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JFL Rampant racism and toxicity are driving players away from Mordhau

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
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Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

Nothing's better than a soy who ragequits a multiplayer game because he sees blasphemy against liberal values in the chat, JFL.

Fuck soys and their cucked creed tbhfr, we must continue to mock it and ultimately destroy it much like was done to Christianity.
Never heard of Mordhau, what is it?
Never heard of Mordhau, what is it?
It's a medieval-themed video game. I've been coping with this genre for years (since chivalry: medieval warfare).
Oh look video games are filled with soymaxxed losers and degenerates, what a shocker!

Said nobody ever. If you play video games you’re a loser, plain and simple. You spend the one life you have working on your LCD tan making some corporation richer while you prematurely fry your dopamine receptors and trigger false pleasure centers day in and day out. Yep, nothing bad can happen there.

I sold all my gaming shit about a year ago and never looked back. Videos games are for fucking LOSERS and deep down you know it: Gamers are degenerate losers, and most normie gamers are a stones throw away from depression.
Oh look video games are filled with soymaxxed losers and degenerates, what a shocker!

Said nobody ever. If you play video games you’re a loser, plain and simple. You spend the one life you have working on your LCD tan making some corporation richer while you prematurely fry your dopamine receptors and trigger false pleasure centers day in and day out. Yep, nothing bad can happen there.

I sold all my gaming shit about a year ago and never looked back. Videos games are for fucking LOSERS and deep down you know it: Gamers are degenerate losers, and most normie gamers are a stones throw away from depression.
epic :redpill: bro
Gamers are degenerate losers, and most normie gamers are a stones throw away from depression.
Games are one of only things that forestall my depression ngl, if temporarily.

I used to be burnt out of them, and could no longer enjoy them, but I recovered my capability to feel pleasure recently and have begun coping with them again.

This has led me to believe that you should alternate between enjoying dopaminergic things like video games and abstaining from them in cycles, so that you don't develop anhedonia.
"Show me on this doll where the bad video game hurt you."

Time to do nofap too because of muh dopamine, I'm gonna have an amazing life and undo inceldom.

Oh wait, after the initial placebo effect my life remains the same, what a shocker!

Said nobody ever.
Gaming is a major waste of time. Read books or something, gain knowledge boyos.
I could do without all those edgy teenagers in games. I don't see the appeal to write or say offensive shit. Online gaming was much simpler in the early days. Just plain nerds playing together. Today you have all these normies, SJWs, dudebros, weaboos and autists who make it their identity to be le epic 4chan trolls.
But you gotta stay realistic. To me the devs seem pretty based. They do everything in their power (small team) to combat toxicity without the players having to walk on eggshells. Sure you can ban every edgy autist out there if you have Ubisoft's budget but try that as an indie team.

But not a thread about video games without me saying: I fucking hate game journalism. They target one specific game to appease the Twitter crowd. "Hey look at these handful of indie devs who are completely overwhelmed by the success of their game and can't manage their huge community. Let's shame them for not having some advanced AI-powered toxicity detection algorithm and thousands of moderators to monitor the chatlogs."
Yea, easy target. But it's the outrage of the day and they'll get some clicks for their dying magazine.

Meanwhile I can hop into a game of CSGO and as last man standing can't hear shit because there's some wiseass screaming in my ear telling me to git gud paired with all kinds of slurs. This is not whataboutism because I'm not talking about the games.
My point is that these journalists don't write hit pieces or long essays about long-standing issues because that would require actual journalism. Reminder: Journalists didn't find anything wrong with lootboxes until lootbox hate was already mainstream because different communities and Youtubers spoke about it. Can't you fuckers ever make your own content?
No, they rather be the parrots of the big publishers (gotta secure those advertisement deals) and jump onto every shitstorm and outrage they can find to get those crumps of clicks. All while being passive-aggressive because they're one among a million failed journalists who didn't get their dream job at the Guardian or something and now have to copypaste articles for manchildren and weaboos about a topic they don't give a fuck about.

I hate game journalism.
Oh look video games are filled with soymaxxed losers and degenerates, what a shocker!

Said nobody ever. If you play video games you’re a loser, plain and simple. You spend the one life you have working on your LCD tan making some corporation richer while you prematurely fry your dopamine receptors and trigger false pleasure centers day in and day out. Yep, nothing bad can happen there.

I sold all my gaming shit about a year ago and never looked back. Videos games are for fucking LOSERS and deep down you know it: Gamers are degenerate losers, and most normie gamers are a stones throw away from depression.
so? what r u a winner? video games are for losers. having incels.co account is for winners
>with another commenter replying "you are gay"
Jesus fucking Christ is this the best her could find? Game journalists are the single biggest faggots to exist.

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