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Racism is the ultimate lie made by tribes man to divide us.



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
The (((kikes))) and their lies are the biggest racists in all of human history lest we (((forget))) who had the most (((slaves))) in the (((slave))) racism is a Jewish poison put here to divide and conquer us.
this is some reverse kike shit bro, (((jews are dividing us so we must live together)))

lol at u
this is some reverse kike shit bro, (((jews are dividing us so we must live together)))

lol at u

OHHH you have not read the talmud or done any history on the tribe then like really do you know about rothchilds and the british empire ? don't speak before you have facts
I think everyone should communicate and harbor no I'll will towards each other.Without trying to all live in temhe same place.
OHHH you have not read the talmud or done any history on the tribe then like really do you know about rothchilds and the british empire ? don't speak before you have facts
I think everyone should communicate and harbor no I'll will towards each other.Without trying to all live in temhe same place.

I don't know what you just said sorry are you falling into the globalism vs nationalism hegelian diealtic ? pls tell me your not you seem to intelligent for that

Isn't it ironic that the founder of communism called blacks (((less than human))) the kikes are racist
That's retarded.
I don't know what you just said sorry are you falling into the globalism vs nationalism hegelian diealtic ? pls tell me your not you seem to intelligent for that
I genuinely don't think that cultures mix.
I genuinely don't think that cultures mix.

I don't either but cultures are social constructs they can be made to fit tbh the only reason we have so much division today is cause of the tribe i shit you not debt slavery run by the Rothschild dynasty residual war you guessed it the rotchilds
I don't either but cultures are social constructs they can be made to fit tbh the only reason we have so much division today is cause of the tribe i shit you not debt slavery run by the Rothschild dynasty residual war you guessed it the rotchilds
True.Even my grandad hates likes.He always tells me about how they inbred to keep the money in their own people.
True.Even my grandad hates likes.He always tells me about how they inbred to keep the money in their own people.

Their's reasons why their called bankers their leaches on freedom
Because sign selection is real and people tend to prefer those most similar to them.

How so pretell

Also just because Jews are racist doesn't make "racism' or, rather, the kin selective process bad.
Because sign selection is real and people tend to prefer those most similar to them.

Also just because Jews are racist doesn't make "racism' or, rather, the kin selective process bad.

''Because sign selection is real and people tend to prefer those most similar to them.''

Within symbols yes and metaphors yes but in physical biological things no you identify with ideas and signs and symbolic things like Christ dying for the sins of the sins of the world it symbolizes conqerance of evil and a end to it however you don't identify with some random white leftist know do you in fact if anything you seem to hate them more than anything sign selection in people is not real and i encourage you to show me where it is.

Also the 2nd point yes it does what your essentially saying is it's wrong cause the kikes done it it would be okay if whites done it it's still immoral and i have names for dudes like that white kikes your the exact same poision you just moral fag about it in selection
Nah, m8 blacks are just violent and no one likes them.


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I never thought about racism until I was taught it
I hate our fucking society so much
The (((kikes))) and their lies are the biggest racists in all of human history lest we (((forget))) who had the most (((slaves))) in the (((slave))) racism is a Jewish poison put here to divide and conquer us.
blame jews for chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay theory
Nah, m8 blacks are just violent and no one likes them.
View attachment 159541

Oh and the tribes man got to you to hmmmmm is it possible jim crow slavery and centuries off gas lighting leads to violence i mean show me a violent black neighbourhood before the welfare state
I never thought about racism until I was taught it
I hate our fucking society so much

It's cause of kikes your gonna say know i am exaggerating but i am not the school system is controlled by funded by and owned by big brother the money supply you buy with is owned by the bank system what do you think paper money is ? debt money they control the propaganda from youth they control the money supply they need something though to divide us so they can control the economy the more distractions the better
''Because sign selection is real and people tend to prefer those most similar to them.''

Within symbols yes and metaphors yes but in physical biological things no you identify with ideas and signs and symbolic things like Christ dying for the sins of the sins of the world it symbolizes conqerance of evil and a end to it however you don't identify with some random white leftist know do you in fact if anything you seem to hate them more than anything sign selection in people is not real and i encourage you to show me where it is.

Also the 2nd point yes it does what your essentially saying is it's wrong cause the kikes done it it would be okay if whites done it it's still immoral and i have names for dudes like that white kikes your the exact same poision you just moral fag about it in selection
No, I am referring to the biological process of sign selection which occurs in nature wherein species which share a habitat that could produce fertile offspring deliberately avoid one another in order to reproduce with their own in group as a means to further their genetic advancement.

And, no, I'm not. I'm saying just because Jews do a thing doesn't make it bad. Like, if tomorrow, all Jews, collectively said
"We should not ever, under any circumstances, shit ourselves."
People such as yourself would be spasming on the floor in a pool of your own diarrhea.
No, I am referring to the biological process of sign selection which occurs in nature wherein species which share a habitat that could produce fertile offspring deliberately avoid one another in order to reproduce with their own in group as a means to further their genetic advancement.

And, no, I'm not. I'm saying just because Jews do a thing doesn't make it bad. Like, if tomorrow, all Jews, collectively said
"We should not ever, under any circumstances, shit ourselves."
People such as yourself would be spasming on the floor in a pool of your own diarrhea.

''No, I am referring to the biological process of sign selection which occurs in nature wherein species which share a habitat that could produce fertile offspring deliberately avoid one another in order to reproduce with their own in group as a means to further their genetic advancement.''

Such a thing does not appear in nature gene diversity is what nature seeks https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1068/p6626 it would appear good genetics is what foids are after pure bred i would really call mutts really the future is mixed tbh and really what created incels to start of with is being ethnic getting rid of the ethnic poison and adding the mixed race will cure all of inceldom problem their are reasons why the biggest slayers tend to be mulatoo's.

''And, no, I'm not. I'm saying just because Jews do a thing doesn't make it bad. Like, if tomorrow, all Jews, collectively said
"We should not ever, under any circumstances, shit ourselves."
People such as yourself would be spasming on the floor in a pool of your own diarrhea.''

No but you moral fag about it when it's jews but i guarantee you if it was whites doing what the jews are doing you would be laughing stfu on you being any different
"Such a thing does not appear in nature gene diversity is what nature seeks'

Firstly, you're assigning agency to something which does not possess it. "Nature" seeks nothing, it is not an organism with a will to reproduce or a god, it is merely the name which humanity has given to the series of biological processes that make up intra-species interaction.

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1068/p6626 it would appear good genetics is what foids are after pure bred i would really call mutts really the future is mixed tbh and really what created incels to start of with is being ethnic getting rid of the ethnic poison and adding the mixed race will cure all of inceldom problem their are reasons why the biggest slayers tend to be mulatoo's.

Secondly, I don't see how degrading the genetic quality of some groups to get rid of "ethnics" (whatever you're defining those as) is going to get rid of incels. I also don't understand why you believe that Mulattoes are the real slayers, since I haven't seen any data that suggests they are. I can't even think of any anecdotal shit to suggest as much, as Chads and Tyrones tend to do just as good, typically better.

Not only that, but if every existing distinct ethnic group today intermingled genetically speciation wouldn't just stop. There is no be all end all cure for incels. Breeding patterns+geography+diet would invariably lead to speciation given enough isolation. The only possible way to stop it would be perpetual racial intermingling which isn't plausible since in order to do so we'd have to maintain a first world standard of living on a nearly global scale and find a means to incentivize travel globally, perpetually, which isn't even possible because this planet has finite resources.

''And, no, I'm not. I'm saying just because Jews do a thing doesn't make it bad. Like, if tomorrow, all Jews, collectively said
"We should not ever, under any circumstances, shit ourselves."
People such as yourself would be spasming on the floor in a pool of your own diarrhea.''

"No but you moral fag about it when it's jews but i guarantee you if it was whites doing what the jews are doing you would be laughing stfu on you being any different"

And this is a strawman, and therefore not worth my time.
Kikes are tricky, they even sarcrifice big amounts of own kind (some say 6 000 000), for seeking their goals
S-So much t-to unpack in t-this thread s-sweety :feels: :feels: :feels: :feels:
Kikes are tricky, they even sarcrifice big amounts of own kind (some say 6 000 000), for seeking their goals

What do you except the protocols don't even consider us humans
Aren’t you currently being racist against jewishcels by using ((( )))?
Then you’re being racist against Israelitecels.

No in fact i even acknowledge the holocaust happened (((they))) is a religion not a blood thing
"Such a thing does not appear in nature gene diversity is what nature seeks'

Firstly, you're assigning agency to something which does not possess it. "Nature" seeks nothing, it is not an organism with a will to reproduce or a god, it is merely the name which humanity has given to the series of biological processes that make up intra-species interaction.

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1068/p6626 it would appear good genetics is what foids are after pure bred i would really call mutts really the future is mixed tbh and really what created incels to start of with is being ethnic getting rid of the ethnic poison and adding the mixed race will cure all of inceldom problem their are reasons why the biggest slayers tend to be mulatoo's.

Secondly, I don't see how degrading the genetic quality of some groups to get rid of "ethnics" (whatever you're defining those as) is going to get rid of incels. I also don't understand why you believe that Mulattoes are the real slayers, since I haven't seen any data that suggests they are. I can't even think of any anecdotal shit to suggest as much, as Chads and Tyrones tend to do just as good, typically better.

Not only that, but if every existing distinct ethnic group today intermingled genetically speciation wouldn't just stop. There is no be all end all cure for incels. Breeding patterns+geography+diet would invariably lead to speciation given enough isolation. The only possible way to stop it would be perpetual racial intermingling which isn't plausible since in order to do so we'd have to maintain a first world standard of living on a nearly global scale and find a means to incentivize travel globally, perpetually, which isn't even possible because this planet has finite resources.

''And, no, I'm not. I'm saying just because Jews do a thing doesn't make it bad. Like, if tomorrow, all Jews, collectively said
"We should not ever, under any circumstances, shit ourselves."
People such as yourself would be spasming on the floor in a pool of your own diarrhea.''

"No but you moral fag about it when it's jews but i guarantee you if it was whites doing what the jews are doing you would be laughing stfu on you being any different"

And this is a strawman, and therefore not worth my time.

''Firstly, you're assigning agency to something which does not possess it. ''

Yes your correct nature has no agency persay but what i am saying is if left to free will mixed races are what nature seeks your correct i may have made anthropomorphic language but then again i didn't necessarily persay suggest nature is a living entity.

"Nature" seeks nothing, it is not an organism with a will to reproduce or a god, it is merely the name which humanity has given to the series of biological processes that make up intra-species interaction.''

No your correct nature is not a telelogical thing however nature has functions and the functions of it is to adapt to the most suitable environment mixed races are the biggest expressions the only way you can stop this is if you have dysgenic things state enforced eugenics disguised as eugenics so called pure breeds are more mutts.

''Secondly, I don't see how degrading the genetic quality of some groups to get rid of "ethnics" (whatever you're defining those as) is going to get rid of incels.''

Cause inceldom is primarily a result of bone structure mixed races happen to have the highest amount of mix between races which i think is good natural eugenics is good provided it's not forced it's not like your an incel cause your personality ffs it's bone difference overwhelmingly.

''I also don't understand why you believe that Mulattoes are the real slayers, since I haven't seen any data that suggests they are.''

The link i cited overwhelmingly shows mixed races are shown to be more attractive look at it when confronted with pics subtle differences showed in structure why mixed races are more attractive.

''I can't even think of any anecdotal shit to suggest as much, as Chads and Tyrones tend to do just as good, typically better.''

Well do you live in a predominantly white area ? if so are you surprised ? and how would you know do you go to these peoples houses.

''Not only that, but if every existing distinct ethnic group today intermingled genetically speciation wouldn't just stop. ''

Your acting like we split of into different species in a day no this takes 10's of thousands of years and the evolved product seems to be better when left alone to peoples own devices people perfer mixed race so for 10 millennia we would be fine we would not be perfect but compared to where we are know we would be land slides better off.

''There is no be all end all cure for incels. ''

These are short term solutions my idea would be most likely then be some form of phenotype editing program however since mixed races produce these results to begin with and their results can last up to 10000 years this solution is a short term 1.

''Breeding patterns+geography+diet would invariably lead to speciation given enough isolation.''

Evolution can only happen dramatically if their is a given environment requiring it however seeing as though we are heading for the 4th great industrial age our next evolution will off a caliber our minds know can't even comprehend it is not gonna be skull differences if anything it will be a brain difference our species no longer needs what was once needed well we will if the (((tribe))) don't have their world order but who knows.

''The only possible way to stop it would be perpetual racial intermingling which isn't plausible since in order to do so we'd have to maintain a first world standard of living on a nearly global scale and find a means to incentivize travel globally, perpetually, which isn't even possible because this planet has finite resources.''

Why can't the entire world be first world but still have the free movement of people i've never got this ? and the finite resource thing dude where their is scarcity other things come into to fill the void we used to use asbestos dust in old building material in the 50's turned out it was bad for health and people died from it so people went to something better you would be surprised what people could make from what little they have
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