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Blackpill Race Hypergamy (Whitecels, Ethnicels GTFIH) (BRUTAL race pill, Blackcels on SUICIDE WATCH)



Mar 16, 2018
Recently i've come up with a theory i've coined as "Race Hypergamy"

What is Race Hypergamy
The idea of race hypergamy is essentially the idea that a white male or female can increase how far they choose to date upwards if they pursue an ethnic male or female. We already knew women could do this though, we've all seen fat women date fit, and healthy young men that mogs them in every way:


(Current Welterweight world boxing champion with his wife)
We've also seen these same women dump their husbands to pursue EVEN BETTER looking men the moment they lost weight and start looking fiiiine.

Now what if I told you this existed for white men, too?

Case in point.
On the left you have a foid who is young, slim, good hygiene (Look at those pearly whites, smooth unscarred skin, sliky hair), and whom I would rate about a 7/10.
On the right you have a white boy who is fat, unhygienic (Look at that skin, the poorly managed facial hair, and he's fat!), balding, and generally shouldn't even be above a 5/10 so long as he doesn't take care of himself.

Those two are about as far apart in looks as can be, yet somehow he's marrying her? Surely this doesn't prove the blue pill, right?
Well, no it doesn't. Sorry, but fact of the matter is, is that race is a HUGE boost and a HUGE con. Being white will push your rating up by 2 or 3 points, being black, even for women, will detract a varying amount of points. So in the end even if these two aren't looksmatched they both have the same SMV.

You BBC memers constantly post anecdotes of fit, healthy, young black men with pretty white roasties, well here's my counter evidence of a fat, balding, hairy unhealthy white boy MARRYING a young, fit, and healthy black foid. For reference the guy is a gamer, so it's not as if he's some major NT normie either https://www.reddit.com/user/LoveCleanKitten/overview

This isn't limited to White Male black female relationships either...
I'm sure some of you know @itsOVER...

Here's him with a Thai woman. Hes recorded multiple encounters with dates that hes gotten by going to SEA and abusing his race hypergamy over there, managing to score women he couldn't have possibly hoped to score if he were ethnic or if he tried dating white women in the west.

Disclaimer; this isn't to say Whitecels cant be incels, just that it's alot harder. Abuse your race hypergamy while you can.
It's over for ethnics. RIP.
Mainly race baits and anecdotal evidence. It's true that being a white male gives you advantage outside the West, but ugly white men are absolutely screwed in the West.
I see an average black girl and an average asian girl.
Mainly race baits and anecdotal evidence. It's true that being a white male gives you advantage outside the West, but ugly white men are absolutely screwed in the West.
Mainly race baits and anecdotal evidence. It's true that being a white male gives you advantage outside the West, but ugly white men are absolutely screwed in the West.
This. The standards in the west are different than in 3rd world countries where women often operate out of desperation.
And plus, in many of these pics the couples seem to be looksmatched, thus disproving your JBW argument.
for sure, it is much more difficult to be incel as a white man

the reason you don't see much more black female/white male couples is because white men (and men of all other races) don't like black women.

the worst white men will degrade themselves to is asian women. they don't like indian or black women.

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If you can't prove that ethnic women in the West commonly go for sub8 or even ugly white males, then you have no argument at all.
for sure, it is much more difficult to be incel as a white man

the reason you don't see much more black female/white male couples is because white men (and men of all other races) don't like black women.

the worst white men will degrade themselves to is asian women. they don't like indian or black women.

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it's true. Almost every white guy showing his tinder results had endless black girls matching him. But none of those girls were actually attractive. Usually just ghetto whores.
asian women go for the BEST they can get, which is normie and sub-par white males. since chads will NEVER degrade themselves to dating asians.

it is proven many times
with both EMPIRICAL and ANECDOTAL evidence

i've opened 5 part racepill threads
feel free to chek'em out.
I wouldn't say that an ugly white male would get the same level of attraction in the West as much as outside the West.

Asian women in the West are exposed to what a true Chad look like and know their value. A Chad in Asia is considered as a celebrity.
Now what if I told you this existed for white men, too?

Case in point.
On the left you have a foid who is young, slim, good hygiene (Look at those pearly whites, smooth unscarred skin, sliky hair), and whom I would rate about a 7/10.
On the right you have a white boy who is fat, unhygienic (Look at that skin, the poorly managed facial hair, and he's fat!), balding, and generally shouldn't even be above a 5/10 so long as he doesn't take care of himself.

The fuck? She's a 3/10 and he's a 1/10
So a white guy can prey on impoverished 3rd world immigrants and leverage his race to date some monkey looking bitch. Big deal. A black guy can look like a homo-erectus and go to any white suburb and have prime 19 year old white girls sucking his dick. THIS is the true race pill.
dude u dont even like in america. u live in germany. u dont understand BBC Law
The racepill is becoming a pathetic cope at this point. Fact: ethnics can still get laid. Fact: JBW almost always applies to Asian girls and less so to other races. Fact: you are still an ugly incel, ethnic or not. Source: I leave my basement once in awhile. Just today I went to Los Gatos which is a fairly ethnic area. Saw nothing but racematched couples, occasionally Asian with Indian but otherwise no interracial couples.
pretty sure 99% of whitecels here live in a western country, being an ugly white male is no advantage.

white girls only want white chads and ethnic girls either stick to their own race or go for white chads as well.

I can't immigrate because I don't have a degree or I would have moved. That's why guys eventually go postal, we are stuck in countries we hate and can't leave
Great post, it’s fucking over for us.
A black guy can look like a homo-erectus and go to any white suburb and have prime 19 year old white girls sucking his dick. THIS is the true race pill.
I live in the white suburb where’s the 19 years jbs sucking my dick.
Here in Latin America people are still extremely racist. In olden times, whites were the rulers, mestizos the workers, and blacks the slaves. In some cases, if you date a black person your family will literally stop speaking to you. But if you're white, especially blond hair and blue eyes, you can fuck any girl you want.
racepill is real for relationships and even more real for marriage.
all women want to date up. fact.
white is the top of the race hierarchy. fact.
therefor all women generally consider white men superior to ethnic men.

this might not be true for every single female on the planet, but it is definitely valid as a general trend.
the same applies to femoids too - white women are universally regarded as the most attractive by men of all races. you can see it at work even in this forum where all the ethnicel constantly complain about not getting white women while calling ethnic women ugly.

now for casual sex things might well be different. this is where BBC theory can actually work. but for serious dating this is a meme.
youd have to be literally sub 3 or poor as shit to be a white incel.
now for casual sex things might well be different. this is where BBC theory can actually work. but for serious dating this is a meme.
I agree with you on everything but this as it is demonstrably false. Tinder is a platform primarily used for casual hook ups and sex, so I believe it would provide a good look at which race is doing the best in the casual sex market. That said here's their race data;

As you can see blacks are the LEAST desired race for tinder hookups among everyone except for black women.
So even in the casual sex market if you're a white man you statistically have over twice the chance to HOOK UP with a white woman than your black counterpart, over twice as likely to hook up with a latina than your black counterpart, and over twice as likely to hook up with an asian woman than your black counter part, and yet your black counterpart still isn't twice as likely to hook up with a black woman than you. In fact, you have a better chance at hooking up with black women than your black counterpart has with literally any other race.

BBC is a porn meme that does NOT in ANY WAY reflect reality. Alt-righters and JBW deniers will continue to spout the BBC meme but that does not make it real.
It's ridiculous that a JBW post with mainly anectodal evidence and looksmatched couples doesn't get removed as race bait, but a BBC thread of the same nature does. The black lobby is strong on this forum.
you are saying that black whale the white subhuman is with is 7/10 and thin..? is this a troll post JFL
you are saying that black whale the white subhuman is with is 7/10 and thin..? is this a troll post JFL
lmao at somehow managing to say she's fat when she looks at least 200lbs lighter than the turbo-neckbeard on the right.
lmao at somehow managing to say she's fat when she looks at least 200lbs lighter than the turbo-neckbeard on the right.
>comparing an obese girl to a more obese man and claiming shes thin
Not sure why people think BBC is a meme. It's a trend for 16 year old prime white girls to start getting their first BBC around that age if they don't have any BBCs around their area since they're 16 and they can drive they tell their parents their going to visit a friend but really they drive down to the hood and get dicked down by a couple Trey Songz, Chris Brown and Terry Crews looking guys. Legit prime JBs get brainwashed by media and they all think black guys are the coolest, we all know girls just follow trends and sex isn't any exception to that rule.
for sure, it is much more difficult to be incel as a white man

the reason you don't see much more black female/white male couples is because white men (and men of all other races) don't like black women.

the worst white men will degrade themselves to is asian women. they don't like indian or black women.

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Are you pissed at whitecels trying their luck there or by the foids that worship whiteness or both?
Not sure why people think BBC is a meme. It's a trend for 16 year old prime white girls to start getting their first BBC around that age if they don't have any BBCs around their area since they're 16 and they can drive they tell their parents their going to visit a friend but really they drive down to the hood and get dicked down by a couple Trey Songz, Chris Brown and Terry Crews looking guys. Legit prime JBs get brainwashed by media and they all think black guys are the coolest, we all know girls just follow trends and sex isn't any exception to that rule.
Because it's statistically not true? But JBW is true undoubtedly.

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