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/r/IncelTears cope of the day: "most men don't have as much sex as they say"



Nov 7, 2017
people, especially men, lie all the time about sex. The army is a male dominated and macho environment no one is going to admit that they didn’t score.

How to cope with being a virgin idiot that makes fun of other virgins? Shape the world how you would like it to be, ignore reality completely because reality is painful to swallow, so shape the world how you would like it.  

Am still a virgin at 29? So what! the majority of men didn't have sex until they were 30! No girl has ever hit on me? So what! girls are shy and are intimidated by men they like, I should be making the move! Women are not enthusiastic when talking to me?  She is only playing hard to get! All my friends have had girlfriends except me? They are lying and only trying to troll me! Girls on tinder only chose attractive men and ignore ugly men? I don't buy into incel blackpill experiments they are sexistttt and imply women aren't the amazing creatures that they are! And even if they were real tinder standards are not like real life the girls on tinder rate extra hard! I just turned 40 and am still a virgin, you know that doesn't matter there is more to life then sex, and sex is overrated anyway, 


This has got to be y favorite inceltears comment by far, literally denying reality to view their narrative, the cope is so high, imagining being so delusional you tell yourself "men lie most men my age are still virgin" just to help you sleep at night. just lol, remember boyos being incel is much better then being an incel in denial.
Going by that (men lie about how much sex they have) the commentor is implying women don't lie about how much sex they have. So who are they having sex with if most men don't fuck around much?? little blackpill there
helloissame said:
Going by that (men lie about how much sex they have) the commentor is implying women don't lie about how much sex they have. So who are they having sex with if most men don't fuck around much?? little blackpill there

women lie too!!1!
iiiTeMpeR said:
women lie too!!1!

Times whatever they say their body count is by 10 to get the real number
lol wtf? how is brazil so high? you can literally slay in elementary school there
This is so fucking pathetic it makes me sad.
we need a 'cucktears cope of the day' everyday!
How is that a cope when most of this board says the same shit?
The_RopER said:
How is that a cope when most of this board says the same shit?

lol nobody on this board says that, we say most people have sex by their teen years which is true, you're either a newcel or an inceltears brigaders salty we tore one of your comrades shitty 'analysis' of these so called incels.

I do think that a lot of men exaggerate how much sex they're getting (just like women do the opposite), but it's quite uncommon to be a 22+ year old virgin.
He is right tho
Males really lie a lot about this one.
Normies are probably lying, good looking men are definitely not.
Actually this is one of the rare times that I agree with these faggots. They are right. Most guys are NOT getting laid as much as they say are. Think about it...if women are attracted to what? the top 10% of guys. You think 90% are below average? No. The majority are just average looking men that women take for a LTR and he fucks her and only her, while she eventually cheats on him.

Most guys, especially online LIE about how much sex they got. They lie a lot. How do I know this? Because I used to fucking do this all the time. I would lie to my friends saying I had sex with a few girls before. I would lie but not stretch it to make it sound more believable. This is what most men do.

The average guy is NOT getting laid as much as we think they are.

CopingGymcel said:
I do think that a lot of men exaggerate how much sex they're getting (just like women do the opposite), but it's quite uncommon to be a 22+ year old virgin.

This too. It is uncommon for a 22+ year old virgin, however the average guy isn't fucking a lot of women. They're fucking their LTR, or one or two girls in several years.
iiiTeMpeR said:
lol nobody on this board says that, we say most people have sex by their teen years which is true, you're either a newcel or an inceltears brigaders salty we tore one of your comrades shitty 'analysis' of these so called incels.


Lie.  Multiple posts on here and Reddit say normies are incels in denial, and just one chad away from being cucked.
The_RopER said:
Lie.  Multiple posts on here and Reddit say normies are incels in denial, and just one chad away from being cucked.

what? we say inceltears are incels in denial because nobody spends hours a day making fun of virgins online without having major insecurity inferiority complex, what the fuck are you saying boyo. 

/r/inceltears <------- go back
They are retarded. Even if you think about it.. I know it depends from person to person but would you fuck everyday or at least every other day if you were a chad? I would.
CopingGymcel said:
I do think that a lot of men exaggerate how much sex they're getting (just like women do the opposite), but it's quite uncommon to be a 22+ year old virgin.

I can't remember the source but I once read that 1 in 7 men are virgins at 20. Not sure about 22 though.
aut said:
I can't remember the source but I once read that 1 in 7 men are virgins at 20. Not sure about 22 though.

I think 22+ or mid 20s or something, only 5% of men are virgins, which is quite sad, because I'm a 26 (soon to be 27) year old virgin with no experience  :'(
Rule of 3 is legit and that graph is also legit.
iiiTeMpeR said:
what? we say inceltears are incels in denial because nobody spends hours a day making fun of virgins online without having major insecurity inferiority complex, what the fuck are you saying boyo. 


That girl you bragged about? did she cuck you yet?
What a load of coping morons.
Cope of the year:
Jockcel said:
JFL @ bluepilled incels

OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Cope of the year:

still dont understand why he isnt banned
CopingGymcel said:
I think 22+ or mid 20s or something, only 5% of men are virgins, which is quite sad, because I'm a 26 (soon to be 27) year old virgin with no experience  :'(

I know Japan has a very high percentage of adult virgins.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Me neither.

cuz am a virgin, and you created your account recently, how did you know about that? are you someones alt? 

my theory:
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N = Kointo
>same faggy anime gifs 
>just as many posts in short amount of time
>kointo hated me, so do you
>as soon as kointo left you came to be. 

 OTaKu_WarrIOr_N = Kointo
iiiTeMpeR said:
cuz am a virgin, and you created your account recently, how did you know about that? are you someones alt? 

my theory:
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N = Kointo
>same faggy anime gifs 
>just as many posts in short amount of time
>kointo hated me, so do you
>as soon as kointo left you came to be. 

 OTaKu_WarrIOr_N = Kointo

You're a virgin who became bluepilled after some roastie gave you an ioi. If a roastie gives you anything like that, then you aren't incel.

Wow, ever since I began posting people said I was him.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
You're a virgin who became bluepilled after some roastie gave you an ioi. If a roastie gives you anything like that, then you aren't incel.

Wow, ever since I began posting people said I was him.

am not bluepilled you blethering idiot, just because a fellow incel managed to talk to a girl doesn't mean he forgot the blackpill, you're just as autistic and aspie as kointo, not to mention both of you suck gamblers dick

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