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Venting Rape is traumatic but it isn't the worst thing to happen to a woman and it's possible to heal from rape



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
One of the most constantly told myths in society is that rape ruins lives and that women can never possibly heal from rape, and that if you're raped, you'll never heal and will never experience any happiness in your life ever again. This is all a myth. Is rape traumatic? Yes. But is it impossible for victims to heal or have a decent life. Hell no! This idea that they can never heal is actually a myth. So why do rape victims have trouble healing? Two reasons: many of them don't ever report the rape or tell anyone about it. They all plan on taking what happened to their graves. As a result, they don't get the help that they need, which prevents them from healing. Another reason why they have trouble healing is because society teaches rape victims that they can never heal and will forever live in eternal 24/7 misery and horror, which also prevents rape victims from healing. If rape victims immediately talked to people right after it happened and were taught that they CAN heal, and actually got help, they'd be able to heal more easily. Feminists and IT-fags claim to be against misogyny, but this teaching that women are fragile, vulnerable people who can be permanently destroyed by rape is the most misogynistic thing i've heard. If you aren't dead, and what happened is over, you can recover and have a decent life, and I find it messed up that society teaches victims to allow a piece of flesh between the legs to control the rest of their life. I read an article by a rape victim named Charlotte Shane who wrote about how she won't let some piece of flesh between the legs control the rest of her life. Also, Fay Weldon is a rape victim and even she said that rape isn't the worst thing that can happen to a woman. And if rape is all about power, which feminists constantly say, then why give the rapist all that power by allowing what they did to control you the rest of your life? Teaching rape victims they can never heal goes against the idea of female empowerment, so obviously feminists don't care about empowering women. What's interesting is that 1st wave feminists believed women were resilient instead of vulnerable when dealing with sexual violence. Even feminists in the 60s believed that rape isn't the worst thing that can happen to a woman. I remember hearing that when women were given the option to be tortured/killed or raped, they picked being raped. Also, I remember asking someone if Auschwitz/holocaust survivors can heal from their trauma or have a decent life. And they said that holocaust and auschwitz survivors probably had a difficult life after what happened but they probably still can have some joy in their life. Surviving Auschwitz and the holocaust is WAAAAY more painful than rape, yet people will say that nobody can possibly heal from rape or have any happiness again if they're raped. I honestly don't think that even the most severe trauma can give you lifelong misery and horror. Even people with that type of trauma can still have happiness at times. Teaching women that rape is so bad that death is preferable just leads to rape victims taking this seriously and deciding to commit suicide.

This moral panic over sex offenders, pedophilia and sexual assault didn't even begin until the progressive era (1890-1920). Sure, long time ago people still executed you for rape, but back in ancient times they executed you for all kinds of things. The way people interpret rape nowadays didn't begin until the progressive era and it didn't get as intense as it is now until the 1970s with the anti-rape movement. The reason we think that sex-crimes ruin lives but Auschwitz can't completely ruin lives is because of how we interpreted sex since biblical times.

TL;DR: if you're raped, only a small amount of your life can be taken away from you if you get the help you need and are taught you can heal. if you're murdered, all of your life is permanently gone. Can being raped make your life much harder. Yeah. but is it impossible to heal? Hell no!
Rape is sex with an ugly male
I genuinely thought that rape was literally the worst thing that can happen to someone, but if you're not being drafted and seeing bullets flying over your face, the worst thing that can happen to someone in the first world is being an ugly, short white male. You can eventually recover from the effects of rape through years of therapy and such. There's no therapy for your face and height, except hundreds of thousands of dollars of plastic surgery. Not to mention, being a white male in the west already means that you're being demonized for existing, especially if you aren't a Chad. And it will be much harder for you to find a job nowadays than a female POC due to lookism, sexism, and racism. Despite being ugly as hell, I'm thankful that, despite having an olive-white skin pigment, I have a super ethnic first and last name. I can literally LARP as an Assyrian who escaped from the war and I can have progressives sucking my cock (metaphorically).
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never been raped so can't say
So? many rape victims don't know what their life would be like if they were taught that they can heal. what you're saying is like saying you can't have an opinion on the death penalty because you don't know what it's life for your loved ones to be killed.
you haven't posted this much text?
Too low iq to make good points like the ones in this one tbh. Most people could claim clever silliness or misdirection but you nailed it imo
Too low iq to make good points like the ones in this one tbh. Most people could claim clever silliness or misdirection but you nailed it imo
you think what i typed is silly?
I genuinely think that rape was literally the worst thing that can happen to someone, but if you're not being drafted and seeing bullets flying over your face, the worst thing that can happen to someone in the first world is being an ugly, short white male. You can eventually recover from the effects of rape through years of therapy and such. There's no therapy for your face and height, except hundreds of thousands of dollars of plastic surgery. Not to mention, being a white male in the west already means that you're being demonized for existing, especially if you aren't a Chad. And it will be much harder for you to find a job than a female POC due to lookism.
if a person can heal from war trauma, they can heal from rape.
So? many rape victims don't know what their life would be like if they were taught that they can heal. what you're saying is like saying you can't have an opinion on the death penalty because you don't know what it's life for your loved ones to be killed.
im not saying anything.
Are people here seriously disagreeing with what I said?
Any sort of molestation is certainly traumatizing. Out of my usual nightmares / when I close my eyes / flashbacks the top ones are usually: being in a fight with someone that actualy happened, being burned by my parents, or being molested. Just whatever was traumatic tbh. I was molested when I was very young. Wasn’t fun tbh.
Any sort of molestation is certainly traumatizing. Out of my usual nightmares / when I close my eyes / flashbacks the top ones are usually: being in a fight with someone that actualy happened, being burned by my parents, or being molested. Just whatever was traumatic tbh. I was molested when I was very young. Wasn’t fun tbh.
and what exactly was done to you when you were molested? were you raped or did someone just simply touch you? If they only touched you then it should've been simply an awkward moment only. it only would traumatize you because society teaches you to be traumatized by it.
No, but iTards will just say you're a clever silly
do you think i'm clever silly?
and what exactly was done to you when you were molested? were you raped or did someone just simply touch you? If they only touched you then it should've been simply an awkward moment only. it only would traumatize you because society teaches you to be traumatized by it.
Yea ur fucked
Yea ur fucked
what exactly happened? raped or just someone merely touching you? Touching can't be that bad. i know this one guy who said he was touched and on a trauma scale of 1 to 10, he'd give it only a 2. what exactly happened?
do you think i'm clever silly?
Maybe ngl, but rape isn't the worst thing that can happen for a foid. But thinking society should desensitize things so they wont latch onto them seems like something anyone can say tbh. People are less pedantic and linear than one might initially assume. if we teach them to not be as extra about rape. it will increase incentive to rape and do harm, and opens the door for people with more than just a rape fetish to maybe give it a go and get some jail time. Juries would skew towards the new desensitization etc. Laws would change. Which in turns gives people who arent willing by just an inch to do worst shit, to maybe do the bad shit. It wouldn't be taboo to talk about on tv as much. Just like how its not taboo to shame ugly men etc. Even kids might start to rape more/get raped/hurt/killed. But the way it is now, has made an opposite effect of what I am speaking about here. Remember that one kid who almost got 10 years for touching a foids arm? or the "accuse and incarcerate and investagate later" motto that most police officers go by
Maybe ngl, but rape isn't the worst thing that can happen for a foid. But thinking society should desensitize things so they wont latch onto them seems like something anyone can say tbh. People are less pedantic and linear than one might initially assume. if we teach them to not be as extra about rape. it will increase incentive to rape and do harm, and opens the door for people with more than just a rape fetish to maybe give it a go and get some jail time. Juries would skew towards the new desensitization etc. Laws would change. Which in turns gives people who arent willing by just an inch to do worst shit, to maybe do the bad shit. It wouldn't be taboo to talk about on tv as much. Just like how its not taboo to shame ugly men etc. Even kids might start to rape more/get raped/hurt/killed.
actually many people who molest children do it because the taboo makes them wanna do it. i think teaching people that nobody can heal from rape actually encourage, not discourage it.
actually many people who molest children do it because the taboo makes them wanna do it. i think teaching people that nobody can heal from rape actually encourage, not discourage it.
There's people who like it for it being taboo, or people who just like it in general. it's a broad topic that has many pathways to the same result. You would need a survey or pool of people with x y z pathways to deduce which would be better tbh. Like having anime where a little girls ass is on the screen increases the fetish for it. In ancient greece for example. nearly the whole population was pansexual cos the society was encouraging it
Rape isn't equal, therefore it doesn't exist. For example when a girl fucks an unconscious drunk guy no one sees it as a bad thing. But when a guy does it, everyone set the thames on fire.
Part of the problem too is the "sacred pussy scam" where women will often describe vaginal insertion as "inside them" but it's not inside their body. Proof of this is that the "birth canal" is considered outside the body when the women is pregnant. The vagina is "out layer" cavity if you will, similar to the ear canal or a marsupial's pouch.
Rape isn't equal, therefore it doesn't exist. For example when a girl fucks an unconscious drunk guy no one sees it as a bad thing. But when a guy does it, everyone set the thames on fire.
people think a woman can be traumatized by forced kissing and can never heal from it yet we're able to heal from war trauma wtf
There's people who like it for it being taboo, or people who just like it in general. it's a broad topic that has many pathways to the same result. You would need a survey or pool of people with x y z pathways to deduce which would be better tbh. Like having anime where a little girls ass is on the screen increases the fetish for it. In ancient greece for example. nearly the whole population was pansexual cos the society was encouraging it
i heard rapists are often sexually aroused by violent coercive porn
people think a woman can be traumatized by forced kissing and can never heal from it yet we're able to heal from war trauma wtf
The ironic thing is they're the same people who supports feminism movement JFL.
The ironic thing is they're the same people who supports feminism movement JFL.
Feminists: Women are powerful and strong!

Also feminists: Women are vulnerable, fragile people whose souls will be permanently destroyed if you rape them or even merely touch their butt.
some IT-fag said "iF yoU haVen'T bEEn rApEd yOu cAnnOt sAy iF iT's TrAumAtIc oR NoT".

and? what else? if i don't know what it's like for a loved one to be murdered, i cannot decide if the death penalty is good or bad? if i haven't been to war, i cannot decide if war trauma is worse or less worse than rape? I've seen articles by rape victims who said what happened wasn't even close to being the worst thing they've experienced. most rape victims don't heal because society doesn't teach them they can heal.
Rape is bad if your a kid or young teen I understand but for people above that age its exaggerated how bad it is for them
Rape is bad if your a kid or young teen I understand but for people above that age its exaggerated how bad it is for them
even if it happened when you're young you can eventually heal and come back stronger than ever. i hate it when people teach them they can never heal. what kind of therapy is that?
even if it happened when you're young you can eventually heal and come back stronger than ever. i hate it when people teach them they can never heal. what kind of therapy is that?
Oh they say that? So they think there's a cure to being ugly and inceldom but for being raped there isn't. Doesn't make any sense. Therapy is giga scam.
Oh they say that? So they think there's a cure to being ugly and inceldom but for being raped there isn't. Doesn't make any sense. Therapy is giga scam.
did you know that 1st wave feminists believed that women were resilient instead of vulnerable when dealing with rape? i'm serious
I didn't read the wall of text but there was a thread on r/braincels by an incel who got anally raped at 10 and he said being an incel is magnitudes worse. We all know that rape, by result and not mindset, isn't as bad a murder. We know it's the most common female fantasy. We know that women become wet when Chad is making advances but dries up when you are nearby. It's just something that's milked a lot contemporarily.
Yeah you fucking dumb nigger. What u gonna do about it pussy?
don't bully people here you little piece of shit sock sucking cotton picker nigger shit
I didn't read the wall of text but there was a thread on r/braincels by an incel who got anally raped at 10 and he said being an incel is magnitudes worse. We all know that rape, by result and not mindset, isn't as bad a murder. We know it's the most common female fantasy. We know that women become wet when Chad is making advances but dries up when you are nearby. It's just something that's milked a lot contemporarily.
i read an article about a woman named Charlotte Shane who was raped and said it wasn't even close to being the worst thing she experienced.
Yeah you fucking dumb nigger. What u gonna do about it pussy?
i won't do anything. i will allow you to annihilate me.
rape was originally used as a boogeyman by chad noble class to keep stacy princesses from being deflowered (by our ancestors)
Jfl at beliving rape is bad even tough it’s natrual
is war trauma worse than rape?
Yes war trauma is way worse than rape because in a war their lives is on stake they hear gunshoots every other second their body can be blown to pieces any second. Meanwhile a a rape ”victim” just gets penetrated for a minute without consent.How can that even fucking be compared?
You should search shell shock trauma on youtube and see it for yourself.
Man i feel bad for them
Yes war trauma is way worse than rape because in a war their lives is on stake they hear gunshoots every other second their body can be blown to pieces any second. Meanwhile a a rape ”victim” just gets penetrated for a minute without consent.How can that even fucking be compared?
You should search shell shock trauma on youtube and see it for yourself.
Man i feel bad for them
it's interesting how people assume you can heal from war trauma but can never heal from rape jfl

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