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It's Over [Rant] The worst part about being an incel is that your issues are yours alone.



These wounds will not heal
Mar 8, 2024
Your life story is just that - a story.
When you tell a normie about everything you went through it’s like they’re watching a movie or reading a book. It’s not even real.
They can’t grasp the scale of suffering you had to survive to get here. They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
It’s just you on your own and no one’s going to comfort you and no one cares about your problems. Nobody gives a shit. Whether you survive or succumb to your conditions is up to you alone.
@kay' @DarkStar @VideoGameCoper @Animecel2D
Most definitely man. It is an accomplishment to have made it this far. Hopefully we can make it a little further.
Your life story is just that - a story.
When you tell a normie about everything you went through it’s like they’re watching a movie or reading a book. It’s not even real.
They can’t grasp the scale of suffering you had to survive to get here. They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
It’s just you on your own and no one’s going to comfort you and no one cares about your problems. Nobody gives a shit. Whether you survive or succumb to your conditions is up to you alone.
For real man. They cannot possibly comprehend what some of it was like. In middle school, when the only friend I had, a giga autist, wasn’t there, I was the only person in the whole school sitting alone at a table. No kidding, I had a table with 20+ seats to myself. All other tables were taken and packed since there were 400 other students there. Everyone, literally everyone had a group except me
For real man. They cannot possibly comprehend what some of it was like. In middle school, when the only friend I had, a giga autist, wasn’t there, I was the only person in the whole school sitting alone at a table. No kidding, I had a table with 20+ seats to myself. All other tables were taken and packed since there were 400 other students there. Everyone, literally everyone had a group except me
None of those 400 people will ever relate to your experience or care about your hardship.
Incels have other incels and that’s really it.
Redditroons can laugh all they want but this is the only support group you’ll find.
None of those 400 people will ever relate to your experience or care about your hardship.
Incels have other incels and that’s really it.
Redditroons can laugh all they want but this is the only support group you’ll find.
And that’s why I’m glad I had that one incel friend back then. Without him I would have been all alone in that school. He had it just as bad or worse than me socially. I am actually still friends with him now. It’s nice that I don’t have to act like a normie around him when we hang out. He’s a bit bluepilled though. I can’t openly talk about all this stuff even with him as much as on this forum
Your life story is just that - a story.
When you tell a normie about everything you went through it’s like they’re watching a movie or reading a book. It’s not even real.
They can’t grasp the scale of suffering you had to survive to get here. They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
It’s just you on your own and no one’s going to comfort you and no one cares about your problems. Nobody gives a shit. Whether you survive or succumb to your conditions is up to you alone.
Our lives are so detached and unfathomable for normies cucks that it may as well be a fantasy story for them. They will never be able to relate nor care with our struggles and this is why it’s a fools errand to share your experiences with normie scum. They will never get it and they will never even try to get it
Our lives are so detached and unfathomable for normies cucks that it may as well be a fantasy story for them. They will never be able to relate nor care with our struggles and this is why it’s a fools errand to share your experiences with normie scum. They will never get it and they will never even try to get it
Exactly. I saw a great YouTube comment about this a few months back saying how most people have had so much external validation they can’t imagine their lives without it (aka living like we do). If I can find the screenshots I will attach them. Relatable comment
Our lives are so detached and unfathomable for normies cucks that it may as well be a fantasy story for them. They will never be able to relate nor care with our struggles and this is why it’s a fools errand to share your experiences with normie scum. They will never get it and they will never even try to get it
Couldn’t have worded it better.
Our lives are so detached and unfathomable for normies cucks that it may as well be a fantasy story for them. They will never be able to relate nor care with our struggles and this is why it’s a fools errand to share your experiences with normie scum. They will never get it and they will never even try to get it
Here’s that comment I mentioned. A bit long, but sums it up really well
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Here’s that comment I mentioned. A bit long, but sums it up really well
View attachment 1271299
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View attachment 1271301
Brutal comments. Read it all. That third part especially about how blind normies are because of all the external validation they have received in their life, then they somehow come to the idiotic conclusion that their self esteem is a result of their own personal efforts and strength rather than it being entirely external factors. In the end they would be truly weak on their own and theyd rather not confront this uncomfortable truth
Brutal comments. Read it all. That third part especially about how blind normies are because of all the external validation they have received in their life, then they somehow come to the idiotic conclusion that their self esteem is a result of their own personal efforts and strength rather than it being entirely external factors. In the end they would be truly weak on their own and theyd rather not confront this uncomfortable truth
Yep. Glad you aren’t a short attention span cel and can actually have an intelligent discussion. Guarantee this comment was written by an incel. The part about being on a never ending train of loneliness is so true too. We missed so much and are so far behind. And yeah, most normies and even more so foids and chads are completely blind to how much of their “confidence” and “good personality” is solely due to being treated well all their lives. They could never comprehend real loneliness
Exactly. I saw a great YouTube comment about this a few months back saying how most people have had so much external validation they can’t imagine their lives without it (aka living like we do). If I can find the screenshots I will attach them. Relatable comment
Proper socialization is literally crucial to survival and has been since humanity’s conception. Not being able to socialize or make friends puts you on a worse fucking level than an illiterate man because writing is a relatively newer invention.
Proper socialization is literally crucial to survival and has been since humanity’s conception. Not being able to socialize or make friends puts you on a worse fucking level than an illiterate man because writing is a relatively newer invention.
For real. Not being able to properly socialize is a disability
I only have have my own isuses no one can understand nor do they care its always them being so selfish like they can lecture me and think they know all my problems while keep forcing it on me too understand that
Yep. Glad you aren’t a short attention span cel and can actually have an intelligent discussion.
My attention span is not so bad when it comes to things that i am interested in ngl
Guarantee this comment was written by an incel
100%. May even be posting on this forum as we speak
The part about being on a never ending train of loneliness is so true too. We missed so much and are so far behind.
Yep. And we are never getting back the time we lost too. We just become more and more damaged over time and any small hope you may have held in the past slips away
And yeah, most normies and even more so foids and chads are completely blind to how much of their “confidence” and “good personality” is solely due to being treated well all their lives. They could never comprehend real loneliness
Its been said many times before but i will say it again. They would not a last single day in our shoes
My attention span is not so bad when it comes to things that i am interested in ngl
Same honestly. I have good attention span here, and for car related stuff that I enjoy. I can talk about cars for ages.
100%. May even be posting on this forum as we speak
Wouldn’t be surprised if it was written by @Biowaste Removal. He has made high IQ posts here similar to this. There are many other high IQ posters here who could have written it
Yep. And we are never getting back the time we lost too. We just become more and more damaged over time and any small hope you may have held in the past slips away
Yep. Even if we somehow got a loving gf right now, it can never undo the lost time. Lost time is never found again and there will always be a hole in your soul. One of the most relatable things Rehab Room said.
Its been said many times before but i will say it again. They would not a last single day in our shoes
Yep. They think they are so strong, but they wouldn’t still be alive if they were a year or more into adulthood and still KKHV. Being deprived of basic shit like love, touch, and sex does a number on your, both mentally and physically. Sometimes I just feel desperate for a woman to cuddle with and have a romantic dinner with even more than sex tbh
That's why I don't like talking about my self to anyone. It's just the same pity "Oh that's bad that happened." type of crap
Normies do not have empathy.

They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
They never do this about anyone or anything. That's why they are normie. They do not think and they only care about themselves.
@kay' @DarkStar @VideoGameCoper @Animecel2D
its been like this since i turned 15 and started working.

Every problem i had was hit with "man up".

I manned up to the point im disabled now. And even in my disability i cant complain to anyone because they get annoyed.

Yesterday i wanted to vent to my mom or dad then realized they couldnt care less and dont believe me and they are both 70 iq on a good day so i really have nobody but my own sleep paralysis demons to talk to.
Your life story is just that - a story.
When you tell a normie about everything you went through it’s like they’re watching a movie or reading a book. It’s not even real.
They can’t grasp the scale of suffering you had to survive to get here. They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
It’s just you on your own and no one’s going to comfort you and no one cares about your problems. Nobody gives a shit. Whether you survive or succumb to your conditions is up to you alone.
Yes, we are alone in this world.

You have to keep going or die either way nobody will care but you and the scale of your suffering is yours alone to witness.
What vid is this
Have no idea. Saw this in some cliche lousy video about loneliness before I was even blackpilled fully. This comment was a voice of reason among all the gaslighting
Your life story is just that - a story.
When you tell a normie about everything you went through it’s like they’re watching a movie or reading a book. It’s not even real.
They can’t grasp the scale of suffering you had to survive to get here. They don’t think for one second “How would I feel if I was this guy?”
It’s just you on your own and no one’s going to comfort you and no one cares about your problems. Nobody gives a shit. Whether you survive or succumb to your conditions is up to you alone.
Must read tier thread, read every word. Normies will never be able to relate to my struggles.

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