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Rehab room is a radical feminist, I'm just realising that



My jawline = Your sexlife
Feb 1, 2018
The more you listen to his videos, the more you'll realise it.

I just listen to a videa where he call stay at home moms in India " breeding cattle " as opposed to " free " american women

In another one, he explains how our grand mothers were " oppressed " and " held hostage " by our grand-fathers and didnt actually like them. He contrasts that to how happy and liberated modern women have, now that they " have the choice ".

The guy doesnt realize it, but his doctrine is textbook radical feminism

It's becoming hard for me to listen to his stuff tbh
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He is just not your avg .is user who can use such words in YouTube :feelskek:
Also I think rehab believes that it's not just women but the entire system is corrupt, so there's no point in hating the player. There are some BPers who think like that. Tails says the same
I fail to see how this is radical feminism. To me, these seem like facts from the Western female perspective. Besides, there are positions in between "women should be stripped of their rights" and radical feminism.
I fail to see how this is radical feminism. To me, these seem like facts from the Western female perspective. Besides, there are positions in between "women should be stripped of their rights" and radical feminism.

You fail to see how the idea that traditional housewives are in fact oppressed women who hated their husband while sluts with unlimited access to chad is just women being free is radical feminism ?

You fail to see how calling traditional housewives " breeding cattle " and opposing that to " free women of the west " is radical feminism ?

Lots of blackpillers in fact embrace feminists idea. Both agree that telling girls to not be promiscuous is oppression. Both agree that telling women to marry average men instead of jumping on the cock carousel is oppression. Both agree on a lot of things. They're very aligned, in fact some feminists are now using some blackpill concepts, such as the idea that depriving ugly men of sex is just eugenism, therefore its good.
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So is he feminist or not?
You fail to see how the idea that traditional housewives are in fact oppressed women who hated their husband while sluts with unlimited access to chad is just women being free is radical feminism ?

You fail to see how calling traditional housewives " breeding cattle " and opposing that to " free women of the west " is radical feminism ?

Lots of blackpillers in fact embrace feminists idea. Both agree that telling girls to not be promiscuous is oppression. Both agree that telling women to marry average men instead of jumping on the cock carousel is oppression. Both agree on a lot of things. They're very aligned, in fact some feminists are now using some blackpill concepts, such as the idea that depriving ugly men of sex is just eugenism, therefore its good.
Considering foids were one of the foremost proponents of eugenics back when it was far more mainstream and socially acceptable as an official science and state policy, this isn't surprising. They never changed one bit.
So is he feminist or not?

Lots of blackpillers in fact embrace feminists idea. Both agree that telling girls to not be promiscuous is oppression. Both agree that telling women to marry average men instead of jumping on the cock carousel is oppression. Both agree on a lot of things. They're very aligned, in fact some feminists are now using some blackpill concepts, such as the idea that depriving ugly men of sex is just eugenism, therefore its good. The only difference is that blackpillers think women should be oppressed, vs feminist think they shouldn't.
Dont know who that is but fuck him and his existence.
@FACEandLMS was always the best Blackpill Jewtuber tbh. Rehab Room is fine but doesn't compare to him
The more you listen to his videos, the more you'll realise it.

I just listen to a videa where he call stay at home moms in India " breeding cattle " as opposed to " free " american women

In another one, he explains how our grand mothers were " oppressed " and " held hostage " by our grand-fathers and didnt actually like them. He contrasts that to how happy and liberated modern women have, now that they " have the choice ".

The guy doesnt realize it, but his doctrine is textbook radical feminism

It's becoming hard for me to listen to his stuff tbh
I like to imagine he says that in the modern western context and not because he believes western women are "free" for real but yeah I see what you're saying. Also funny enough my grandma was the happiest and chillest person in my family and she was uneducated past 10 years old and was a housewife her entire adult life basically. She didn't complain. Lower expectations is better for everyone. She didn't expect to have a chad millionaire and mansion and parties in Miami she just wanted a house to live in and food to eat.
He’s another JBW bullshitter when everyone that’s being truthful and honest knows that JBB is law. :feelskek:

Also JBC (just be curry) too. :feelsthink:

For all the whining I see on the forum about dotheads and curry niggers supposedly having it so bad there’s a billion of these guys successfully beta buxxing with high paying programmer jobs to have obtained their often very attractive Stacy wives and aside from this plenty of these dudes are highly attractive soap opera tier appearance having giga mega Terra Chads.

Tall, DARK and handsome isn’t just a meme my friends. :feelsthink:
I guess what he was trying to imply is that in Curry cultures the foids don't have a choice in socially conservative culture but to marry a betabuxx and give him kids .

But no one is happy in this situation because the foid only gives bare minimum duty sex to the husband until she pops out 3 kids and the man has to work like a mule in Shitdia to a wife that is disgusted to him

Doesn't seem much of a feminist take ...
You fail to see how the idea that traditional housewives are in fact oppressed women who hated their husband while sluts with unlimited access to chad is just women being free is radical feminism ?

You fail to see how calling traditional housewives " breeding cattle " and opposing that to " free women of the west " is radical feminism ?
I fail to see how merely stating the POV of the Western woman makes one a radical feminist. Just because one recognizes that some people see certain things a certain way doesn't necessarily mean they themselves endorse the things those people do or favor.

Besides, some of the things stated are plainly fact. Women in the West are freer than elsewhere. That's not a value judgment in any way.
I tried watching a video of his, honestly it seemed like demoralization propaganda, I always get suspicious someone is IT-adjacent in those situations, like why would you want to demoralize people who are struggling with you?
bride kidnapping was a thing in the past tbh at least for ethnic, its true that its getting harder now
Rehab Is a based YouTuber overall. He can't say too crazy of shit, or he will get banned like his old channel did.
Lots of blackpillers in fact embrace feminists idea. Both agree that telling girls to not be promiscuous is oppression. Both agree that telling women to marry average men instead of jumping on the cock carousel is oppression. Both agree on a lot of things. They're very aligned, in fact some feminists are now using some blackpill concepts, such as the idea that depriving ugly men of sex is just eugenism, therefore its good.
Playing into the hands of foidists. It's not oppression if men leverage their biological advantage the way foids use their to the extreme degree. Unless you become sociopathic and guilt-free like foids are you are always vulnerable to foid manipulations. Gotta suppress the masculine urge to be 'rational'.
Rehab Is a based YouTuber overall. He can't say too crazy of shit, or he will get banned like his old channel did.
The problem is the damage they do. If they actually cared, they would have chosen other methods to 'spread the message'.
fuck that guy well off him to on the beta urpising gtav rp online
The problem is the damage they do. If they actually cared, they would have chosen other methods to 'spread the message'.
How else other than YouTube is he gonna spread the message? By posting an an incel forum that no normal people ever find? His message reaches more people on YouTube than anywhere else.
How else other than YouTube is he gonna spread the message? By posting an an incel forum that no normal people ever find? His message reaches more people on YouTube than anywhere else.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, you donut. No message is better than a bad message.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, you donut. No message is better than a bad message.
He's not right about everything, but he does have many good points. He emphasizes the importance of looks of course, but he also acknowledges the NTpill. Not a lot of blackpill youtubers mention the NTpill.
I guess what he was trying to imply is that in Curry cultures the foids don't have a choice in socially conservative culture but to marry a betabuxx and give him kids .

But no one is happy in this situation because the foid only gives bare minimum duty sex to the husband until she pops out 3 kids and the man has to work like a mule in Shitdia to a wife that is disgusted to him

Doesn't seem much of a feminist take ...
As if JBWs are swimming in white pussy. If the alt is society ruled by hypergamous whores, IT IS A FEMINIST TAKE. Muh men's happiness is a feminist manipulation tactic you are using. Men were much happier with their disgruntled wives in the past. Also, I know you are a racebaiter and you'd be singing a different tune if it wasn't about curries.

Refrain from talking about treatment of curry-foids when your only source of knowledge is reddit posts.
Besides, some of the things stated are plainly fact. Women in the West are freer than elsewhere. That's not a value judgment in any way.
Ah! Yes, factmaxxing. Never judge the tone huh which implies it's a good thing?

Anyway, Foids in the West are freer than elsewhere same men are freer in West than elsewhere. In most places, foids are free to pursue economical independence, which is what foids basically mean by free. And If social-shaming for foids is oppression, then shamings like 'kill all men' and 'all men are rapists', which are ubiquitous, are also oppression.

This forum is filled with male-feminists.

Edit: If you like factmaxxing so much, how do you like it when society keep telling men are violent, men are rapists? It's the truth right, no value judgement. But we all know the truth is more subtle than that.
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such as the idea that depriving ugly men of sex is just eugenism, therefore its good.
Its not even eugenicism its just evil

If it was eugenisism then the women with poor genes wouldnt be allowed to breed either but they keep having kids and creating the ugly men keeping the cycle going on forever

Eugenics should be used just to save the future generations from suffering like we did
Maybe inceldom wouldn't even exist with eugenics and everyone would just get with their looksmatch since most people would be the equivalent of a 6/10 and above today

Even if the looks hierarchy carrys on in this future which it probably would because of human nature
Even the most incelish people would still be healthy and fit so their lives wouldnt be as bad
Also JBC (just be curry) too. :feelsthink:

For all the whining I see on the forum about dotheads and curry niggers supposedly having it so bad there’s a billion of these guys successfully beta buxxing with high paying programmer jobs to have obtained their often very attractive Stacy wives and aside from this plenty of these dudes are highly attractive soap opera tier appearance having giga mega Terra Chads.
I'm actually a landlord to a curry and white stacy couple :feelshaha: I'm going to raise their rent in 6 months when I can legally do it :feelshaha:
I fail to see how merely stating the POV of the Western woman makes one a radical feminist. Just because one recognizes that some people see certain things a certain way doesn't necessarily mean they themselves endorse the things those people do or favor.

Besides, some of the things stated are plainly fact. Women in the West are freer than elsewhere. That's not a value judgment in any way.
The word free itself is subjective. Fascists laws like 'Alimony', 'Child-custody', no punishment for paternity frauds, baby-killing, preferential treatments in institutions feed to this freeness. Freeness itself is based on domination of another group.

It's also subjective if one group isn't allowed to leverage their strength while the other is free to do so. It has a great moral implication, not factual at all. It is factual based on only us human's arbitrary (very fascistic) moral standards.
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Ah! Yes, factmaxxing. Never judge the tone huh which implies it's a good thing?

Anyway, Foids in the West are freer than elsewhere same men are freer in West than elsewhere. In most places, foids are free to pursue economical independence, which is what foids basically mean by free. And If social-shaming for foids is oppression, then shamings like 'kill all men' and 'all men are rapists', which are ubiquitous, are also oppression.

This forum is filled with male-feminists.

Edit: If you like factmaxxing so much, how do you like it when society keep telling men are violent, men are rapists? It's the truth right, no value judgement. But we all know the truth is more subtle than that.
My original point was exactly about what you call "tone". To me, the statements OP attributes to Rehab Room came across as him paraphrasing the average Western female, which, if so, would mean that nothing can be said about Rehab Room's "tone" without additional context. Suppose I make a post merely containing a quote, no commentary whatsoever. How could you possibly know how I feel about that quote?
The word free itself is subjective. Fascists laws like 'Alimony', 'Child-custody', no punishment for paternity frauds, baby-killing, preferential treatments in institutions feed to this freeness. Freeness itself is based on domination of another group.

It's also subjective if one group isn't allowed to leverage their strength while the other is free to do so. It has a great moral implication, not factual at all. It is factual based on only us human's arbitrary (very fascistic) moral standards.
I agree. Any gain of liberties for some entails the loss of liberties for others. However, when comparing the liberties of only one group of people between two scenarios, as I did, them being freer in one scenario than the other is pretty objective.
Thanks for the valuable information bro
The more you listen to his videos, the more you'll realise it.

I just listen to a videa where he call stay at home moms in India " breeding cattle " as opposed to " free " american women

In another one, he explains how our grand mothers were " oppressed " and " held hostage " by our grand-fathers and didnt actually like them. He contrasts that to how happy and liberated modern women have, now that they " have the choice ".

The guy doesnt realize it, but his doctrine is textbook radical feminism

It's becoming hard for me to listen to his stuff tbh
Bad take.

He's looking at it from their perspective when he says these things. A perspective necessary to explain wherever it is he was explaining (in this case, hypergamy).
he tells of the world as it is, that doesn't mean he enjoys it.

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