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Blackpill [Refugeepill] Compilation of European women and refugee males relationships.



Phoenician Nationalist
Jun 7, 2018
Denmark: Female aid workers have been found committing sex acts on underage refugees at a refugee center.


The discovery comes after it was found that British women travel to Calais to help refugees and to have sex with them in the "Jungle" migrant camp.


Sweden: Female Refugee Workers “Systematically” having sex with refugees: "We all do it"



British Wife ran away from her husband and kids for an Afghan migrant she met in the Calais Jungle


Cuckolded husband of female prison guard on the run with migrant who raped 15-year-old girl fears they are going to Syria


Swedish politician charged with rape after she had sex with “child refugee”


Married US woman working at the FBI ran away from her husband for ISIS Rapper she had been assigned to investigate


Sex-Starved Ladies Target Migrant Kids in Sweden


Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten


Swedish Migrant Center Female Employees Quit Over 'Sex With Migrant Kids' Scandal


Woman suspended from refugee center after sex with migrant boy


Female head of refugee accomodation had sex with refugee boys


Switzerland: woman fights against deportation of moroccan lover


Swedish mother dating an Afghan refugee living in the Asylum Center where she worked REFUSED to report him to police when he molested her 12-year-old daughter


In Finland, it was found that finnish women come to the refugee centers to have sex with migrants.


British aid worker marries her young Syrian refugee lover after they fell in love in the Calais "Jungle" Migrant Camp


Married Calais Jungle charity boss beds toyboy migrant and ‘sets up love nest with refugee’


Swedish feminists accused of widespread sexual exploitation of young refugees


Italy: African man blackmailed female refugee worker with porn video they made together


I was dumped by text for London Bridge jihadi': Jilted boyfriend reveals terrorist's wife ended their relationship for new life with terrorist killer


How an activist for Le Pen's Front National fell in love with a Calais Jungle migrant


British mum who was once an aspiring rock musician sneaked into Syria after an online romance with Junaid Hussain, 20. She fled the UK with her son Jojo, who she now calls Hamza, while her 18-year-old son was left behind.


US woman in Austria killed by african refugee for sleeping with an afghan refugee

europe is now part of the middle east br0
This doesn't mean non-whites are desirable. Rather is means that white women are desirable. The refugees all wish to be white. This is made to seem like an epidemic but when you look at the true numbers even in Sweden ethnic Swedes do not interact that much with non-whites.
This doesn't mean non-whites are desirable. Rather is means that white women are desirable. The refugees all wish to be white. This is made to seem like an epidemic but when you look at the true numbers even in Sweden ethnic Swedes do not interact that much with non-whites.
Mate, the white women were the ones who initiated all these sexual acts on refugees. They love dominance.
Just be white, bro. Lmaooo.

We Arabs will dominate your white women.
The white women I know barely consider kebabs human.
This doesn't mean non-whites are desirable. Rather is means that white women are desirable. The refugees all wish to be white. This is made to seem like an epidemic but when you look at the true numbers even in Sweden ethnic Swedes do not interact that much with non-whites.
The concept of "outlier" is over the head of the average sandnogger.
WTF, "dominancemaxxing" gets no google results??
Nathan Larson man, I support your view on Hitler. The only real non cucked white males remaining are the ones who are racist and do not wish to see ethniChads dominate their women.
Actually, I think Hitler was too moderate, because he wanted to continue sending girls to secondary school and letting them get fucked by Chad outside of marriage and have Chad's bastard children if they wanted to.
True we need a stronger leader even. He was a bit cucked on female nature tbh.
Just run refugee game
Lifefuel for currycels?
Be white they said...
I clearly think that ethnics can get every White girl they want
Be white they said...
I clearly think that ethnics can get every White girl they want
Are you a troll account? Because you do not seem like a legit Nazi and WN.
In paris you see so many ethnics
With white girls it is unbelievable. Average white guy is virgin there
In paris you see so many ethnics
With white girls it is unbelievable. Average white guy is virgin there
Very sad to see what is happening to Europe and the white race in Europe. You guys brought it upon yourself though bringing the third world into the first world. Women are too stupid to realize the danger, plus they secretly prefer the ethnic men (rapefugees). Good luck if you're a European whitecel.
Very sad to see what is happening to Europe and the white race in Europe. You guys brought it upon yourself though bringing the third world into the first world. Women are too stupid to realize the danger, plus they secretly prefer the ethnic men (rapefugees). Good luck if you're a European whitecel.
The average white male will be viewed as a nerdy uninteresting "racist" incel, while the average ethnic will be seen as "exotic."
Its legit over for the white race :lul:
Just be white, bro!!!
The average white male will be viewed as a nerdy uninteresting "racist" incel, while the average ethnic will be seen as "exotic."

Just be white, bro!!!
Glad to see a newcel and ethnicel not swallowing the awful racepill cope.
Sad thing. I have seen multiple times quite attractive mature women with UGLY rapefugees. Some people think it's fake but a large part of rapefugees have sex with white women.
You know the ethniks here are fucking with your brain.
JBW is a strong cope.
If you leave the basement, you'll always see ethniks with attractive sluts. Everywhere, everytime.
It doesn't matter how old they are, they're slaying everything.

Feel for the white race, it's fucking over.
If you're white, take example of ITSOVER.
Run 3rd world game.
This doesn't mean non-whites are desirable. Rather is means that white women are desirable. The refugees all wish to be white. This is made to seem like an epidemic but when you look at the true numbers even in Sweden ethnic Swedes do not interact that much with non-whites.
I hate racemixing but I guess Islam deserves to conquer Europe and acquire prime white pussy in the process.

Whites chose to lose.

>gave women rights
>gave women emancipation
>sided mostly with the Jews/banksters against Hitler/Germany
>engaged in fights with each other instead of fighting the true enemy
>allowed racemixing to happen

It's over for whites and we chose it.
I hate racemixing but I guess Islam deserves to conquer Europe and acquire prime white pussy in the process.

Whites chose to lose.

>gave women rights
>gave women emancipation
>sided mostly with the Jews/banksters against Hitler/Germany
>engaged in fights with each other instead of fighting the true enemy
>allowed racemixing to happen

It's over for whites and we chose it.
I don't necessarily disagree, but there are plenty of whites against these things. The whites that caused these problems, to no one's surprise, were cucks and women (gasp). There were plenty of men fighting this (there still are in America today).
I don't necessarily disagree, but there are plenty of whites against these things. The whites that caused these problems, to no one's surprise, were cucks and women (gasp). There were plenty of men fighting this (there still are in America today).
I agree and I'm also one of them, but I mean, we chose it by majority.
Why do women do this. Why. They aren't really all that attractive. They don't have status. Certainly not any money. They do this just to betray their homeland. Remember that one pic floating around, about french women intentionally fucking nazis just because? They're whores with no honor.
I agree and I'm also one of them, but I mean, we chose it by majority.
Giving women the right to vote and voice their opinion was the biggest mistake the west ever made. They caused this. That's why there was a "majority".
Why do women do this. Why. They aren't really all that attractive. They don't have status. Certainly not any money. They do this just to betray their homeland. Remember that one pic floating around, about french women intentionally fucking nazis just because? They're whores with no honor.
Genetically speaking, women have less loyalty to their race, religion, beliefs, etc. Women will change/betray their beliefs or race/country at any time because a woman's value is determine externally (she has to be liked by others to have value), so if it's cool to fuck black men like it is now, she will gladly betray her race.
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Giving women the right to vote and voice their opinion was the biggest mistake the west ever made. They caused this. That's why there was a "majority".
You're right. Giving women rights (especially the one you mentioned) and allowing mass-immigration/racemixing dispute the place for the biggest mistake whites made fiercely, but since the first pretty much caused the second, it's a no brainer which one is actually worse.
Why do women do this. Why. They aren't really all that attractive. They don't have status. Certainly not any money. They do this just to betray their homeland. Remember that one pic floating around, about french women intentionally fucking nazis just because? They're whores with no honor.
Women aren't loyal to tribe or race. That's why I honestly chuckle when all of these white nationalists advocate for ethnostates. Ethnostates won't do shit to solve the crisis of them not getting fucked. That's just a delusion to prevent them from dealing with the real problem, which is the fact that their women have rights.

A person I used to know once told me, "whatever rules you set for women, they will find ways to break them". Women hate men but deal with them because that means they'll get something out of the deal.
Women aren't loyal to tribe or race. That's why I honestly chuckle when all of these white nationalists advocate for ethnostates. Ethnostates won't do shit to solve the crisis of them not getting fucked. That's just a delusion to prevent them from dealing with the real problem, which is the fact that their women have rights.

A person I used to know once told me, "whatever rules you set for women, they will find ways to break them". Women hate men but deal with them because that means they'll get something out of the deal.
We need to go back to when women were extensions of their husbands property and knew their place. It won't ever happen though. Not in a million years. Which is why we need a collapse.
I randomly klicked one link and just as I expected, there was a picture of a landwhale.
The attractive white girls though, they're chasing exotic explosive arab dick. Nothing new
I hate racemixing but I guess Islam deserves to conquer Europe and acquire prime white pussy in the process.

Whites chose to lose.

>gave women rights
>gave women emancipation
>sided mostly with the Jews/banksters against Hitler/Germany
>engaged in fights with each other instead of fighting the true enemy
>allowed racemixing to happen

It's over for whites and we chose it.
We need white shariah man. Don't lose hope.
We need to go back to when women were extensions of their husbands property and knew their place. It won't ever happen though. Not in a million years. Which is why we need a collapse.
I used to support a collapse, but honestly after much hard thought and reflection, I don't. For one, a Roman style collapse will almost guarantee a series of violent Medieval style conflicts that the world is ill-equipped to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, military knowledge doesn't vanish during a dark age. It actually multiplies. Someone will get their hands on a nuke or a bioweapon, and when they do, it will set off a chain of disastrous conflicts that will bring humanity to the brink of extinction.

No, what we need is to break the cycle. Either through immortality via reincarnation technologies like cloning, or barring that, artificial wombs and sexbots who will bare our children. Going back to the plantation will only ensure the extinction of humanity.
I used to support a collapse, but honestly after much hard thought and reflection, I don't. For one, a Roman style collapse will almost guarantee a series of violent Medieval style conflicts that the world is ill-equipped to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, military knowledge doesn't vanish during a dark age. It actually multiplies. Someone will get their hands on a nuke or a bioweapon, and when they do, it will set off a change of disasterous conflicts that will bring humanity to the brink of extinction.

No, what we need is to break the cycle. Either through immortality via reincartion technologies like cloning, or barring that artificial wombs and sexbots who will bare our children. Going back to the plantation will only ensure the extinction of humanity.
No, you see, with a collapse, those weapons would be unusable. The facilities that support them would become defunct. Generally people in power now got their by birthright. They were born to a certain set of people who were powerful or in touch with powerful people and from birth they were perfectly groomed for politics, military lifestyle, or otherwise. If things were to collapse, not only would the population thin excessively due to conflicts, new people who actually can rule will rise up. This would solve more problems that just rising celibacy rates and whore women, but the root of problems in our society in general - a lack of purpose. Most people in western societies right now are rotting away with hedonism and jobs which shouldn't even exist and we heading towards more rotting and more unhappiness due to automation. If we continue going down this path of accelerating technology we will end up in a dystopia where no one works and the human drive has been killed. Things will get worse.
No, you see, with a collapse, those weapons would be unusable. The facilities that support them would become defunct.

This is a very false presumption here. What you're assuming is that because the ability to maintain such facilities will vanish, that the weapons will vanish too. This couldn't be further from the truth. The mere existence of these bombs will one day guarantee their use. There will be stories told around campfires about city destroying bombs, and at some point, some clever leader will want to get their hands on one of these weapons.

Generally people in power now got their by birthright. They were born to a certain set of people who were powerful or in touch with powerful people and from birth they were perfectly groomed for politics, military lifestyle, or otherwise. If things were to collapse, not only would the population thin excessively due to conflicts, new people who actually can rule will rise up.

What makes you confident that in the long term these new regents will be any better than the old ones? History proves that newer leaders tend to duplicate the old ones. For a few brief generations, the new leaders pull off extraordinary feats to gain consent of the governed. After that period of time however, you will be lead by a series of mediocre and average at best rulers. Think King Louis the XIV vs King Louis the XVI.

This would solve more problems that just rising celibacy rates and whore women, but the root of problems in our society in general - a lack of purpose.

Yeah, for a few generations guys will get their dicks wet. Marriage will be guaranteed, and because every group will exist in a state of perpetual warfare, women will not ask for rights. But once these constant streams of war end, women will begin clamoring for varying degrees of suffrage. It happened in Mycenaean Greece, in Classical Rome, and now the post-industrial west. There's no stopping this cycle. It is doomed to repeat so long as we have prosperity and some form of democracy.

Most people in western societies right now are rotting away with hedonism and jobs which shouldn't even exist and we heading towards more rotting and more unhappiness due to automation. If we continue going down this path of accelerating technology we will end up in a dystopia where no one works and the human drive has been killed. Things will get worse.

Firstly, do you think in a collapse that we would have better governments? Democracy is a rarity even from a white European perspective. For most of western history, absolute monarchs and despots have ruled. Despotism is punctuated only by very short periods (usually 200-300 years) of democracy. Worrying about a dystopian future is like worrying about if it's going to rain in a temperate forest during the summer.

Secondly, automation isn't the problem. The problem is that even among white populations, there are too many low IQ people who don't have viable future skills to offer. The future of humanity is to ask existential questions. The future is not meant for dumb asses who rise and repeat, and can't ponder big questions. The future is about the origins or our universe, life, and space exploration. Anything else is just cope.

Automation and a collapse in the food supply will bring about one of the most needed corrections in human history. A good 90% of humanity gone is a good enough reset that we can start from scratch and begin to redirect our efforts in another more self-actualizing direction.
That's right, I have dark friends living in the US, they date pretty blonde girls. Unfortunately I am white Latino and can not enjoy the "exotic theory". Black men here in my country say that white foreign girls are "easy".
That's right, I have dark friends living in the US, they date pretty blonde girls. Unfortunately I am white Latino and can not enjoy the "exotic theory". Black men here in my country say that white foreign girls are "easy".
B-b-b-b-but just be white man!
I hate racemixing but I guess Islam deserves to conquer Europe and acquire prime white pussy in the process.

Whites chose to lose.

>gave women rights
>gave women emancipation
>sided mostly with the Jews/banksters against Hitler/Germany
>engaged in fights with each other instead of fighting the true enemy
>allowed racemixing to happen

It's over for whites and we chose it.

They need new traditionalist Catholics.​
The Catholics expelled or covered the Muslim invaders in the Iberian peninsula. The Jews were also expelled in the reconquest, but the Western world is now Protestant and atheist. So well done for them.

These are 10/10 HQNP white women for arab """"""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""

These are 10/10 HQNP white women for arab """"""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""
Most of the chicks that had sex with the Arabs were probs JBs.

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