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Sep 13, 2021
I understand why many of you drop out because as a STEMcel we have almost the same experience: college isn't the heaven that we thought of after spending your teens brutally studyign, it's a special kind of cutthroat hell designed to eliminate the depressed! Get depressed here and get to McWagies forever! It's a special kind of hell for 4 years. Kudos to all you made it through, although I didn't drop out at one point my depression got so bad I deleted all my thoughts of getting a PhD. Now I just want to earn money and cope after 12 years of studycelling starting from middle school.

Since I don't live in a dorm I rot in this fucking room at home every day, studying and rotting in front of my laptop, having no motivation to go to work:

View: https://imgur.com/a/4BXYnhg

My dad is keep yelling at me "why don't you have a GF". The answer is simple because I am 5'5'' and ugly (even in this country where ethnicness is less than a problem than the West, I'm still considered shit by TW standards, simply because I was born premature 3 months, fuck you dad who blames me for not sutdying hard enough and getting straight As like a good little doctor). My mother is bluepilled lol but she treats me surprisingly nice and even lets me rot at home TBH.

Every day is the same: Wake up, study, do homework, get IQmogged and looksmogged, sleep, repeat ad infinitum.
At 13 I still had hopes I could have studymaxxed but 10 years later, I don't even see the possibility of studymaxxxing anymore.
You wonder why are you stuck in Chinese, not doing ggood enough, always failing to get that #1 at school. You wonder why you suck at dating, and every girl in middle school runs away at you with disgust. You thought you could studymaxx to cover up that shit.

Guess what, 10 years later, nothing changed, i'm still the 5'5'' ethnic aspergers autist, only a deep view of nihilism.
I had suicidal thoughts since I was 2012 and guess what after all that studymaxxing nothing changed - only a deeper realization of "it's over" and "it never begun".
I literally locked myself in my weekends trying to be the most studious one at school and in college (I got brutally IQmogged doing this in HS and college due to being decent schools), but it still don't change the fact that I'm a 22 year old virgin that is behind everyone else (even by Asian standards).

And then I discovered Martyros, and it all made sense. I simply DO NOT have enough IQ to go to medical school, and I simply DO NOT have enough looks to even date. That's all, folks. Porblem solved.

Keep in mind, that Martyros was a mechanical engineer MS with a IQ of 135, AND HE STILL ENDED UP IN THE SAME PLACE AS A HS DROPOUT.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bpbezMjz34&t=83s

I used to laugh at these NEETs because I beleived I wouldn't be in the same spot as these lsoers, because I get good grades at school and bluepilled me thought that literally that is all that matters. Come 2022, and I'm nearly one of the biggst losers in class, in school, SIMPLY because of my looks. I no longer laugh at these NEETs anymore. The truth is at the end of the day i'm a socially awkward, crooked-teethed, ethnic, 5'5'' ugly genetic trash, and no amount of fucking studying can change that.

Honestly I woudln't be able to raise kids anymore.

u/throwaway50950341 was a fucking 5'4'' ricecel. He roped after a decade of studycelling and STEMcelling. He told me to quit studycelling and go on NEETbuxx because even he is sick of this nonsense. Proof: https://ihsoyct.github.io/index.html?mode=comments&author=throwaway50950341

I didn't have anything close to abusive parents, but still studymaxxed for a fucking decade. And he was correct. Subhumans should go on NEETbuxx.
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brutal as fuck maby go across the pond to communist china and see if it's any better there
No, it isn't.
yeah youre right its probably worse there, i imagine you get arrested or "dissapear" for even complaining like this. fuck this is brutal, now ethnics and rices are becoming incels in their own homelands. now it's REALLY over. :dafuckfeels:
Does your room has no window?
Man your posts are brutal and extremely relatable, At some point every curry/rice cel has thought that if they literally devote every waking hour to studyslaving and get that elusive doctor job, internship or get into that college or top their class that everything will change, they will be happy and finally get the woman of their dreams. Truth of the matter is, there are a million people who have higher IQ and better looks, and they can effortlessly mog you in life simply because of their genetics and circumstances at birth. I was always bad at studying and school so my ambitions were low from an early point in life.
mt.Everest IQ
you and Martyros guy are both right

salvage whatever physical and mental health you have left and quit the education
If you need to go to work
If you can go on NEETbuxx
But never go full on rotting mode-your body will decay and you will suffer more
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