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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

REMINDER: If you are attractive (8+/10) and have autism you still aren't a mentalcel



Nov 7, 2017

Your looks will compensate for your aspieness if you're 8+/10 like orb, girls won't see you as creepy like they would see an aspie incel/normie, they will see it as "cute" or "he is spiritual", and they will lust over you, they find your shyness cute, they take care of you etc.

only if you're good looking will autism not matter, if you look like a normie @Twisted   then it's over for you, and you belong here.
The problem with those who claim autism is that they're not autistic at all.
Tellem--T said:
He only got a ugly gook

Cope, she is hotter than a supernova explosion.
Twisted said:
Hopefully I can looksmax to orbs level
Orb SLAYS on tinder experiments and can get very high quality women
He is only 2 inches taller than me
He did a lot of looksmaxing though. He started off at around my level, hence why I look up to him so much.

Orb is a 5'10 midget?
Twisted said:
Hopefully I can looksmax to orbs level

Orb SLAYS on tinder experiments and can get very high quality women

He is only 2 inches taller than me

He did a lot of looksmaxing though. He started off at around my level, hence why I look up to him so much.

Lol he's only 5ft9
I really hope this wasn't even slightly a surprise to anyone.
Tellem--T said:
Cynistic said:
Orb is a 5'10 midget?
5ft9 since twisted is 5ft7

Orb is fucked then, since hes a midget even I heightmog him.
Twisted said:
Hopefully I can looksmax to orbs level

Orb SLAYS on tinder experiments and can get very high quality women

He is only 2 inches taller than me

He did a lot of looksmaxing though. He started off at around my level, hence why I look up to him so much.

Who is this orb guy everyone is talking about? A model? A former incel poster?
Twisted said:
5”9 is acceptable ONLY if you have a PSL 8+ face 

5”10-5”11 is average 

6”0+ is where the benefits come and you can be a slayer as long as you have a PSL 6+ face (and aren’t a framecel)

Where the hell do you guys live where its over for you if you're 5'9? Wtf? I'm 5'9 and see people shorter than me getting laid all the time.
Twisted said:
5”9 is acceptable ONLY if you have a PSL 8+ face 

5”10-5”11 is average 

6”0+ is where the benefits come and you can be a slayer as long as you have a PSL 6+ face (and aren’t a framecel)

You place far too much importance on height. 5'9" normies can do just fine.
Is Orb actually autistic? I thought this is just a meme
Twisted said:
5”9 is acceptable ONLY if you have a PSL 8+ face 

5”10-5”11 is average 

6”0+ is where the benefits come and you can be a slayer as long as you have a PSL 6+ face (and aren’t a framecel)

Orb had to go to Asia to slay lol, he's a psl 7 his height brings him down. Can't even slay women of his own race lol or can he ?
Nautica1983 said:
Twisted said:
5”9 is acceptable ONLY if you have a PSL 8+ face
5”10-5”11 is average
6”0+ is where the benefits come and you can be a slayer as long as you have a PSL 6+ face (and aren’t a framecel)
Where the hell do you guys live where its over for you if you're 5'9? Wtf? I'm 5'9 and see people shorter than me getting laid all the time.

Netherlands, avg height here is 6'3 so me at 5'10=midget tier.

Tellem--T said:
Twisted said:
5”9 is acceptable ONLY if you have a PSL 8+ face
5”10-5”11 is average
6”0+ is where the benefits come and you can be a slayer as long as you have a PSL 6+ face (and aren’t a framecel)
Orb had to go to Asia to slay lol, he's a psl 7 his height brings him down. Can't even slay women of his own race lol or can he ?

Hes a manlet so hes fucked.
Cynistic said:
Netherlands, avg height here is 6'3 so me at 5'10=midget tier.

Hes a manlet so hes fucked.

I thought average height in NL was 6'0"-6'0.5"
aut said:
Cynistic said:
Netherlands, avg height here is 6'3 so me at 5'10=midget tier.
Hes a manlet so hes fucked.
I thought average height in NL was 6'0"-6'0.5"

Nope I get heightmogged 24/7 at uni, the avg is like 190 cm or something
Twisted said:
He can match with stacies on tinder and get them to engage in messaging.

I’d say he is a PSL 7.5 overall. His face is PSL 8, although his height brings him down a bit, he also had a brilliant frame so i’d deduct 1.5 points for height off his PSL 8 but add a point for top tier Chad frame putting him at a PSL 7.5 overall.

He lived in the anglosphere though (New Zealand)

In the anglosphere, 5”10-5”11 is acceptable/normal, sub 5”10 is manlet and 6ft+ is tall. 

The Netherlands is like the tallest country in the world so it’ll be different there.

I don't know man 5ft9 is not great in the west but it depends on where he lives lol,
Twisted said:
Hopefully I can looksmax to orbs level

Orb SLAYS on tinder experiments and can get very high quality women

He is only 2 inches taller than me

He did a lot of looksmaxing though. He started off at around my level, hence why I look up to him so much.

How tall is orb anyways?
aut said:
Cynistic said:
Its over for Orb hes a MIDGET

Anything sub 6 foot is midget tier, it will be 6'3 in 2020 globally.
Cynistic said:
Anything sub 6 foot is midget tier, it will be 6'3 in 2020 globally.

lol for fuck's sake no it isn't. I'd be so mad as an actual manlet to see guys in the 5'9"-5'11" range larping as heightcels.
aut said:
Cynistic said:
Anything sub 6 foot is midget tier, it will be 6'3 in 2020 globally.
lol for fuck's sake no it isn't. I'd be so mad as an actual manlet to see guys in the 5'9"-5'11" range larping as heightcels.

Im 5'10, 5'10 is under 6 foot so im a midget, didnt you do any math at school?

Twisted said:
Cynistic said:
Anything sub 6 foot is midget tier, it will be 6'3 in 2020 globally.
Remember you live in the Netherlands so it’s probably true there.
However the average height in the anglosphere and most of the West (except Nordic countries) is usually between 5”9-5”10 (maybe lower in some Mediterranean countries).
I’d fucking hate to live in the Netherlands though. Bad enough being 5”7 in the UK (average height here is 5”9)

After LL you would be a chad.
Cynistic said:
Im 5'10, 5'10 is under 6 foot so im a midget, didnt you do any math at school?

OK I get it now, you're trolling. Very good.
Twisted said:
5”9 is borderline manlet but acceptable if you have a Chad face like orb 

5”7-5”8 is a death sentence though in the anglosphere unless you have like a PSL 9 face (very rare) and top tier frame.

Death sentence. Wut. For slaying psl6+ ego inflated tall white women maybe. If you want to just get laid it's not a death sentence. I don't think ive ever seen a PSL 9 face before
aut said:
Cynistic said:
Im 5'10, 5'10 is under 6 foot so im a midget, didnt you do any math at school?
OK I get it now, you're trolling. Very good.

Im not you dumbfuck, you should go to the Netherlands and get heightmogged by 6 inches by fkin midschoolers.
See how you feel then.
aut said:
lol for fuck's sake no it isn't. I'd be so mad as an actual manlet to see guys in the 5'9"-5'11" range larping as heightcels.

Cope. Sub 6' and it's fucking over.
I'm sure that being autistic and 8+ makes you more attractive to femoids as they can feel morally superior for talking to someone who "isn't normal"
tbh I usually get rated 7-9 in 4chan rate threads. Sometimes a 6 and on a couple occasions a 10, but I have autism (not aspergers, autism) and it can really get in the way of interacting with women. The first tinder date i went on i literally broke down crying. She still wanted me to come to her house and gave me her number, but I didn't feel like I could be as dominant as i'd like after she saw me bawling like a fucking baby at a bmth concert. One asian girl at school acted really into me and would always invite me to do stuff but she never tried to kiss me, and god knows I don't have the nuts to do that. I've gotten head at a club once but that was cause she initiated everything. I agree with y'all that looks is important, but a shy disgusting personality is still disgusting. What's worse is that I'm not low inhib at all around dudes, I've actually got a reputation as an asshole/douchebag (which is SUPPOSED to attract the feemales lol), but when a girl starts talking to me idk what to do. I feel like if I were to be an asshole around a girl they'd get offended and I'd immediately lose any chance.

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