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[Reminder] Goals are Cope.



Failure in Life
Feb 15, 2018
Death awaits us. May allah bless our souls
whats the point of anything if we are all going to die, the only thing that matters is our deeds that will be judged in the hereafter, we should dedicate our lives to be good muslims, instead of going to school or work or the process of it, work and school is taking away from our time in this deen, well im a neet so i have no excuse lol
whats the point of anything if we are all going to die, the only thing that matters is our deeds that will be judged in the hereafter, we should dedicate our lives to be good muslims, instead of going to school or work or the process of it, work and school is taking away from our time in this deen, well im a neet so i have no excuse lol

im seriously consdering converting to islam. it seems to be the only answer against inceldom.... Muhammad pbuh made sure his followers would not fall into incel misery
im seriously consdering converting to islam. it seems to be the only answer against inceldom.... Muhammad pbuh made sure his followers would not fall into incel misery
yes islam is the truth watch this enterainting yet informative video,

@Yoyo I didn’t know u were a muslim, mashallah, are u a curry?
Having a job or school education is not needed to succeed in life. All what was required is to help the people who are very poor and starving, pray, fasting, pilgrimage, and believe in the one who created us and the prophet (pbuh).

Nothing in this life matters except our pious actions, which will give us a life of happienss .Everything will be left behind after we die.

I wish i was a better muslim, I know because many of the faithful muslims are never sad and always kindhearted , i wish to follow the prophet and need to start learning more instead of having to be worried about all this bullcrap society

yes, but the prophets and sahabas were merchants and business men, but i think in this society its easy to sin and lose yourself, especially if you go to school and work, what im trying to say is islam should be a priority not school or work, but today we live as if work and school is the most important thing and its making lives miserable,
You're right. I always make school or job priority over islam, which is bad because it makes me miss a lot of my prayers. My imaan is weak and come to think of it, I think the last time I opened a Quran was about 2 months ago.

This life is a test. We are surrounded by bad things that try to pull us away from islam, especially living in the west. I have to try to control them and become better.

I am going to start posting less on this forum since it has been taking a toll on me
I would advise to leave this forum all together or at least only browse the offtopic, leave the main sub
Its been very addictive for me, hence my 4000 posts. If I request a permaban that will help me post less, but I might lurk from time to time.

Are you considering a BAN?

I will prolly be permabanned eventually, I always get warnings and bans for dumbshit, people always report my comments and blow things out of proportions, and the mods and admins here are trash, they think I'm fakecel, despite not seeing my post history which suggest I'm a loser virgin, lol they want me gone so bad
I will prolly be permabanned eventually, I always get warnings and bans for dumbshit, people always report my comments and blow things out of proportions, and the mods and admins here are trash, they think I'm fakecel, despite not seeing my post history which suggest I'm a loser virgin, lol they want me gone so bad

they hate us Muslims bro astaghfirullah
they hate us Muslims bro astaghfirullah

Fuck this site tbh, moderating is trash, I got banned for calling out a fake cel that was bragging he was saying shit like "girls be sitting on my laps" and I critized him and this site and I get banned, mods and admins here are soft like charming toilet paper.
Fuck this site tbh, moderating is trash, I got banned for calling out a fake cel that was bragging he was saying shit like "girls be sitting on my laps" and I critized him and this site and I get banned, mods and admins here are soft like charming toilet paper.

AllahuAkbar we will win in the end
yea its over even when many people dislike you here, unhealthy too. You guys may have thick skin so you can maybe handle that, but if that was happening to me (constant hate) i would be more depressed since i am weak. I already have a fear of social situations and dont have strong will.

@gstvtrp is waiting for me to make my decision. I may or may not be permabanned in the next 5 minutes brothers

Just leave bro accept the permaban, Ramadan is coming soon anyways
yea its over even when many people dislike you here, unhealthy too. You guys may have thick skin so you can maybe handle that, but if that was happening to me (constant hate) i would be more depressed since i am weak. I already have a fear of social situations and dont have strong will.

@gstvtrp is waiting for me to make my decision. I may or may not be permabanned in the next 5 minutes brothers
just take a temp, bro. You might change your mind later.
iA brother Thats true i must accept
Lmfao “ramadan is coming soon”, torture yourself for a month just to go back to the sinning life style. Stalkfurallah may allah guide you to the path of jannah s/. On a serious note let go of religion and your life will be atleast slighty better .
Lmfao “ramadan is coming soon”, torture yourself for a month just to go back to the sinning life style. Stalkfurallah may allah guide you to the path of jannah s/. On a serious note let go of religion and your life will be atleast slighty better .

brother stop trying to make him stray frm the right path. u may be possessed by an evil djinn.
Lmfao “ramadan is coming soon”, torture yourself for a month just to go back to the sinning life style. Stalkfurallah may allah guide you to the path of jannah s/. On a serious note let go of religion and your life will be atleast slighty better .

Ngl i dislike people who pretend to be good in ramadan for example celebrities like DJ Khalid and French montana
Goals are just what purpose we give ourselves in our pointless miserable lives.
Death awaits us. May allah bless our souls
im seriously consdering converting to islam. it seems to be the only answer against inceldom.... Muhammad pbuh made sure his followers would not fall into incel misery

I'm seriously starting to think that there is some kind of psyop (probably troll psyop being done by incel tears or some other online group) to see if were so "indoctrinated" that we would become a radical muslim "cult". All it takes is for one guy from this site afterwards to go commit an act of islamic terrorism and get linked back to the site, and boom, now none of us are fucking safe and all of use are being monitored by the FBI as potential terrorists, please take this religious faggotry elsewhere, and this is coming from a guy that belives the Christian God exists and is the one true God (he just also happens to be an evil fuck, that's where I differ in thought with other "christians").

So yeah, not an atheist making this argument, I believe in God, and I'm seeing too many new posters with barely ny posts under their belt, off the bat just jumping onto the islam bandwagon, seems on purpose to me.
whats the point of anything if we are all going to die, the only thing that matters is our deeds that will be judged in the hereafter, we should dedicate our lives to be good muslims, instead of going to school or work or the process of it, work and school is taking away from our time in this deen, well im a neet so i have no excuse lol

Religion as a whole, Islam included, is cope. There's no reason that Islam is any more true than any other religion, and no reason theism makes any more sense than atheism. Every religion gets off on feeling better than other religions, that they've found the "one true way", which is nothing more than human in group/out group psychology. Once you begin to understand the strongly historical, sociological, and psychological reasons religion exists, you'll begin to understand that it's all a sham.
Honestly if you're truecel you can't have goals, you just take what life gives you or reject it. Both are shitty choices.
everytime ive tried to succeed at something I fail.

whats the fucking point.
Like some of you even have goals to determine that
thank u for the support brothers

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