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Hypocrisy RE: "The Rage of the Incels" by the New Yorker

  • Thread starter HarvesterOfInceldom
  • Start date


Incels of the World, Unite!
May 9, 2018
This is the beginning of a series I HarvesterOfInceldom will make on popular anti-incel web articles and videos. I feel the incel community doesn't have a true voice which properly responds to the vitriol levied against this community every day. My first rebuke will be an article from May, hot off the Minassian drama and the inceldom issue becoming a mainstream topic. Here's the link so you can follow along https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-rage-of-the-incels

"Incels aren’t really looking for sex. They’re looking for absolute male supremacy."
This is the tagline of the article, right below the title. Of course, this is a rather loaded statement that is absolutely a misrepresentation of the incel issue. I mean, the true definition of incel is "involuntarily celibate" which means involuntarily sexless. It is no question that every single incel is looking for sex; whether some are supports of androcentrism like I am, maybe. I see androcentrism as a means to an end to make sure inceldom doesn't exist. Female sexual liberation is what causes hypergamy, and therefore a portion of the male population to not be able to get sex, at least easily.

"In America, to be poor, or black, or fat, or trans, or Native, or old, or disabled, or undocumented, among other things, is usually to have become acquainted with unwantedness."
This is another misleading statement by the author. First of all, some of these demographics are truly fucked, especially the financially disadvantaged, Native Americans on reservations, and the severely disabled. However, as I have noted several times, black men have had great success dating across and within their race to get sex. The deconstruction of social hierarchies which promoted segregation in past generations along with media glorification of interracial relationships (see the Kardashian/Jenners) has made it very easy for average able-bodied black males to get sex and therefore not be incel.
As for the obese, this is a two-way road. Surely fat men are fucked; most women will not want to touch a man if he is overweight without muscles. However, there has been a recent fat-positive movement among women which has allowed for overweight women to be glorified in media and therefore desired by some men. Furthermore, hypergamy has allowed objectively unattractive women to bag men above their looksmatch.

"These days, in this country, sex has become a hyper-efficient and deregulated marketplace, and, like any hyper-efficient and deregulated marketplace, it often makes people feel very bad. Our newest sex technologies, such as Tinder and Grindr, are built to carefully match people by looks above all else. Sexual value continues to accrue to abled over disabled, cis over trans, thin over fat, tall over short, white over nonwhite, rich over poor."
Us incels argue that this marketplace should be regulated as a means of fighting injustice and inequality. Just like the left-wing (which I'm sure the author sympathizes with) argues that we should raise the minimum wage or adopt government public works programs to boost wages and jobs, we argue that something similar be done to ensure people are satisfied sexually. Sex should be labeled as a fundamental human right.

"Men, like women, blame women if they feel undesirable. And, as women gain the economic and cultural power that allows them to be choosy about their partners, men have generated ideas about self-improvement that are sometimes inextricable from violent rage."
And here comes the double standard. It is okay for women to be choosy about who they date, but when men do it they are mocked and heckled for being a jerk and not accepting their looks. Herein lies the problem that incels like me are trying to address; women have almost complete control over the sexual marketplace, and most men are being cut out. The attractive men who make up a minority of the population benefit as well on the back of female sexual liberation. If these female leftists were preaching true equality like they claim to do, then they would recognize the plight of the male in the dating market. However, given the fact that they have borderline oppressive power over us males, they do not want to cede it, because then it would mean being with sub-standard males in their eyes.

"In the past few years, a subset of straight men calling themselves “incels” have constructed a violent political ideology around the injustice of young, beautiful women refusing to have sex with them. These men often subscribe to notions of white supremacy. "
I would hardly say the incel ideology is political. It is a social movement; we do not endorse a political party or ideology. Hell, there are many leftists here in addition to conservatives. However, most wouldn't know this because we spend very little time talking about politics. The white supremacy argument is a real kicker given how this site in a self-conducted survey was 52% non-Hispanic white, less white than the US population according to the 2010 census. How can people say we're all white supremacists when 48% of the site isn't even white? The real answer to this is that the left-wing media demonizes whiteness, especially male whiteness, and seeks to undercut it at every single point. This is another argument against the ethnicel, as the ethnicel is encouraged to racemix with the white female to deconstruct whiteness, something the left wants to see done.

"If what incels wanted was sex, they might, for instance, value sex workers and wish to legalize sex work. "
We do. I among many others have called for the legalization of prostitution. Some already use escort services. This is nothing new; it just shows the ignorance on the author's part and hopefully she could actually educate herself on inceldom by actually talking to incels on a public forum.

"Incel culture advises men to “looksmaxx” or “statusmaxx”—to improve their appearance, to make more money—in a way that presumes that women are not potential partners or worthy objects of possible affection but inconveniently sentient bodies that must be claimed through cold strategy."
This is taking it way too far; incels looksmax just so they can be like chad and get the self-confidence and looks necessary to interact with women. Looking ugly and unkempt will not get us out of inceldom, but looking decent and working out could. When Chad looksmaxes, it is cute or hot. When an incel or an average man does it, it's because he views women as sexual objects. Another double standard.

"“Women are the ultimate cause of our suffering,” one poster on incels.is wrote recently. “They are the ones who have UNJUSTLY made our lives a living hell… We need to focus more on our hatred of women. Hatred is power.”"
Even though she admits to coming here, she still knows very little about how we actually think. Way to cherry pick a message then claim it represents all 7000 users on this board.

"I’m twenty-nine, so I’m a little old and used up: incels fetishize teen-agers and virgins (they use the abbreviation “JBs,” for jailbait), and they describe women who have sought pleasure in their sex lives as “whores” riding a “cock carousel.” I’m a feminist, which is disgusting to them. (“It is obvious that women are inferior, that is why men have always been in control of women.”)"
I'm sure there is a very desperate incel here willing to bang her if he had the chance.

"wrote that society would soon enough “address the unhappiness of incels, be they angry and dangerous or simply depressed or despairing.” The column was ostensibly about the idea of sexual redistribution: if power is distributed unequally in society, and sex tends to follow those lines of power, how and what could we change to create a more equal world? Douthat noted a recent blog post by the economist Robin Hanson, who suggested, after Minassian’s mass murder, that the incel plight was legitimate, and that redistributing sex could be as worthy a cause as redistributing wealth. "
Not a bad idea Mr. Douthat; too bad women won't want to go along with that because they'll view it as "demeaning" and "catering to the enemy." It's almost like women get off on the concept of having incels in this world because they feed off of being desired.

"And incels, in any case, are not actually interested in sexual redistribution; they don’t want sex to be distributed to anyone other than themselves. "
This makes no sense; sexual redistribution is what it sounds like. It goes to everyone; nobody here has ever said that only incels should be subject to the program. When I envision sexual redistribution, I see the entire population participating because sex is a fundamental human right.

"They don’t care about the sexual marginalization of trans people"
I'm sure the author would be mortified to hear that I'm trans-inclusive, but the problem is transpeople make up such a small minority of the population that finding one in your area, especially if you live in a rural area with strong conservative values, is next to impossible. Women are more readily available, at least at face value, but then we can't get any. Add on to that the fact that transwomen are actually in pretty high demand thanks to sexual liberalization, and this little jab at our ideology falls moot.

"What incels want is extremely limited and specific: they want unattractive, uncouth, and unpleasant misogynists to be able to have sex on demand with young, beautiful women. They believe that this is a natural right."
I think we would all settle for a normal or maybe even below-average female partner. Now maybe if you give me an 85 year old granny, I'll object, or someone who is extremely dirty or unkempt, but that is another strawman. We looksmax to get rid of those traits to be appealing to women, but when women say we should fuck women with these poor traits otherwise we're not truly incel then it shows how unjust and unequal the sexual marketplace truly is.

"Women—and, specifically, feminists—are the architects of the body-positivity movement, the ones who have pushed for an expansive redefinition of what we consider attractive. "
The body positive movement only affects females, as I spoke about earlier. It holds very little to no care for men who are fat, disabled, etc. Only women. It is why I take such a strong stance against feminism; it only helps marginalized females, and ignores marginalized males.

"In spite of everything, women are still more willing to look for humanity in the incels than they are in us."
No you don't, you label us as violent psychopaths when in reality we are desperately lonely, sometimes to the point of suicide. You say we need to help ourselves, but when unattractive women fall on trouble, the feminist community is there to help them... very quickly. Women don't care about us, which is why some incels snap and start going on misogynist tirades. Had women treated that individual better in life, even if it was just saying "hi" and giving a smile in a hallway during school, maybe he would be bluepilled or just a much less angry incel. I'm not saying it's entirely women's fault, but it is partly.

Anyway that's all for the RE. If you want me to do more of these, just say so.
why did they give the guy in the article picture hunter eyes where is the low for the neg canthal tilt niggas
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I liked it! Very cogent counter arguments.

why did they give the guy in the article picture hunter eyes where is the low for the neg canthal tilt niggas
Maybe if they showed a picture of a really ugly man, people would believe that incels really are discriminated based on looks, not misogyny.
Fucking author is a noodlewhore who tries to trick people thinking she is White.

Her avatar:


Her picture:


A fucking djungle gook to boot. I bet she only fucks White men. Wanting to be White by having White babies, or at least half White.
You are preaching to the choir brother, took the word out of my mouth. Too bad these fuckers will never read this and continue their sensationalized bullshit.

Good thing you covered the part where they talked about standards, racial politics and random bullshit that is used to push their own degen narrative.

The hypocrisy of these articles make my blood boil
Good rebuttals, many good points there.
This is the beginning of a series I HarvesterOfInceldom will make on popular anti-incel web articles and videos. I feel the incel community doesn't have a true voice which properly responds to the vitriol levied against this community every day. My first rebuke will be an article from May, hot off the Minassian drama and the inceldom issue becoming a mainstream topic. Here's the link so you can follow along https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-rage-of-the-incels

"Incels aren’t really looking for sex. They’re looking for absolute male supremacy."
This is the tagline of the article, right below the title. Of course, this is a rather loaded statement that is absolutely a misrepresentation of the incel issue. I mean, the true definition of incel is "involuntarily celibate" which means involuntarily sexless. It is no question that every single incel is looking for sex; whether some are supports of androcentrism like I am, maybe. I see androcentrism as a means to an end to make sure inceldom doesn't exist. Female sexual liberation is what causes hypergamy, and therefore a portion of the male population to not be able to get sex, at least easily.

"In America, to be poor, or black, or fat, or trans, or Native, or old, or disabled, or undocumented, among other things, is usually to have become acquainted with unwantedness."
This is another misleading statement by the author. First of all, some of these demographics are truly fucked, especially the financially disadvantaged, Native Americans on reservations, and the severely disabled. However, as I have noted several times, black men have had great success dating across and within their race to get sex. The deconstruction of social hierarchies which promoted segregation in past generations along with media glorification of interracial relationships (see the Kardashian/Jenners) has made it very easy for average able-bodied black males to get sex and therefore not be incel.
As for the obese, this is a two-way road. Surely fat men are fucked; most women will not want to touch a man if he is overweight without muscles. However, there has been a recent fat-positive movement among women which has allowed for overweight women to be glorified in media and therefore desired by some men. Furthermore, hypergamy has allowed objectively unattractive women to bag men above their looksmatch.

"These days, in this country, sex has become a hyper-efficient and deregulated marketplace, and, like any hyper-efficient and deregulated marketplace, it often makes people feel very bad. Our newest sex technologies, such as Tinder and Grindr, are built to carefully match people by looks above all else. Sexual value continues to accrue to abled over disabled, cis over trans, thin over fat, tall over short, white over nonwhite, rich over poor."
Us incels argue that this marketplace should be regulated as a means of fighting injustice and inequality. Just like the left-wing (which I'm sure the author sympathizes with) argues that we should raise the minimum wage or adopt government public works programs to boost wages and jobs, we argue that something similar be done to ensure people are satisfied sexually. Sex should be labeled as a fundamental human right.

"Men, like women, blame women if they feel undesirable. And, as women gain the economic and cultural power that allows them to be choosy about their partners, men have generated ideas about self-improvement that are sometimes inextricable from violent rage."
And here comes the double standard. It is okay for women to be choosy about who they date, but when men do it they are mocked and heckled for being a jerk and not accepting their looks. Herein lies the problem that incels like me are trying to address; women have almost complete control over the sexual marketplace, and most men are being cut out. The attractive men who make up a minority of the population benefit as well on the back of female sexual liberation. If these female leftists were preaching true equality like they claim to do, then they would recognize the plight of the male in the dating market. However, given the fact that they have borderline oppressive power over us males, they do not want to cede it, because then it would mean being with sub-standard males in their eyes.

"In the past few years, a subset of straight men calling themselves “incels” have constructed a violent political ideology around the injustice of young, beautiful women refusing to have sex with them. These men often subscribe to notions of white supremacy. "
I would hardly say the incel ideology is political. It is a social movement; we do not endorse a political party or ideology. Hell, there are many leftists here in addition to conservatives. However, most wouldn't know this because we spend very little time talking about politics. The white supremacy argument is a real kicker given how this site in a self-conducted survey was 52% non-Hispanic white, less white than the US population according to the 2010 census. How can people say we're all white supremacists when 48% of the site isn't even white? The real answer to this is that the left-wing media demonizes whiteness, especially male whiteness, and seeks to undercut it at every single point. This is another argument against the ethnicel, as the ethnicel is encouraged to racemix with the white female to deconstruct whiteness, something the left wants to see done.

"If what incels wanted was sex, they might, for instance, value sex workers and wish to legalize sex work. "
We do. I among many others have called for the legalization of prostitution. Some already use escort services. This is nothing new; it just shows the ignorance on the author's part and hopefully she could actually educate herself on inceldom by actually talking to incels on a public forum.

"Incel culture advises men to “looksmaxx” or “statusmaxx”—to improve their appearance, to make more money—in a way that presumes that women are not potential partners or worthy objects of possible affection but inconveniently sentient bodies that must be claimed through cold strategy."
This is taking it way too far; incels looksmax just so they can be like chad and get the self-confidence and looks necessary to interact with women. Looking ugly and unkempt will not get us out of inceldom, but looking decent and working out could. When Chad looksmaxes, it is cute or hot. When an incel or an average man does it, it's because he views women as sexual objects. Another double standard.

"“Women are the ultimate cause of our suffering,” one poster on incels.is wrote recently. “They are the ones who have UNJUSTLY made our lives a living hell… We need to focus more on our hatred of women. Hatred is power.”"
Even though she admits to coming here, she still knows very little about how we actually think. Way to cherry pick a message then claim it represents all 7000 users on this board.

"I’m twenty-nine, so I’m a little old and used up: incels fetishize teen-agers and virgins (they use the abbreviation “JBs,” for jailbait), and they describe women who have sought pleasure in their sex lives as “whores” riding a “cock carousel.” I’m a feminist, which is disgusting to them. (“It is obvious that women are inferior, that is why men have always been in control of women.”)"
I'm sure there is a very desperate incel here willing to bang her if he had the chance.

"wrote that society would soon enough “address the unhappiness of incels, be they angry and dangerous or simply depressed or despairing.” The column was ostensibly about the idea of sexual redistribution: if power is distributed unequally in society, and sex tends to follow those lines of power, how and what could we change to create a more equal world? Douthat noted a recent blog post by the economist Robin Hanson, who suggested, after Minassian’s mass murder, that the incel plight was legitimate, and that redistributing sex could be as worthy a cause as redistributing wealth. "
Not a bad idea Mr. Douthat; too bad women won't want to go along with that because they'll view it as "demeaning" and "catering to the enemy." It's almost like women get off on the concept of having incels in this world because they feed off of being desired.

"And incels, in any case, are not actually interested in sexual redistribution; they don’t want sex to be distributed to anyone other than themselves. "
This makes no sense; sexual redistribution is what it sounds like. It goes to everyone; nobody here has ever said that only incels should be subject to the program. When I envision sexual redistribution, I see the entire population participating because sex is a fundamental human right.

"They don’t care about the sexual marginalization of trans people"
I'm sure the author would be mortified to hear that I'm trans-inclusive, but the problem is transpeople make up such a small minority of the population that finding one in your area, especially if you live in a rural area with strong conservative values, is next to impossible. Women are more readily available, at least at face value, but then we can't get any. Add on to that the fact that transwomen are actually in pretty high demand thanks to sexual liberalization, and this little jab at our ideology falls moot.

"What incels want is extremely limited and specific: they want unattractive, uncouth, and unpleasant misogynists to be able to have sex on demand with young, beautiful women. They believe that this is a natural right."
I think we would all settle for a normal or maybe even below-average female partner. Now maybe if you give me an 85 year old granny, I'll object, or someone who is extremely dirty or unkempt, but that is another strawman. We looksmax to get rid of those traits to be appealing to women, but when women say we should fuck women with these poor traits otherwise we're not truly incel then it shows how unjust and unequal the sexual marketplace truly is.

"Women—and, specifically, feminists—are the architects of the body-positivity movement, the ones who have pushed for an expansive redefinition of what we consider attractive. "
The body positive movement only affects females, as I spoke about earlier. It holds very little to no care for men who are fat, disabled, etc. Only women. It is why I take such a strong stance against feminism; it only helps marginalized females, and ignores marginalized males.

"In spite of everything, women are still more willing to look for humanity in the incels than they are in us."
No you don't, you label us as violent psychopaths when in reality we are desperately lonely, sometimes to the point of suicide. You say we need to help ourselves, but when unattractive women fall on trouble, the feminist community is there to help them... very quickly. Women don't care about us, which is why some incels snap and start going on misogynist tirades. Had women treated that individual better in life, even if it was just saying "hi" and giving a smile in a hallway during school, maybe he would be bluepilled or just a much less angry incel. I'm not saying it's entirely women's fault, but it is partly.

Anyway that's all for the RE. If you want me to do more of these, just say so.

Well done mate. Giga high IQ thread and post not to mention counter refutation shot for shot. Very much appreciated taking the time to read and reply.

The left want to demonise whiteness.
The left are extremely elitist as to anyone wanting to improve their lot in life via looksmaxing, moneymaxing & statusmaxing.
The left are extremely hypocritical and hateful towards sex workers since they hate sex workers as much as us.

Fucking author. Cunts like her feel entitled to White men. Fucking whores.

So everyone is disadvantaged, but not ugly people for some reason. The taboo is still going strong.

When is Leftism going to address lookism?
Fucking author is a noodlewhore who tries to trick people thinking she is White.

Her avatar:


Her picture:


A fucking djungle gook to boot. I bet she only fucks White men. Wanting to be White by having White babies, or at least half White.

kek there is legit something wrong with noodle females, something isnt right with their brains.
You are preaching to the choir brother, took the word out of my mouth. Too bad these fuckers will never read this and continue their sensationalized bullshit.

Good thing you covered the part where they talked about standards, racial politics and random bullshit that is used to push their own degen narrative.

The hypocrisy of these articles make my blood boil
Somebody should bookmark this post just so incels can use my points in future arguments. Any time an anti-incel article comes out I will refute it and hopefully more men will wake up to what is probably one of the greatest unspoken acts of discrimination in our society today
So everyone is disadvantaged, but not ugly people for some reason. The taboo is still going strong.

When is Leftism going to address lookism?
Leftism will never address it, because leftism acts as a vehicle for female supremacy movements like feminism. This isn't just a mutually exclusive happening for the left however; the right acts as a vehicle for actual white supremacy and religious fundamentalism. It is why incels are not a political movement... we act independent of political affiliation.
This is one hell of an old article btw. Our favourite foid stalker Jesselyn has gone mute on us because she knows all our arguments can't be beaten.

That's more contemporary now.

Incels Tears are looking for "ugly women self help groups". When we do the same were scoffed at.

Incel Tears, Huffington Post, Vice & Slate are all very quiet on Radfemincels blatant anti white racist Misandry. They're also mute on Radfemincels blatant whoreophobia seeing all voluntary sex workers as "pimps pawning out their pussies" AND all sex worker clients as Chads (if they're anti Chads welcome sister) BUT then they go on to attack our only copes alongside us desperados. Potentially driving us to early graves if we're not even allowed to alleviate our own situations via our only copes even if artificial which we have to save up months on end for. Those authors won't ever mention that will they.

Me thinks that these leftist female journalists writing on us secretly want us to lust & crave over them.

Doesn't work like that sister. You can't kick a man when they're down and dying and then expect lust, gratitude and love in return.
In the elaborate incel taxonomy of participants in the sexual marketplace, I am a Becky, devoting my attentions to a Chad. I’m probably a “roastie,” too—another term they use for women with sexual experience, denoting labia that have turned into roast beef from overuse.

Just look who wrote this shit --


A pure ogre. She is so ugly she even does not want to put her real pic on the newyorker site, she uses this instead --


LMAO, an ogre looking noodlewhore trying to step up by coloring her hair blonde. Fucking kek.

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Somebody should bookmark this post just so incels can use my points in future arguments. Any time an anti-incel article comes out I will refute it and hopefully more men will wake up to what is probably one of the greatest unspoken acts of discrimination in our society today

Leftism will never address it, because leftism acts as a vehicle for female supremacy movements like feminism. This isn't just a mutually exclusive happening for the left however; the right acts as a vehicle for actual white supremacy and religious fundamentalism. It is why incels are not a political movement... we act independent of political affiliation.

Hopefully a mod can archive such posts and threads for future use.
So everyone is disadvantaged, but not ugly people for some reason. The taboo is still going strong.

When is Leftism going to address lookism?

I liked it! Very cogent counter arguments.

Maybe if they showed a picture of a really ugly man, people would believe that incels really are discriminated based on looks, not misogyny.
JFL at anyone believing misogyny is the core problem of this(inceldom) if they do they probably have sea floor levels of iq or and are gigacopers
Good effort, but sadly using logic against femoids is pointless.

Falsehood flies, while truth comes limping after it.
jfl at people who continue reading after seeing the author is a female.
Can someone roast her ass in a tweet? Call out her self hatred and how she desperately wishes to be white.
Youre talking to a wall
"We looksmax to get rid of those traits to be appealing to women, but when women say we should fuck women with these poor traits otherwise we're not truly incel then it shows how unjust and unequal the sexual marketplace truly is."

Such a brilliant conclusion.
Admire your precise insight so much.
Concise, effective and potent. Supreme counter arguments, not spear nor missile could penetrate them.
Good effort but the attention span of whatever millennial writes or reads these "articles" is very low. Even if they read your counter-arguments, it makes them feel "icky" and they can't cope. Just as a coping baldy will convince themselves that they can do OK with women because Bruce Willis and The Rock did, these wimplennials will convince themselves that incels are white guys who want only the hottest women and are even worse than Nazis.
Lol at the asian fakewhite chick trying to write scientifically while browsing fb and instagram and drinking starbucks.
Anyone ranting about human dating and mating behavior is under TOTAL MIND CONTROL.

They're right-brain imbalanced individuals that seed their ideas in belief rather than correct observation of reality backed by facts.


1. Your energy levels and overall health of mind and body are subpar because of sex deprivation.

2. Incels have never experienced kisses and sex, which induce feelings of resentment in certain individuals.

3. Incels have no chance in fucking hell in partnering with a beautiful woman because of their bad looks or unassertive behavior. Men have an incredible drive and passion for a woman's beauty, and being denied partnership and satisfaction of masculine passion with a particularly attractive woman can generate hate, rage and envy, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CHADOCRACY DATE, LIVE AND ROMANCE WITH THE STACIES AT NO COST WHATSOEVER IN SELF-DEVELOPMENT BECAUSE CHADS WERE BORN WITH TRAITS THAT MADE THEM ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN.

4. It is not an incel's PERSONALITY, ladies, that made them virgins, but rather the observation that nature created the world to be cruelly unfair, where a minority of men get 50 to 60% of ALL SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS and daily experience the bliss of romantic love with beautiful women. It is every man's dream and wish to lay and and be happy with a woman he desires. What the fuck do you think psychically happens to deprived man that recognizes he has no chance of experiencing that in his lifetime, when Chads have it offered to them on a silver plate?


And I wonder why incels are this fucking upset. Must be their pursonaleeties.
I don't want any moronic stormcels representing inceldom. Make sure you mention that your perspective is limited to mainly racist (and low IQ) whitecels.
:bluepill:fucking slut she only want chads dick but says we only want beautiful women such a hypocrite :woke:
One of you whitecels run jbw on this noodlebitch
I don't want any moronic stormcels representing inceldom. Make sure you mention that your perspective is limited to mainly racist (and low IQ) whitecels.
He's rheycist!!!
This Asian women like to pose in white avatar, is "sexually attracted" to a cis straight white chad, but off course she's openly an anti-white racist and misandrist.

Looks like her whole life was driven by envy, hatred and hypocrisy.

Why would that ugly Asian female be "able to have sex on demand with young, beautiful" chad, but we incels wouldn't be able to get even an ugly women like she? > Feminist double-standard.
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Normies addressing incels always make me lose braincels. So obvious they are extremely ignorant of the situation + they often don't realize they repeat the same exact shit every normie says.

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