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RageFuel Reminder: Summer is coming



Jun 5, 2018
I just sat next to a couple on the bus making out. Why do these normie kike niggers do this? Biggest ERfuel of the year yet tbh tbh

The worst part is that this is only the beginning. It's gonna get worse as summer comes. I predict a lot more ERs going off.
I just sat next to a couple on the bus making out.
Go bakER on them by giving them piece of bread with a secret recipe :feelsokman::feelsthink:

I just sat next to a couple on the bus making out. Why do these normie kike niggers do this? Biggest ERfuel of the year yet tbh tbh

The worst part is that this is only the beginning. It's gonna get worse as summer comes. I predict a lot more ERs going off.
big deal, when I used to go the park last summer this happened not infrequently
i would go past some park benches and there would be 2 high schoolers making out there lasciviously in plain sight, on the main path where tons of people walked by, families, pensioners, groups of old businessmen in suits etc. i went past them to sit somewhere not normie-infested, laid there for over 30 minutes checking out incels.me and then left the park the same way I came in, and they were still there making out on that bench forcing everyone to look at them as they went on the main path
big deal, when I used to go the park last summer this happened not infrequently
i would go past some park benches and there would be 2 high schoolers making out there lasciviously in plain sight, on the main path where tons of people walked by, families, pensioners, groups of old businessmen in suits etc. i went past them to sit somewhere not normie-infested, laid there for over 30 minutes checking out incels.me and then left the park the same way I came in, and they were still there making out on that bench forcing everyone to look at them as they went on the main path
This is why arabs got it right with Sharia.
Same shit, different season.
I bet ER events are more frequent in the summer when girls are wearing next to nothing and everybody’s out having relationships and experiences, enjoying youth.
Summer is coming, and I still haven't lost weight. Forget foids, I just want to go to the beach without being fat fuck.
Stay inside all summer crew.
No man I dont hate summer thanks God i dont live in the west so i dont see such shit often

love summers
Summer is coming, and I still haven't lost weight. Forget foids, I just want to go to the beach without being fat fuck.
You can still lose a good deal of weight before it comes, just do it.
big deal, when I used to go the park last summer this happened not infrequently
i would go past some park benches and there would be 2 high schoolers making out there lasciviously in plain sight, on the main path where tons of people walked by, families, pensioners, groups of old businessmen in suits etc. i went past them to sit somewhere not normie-infested, laid there for over 30 minutes checking out incels.me and then left the park the same way I came in, and they were still there making out on that bench forcing everyone to look at them as they went on the main path
Should have had your acid bottle ready.
I hope I hear the night crickets.
Another fucked up summer on the way, might snap this year who knows. I'll let you guys in on the loop of i do though.
big deal, when I used to go the park last summer this happened not infrequently
i would go past some park benches and there would be 2 high schoolers making out there lasciviously in plain sight, on the main path where tons of people walked by, families, pensioners, groups of old businessmen in suits etc. i went past them to sit somewhere not normie-infested, laid there for over 30 minutes checking out incels.me and then left the park the same way I came in, and they were still there making out on that bench forcing everyone to look at them as they went on the main path
Fuck people who show off like this, get a room. Nobody cares that your both together, dumb teens.
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Gonna get rhinoplasty this summer
Summer is coming, and I still haven't lost weight. Forget foids, I just want to go to the beach without being fat fuck.
For what reason do you think you have a problem to lean down?
Another fucked up summer on the way, might snap this year who knows. I'll let you guys in on the loop of i do though.

Fuck people who show off like this, get a room. Nobody cares that your both together
Summer is coming, and I still haven't lost weight. Forget foids, I just want to go to the beach without being fat fuck.

Same for me if you replace fat by skinny tbh
I will go lake to swim :feelsautistic:
Summer is coming so its time to turn on the ac and shut off any light
reminder for any outdoorcels and urbancels the suicidefuel will be endless. not even worth it going outside unless its important or its with the few friends yuo have left
fuck seeing foids in skimpy clothes. And possibly getting accused of harassment for looking in their direction. im not ready for this
How is summer coming already?
It feels like it was summer last month.
Fuck this.
Another fucked up summer on the way, might snap this year who knows. I'll let you guys in on the loop of i do though.

Fuck people who show off like this, get a room. Nobody cares that your both together, dumb teens.
The bus was packed so they were pretty much sitting on top of me making loud smooch sounds.
let me tell you about the time i was stuck in a huge grocery line with a kissing couple in front of me. i suddenly realised the kissing sounds were out of sync with their movements, because there was ANOTHER NORMIE COUPLE KISSING RIGHT BEHIND ME
if u lived in west you would hate it man, it's pure torture
I can imagine man.. i can imagine.thats the one of the things im thankful for
let me tell you about the time i was stuck in a huge grocery line with a kissing couple in front of me. i suddenly realised the kissing sounds were out of sync with their movements, because there was ANOTHER NORMIE COUPLE KISSING RIGHT BEHIND ME
just rope tbh :feelsseriously:
no man, can't wear hats anymore
i dont mind summer i like it a lot actually
Worse season of the year
can't wear coats to hide my hideous frame, or rather i can (and will) but i'll end up getting migraines from the heat.
PDA is brutal tbh genocidefuel
Summer is suicidefuel too
Thankfully its very rare to find this happen on a public bus.

Summers coming boyos, I hate it when I round up in a corner in campus and just find the youth making out, it suifuel just looking at what I missed out on growing up. They don't stop either like wtf, people are walking around, find a private place :reeeeee:

Guess I am going to Ldar another summer with the AC. :feelsbadman:
I bet ER events are more frequent in the summer when girls are wearing next to nothing and everybody’s out having relationships and experiences, enjoying youth.
More suicides are committed during the summer than during the winter, and it's precisely for this reason. But conversely, cases of depression are more common during the winter than during than summer! What explains this divergence?

It's because the privileged members of our society -- women, normalfags, and Chads -- only become "depressed" when they are prohibited from having the fun they otherwise would be (including making out in public, having exhibitionist sex in public, and generally flaunting their status in public -- winter restricts their ability to do all this). So they see therapists to tell them that their thought processes are irrational, and get registered in statistics as suffering from depression.

Meanwhile, subhumans are always depressed, but they become most depressed when it's summer and they experience the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) all around them. Whereas normalfags can easily get convinced by a therapist that their depression is not reflective of any deeper inferiority in themselves, but is rather just a fleeting feeling, subhumans who are experiencing the summer blues (i.e. blue-balls) know better so they decide to speed up their inevitable fate of dying alone.
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JFL we aren't even halfway through Spring yet

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