I have to question where those stats came from... I don't doubt asians are the most incel, but, going on testosterone (T) levels, I'd think on a global level whites would be the next most incel race behind asians. Then brown people(arabs/hispanics), then black people. Blacks are generally more athletic (ie more chadrone genes, relatively speaking), more of those chad genes come with higher T levels.
White people are 20-30 yrs from being a minority in the west, this is a confirmed fact. And they are bringing in male-only arab refugees into white nations to help displace the native populations. Which wouldn't make a whole lot of sense if white men were more valued than those brown men.
I personally believe JBE (Just Be Exotic)- TRADTHOT white women, asian women, and latina women have a thing for white men. All the other white women spend their fertile years bouncing on Tyrone, Abdul, or Chico dick, then maybe beta buxx a white man later on when she's ready to settle down. Black women generally go for black men (but I'm seeing early signs this might change too). The reason why asian women go for white men is the same reason why so many white women want tyrone dick, it's the dick pill. Asian women are used to asian men, but white men are generally higher T (bigger dicks) (Plus expatriots have more $$$ and green card too), white women see black men in a similar way.
It's no secret women are known to spread their legs for invaders, this has happened down thru history. Women are often harder upon the men of their own tribe than they are of outsiders, perhaps maybe this is a mechanism to discourage inbreeding I dunno.... But black women have shat on black men and we see the damage, single mother homes, etc, white women attacking white men is the base of western feminism (they eventually adopted minorities along the way), Asian women are horrible to Asian men.