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News R.I.P r/PirateParadise



Sep 6, 2019
Another evasion sub since the death of r/braincels. This one was invite only - so they targeted the based of us Redditors, but they used an algo and invited some IT cucks and others.

Lasted a decent time, unlike the pointless posts made here it was full of mega-tier memes, shitposts, the endless 'good morning' posts and other acts of creativity reminiscent of r/braincels.

Are we still on r/shortcels and r/communitycels?
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Why do you insist in using reddit?
It's over for piratecels.
that sub was based, except the mods used an idiotic algorithm that invited everyone that ever commented on braincels, so that included ITcels. countless people messaged mods about it but they kept doing it. :feelsugh: low IQ tbh
Over for RNGcels

what are the odds of a IT infiltrator joining a invite only incels sub because of a shitty algorithm?
that sub was based, except the mods used an idiotic algorithm that invited everyone that ever commented on braincels, so that included ITcels. countless people messaged mods about it but they kept doing it. :feelsugh: low IQ tbh

I thought it was going to survive :feelsseriously:

All other incel communities too small, too fractured or specialised about a specific incel trait (JustBWhite) They had decent frequency of posts and many familiar names from the r/braincels days. .
Fucking shit. Today I saw someone posting these MGTOW Larps making fun of them. I really felt like back in braincel days.

Reddit Admins need to crash and burn to death in a firey car crash
they are too scared to use this site because of negative coverage of it

Lmao. I use this site. It's not the negative coverage, or the fact that people here are considered more "extreme". Most incels on Reddit (like myself) just want to have a laugh, take the piss out of foids and create timeless memes. This place is just endless chatter about the same thing.

I coped much better on braincels than on here.
how much of a cuck do you have to be to keep using reddit after they clearly ban all the incel subs?
Lmao. I use this site. It's not the negative coverage, or the fact that people here are considered more "extreme". Most incels on Reddit (like myself) just want to have a laugh, take the piss out of foids and create timeless memes. This place is just endless chatter about the same thing.

I coped much better on braincels than on here.
I was a regular poster on Braincels with many threads and some of OC's that ended on front page. Memes were amazing but discussion was getting more and more bluepilled, even i could see at last weeks of sub that it was turning into current r9k shitfest. Also my reasoning is like this because i have read the incel discussions on other subs after Braincels got banned and many said that they were scared to join here because of this site being extremist according to them.
I have other interests and copes besides discussing the black pill.
As much as I hate reddit, a valid reason but reddit will never change.
They don't want incels there period.
I still occasionally check the last remaining subs but I am ready to lose them.
Incels don't belong there, they will keep banning us forever.
Soymins of reddit don't care about our freedom of speech, just their ad revenue.
Incelosphere in reddit is simply over, ffs they even changed site rules (presented as new anti-harassment/anti-bully policy or similar BS) to make it easier to ban incel subs.
This is a lost cause, give up.
As much as I hate reddit, a valid reason but reddit will never change.
They don't want incels there period.
I still occasionally check the last remaining subs but I am ready to lose them.
Incels don't belong there, they will keep banning us forever.
Soymins of reddit don't care about our freedom of speech, just their ad revenue.
Incelosphere in reddit is simply over, ffs they even changed site rules (presented as new anti-harassment/anti-bully policy or similar BS) to make it easier to ban incel subs.
This is a lost cause, give up.

Reddit staff are truly pathetic. They allow literal pedophilic subs stay up, subs about gore and death, there's even a "LARP as tranny children" sub or some shit like that I forgot the name. Not to mention all the femcel subs that are literal word for word copies of incel subs including "all men must die, are pieces of shit" that encourage violence are allowed to stay up. They even allow subs like gendercritical and actual-lesbians that are solely for hating trannies (based) solely because they are used by females (kweeeeeens).

Any wrong-think there is truly banned now. I'm surprised they haven't outright banned the_donald considering they quarantined it just because they want to push biggest soy subs like worldnews, politics, and IT to the front page. And yet they STILL won't admit reddit is inherently left-wing biased. I'm actually surprised that facebook ran by Mark Cuckerberg which I haven't used for like 10 years now actually still has more freedom of speech than cuckit.
Lmao. I use this site. It's not the negative coverage, or the fact that people here are considered more "extreme". Most incels on Reddit (like myself) just want to have a laugh, take the piss out of foids and create timeless memes. This place is just endless chatter about the same thing.

I coped much better on braincels than on here.

Braincels was like the bar you visit to shoot the shit with your boyos and play some pool/darts, and have a shit ton of laughs along the way, with a sprinkle of serious discussion.

This place is home. Both are places to cope. But they're not supposed to be the same, or even extensions of one another.
All we ever wanted was booty, but instead they made us walk the plank
A shame tbh. I want to join more blackpilled communities but i don't know any
Over for RNGcels

what are the odds of a IT infiltrator joining a invite only incels sub because of a shitty algorithm?
I can remember a foid showing me that AVI (it was from the youtube video) and me laughing to it like an autist
That’s 25 banned subs.

List of Banned Inkwell Subreddits

  1. r/Basedpilledmaxxers
  2. r/Braincels
  3. r/BraincelsReborn
  4. r/Celouts
  5. r/chadfish
  6. r/chadfishreborn
  7. r/DarwinsDisgraced
  8. r/DepressedVirgins
  9. r/Geekcels
  10. r/Incel
  11. r/Incels
  12. r/Incels2
  13. r/incels3
  14. r/Incels4
  15. r/Incels5
  16. r/Incels6
  17. r/Incels7
  18. r/Incels8
  19. r/Incelselfies
  20. r/IncelTearsTears
  21. r/IncelUtopia
  22. r/JokerMovieFanPage
  23. r/lgbtcels
  24. r/Pirateparadise
  25. r/Roastieland

That’s 25 banned subs.

List of Banned Inkwell Subreddits

  1. r/Basedpilledmaxxers
  2. r/Braincels
  3. r/BraincelsReborn
  4. r/Celouts
  5. r/chadfish
  6. r/chadfishreborn
  7. r/DarwinsDisgraced
  8. r/DepressedVirgins
  9. r/Geekcels
  10. r/Incel
  11. r/Incels
  12. r/Incels2
  13. r/incels3
  14. r/Incels4
  15. r/Incels5
  16. r/Incels6
  17. r/Incels7
  18. r/Incels8
  19. r/Incelselfies
  20. r/IncelTearsTears
  21. r/IncelUtopia
  22. r/JokerMovieFanPage
  23. r/lgbtcels
  24. r/Pirateparadise
  25. r/Roastieland
Anybody want to start an incels 9 sub?
You guys will need to larp as progressives for at least a month before the mods start allowing incel content to flow freely. Another suggestion is to also make it political so Reddit will be afraid to shut it down like trump’s subreddit.
That’s 25 banned subs.

List of Banned Inkwell Subreddits

  1. r/Basedpilledmaxxers
  2. r/Braincels
  3. r/BraincelsReborn
  4. r/Celouts
  5. r/chadfish
  6. r/chadfishreborn
  7. r/DarwinsDisgraced
  8. r/DepressedVirgins
  9. r/Geekcels
  10. r/Incel
  11. r/Incels
  12. r/Incels2
  13. r/incels3
  14. r/Incels4
  15. r/Incels5
  16. r/Incels6
  17. r/Incels7
  18. r/Incels8
  19. r/Incelselfies
  20. r/IncelTearsTears
  21. r/IncelUtopia
  22. r/JokerMovieFanPage
  23. r/lgbtcels
  24. r/Pirateparadise
  25. r/Roastieland

Have you considered setting up an incels9 ? also add r/slecni to that list lol
Incels9 exists but no one uses it

I just got reading mogged
Let's just take over /r/inceltears and get another sub banned
Let's just take over /r/inceltears and get another sub banned

ban evasion is pathetically easy on reddit, it's just not worth the effort 'cos the mods are literal autists who don't have jobs (and not in the good kind of way)
i registered r/raincels and r/aincels as braincels backup coz it was always just a matter of time until it got banned, but im to lazy to get it moving
just don't use reddit theory
Braincels was like the bar you visit to shoot the shit with your boyos and play some pool/darts, and have a shit ton of laughs along the way, with a sprinkle of serious discussion.

This place is home. Both are places to cope. But they're not supposed to be the same, or even extensions of one another.
I recognize you, you based poster.
Braincels was the shit, the memes were amazing and I hate to admit that BBW_Gaming was a great mod.
I recognize you, you based poster.
Braincels was the shit, the memes were amazing and I hate to admit that BBW_Gaming was a great mod.

Hello, friend.
Strong username to post ratio.
I know she's a fat queer, however the sub was at its prime when she was a mod. After she resigned we got many Jewish cock lovers as mods and they did a terrible job. Plus, the memes she spawned were great.
"I'm not an object."
That’s 25 banned subs.

List of Banned Inkwell Subreddits

  1. r/Basedpilledmaxxers
  2. r/Braincels
  3. r/BraincelsReborn
  4. r/Celouts
  5. r/chadfish
  6. r/chadfishreborn
  7. r/DarwinsDisgraced
  8. r/DepressedVirgins
  9. r/Geekcels
  10. r/Incel
  11. r/Incels
  12. r/Incels2
  13. r/incels3
  14. r/Incels4
  15. r/Incels5
  16. r/Incels6
  17. r/Incels7
  18. r/Incels8
  19. r/Incelselfies
  20. r/IncelTearsTears
  21. r/IncelUtopia
  22. r/JokerMovieFanPage
  23. r/lgbtcels
  24. r/Pirateparadise
  25. r/Roastieland
JFL how do these cucks have all that time to hunt us :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

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