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Religion is part of the problem.



Jan 11, 2020
Jfl if you think religion will solve anything. It's just a ploy to keep the population docile. And this can be said about almost all religions. From childhood you're told that sex is something immoral and unclean. Yet it is a natural human need and desire. It's like blaming a carnivore for eating meat. It's all part of the plan. To keep the population poor ignorant and docile while increasing their resources. Islam is the biggest offender in this. The elite man can marry up to 4 wives. While a poor man can't even afford to have one. We all know having 4 wives isn't the only thing that those elites do. But it's okay though because "real life starts after death and you will get your 72 virgins so everybody wins". Give me a fucking break, you can't be more evil and diabolical than this. That's a great problem in religious communities around the world they're swimming in bluepills.

Also a bonus: Truth about Arab women.

Based and akbarpilled
Yes, because enforcing monogamy, preventing adultery and promoting sex within marriage is a bad thing?

My understanding is that Islam doesn’t really promote polygamy, it was permitted in times of war when Muslim men were killed and left lots of widows and orphans. I’m not Islamic, so I’ll let someone Islamic defend Islam.
Yes, because enforcing monogamy, preventing adultery and promoting sex within marriage is a bad thing?

My understanding is that Islam doesn’t really promote polygamy, it was permitted in times of war when Muslim men were killed and left lots of widows and orphans. I’m not Islamic, so I’ll let someone Islamic defend Islam.

Howard Storm author of the book “My Descent Into Death” claims to of met Jesus Christ during his near death experience which his book is all about and among the many things Jesus told him it was basically revealed that people don’t understand Jesus’s true stance on human sexuality and or other controversial things like the various other vices humans get up to.

Howard discovered that Jesus or rather the Bible ie Jesus’s book warned us against certain behaviors because they are harmful to us, not because he wants to ruin our fun or give us a psychological complex surrounding sex or say drug and alcohol use.

Anyway if Howard’s story is really a true account of actually meeting and being saved from Hell by Jesus Christ in the spirit realm (as opposed to it simply being an elaborate and very real feeling dying brain hallucination) than I really wish Jesus had somehow intervened during the Nicene Council’s meeting and ensured his meanings would be clearly defined and spelled out in the Bible that they were creating (agreeing upon which passed down scriptures belonged and which didn’t) leaving no room for misunderstandings or personal differing interpretations as it would certainly have saved humanity quite a bit of psychological pain had he only done so.

That said yes religion itself is generally a bad thing as it only attracts the worst kinds of people ie rule cucks, concern trolls, narcissists, attention whores and financial con men ie most if not all televangelists.

That said eschewing religion and being against that is not the same thing as being against god, the idea of a god or ones personal following of good spiritual teachings which usually boils down to simply being common sense advice.
Religion is the biggest and Cope and doesn't solve anything.
Howard Storm author of the book “My Descent Into Death” claims to of met Jesus Christ during his near death experience which his book is all about and among the many things Jesus told him it was basically revealed that people don’t understand Jesus’s true stance on human sexuality and or other controversial things like the various other vices humans get up to.

Howard discovered that Jesus or rather the Bible ie Jesus’s book warned us against certain behaviors because they are harmful to us, not because he wants to ruin our fun or give us a psychological complex surrounding sex or say drug and alcohol use.

Anyway if Howard’s story is really a true account of actually meeting and being saved from Hell by Jesus Christ in the spirit realm (as opposed to it simply being an elaborate and very real feeling dying brain hallucination) than I really wish Jesus had somehow intervened during the Nicene Council’s meeting and ensured his meanings would be clearly defined and spelled out in the Bible that they were creating (agreeing upon which passed down scriptures belonged and which didn’t) leaving no room for misunderstandings or personal differing interpretations as it would certainly have saved humanity quite a bit of psychological pain had he only done so.

That said yes religion itself is generally a bad thing as it only attracts the worst kinds of people ie rule cucks, concern trolls, narcissists, attention whores and financial con men ie most if not all televangelists.

That said eschewing religion and being against that is not the same thing as being against god, the idea of a god or ones personal following of good spiritual teachings which usually boils down to simply being common sense advice.

NDE's aren't the way to explore truth. Because a buddhist has buddhist nde, a hindu can have hindu nde and so on. I've looked into it deep enough. It's all just cope. You'd be surprised if you look into how creative mind is during dreams too.
Religion is GigaCope, it's the idea that you are more than some insignificant life form on some insignificant planet, existing for a brief period in the larger cosmos.
Religion is what kept people from participating in degenerate acts, had set in stone morals pertaining to help people, and kept society a set path for thousands of years. Now, the path has broken, and you can see its effects. I do not see anything bad about religion. As an agnostic, I think it is very much a good thing to have some sort of theocracy to keep people in some sort of check, however I also do agree with the fact that limitations can help spread degeneracy, as it is human nature to be curious. Overindulgence leading to self-pity and self-reconstruction is one of the only solutions to these types of problems we're dealing with nowadays.

But in general, straying away from the path of religion stopped assuring us the benefits of what other generations got decades ago. We can no longer exchange mutual love with women, as we are now considered inferior, along with the fact that hookup culture is the new norm nowadays. This type of stuff would've been protested against 60 to 70 years ago. Along with that, men gave women too much power and slowly "progressed" their sociopolitical views over time, which allowed women to gain social power and establish gynocentric social norms (not to mention that technological advancements such as the smartphone are also responsible for this excess gynocentrism). [Abrahamic] religion was/is objectively and blatantly patriarchal, and for good reason. I do not see a reason to ever hate on it.
Religion is what kept people from participating in degenerate acts, had set in stone morals pertaining to help people, and kept society a set path for thousands of years. Now, the path has broken, and you can see its effects. I do not see anything bad about religion. As an agnostic, I think it is very much a good thing to have some sort of theocracy to keep people in some sort of check, however I also do agree with the fact that limitations can help spread degeneracy, as it is human nature to be curious. Overindulgence leading to self-pity and self-reconstruction is one of the only solutions to these types of problems we're dealing with nowadays.

But in general, straying away from the path of religion stopped assuring us the benefits of what other generations got decades ago. We can no longer exchange mutual love with women, as we are now considered inferior, along with the fact that hookup culture is the new norm nowadays. This type of stuff would've been protested against 60 to 70 years ago. Along with that, men gave women too much power and slowly "progressed" their sociopolitical views over time, which allowed women to gain social power and establish gynocentric social norms (not to mention that technological advancements such as the smartphone are also responsible for this excess gynocentrism). [Abrahamic] religion was/is objectively and blatantly patriarchal, and for good reason. I do not see a reason to ever hate on it.

Abrahamic religions create sheltered self flagellating beta men. There are better ways to curb degeneracy.
Abrahamic religions create sheltered self flagellating beta men. There are better ways to curb degeneracy.
Like what? Like again, you need a path to slowly start to put people on. You can't just elect some extreme authoritarian overnight or that will simply just stimulate human nature and make everyone more degenerate. I personally think that Abrahamic, patriarchal religion did that the best.
Is being islamic for 4 wives even worth it? what countries do they have where the women are of quality? lol
Like what? Like again, you need a path to slowly start to put people on. You can't just elect some extreme authoritarian overnight or that will simply just stimulate human nature and make everyone more degenerate. I personally think that Abrahamic, patriarchal religion did that the best.

I particularly have beef with Islam. t discourages innovation, keeps the population illiterate and creates poor shitholes that people want to flea the first chance they get. While the elite get all the women of choice. Poor people are unable to have that privilege even once.
NDE's aren't the way to explore truth. Because a buddhist has buddhist nde, a hindu can have hindu nde and so on. I've looked into it deep enough. It's all just cope. You'd be surprised if you look into how creative mind is during dreams too.

Generally I’ve agreed with this line of thinking but when you listen to Howard’s story in particular he really did not seem to have much knowledge of Jesus and Christianity for his brain to draw on before his experience outside of largely long forgotten Sunday school teachings that most of us go through in the western world and probably also forget.

When the voice in his NDE told him to pray to god he was frantically searching for phrases with god in it since he realized he didn’t know how to pray. Due to his profound ignorance of the subject at the time he tells us that he resorted to an attempt to recite the Gettysburg address as a kind of prayer since he couldn’t think of much else.

Anyway though I digress.

The real truth at this point is that NDE’s haven’t been scientifically ruled valid or invalid of being evidence of an afterlife as of yet, they are still stuck in the to be determined realm of investigation and yes I do agree with you that many of the accounts seem suspect as fuck due to them often times seeming to simply conform to the dominant culture’s religion from which said experiencer is apart of, but Howard’s NDE continues to fascinate me for a plethora of reasons, one of which being he was a hardcore avowed atheist before his NDE and had no use for any religions or their gods and regarded all talk of such as nonsense for primitive minds and his colleagues all felt the same as he did about the subject.

I guess my main point about the guy and why I tend towards believing his account over other’s is he seems incredibly sincere about it where by comparison you can say listen to any number of religious types on TV be they televangelists or simply believers and immediately tell that many of them are simply disingenuous sacks of shit at worst or severely mentally ill at best.

Well all I can say is that Howard doesn’t trigger my sociopath/psychopath lying bastard sensor/senses.

Perhaps more importantly though as to why I trend towards believing him is as I pointed out already ie he did not appear to have a whole lot of religious/Christian education/propagandizing for his dying brain to draw from so as to produce such an elaborate dying brain hallucination if that was ultimately all that this was.
I particularly have beef with Islam. t discourages innovation, keeps the population illiterate and creates poor shitholes that people want to flea the first chance they get. While the elite get all the women of choice. Poor people are unable to have that privilege even once.
Weren't there Islamic mathematicians in Baghdad during the medieval era who were responsible for mathematical innovations that we still use today like advanced algebra? You might just be referencing the current state of the Islamic government. I don't think the core of Islam itself is entirely against academic progress.
Weren't there Islamic mathematicians in Baghdad during the medieval era who were responsible for mathematical innovations that we still use today like advanced algebra? You might just be referencing the current state of the Islamic government. I don't think the core of Islam itself is entirely against academic progress.

Dude its mostly just propaganda. I've got more information on islam than you westerncels. It's fundamentally anti progress and anti science. Stop glorifying this shit cult. I'd rather people were Christians than Muslims.

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