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Gaming Religions = gaming



The pp183 theory
Sep 28, 2018
I sometimes think about a "life rpg" and actually religions are the exact same thing.
You have missions to do, you have even more rules to obey. (Its like a difficulty option in the game) (Nature itself makes you start at easy or tutorial mode, depending on your sex)
In most religions, you have the bad guy and the hero.
Mammals have a desire to play. Religion is one of those games in my opinion. Some of us just choose to maxx out this game type while others are doing other shit to cope with nature and life.
Common player types:
1. The referral link dude
This type of player is gamepoint maxxing by getting new members for his game. He gets commission from every new member.
For example: @ZkinnyG
you racking up those mitzvah points

2. The High T player
Declares war on other games and he gets power from his T
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3. The mentally ill faggot gamer
He blows himself up bec. he thinks he will get pussy after he detonates a bomb in the game. While the game rules clearly say that it is unacceptable to kys.

4. The Neet gamercel
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He spent the last 86 years of his life maxxing the shit out of this game. Even the game admin is laughing at his virginity.
I suspect we are all simply pawns of the ultra terrestrials and that all supposed gods and religions men have embraced and worshipped or believed in said god or gods of throughout time were/are simply constructs created by these beings to test upon us making us effectively their laboratory rats for reasons unknown.

Understand that I did not fuckup and make a typo, nor did my ifag minis autocorrect feature fuck up my wording.

I really did mean to say “ultra terrestrial” and NOT “extra terrestrial”.

Anyone interested in what I’m talking about should investigate the late John Keel’s work.
3. The mentally ill faggot gamer
He blows himself up bec. he thinks he will get pussy after he detonates a bomb in the game. While the game rules clearly say that it is unacceptable to kys.
Exactly. We live in such a cynical age that any sincere atempts of self realization through embodying archetypes like that of the hero, or the magus, the ascetic, etc and pursuing goals like glory, immortality, enligtenment by acting out in certain mythical ways are laughed at as "LARP" or "virgin stuff". many retreat into the world of videogames to rediscover an enchanted world, but increasingly people will take these things into the real world in order to find meaning, by adopting archane religious beliefs or extreme political ideologies. Existence becomes a game
I suspect we are all simply pawns of the ultra terrestrials and that all supposed gods and religions men have embraced and worshipped or believed in said god or gods of throughout time were/are simply constructs created by these beings to test upon us making us effectively their laboratory rats for reasons unknown.

Understand that I did not fuckup and make a typo, nor did my ifag minis autocorrect feature fuck up my wording.

I really did mean to say “ultra terrestrial” and NOT “extra terrestrial”.

Anyone interested in what I’m talking about should investigate the late John Keel’s work.

I dont give a shit about any of all that. My only hope is that when I die, I'll be in an eternal dream of my own creation. I hope these "ultra terrestrial" at least give me that.
I dont give a shit about any of all that. My only hope is that when I die, I'll be in an eternal dream of my own creation. I hope these "ultra terrestrial" at least give me that.
Hey you forgot to post a gorilla. :feelsahh:
I dont give a shit about any of all that. My only hope is that when I die, I'll be in an eternal dream of my own creation. I hope these "ultra terrestrial" at least give me that.
You don’t want oblivion ie total non existence then?

Impressive if so.

This would make you largely unique among incels and wizards.
Thing is, religions are way too boring to be a irl RPG:feelsgah:
And you don't really gain anything from them unless u believe in that shit
You don’t want oblivion ie total non existence then?

Impressive if so.

This would make you largely unique among incels and wizards.

Honestly no I dont. Ever since my unfortunate conception. I have dreamed of existing in a world entirely made by me. Non existence doesnt necessarily scare me, but the thought of it is not appealing to me. Existence is only painful because we exist in a flawed world with no control or supervision.

I believe everyones tune would change if after we finally ceased to exist on this plane of reality, we got to create one of our choosing to exist in.

I'm curious, what's the appeal of nonexistence for you?

I guess the appeal for me personally is being totally free of physical and mental suffering.

No more anxiety, stress, OCD, various annoying body aches and pains, etc, etc.

You have a point about being able to create ones own ideal world for oneself which would probably also include an ideal body for oneself to inhabit would eliminate most of these issues ie the suffering and the pain, etc.

Yet I can’t help but wonder if we’d run into what I call “The Vampire’s Dilemma”?

Specifically I’m speaking of the vampires of Anne Rices “The Vampire Chronicles” here and what I mean by my above phrase concerning them is in her books she describes many of them going insane not being able to handle their immortality after a certain large number of years have passed ie whereby had they remained mortal they’d of been long dead by such time.

As her character “Armand” played brilliantly by Antonio Banderas in the movie made of her first book in the series says: “The world changes, we do not, therein lies the irony which finally kills us”.
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I spread the words of islam

who wants an Link to islam?

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