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SuicideFuel Read this if you wana ruin your day

I'll just become taller then, its easy bro

OvER for shortcels. :feelscry:

OvER for shortcels. :feelscry:
It's a dealbreaker for me, too, even though it actually feels very shallow to say that.

I've had a boyfriend who was smaller than me as a teenager, and I've been teased about this a lot, people said mean things like it looked like I was "walking my dog" when we were out together, and that sort of stuck with me and made me really self conscious. Now I don't date under 6'.

OvER for shortcels. :feelscry:
Yes, it’s actually the best! I’ve dated men much shorter than me before, so not complaining about them at all. But being with someone not just a little taller, but MUCH taller is wild.
I’m 5’10” and my husband is 6’9” and it’s heaven.

@Fat Link ban these reddit hoes irl
Day ruined

Brutal heightpill

It's over for the shortcels
Hope they all get brutalized
Being tall independent of other potentially positive attributes means nothing. If you are tall but likewise, socially retarded, autistic, low IQ and deformed then these negative qualities will nullify whatever intrinsic appeal or aesthetic merit could be ascribed to your height. I am tall and musclemaxxed as well but I am likewise 43 years old and khhv. My lack of social comportment, inability to constructively engage with foids interpersonally and ineptitude in creating proverbial small talk which women find to be so alluring has condemned me to a life of sexual privation and emotional starvation. I am sure the guy in question was chad level aesthetically, charismamaxxed, rich and 9+ inches.
is 5'10 not small
Godddamn cunt I’d love to give her a good rough grape in all holes and beat her until mental breakdown! :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee:
IRL she will say that they have a good personality.
Yes, it’s actually the best! I’ve dated men much shorter than me before, so not complaining about them at all. But being with someone not just a little taller, but MUCH taller is wild.
I’m 5’10” and my husband is 6’9” and it’s heaven.

@Fat Link ban these reddit hoes irl
Being tall independent of other potentially positive attributes means nothing. If you are tall but likewise, socially retarded, autistic, low IQ and deformed then these negative qualities will nullify whatever intrinsic appeal or aesthetic merit could be ascribed to your height. I am tall and musclemaxxed as well but I am likewise 43 years old and khhv. My lack of social comportment, inability to constructively engage with foids interpersonally and ineptitude in creating proverbial small talk which women find to be so alluring has condemned me to a life of sexual privation and emotional starvation. I am sure the guy in question was chad level aesthetically, charismamaxxed, rich and 9+ inches.
wait your 43 damm i thougth you where 20 or something???.
For foids dating a tallfag is like dating a billionaire.
wait your 43 damm i thougth you where 20 or something???.
No bro, I am 43 but I use the vernacular and cultural memes of a 20 something year old since I am a perennial man child and spend most of my time around and fraternizing with kids who are half my age, either via my interactions with the comrades on these forums or through my conversations with my students before and after class.
With that being said, how's life like as a College professor? Are there any incel-like students in your class? And what about the foid students, how are your interactions like with them? How are they like?
I was up for a tenrued track position this last month which would have been a considerable promotion but ultimately the university I work for decided that I lacked the experience and was not well published enough in the relevant peer review literature. But these set backs notwithstanding, I really do enjoy my work as it imbues me with a sense of purpose and likewise enables me to nearly statusmaxx as most people tend to have very high respect for you once they discover that you teach at the university level.

I have definitely had some very probable incel type comrades in some of my classes over the years. I taught a constititional law class back in 2018 and there was this autistic fatcel type guy in my class who would always approach me after I had adjourned our class for the day and asked me about my opinions on women. I of course played the part of a normie as I didn't dare tip my hand and let him surmise my true sentiments on matters of foids but we had some very enlighteneing conversations and I could glean through his own manner and style of expression that he very likely hated women for what was surely a life full of humiliation, scorn and ridicule that they had subjected him to. At the end of the semester he asked if I would be willing to drive him to a strip club that was two hours away so that he and I could enjoy the company of some hot women. I declined to accept his suggestion.

As for foids, they are generally extremely congenial towards me and I often have many seemingly natural, intuitive and entirely normative social interactions with them both inside of class as well as before and after. I am the kind of professor who spends a lot of time just shooting the shit with students in the hallways, the lounge area and even out in the parking lots. The girls in my class all seem to respect and actually look up to me but I still loath them for enjoying lives of blissful hedonism and limitless sexual pleasure with their chad type boyfriends, all of whom I could surely annihilate in single combat.
I take it you gave up on forming a militia?
I have not. I was busy trying to get promoted to a tenured professor rank at the university that I work for this fall but they went with a non-incel, of course and so now I will have far greater time and opportunity to devote myself to the objective of creating both an incel militia as well as a broader, more comprehensive incel movement. I will spend the next several weeks bringing these plans to fruition and will update the comrades here accordingly.

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