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Blackpill "Radicalizing the romanceless", article about inceldom from a former 25 y/o KHHV



Apr 6, 2020

I was expecting it to be cucked from the title but he made some actual good points here. this is his criticism of IncelTears and the general ignorance that a lot of people have about the incel predicament:
... later that night I was browsing the Internet and I was reminded of what the worse response humanly possible. It would go something like:

You keep whining about how “unfair” it is that you can’t get a good job. “But I’m such a hard worker.” No, actual hard workers don’t feel like they’re entitled to other people’s money just because they ask nicely.

“Why do rich white kids who got legacy admissions to Yale receive cushy sinecures, but I have to work two grueling minimum wage jobs just to keep a roof over my head?” By even asking that question, you prove that you think of bosses as giant bags of money, rather than as individual human beings who are allowed to make their own choices. No one “owes” you money just because you say you “work hard”, and by complaining about this you’re proving you’re not really a hard worker at all. I’ve seen a lot of Hard Workers (TM) like you, and scratch their entitled surface and you find someone who thinks just because they punched a time card once everyone needs to bow down and worship them.

If you complain about “rich white kids who get legacy admissions to Yale,” you’re raising a huge red flag that you’re the kind of person who steals from their employer, and companies are exactly right to give you a wide berth.

Such a response would be so antisocial and unjust that it could only possibly come from the social justice movement.
his high IQ take on "nice guys" and the personality meme:
There seems to be some confusion about this, so let me explain what it means, to everyone, for all time. It does not mean “I am nice in some important cosmic sense, therefore I am entitled to sex with whomever I want.” It means: “I am a nicer guy than Henry.”

Or to spell it out very carefully, Henry clearly has no trouble attracting partners. He’s been married five times and had multiple extra-marital affairs and pre-marital partners, many of whom were well aware of his past domestic violence convictions and knew exactly what they were getting into. Meanwhile, here I was, twenty-five years old, never been on a date in my life, every time I ask someone out I get laughed at, I’m constantly teased and mocked for being a virgin and a nerd whom no one could ever love, starting to develop a serious neurosis about it. And here I was, tried my best never to be mean to anyone, pursued a productive career, worked hard to help all of my friends. I didn’t think I deserved to have the prettiest girl in school prostrate herself at my feet. But I did think I deserved to not be doing worse than Henry.
I honestly suggest reading the entire article. even if I disagree with his logical conclusion he has more insight on this community than anyone on IT and I wish more media coverage of incels was like this
From the excerpts you pulled, it sounds pretty high IQ. Might give it a read tomorrow.
That article is a classic

The best part is the following paragraphs

I will have to use virginity statistics as a proxy for the harder-to-measure romancelessness statistics, but these are bad enough. In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 20% of average nineteen year old men. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as “have you been in a gang”, “have you used a weapon in a fight”, et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.

If you’re smart, don’t drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history – then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone. “At risk” doesn’t mean “for sure”, any more than every single smoker gets lung cancer and every single nonsmoker lives to a ripe old age – but your odds get worse. In other words, everything that “nice guys” complain of is pretty darned accurate. But that shouldn’t be too hard to guess…
Sounds based. Will have to read at some point. Bookmarked
Skim read it. Very High IQ & ahead of the curve.

@GoffSystemQB @mental_out @Master @SergeantIncel a potential must read.
The best part is the following paragraphs

"I will have to use virginity statistics as a proxy for the harder-to-measure romancelessness statistics, but these are bad enough. In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 20% of average nineteen year old men. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as “have you been in a gang”, “have you used a weapon in a fight”, et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.

If you’re smart, don’t drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history – then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone. “At risk” doesn’t mean “for sure”, any more than every single smoker gets lung cancer and every single nonsmoker lives to a ripe old age – but your odds get worse. In other words, everything that “nice guys” complain of is pretty darned accurate. But that shouldn’t be too hard to guess…"

Brutal AF.
"If youre nice guy who complains about not getting laid youre entitled scum who thinks only by his penis and deserves your lonliness and suffering while I ll be getting flooded by 14 chads who ll beat me and call me whore."
I feel bad for nice guys :feelsrope:
@shii410 the author looks like this btw, no wonder he struggles while henry slays



(not doxxing btw, you can google his name and find pics from his blog)

I heard that guy got into a relationship not so long ago tho i think, if i'm not mistaking him for someone else
@shii410 the author looks like this btw, no wonder he struggles while henry slays



(not doxxing btw, you can google his name and find pics from his blog)

I heard that guy got into a relationship not so long ago tho i think, if i'm not mistaking him for someone else
most of this forum probably mogs him tbh. glad he ascended though honestly. most people couldn't stand living 25 years as KHHV, and I appreciate how he actually empathizes with the struggles and insecurities that incels face instead of saying "Um, have you considered just having sex, incel?" like the women on IT. this article is, all in all, a good analysis of the incel social phenomenon
most of this forum probably mogs him tbh. glad he ascended though honestly. most people couldn't stand living 25 years as KHHV, and I appreciate how he actually empathizes with the struggles and insecurities that incels face instead of saying "Um, have you considered just having sex, incel?" like the women on IT. this article is, all in all, a good analysis of the incel social phenomenon
tfw almost 26 and khhv :feelsbadman: :feelsrope:

Good for him tho, not gonna act like a crab in a bucket

I was expecting it to be cucked from the title but he made some actual good points here. this is his criticism of IncelTears and the general ignorance that a lot of people have about the incel predicament:

his high IQ take on "nice guys" and the personality meme:

I honestly suggest reading the entire article. even if I disagree with his logical conclusion he has more insight on this community than anyone on IT and I wish more media coverage of incels was like this
"Radicalization" is just another word for redpilling. It's about giving the information necessary for people to find the truth and take action in their lives like not simping or cucking out. You know how feminists or the government writes shit about "anti radicalization?" or how the "radicalization tactics" of some groups are? Read them and use those very tactics to redpill more. There is no difference between the idea of "radicalization" and "redpilling" besides that "radicalization" was a word created & promoted to be pejorative because everyone knows that "radicalization = bad" and by successfully calling what we do as "radicalization" they manage to associate us with Islamic terrorists and get us to focus on denying that we continue to redpill & recruit people.

The article itself linked in the OP is quite interesting but still only portrays radicalization as a bad thing and tries to walk some sort of compromise pathway by acknowledging that we are correct while simultaneously denying that we should do anything about our situations or that our opinions on women are accurate. "Sure, they've been badly treated by women their whole life and that's why it's not their fault they hold these bad opinions" is basically the thesis of this article. Fuck that. I'm a human being with agency. I CHOSE to have these beliefs, freely taking into account the information I was given. I could've chosen to be a beta cuck who married le wifey and not even consummate the marriage only to get divorced so my wife can go with the bull while I still remain a virgin. But instead I chose to be blackpilled about the world around me and continue to help other people realize that there is no hope for the majority of men in the world anymore unless we organize collectively to agitate for reasonable political goals such as the continuing legality of sex robots that fulfill my need for companionship or to not be unnecessarily taxed to pay for Chad's harem and their brood.
Good read, ngl. Bookmarked because I'll probably want to read it again. He makes very interesting and original points.
"never been on a date in my life, every time I ask someone out I get laughed at, I’m constantly teased and mocked for being a virgin and a nerd whom no one could ever love, starting to develop a serious neurosis about it. "

ngl that line is so brutal. I haven't been made fun of that way but I'm sure that's what people think about me

(also posting this to bump this good thread)
he looks like he could belong here with us , so its no suprise he doesnt immediately demonise us like a lot of articles do.
SSC is always a good read. i think he was crucified back during the gamergate era for some article or something about it, not sure.
I agree with everything he wrote. IT cucks are the same as leftist morons: they refuse to go by statistics and facts
slightly off topic, but the "radicalization" argument is so weird to me, this site is like 80% memes, same as most of other manosphere spaces
Jfl if you think that guy doesn’t post here.
great article thanks bro
he looks like he could belong here with us , so its no suprise he doesnt immediately demonise us like a lot of articles do.
true tbh. but the media will sweep this under the rug

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