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Cope Reminder: sub 8 rule is cope



wyattu cokku onry
Nov 17, 2017
Most average looking normies are having sex. Sub 8 rule is a cope so that you don't have to accept that you are ugly (sub 5 by definition if we take 5 to be the average). If you are actually average looking you do not belong on this site.
normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)
normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)

And to guarantee that she won't cheat on you and leave you.

There are some average normies with beautiful gfs but they are cucks in those relationships. Requires 8+ to not be a cuck in that situation.
And to guarantee that she won't cheat on you and leave you.

There are some average normies with beautiful gfs but they are cucks in those relationships. Requires 8+ to not be a cuck in that situation.
Yeah and don't forget about "open relationships" as well :feelsclown:
And to guarantee that she won't cheat on you and leave you.

There are some average normies with beautiful gfs but they are cucks in those relationships. Requires 8+ to not be a cuck in that situation.
Yeah if you are not Chad the girl will be liable to leave you or cheat when offered a better deal but it is still delusional to think all normies are cucked and miserable at all times. They are having lots of sex and their lives are infinitely better than an incel's. It is really pathetic reading the copes on this forum about how normies are some kind of slaves to their GFs. Ironically, the guys who are the most pussy whipped in relationships have at least some awareness of the unbalanced power dynamic (ie, they know the girl is way more attractive them them and they couldn't do better). The most bluepilled guys (the ones who think they are Chads, or believe in alpha redpill bullshit) just cruise through life because they manage to retain some sense of self-worth.
Yeah and don't forget about "open relationships" as well :feelsclown:
Just to reiterate, it is usually only the guys who are somewhat aware of the blackpill (even if they do not call it by that name) who end up letting their toilet do this because they know they can't do better.
normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)
Generally speaking I agree with this, but I’ve seen a decent amount of 6-7’s get non fat decent girls too, which is why I personally subscribe to sub6 law now.
I disagree to some extent
sub 8 rule is fucking retarded. ive seen very few 8/10 guys is in my entire life
if it was true 99% of males would be incel
6 and 7 can slay easily
Sub 6 is incel
sub 8 rule is fucking retarded. ive seen very few 8/10 guys is in my entire life
if it was true 99% of males would be incel
6 and 7 can slay easily
Yes but sub 6 is fucked and 6-7 have to go below looksmatch in the west.
sub 8 is huge cope I've seen people who are 5-6/10 get girlfriends easily
Sub8 -> do nothing but sit in the basement all day and still get girls off Tinder as 8+ can be a turboautist. Need to be NT as a sub8.
Sub6 -> the tipping point where your genetics (looks) become less important than what you bring to compensate (money, entertainment, time/attention, etc).
Sub4 -> Incel
Sub3/2.5 -> truecel
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the guys who are the most pussy whipped in relationships have at least some awareness of the unbalanced power dynamic

Recently thought of this - like how the normie could accept clearly below his looksmatch as a girlfriend or even a wife without being at least partly blackpilled about his edge/possibilities.
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normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)
Sub6 -> the tipping point where your genetics (looks) become less important than what you bring (money, entertainment, time/attention, etc).

IMO it starts with sub7 already(non chad level of looks).
IMO it starts with sub7 already(non chad level of looks).
We're somewhere in between with all the laws because of increased hypergamy at least in the west. But sub4/sub6 is more accurate from what I see. I don't think see a large difference from the 6-7s I see walking around.

The 6s just have less to work with and will find it harder.
Then your image of what a 8/10 looks like is retarded.
No, he's right 8/10+ = T5-7%.

Looks aren't distributed equally.
Then your image of what a 8/10 looks like is retarded.
no 8 is a real chad
9 is a giga chad
objective 10 dosent exist
mosr people i see are either chadlites(7) or high tier normie (6)
Sub8 is too extreme now but if we filter open relationships and those with landwhales out of the scope of healthy relationships, then I'm afraid that sub8 will become the reality on the short run.
And to guarantee that she won't cheat on you and leave you.

There are some average normies with beautiful gfs but they are cucks in those relationships. Requires 8+ to not be a cuck in that situation.

High iq.
a lot of copers in this thread
no 8 is a real chad
9 is a giga chad
objective 10 dosent exist
mosr people i see are either chadlites(7) or high tier normie (6)
Sounds like autistic psl standards ngl. 8/10 and above is how women would rate the top 20% with maybe a few 7/10 squeezed in there, these are the guys getting all the pussy. Majority of the top 20% is chadlites, chads and gigachads are like 5% at most.
Sounds like autistic psl standards ngl. 8/10 and above is how women would rate the top 20% with maybe a few 7/10 squeezed in there, these are the guys getting all the pussy. Majority of the top 20% is chadlites, chads and gigachads are like 5% at most.
WOMEN! :lul:
thats the thing how WOMEN would rate we all know women are useless dumb piles of meat whos opinions dont matter
normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)
And to guarantee that she won't cheat on you and leave you.

There are some average normies with beautiful gfs but they are cucks in those relationships. Requires 8+ to not be a cuck in that situation.

Just to Echo the points stated above.

To get into a relationship with a NON-FAT woman whom is 4-6.5/10, with her lusting for you and shall remain loyal to you. You must be 8/10 or above.
WOMEN! :lul:
thats the thing how WOMEN would rate we all know women are useless dumb piles of meat whos opinions dont matter
Cope. Women know exactly what makes them wet, the shit you hear them say in public is all virtue signalling. I'm talking about their actual opinions they only share with their friends in private and what the data from dating apps/sites shows.
The sub8 rule is the true lore. Only if you're a chad you can expect to have equal relashionships with women. In all other cases you'll pay for being a sub8 subhuman.
Even if a 5/10 guy manages to get a 5/10 becky or more, he's still under the constant risk of getting cucked by Chad.

The sentence "alpha fucks, beta bucks" became famous for a reason. When it comes to stability in life, of course women will choose the betabuxx, but when it comes to actually having sexual interest and actual affection, it's CHAD only.

The sub8 law is fucking real when it comes down to actually have a partner who both likes you and have sexual interest in you in such a way she wouldn't consider cucking you for someone better looking.
normies have to betabuxx sub3 foids & landwhales to get laid.

Sub8 just means that only 8+ men get decent women (5/10 - 8/10 women @healthy weight)
cope. my brother is a 7 and has gotten good women all his life
no way you would rate him an 8
Sounds like autistic psl standards ngl. 8/10 and above is how women would rate the top 20% with maybe a few 7/10 squeezed in there, these are the guys getting all the pussy. Majority of the top 20% is chadlites, chads and gigachads are like 5% at most.
chadlites do well. massive cope to think otherwise
also lumping in all normies together is cope. high tier normies still live a good life while low tier normies betabux
Sub8 -> do nothing but sit in the basement all day and still get girls off Tinder as 8+ can be a turboautist. Need to be NT as a sub8.
Sub6 -> the tipping point where your genetics (looks) become less important than what you bring to compensate (money, entertainment, time/attention, etc).
Sub4 -> Incel
Sub3/2.5 -> truecel
This. Perfect summarisation, this is what I believe exactly.
It is a cope but I wish I wasn't alone in being hated by women, I know a lot of guys want to protect their ego so they hide being incel but still, our numbers are too small
sub 8 is huge cope I've seen people who are 5-6/10 get girlfriends easily
5’s typically have fat GF’s. 6-7 can get decent non fat girls.

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