price.

"Dying in a war after a happy life with your family is not such a bad deal you know"

Tell me that when you die from an infection after you had to get your legs amputated because you were literally fighting in shit. Media has glorified war for you.

"Everything is better than today's state of affair"

In our primal days Chad would kill your neuter you for touching his harem.

"We have betrayed god and we are paying the price"

Tell that to Chad which has sinned all his life but is fucking multiple bitches daily without any health problems that will die with a happy and fulfilled life. Whilst you which have never sinned will die afriad and alone in an old folks home having accomplished nothing in your life and hated bu everyone just because of your looks.
In our primal days Chad would kill your neuter you for touching his harem.
So it comes down to combat, I'd say it's a lot easier beating one dude instead of having the whole society hunting you for ever as we have now. Before you could be clever or strong to get laid, now men stand in line for women hoping that they are tall and good looking enough so that they will be chosen.

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