I think that scene doesn't represent it particularly well consider jesse was actually a shithead. But yes that is what they want.
What annoys them about incels isn't the "murder and rape" encouragement, that's just a load of virtue signalling bullshit, they know that's just impotent venting that wouldn't ever go anywhere. What upsets them is that disgusting ugly men stepped out of line. You can see this when they try to rub their sex lives and success in the faces of incels that it has nothing to do with some progressive cause, it's to do with putting the ugly men back in their place where they belong. You should be happy with your station like any slave, you should never speak up, you should never complain when they treat you badly based on your looks because you're supposed to be the happy slave, so they have lord it over you and show you have much better they are than you, and they want you to nod and agree with them, and tell them how superior they are before you go back to disappearing in the background so their lives don't have to be interrupted by the presence of inferiors. It's all about positioning themselves as superior to others.
That is what at least many of them really want, along with their uncle tom followers who gleefully kiss their boots.