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Rate my writing rules

Dr. Autismo

Dr. Autismo

Foid punchER
Dec 22, 2023
I'm writing a story rn, and I have some writing rules I follow to prevent it from being lame, shitty, faggy normies soywoke shyte like most stories now.

I already know some pretty basic dos and don'ts like:

.Write and design men to be straight, white, strong, tall, intelligent, competent, successful and cool looking.
A man you'd actually want to idolize, relate to and even want to be.
No homo from me of course.
They must also absolutely not be simps, cucks, soyboys, manginas or white knights.

.Write and design women to be soft, feminine, submissive and have their existence in the story be centred around the men.
Their roles should only be their girlfriends, wives, relatives, slaves, or villains.
They would also serve traditional occupational roles like nurses, doctors, secretaries, etc.

.Don't be a pussy when including big social taboo topics like slavery, war, conflict, rape, drug usage, mens mental health or crime.
And if I do decide to include them, don't lecture to the audience over how wrong and "evil" they are.
Just show it show it how it is, without being a preachy moralcuck.

.Make people like communists, socialists, marxists, social activist groups and religions that are not modelled after Christianity villains.
I've noticed that in plenty of stories, a mad, violent and insane religious cult is always modelled after christianity, but not islam, judaism, sihkism, hinduism or any other foreign religion.
I'm not a Christian, but it always seems like Christianity is one of the wests favourite punching bags.

.No strong, independent, empowered foids, shitskins, chinks. troons, faggots, kikes or ragheads.
If I decide to include them in the story, they would only be background characters who only exist to make the main characters better.
These character are not included for strong representation or to show how great diversity is.
I see no reason to create stories and characters for people that I don't belong to who will not read my story

.And no faggy satire ot critique of politics.
I don't support politics, and politics are completely pointless tbh.

And yeah, that's pretty much it.

@Ron.Belgrade @zerozerozero @ItsovERfucks @Pancakecel @NeverEvenBegan @NorthernWind @VictimofBpillReaper @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @Mecoja @hopeless_cel @Mistake @Dneum912
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I'm writing a story rn, and I have some writing rules I follow to prevent it from being lame, shitty, faggy normies soywoke shyte like most stories now.

I already know some pretty basic dos and don'ts like:

.Write and design men to be straight, white, strong, tall, intelligent, competent, successful and cool looking.
A man you'd actually want to idolize, relate to and even want to be.
No homo from me of course.
They must also absolutely not be simps, cucks, soyboys, manginas or white knights.

.Write and design women to be soft, feminine, submissive and have their existence in the story be centred around the men.
Their roles should only be their girlfriends, wives, relatives, slaves, or villains.
They would also serve traditional occupational roles like nurses, doctors, secretaries, etc.

.Don't be a pussy when including big social taboo topics like slavery, war, conflict, mens mental health or crime.
And if I do decide to include them, don't lecture to the audience over how wrong and "evil" they are.
Just show it show it how it is, without being a preachy moralcuck.

.Make people like communists, socialists, marxists, social activist groups and religions that are not modelled after Christianity villains.
I've noticed that in plenty of stories, a mad, violent and insane religious cult is always modelled after christianity, but not islam, judaism, sihkism, hinduism or any other foreign religion.
I'm not a Christian, but it always seems like Christianity is one of the wests favourite punching bags.

.No strong, independent, empowered foids, shitskins, chinks. troons, faggots, kikes or ragheads.
If I decide to include them in the story, they would only be background characters who only exist to make the main characters better.
These character are not included for strong representation or to show how great diversity is.
I see no reason to create stories and characters for people that I don't belong to who will not read my story

.And no faggy satire ot critique of politics.
I don't support politics, and politics are completely pointless tbh.

And yeah, that's pretty much it.

@Ron.Belgrade @zerozerozero @ItsovERfucks @Pancakecel @NeverEvenBegan @NorthernWind @VictimofBpillReaper @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @Mecoja @hopeless_cel @Mistake @Dneum912
Pretty cool
.Write and design women to be soft, feminine, submissive and have their existence in the story be centred around the men.
Their roles should only be their girlfriends, wives, relatives, slaves, or villains.
They would also serve traditional occupational roles like nurses, doctors, secretaries, etc.
.No strong, independent, empowered foids
Based :feelsokman:
I'm writing a story rn, and I have some writing rules I follow to prevent it from being lame, shitty, faggy normies soywoke shyte like most stories now.

I already know some pretty basic dos and don'ts like:

.Write and design men to be straight, white, strong, tall, intelligent, competent, successful and cool looking.
A man you'd actually want to idolize, relate to and even want to be.
No homo from me of course.
They must also absolutely not be simps, cucks, soyboys, manginas or white knights.

.Write and design women to be soft, feminine, submissive and have their existence in the story be centred around the men.
Their roles should only be their girlfriends, wives, relatives, slaves, or villains.
They would also serve traditional occupational roles like nurses, doctors, secretaries, etc.

.Don't be a pussy when including big social taboo topics like slavery, war, conflict, mens mental health or crime.
And if I do decide to include them, don't lecture to the audience over how wrong and "evil" they are.
Just show it show it how it is, without being a preachy moralcuck.

.Make people like communists, socialists, marxists, social activist groups and religions that are not modelled after Christianity villains.
I've noticed that in plenty of stories, a mad, violent and insane religious cult is always modelled after christianity, but not islam, judaism, sihkism, hinduism or any other foreign religion.
I'm not a Christian, but it always seems like Christianity is one of the wests favourite punching bags.

.No strong, independent, empowered foids, shitskins, chinks. troons, faggots, kikes or ragheads.
If I decide to include them in the story, they would only be background characters who only exist to make the main characters better.
These character are not included for strong representation or to show how great diversity is.
I see no reason to create stories and characters for people that I don't belong to who will not read my story

.And no faggy satire ot critique of politics.
I don't support politics, and politics are completely pointless tbh.
Based. How long will the story be?
Witcher books are pretty much male author for male audience.
Based. How long will the story be?
I haven't decided yet.
I also don't feel too comfortable with posting it on a thread tbh, sorry.
Witcher books are pretty much male author for male audience.
Many stories, books, games and movies were made for a male audience before SOYciety collectively decided that everything should be for everyone, no exceptions.

I remember this one nigger on yt made a video where he talks about this jap foid "professor" complaining that naruto lacked strong, empowered foid characters, even though its a manga literally made for boys ffs!
The nigger who made the video also sided with the "professor" on Narutos lack of strong, empowered kweens like the simp alley he is.

I also remember when there was controversy over 1917 not having strong, independent foids in it, even though the film is set in WWI and the director made the film to pay tribute to his grandfather who fought in the fucking war!
Many stories, books, games and movies were made for a male audience before SOYciety collectively decided that everything should be for everyone, no exceptions.

I remember this one nigger on yt made a video where he talks about this jap foid "professor" complaining that naruto lacked strong, empowered foid characters, even though its a manga literally made for boys ffs!
The nigger who made the video also sided with the "professor" on Narutos lack of strong, empowered kweens like the simp alley he is.

I also remember when there was controversy over 1917 not having strong, independent foids in it, even though the film is set in WWI and the director made the film to pay tribute to his grandfather who fought in the fucking war!
Hilarious, they even want to change historical facts to push their agenda. Worst thing is that these LGBT and feminists don't even care for gaming and genres for males, but they still want to ruin the fun for everyone else.

They could stick to their ya fantasy novels and life is strange type of games.
Hilarious, they even want to change historical facts to push their agenda. Worst thing is that these LGBT and feminists don't even care for gaming and genres for males, but they still want to ruin the fun for everyone else.

They could stick to their ya fantasy novels and life is strange type of games.
Same with shitskins who cry about how gaming and genres lack representation for them.
Funny thing too, people like foids, lgbt and shitskins constantly complain about the lack of diversity and representation, but they don't create their own stories or own characters.
They find it much easier to invade someone else's and demand raceswaps and genderchanges like their the fucking boss!
Kinda makes sense too, because these guys constantly rely on handouts from the straight white boys they hate so much.
And it's more easier to debase and defile something than to actually make something good and beautiful.

It kinda reminds me of this one lyric from vandalise from sonic frontiers:

"Did we make a work of art just so you could deface it?
Did you let it fall apart just so you could replace it?"
Don't be a pussy when including big social taboo topics like slavery, war, conflict, rape, drug usage, mens mental health or crime.
And if I do decide to include them, don't lecture to the audience over how wrong and "evil" they are.
Just show it show it how it is, without being a preachy moralcuck.
There are genres of fiction for foids and they still want male characters to be designed and written like gigachads the same media oriented for consumption by male audiences are tailored to be.
Too many authors let their opinions and over attachments to certain characters pepper their fictional works and ruin it by interjecting their own biases and partial leanings into the writing. When you start treating some characters like power fantasies and wish fulfillment instead of narrative tools to tell the story, the quality of the writing drops off a cliff in a very noticeable way. Generally speaking, you shouldn't let your preconceived notions like your personal biases affect your writing and get in the way of managing the plot, setting and characters.
There are genres of fiction for foids and they still want male characters to be designed and written like gigachads the same media oriented for consumption by male audiences are tailored to be.
Yeah, in YA fantasy trash books for foids main character is white teen Becky and main fucker supernatural white Chad or superior creature. No one cries about muh diversity there.
Yeah, in YA fantasy trash books for foids main character is white teen Becky and main fucker supernatural white Chad or superior creature. No one cries about muh diversity there.
We need more indian male representation in the romance genre :forcedsmile:
Yeah, in YA fantasy trash books for foids main character is white teen Becky and main fucker supernatural white Chad or superior creature. No one cries about muh diversity there.
50 shades of GrAY
sounds like (((ayn rand)))

edit: brackets
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art shouldn't have rules

I'm writing a story rn, and I have some writing rules I follow to prevent it from being lame, shitty, faggy normies soywoke shyte like most stories now.

I already know some pretty basic dos and don'ts like:

.Write and design men to be straight, white, strong, tall, intelligent, competent, successful and cool looking.
A man you'd actually want to idolize, relate to and even want to be.
No homo from me of course.
They must also absolutely not be simps, cucks, soyboys, manginas or white knights.

.Write and design women to be soft, feminine, submissive and have their existence in the story be centred around the men.
Their roles should only be their girlfriends, wives, relatives, slaves, or villains.
They would also serve traditional occupational roles like nurses, doctors, secretaries, etc.

.Don't be a pussy when including big social taboo topics like slavery, war, conflict, rape, drug usage, mens mental health or crime.
And if I do decide to include them, don't lecture to the audience over how wrong and "evil" they are.
Just show it show it how it is, without being a preachy moralcuck.

.Make people like communists, socialists, marxists, social activist groups and religions that are not modelled after Christianity villains.
I've noticed that in plenty of stories, a mad, violent and insane religious cult is always modelled after christianity, but not islam, judaism, sihkism, hinduism or any other foreign religion.
I'm not a Christian, but it always seems like Christianity is one of the wests favourite punching bags.

.No strong, independent, empowered foids, shitskins, chinks. troons, faggots, kikes or ragheads.
If I decide to include them in the story, they would only be background characters who only exist to make the main characters better.
These character are not included for strong representation or to show how great diversity is.
I see no reason to create stories and characters for people that I don't belong to who will not read my story

.And no faggy satire ot critique of politics.
I don't support politics, and politics are completely pointless tbh.

And yeah, that's pretty much it.

@Ron.Belgrade @zerozerozero @ItsovERfucks @Pancakecel @NeverEvenBegan @NorthernWind @VictimofBpillReaper @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @Mecoja @hopeless_cel @Mistake @Dneum912
Based brocel, I like it :feelsYall:
Sounds good to me
Strong Christian character vs corrupt shoplifting females and group of Muslims ( majority of whom are drug and porn addicts ).
based bro, just try to write something since practice is the only way to get skilled

Too many authors let their opinions and over attachments to certain characters pepper their fictional works and ruin it by interjecting their own biases and partial leanings into the writing. When you start treating some characters like power fantasies and wish fulfillment instead of narrative tools to tell the story, the quality of the writing drops off a cliff in a very noticeable way. Generally speaking, you shouldn't let your preconceived notions like your personal biases affect your writing and get in the way of managing the plot, setting and characters.

well yeah, political pamphlets usually make for poor art.
you should always strive to make realistic works that just "feel right" based on what you know and what you've experienced in life. these days the truth is enough to drive soys mad anyway, so you will reach that goal without having to create a political pamphlet, just telling the truth.

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