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Redpiller finds out Chad is still Chad

Redpillers are so cringy.

This guy actually wants us to believe that now he's a Chad too when he's just written several pages about his experience meeting a Chad he used to know. On a sunday. LMAO.
The only being that lives better than foids are chads.
The only being that lives better than foids are chads.
Foids live better, trust me. Plus, to win at life as a foid you don't even need to be hot like with men, you just exist and *bam* validation, money, respect, and people throwing their money at you.
What he said is pretty true though, the true pleasure of sex is the validation of knowing you can get it for free and not the physical act itself
Foids live better, trust me. Plus, to win at life as a foid you don't even need to be hot like with men, you just exist and *bam* validation, money, respect, and people throwing their money at you.
Easier. But imagine your entire existence revolves around getting chad to stuff his genes in a hole. I would never want to be a femoid tbh.
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4 hours ago

I Had Lunch with the Chad I Hated Today​

Field Report
I Had Lunch with the Chad I Hated Today
Picture the worst loser you ever met.
Acne, glasses, hair that looks like his Mom cut it, dyel body...
Now multiply that by 2X and that's me in College.
Now picture my counterpart, let's call him Chang for shits and giggles.
6'2", chiseled jaw, cool haircut, abs, social butterfly
Only thing we had in common is that we were both Asian...
He was good with girls and I hated him for it. Hated him more than anyone else. It was one thing when a white guy or black guy was good with girls, but to see an Asian guy do it, it just brought out that crab bucket beta out of me like nothing else.
I did not want to see this guy succeed. His every success reminded me of my own failure. Kind of like Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django Unchained rofl.
I remember getting super drunk at a party one time. It was my final desperate attempt to take the spotlight away from him.
I approached every girl there like a retard, hammered out of my mind, thinking that I was being the man for being so KAWNFIDUNT but actually creeping people out, now that I look back at it.
Chang used a wire coat hanger to restrain me as he wrestled my drunk foolish ass out of the building.
So what did I do?
I worked my butt off for 12 hours a day every day for the rest of my college years until I surpassed him!!!
Just kidding!!! Lol
Instead, I took the easy way out and immersed myself in video games for the next 3 years of college.
Meanwhile, Chang was getting pussy left and right, hot girls girls of every race. How do I know? Because his dorm was right across from mine.
I remember sitting there in my dorm playing DOTA like the antisocial phaggot I was. Meanwhile every time I passed by Chang’s dorm room, I saw hot girls playing with his hair (as in actually digging their fingers into his hair and combing it), having flirty conversations...
“Man fuck this guy,” I thought to myself. “He’s not even proud of his race. He’s just a whitewashed piece of shit!”
Now let’s fast forward 10 years after graduation.
I had been working on myself like a mofo
Took a lot longer than others but I finally got shredded at the gym, courtesy of heavy compound lifts (and Testing my Limits Anavar giving up)
Read everything I could get my hands on regarding social dynamics, including everything on RedPill, just about every self help book you can imagine from Think and Grow Rich to How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Even hired several coaches in the opening stages since nothing I was doing in the field was working and I needed guidance to overcome my own blindspots
Finally things started coming together and I got competent at cold approach. Competent enough to spin several plates at the same time.
Competent enough to not have everything be a giant numbers game anymore because I finally figured out how to bring the “Maybe” girls from “maybe” to “fuck yes”instead of only banging girls who were highly receptive from the beginning.
At this point, I decided to call it mission accomplished with girls and start my own business. Ironically enough this just made it even easier to get girls. Funny how working on yourself plays out like that.
Recently I saw that Chang got engaged so I commented “grats man” on his post, while snickering inside thinking I’d finally surpassed him
And you know what happened? “Long time no see Karl, we should grab lunch some time to catch up!”
Fast forward to yesterday and I’m sitting across from Chang, the guy that was always in the back of my mind as this great Nemesis.
And to my surprise, he turned out to be a pretty cool guy.
He’s actually the first Asian guy I talked to that didn’t have a crab bucket mentality and try to drag me down when we got past the small talk and started talking about how we really saw the world.
We could finally relate to each other. Talked about how you gotta tease girls when they act bitchy and their icy exterior will melt right off, how you gotta sexualize subtlety from the very beginning, etc
Topics that if I even began to approach with my old friends would get weird looks...
He was making a killing in CyberSecurity.
And settled down with a beautiful Asian girl.
I asked him why when he was banging so many hot girls of all races in college and he said that as far as he’s aware, every Asian guy who grew up in the west has this fantasy of banging hot whites girls to prove his masculinity
It’s just something every minority goes through, to prove himself “worthy”.
Some guys give up and just play video games instead
Some put in the work and succeed.
But Chang said that at the end of the day it’s about compatibility, finding someone that’s actually gonna support your bigger goals and not just be a waste of time.
He said that he used to be the same way, fucking hot girls for validation from society or even to just prove himself worthy but now he honestly just wants to get married to someone who’s chill and supports his goals (as long as there’s an ironclad prenup lol)
I realized that Chang and I weren’t so different after all.
I asked him how he figured things out so quickly without having to read a million articles on RedPill and he said that he was lucky enough to have a really good high school football coach who taught him everything he knows about masculinity in a western culture.
Damn. I thought you were a Natural bro... is every natural just someone who grew up with positive male role models and learned game at an earlier age than everyone else?
And we both laughed about how Asian guys here just play video games all day and race whine on Reddit instead of actually working hard to improve their situation.
How they have the worst crab bucket mentality ever and all act like Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained (I was one of them)
Long story short, we became friends and even started planning out businesses we could go into together once we accomplish our individual goals
Lessons Learned
Like a lot of other guys here, somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I had this revenge fantasy of showing former Chads in my life how much progress I made.
It’s the classic “revenge of the nerds” fantasy where the high school jock is now flipping burgers and you have hot girls in both arms.
But life doesn’t really work that way.
Chads tend to get into good fraternities in College and things just snowball from there.
In everything.
Girls, finance, social circle...
Their good looks open a lot of doors that were closed to you, as long as they’re willing to put in the work.
So yes, if that revenge fantasy is gonna help you grind out one more rep at the gym and scream “FUCK YOU CHAD!” At the end of the set, by all means use that anger for fuel.
Just don’t be surprised when you have to cut off all your old friends who keep dragging you down.
And find that you actually relate to Chad more now.
P.S. And no, I didn’t suck Chang’s dick, no homo lmao
And of course comments are defending some guy getting bullied and evoking pseudo scientific karma cope. :redpill:= :bluepill:


1 point · 2 hours ago

Damn dude great post. I too have that exact fantasy about the asshole who bullied and beat me up mercilessly in school becoming a failure while I become a badass and mock him. Instead the opposite has happened -- I have become a total failure meanwhile he has rich parents so he managed to make it out of this third world country and is now in the first world attending one of the most elite schools and set to land an amazing job while I'm stuck rotting here for a while yet. It just keeps popping into my head how I could fuck with him maybe by making fake photos of him and sending them to his college Dean to get him expelled or something. The hate and desire for revenge just keeps eating away at me and I don't know what to do. I have tried to channel it in the gym and it's worked a bit but it still hasn't stopped....what do I do?

level 2

7 points · 2 hours ago

Are you the best version of yourself you can be? No? Then there’s no need for that anger fuel to stop. Just don’t throw it at his ass while you wallow in your sorrows. Channel it and use it to perfect yourself.

level 2

2 points · 2 hours ago

Hate and desire wont get you anywhere lol
If his dean expels him you get an ego boost hes out of college but his rich parents bail him out and you get fucked over yet again.
You will keep rotting if you think like this but I dont blame you. But i blame you for not getting out of it
So many people self sabotage themselves everyday its mind blowing. I do it too and I hate it when I do it- overthinking about pointless things that will never happen. Its fucked up but it is what it is i guess.
Just got to accept that we have fucked up thoughts and move on with our lives.

level 2

3 points · 2 hours ago

Stop focusing on that guy because I promise you he is not focused on you. Accept and understand that your circumstances are just that, circumstances. The universe works itself out for people that treat others shitty so if he really was a bully, karma will do the job for you. Pick a skill that's marketable and build on it.

level 3

3 points · 2 hours ago

Theres a high possibility OP was just a pussy and said bully was just doing banter.

level 4

2 points · 1 hour ago

Which is very likely. I just see it as, at some point every man goes through a weak phase to learn. Some young, some old.

level 3

1 point · 2 hours ago

Do you believe in karma? I personally wish I did but I've seen too many assholes prosper and too many good people fuck over to continue to believe....

level 4

3 points · 1 hour ago

Dude, at the end of the day you have to ignore where everyone else is and focus on you. The universe rewards those who do and forgets those who don't. I'm not here to debate ethics. You asked so I answered. It is what it is.

level 4

2 points · 1 hour ago

To you it may seem what they were doing were wrong. To them it may be right or they very likely didnt give a fuck about it. And perhaps had the best intentions aswell.
Karma is real. Someone may do something wrong and get fucked up by something that wasnt likely to happen to em.
Problem with 'good people' getting fucked over is that many people fuck themselves up. The world doesnt do shit to em. Sure they are good but to succeed being 'good' alone doesnt exactly work.
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Redpillers are so cringy.

This guy actually wants us to believe that now he's a Chad too when he's just written several pages about his experience meeting a Chad he used to know. On a sunday. LMAO.

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