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JFL r/aspergers bans the blackpill

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017

We have a growing problem with people targeting this sub to promote the toxic, so-called "incel" or "red pill" set of ideologies here. For the last few years, we've been simply removing the comments and posts promoting such things and leaving it at that. However, with the /r/incels sub having recently been rightfully banned and a not-so-coincidental uptick in such types attempting to hawk their ideology here, the mods of this sub want to be clear that this is not the place for it. It is not welcome here.

Any sort of sexist, misogynistic, or misandrist ideology is already a violation of rule 1 but we are finding the need to be specific because the folks attempting to promote it are ignoring the rules or trying to weasel their way around them. Additionally, the people attempting to promote it... while this doesn't apply to all of them, it does apply to a majority... have been some of the nastiest, most argumentative and disrespectful users and we are not interested in hosting them there. We will still be deleting any and all comments/posts promoting such ideologies. However, users who keep attempting to promote it will now be permanently banned without warning.

This matter is not up for debate and any posts or comments made protesting or attempting to argue about this policy will be removed, with the user being banned if they keep attempting to do so. If you disapprove of this policy, it is recommended that you unsubscribe from /r/aspergers and go elsewhere. To be clear, we don't care about any objections to this new rule. We are not an, "unlimited free speech," forum and have never advertised ourselves as such. We are a support and sharing forum for people on the autism spectrum as well as friends, family, and anyone else with honest, respectful questions about, or are wishing to share about their experiences with AS conditions. For those who may feel like this violates their right to free speech (in the context of U.S. laws), I leave you with this: http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/a/ae/free_speech.png

JFL, the sub is full of incels who are legit mentalcels who much like us cant get a date to save their life. Aspies tend to be logical though, so given enough time they will find the blackpill however thats now forbidden.

Th comments are likewise full of copes like this:

Remember this simple truth. There's 7 billion people in this world you could have a romantic relationship with depending on your sexual orientation.

It is impossible to have met all 7 billion people and thus know beyond a reasonable doubt that nobody loves you.

Rejection from a prospective job, a credit application, or a date is a time to objectively figure out what went wrong and learn from it.

Use the scientific method to determine what is causing rejection. Obviously, don't ask suzie out in the locker room one day, and try the cafeteria the next. Ask carly out, but wear a different outfit than the one you wore when you asked suzie out. If carly said yes, it was your clothes.

"Using the scientific method to determine what is causing rejection" is how the blackpill was distilled. JFL if you think changing your clothes will suddenly make women love you

I like how people call our forum an echo chamber but the blackpill is almost universally banned on every subreddit/forum/site
Reddit aspie cucks sucking up to the normies.
there's nothing worse than bluepilled aspies.
Reddit is a lost cause. As an aspie, I feel that this is discrimination against a very large portion of not just the incel community, but also the aspie community as well. I never used that subreddit before, but if anyone here does, I think you should boycott your use of it
Soon, all social media will all just be shitcunts and a few white knight cucks. Men are already a minority in social media. Women don't have actual thoughts, so they fit in just fine into this new corset of PC. They don't think anyway, these fucking whores.
It's so hilarious. "Hmm.. there is growing discontent among the people. Something must be done. I know! Make them stop showing their discontentment. Surely that'll solve everything. Ostracizing normal people into fringe hate groups will never have any consequence."
I'm gonna look at the positives:

-Maybe they'll come over to here (or at worst, braincels) and join our cause (is this a cause?).
-Autists are our most powerful members. When they get low-inhib, they can do some serious blackpilling.
-More proof that reddit is the biggest hunk of garbage on the internet. Worse than Facebook, worse than CNN.
It's so hilarious. "Hmm.. there is growing discontent among the people. Something must be done. I know! Make them stop showing their discontentment. Surely that'll solve everything. Ostracizing normal people into fringe hate groups will never have any consequence."
I used the scientific method and I found out it was because I'm a sub8 male.
Status is only unimportant for Chads and sub 4/10 men. Aspergers is the ultimate mental disability to guarantee your social status to be low forever. You better have a high IQ (I don't) or be autistic enough to not care about being an incel (I'm not), or else your life will be suffering for sure. I guess we'll might be getting some new non-cucked true mentalcels at least
The fact that they have to do this is encouraging. Rightful thoughts spread like the plague. You cannot suppress truth. The more you try, the more people will see the lies behind your reasons.

Red pill culture is spreading at an almost exponential rate because it is the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

That they have to call us thought criminals because they can't argue with our reasoning is a good sign. It means they understand they can't win with arguments, and must instead try to win through censorship, which is a losing strategy.
Not surprising. Autist groups are heavy on 'admitting what's wrong with yourself' stuff and really hate projection, and the common normalfag bullshit about us is that we blame everyone else, don't self-improve, etc... when 99% of us repeatedly state it's because we're physically ugly.
Fucking aspies.
Soon, all social media will all just be shitcunts and a few white knight cucks. Men are already a minority in social media. Women don't have actual thoughts, so they fit in just fine into this new corset of PC. They don't think anyway, these fucking whores.

This is why social media is literally of no use to society if not an outright detriment. Nobody in human history has ever cared about the thoughts of women or cucks. Now their voices are the loudest from the mob rule of retweets and likes.
Let them keep coping. Apparently aspie males have high suicide rates, so eventually their cope will lead them to the rope. Incel toms deserve their fate.
Normies want to gas autists, and autists still defend them.
smh, this is some form of advanced cuckoldry.

Normies only pretend to care about autists until those autists hit puberty, at which point they're in a free for all.
Most aspies are cucks anyway, let them get what they deserve. Let them have their fantasies.
Reminds me of socialanxietysupport when they started deleting blackpilled threads even though they didn't break the rules.

Well, the sub really lives up to its fucking name

"Use the scientific method to determine what is causing rejection. Obviously, don't ask suzie out in the locker room one day, and try the cafeteria the next. Ask carly out, but wear a different outfit than the one you wore when you asked suzie out. If carly said yes, it was your clothes."

This is the most aspergers thing I've ever read
And it doesn't even make sense lol. So much for being logical.
>Remember this simple truth. There's 7 billion people in this world you could have a romantic relationship with depending on your sexual orientation.

It is impossible to have met all 7 billion people and thus know beyond a reasonable doubt that nobody loves you.

Yes, bro, just approach literally all females who exist on planet earth. What the fuck is this logic hahahaahhahahahha
Reminds me of socialanxietysupport when they started deleting blackpilled threads even though they didn't break the rules.


Don't even get me started on that fucking place.
Well, the sub really lives up to its fucking name

"Use the scientific method to determine what is causing rejection. Obviously, don't ask suzie out in the locker room one day, and try the cafeteria the next. Ask carly out, but wear a different outfit than the one you wore when you asked suzie out. If carly said yes, it was your clothes."

This is the most aspergers thing I've ever read
And it doesn't even make sense lol. So much for being logical.
Maybe they know aspies are the most logical and easy to blackpill, so they have to be extra cucked to keep out the blackpills. Jfl they would rather kick out blackpill males who are legit aspies to accommodate the "aspie" rosties, who are there to get attention and mentalcel dick.
They are trying to hide the blackpill, but God is with us, all the truth will be known.

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." Luke 12:2
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16:13
"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." Luke 12:2
I think I remember seeing a user here with the user name "Luke 12:2" or something similar. Pretty cool saying.
that sub is so bluepilled its not even funny. probably more bluepilled than /r/short tbh.
Normies want to gas autists, and autists still defend them.
smh, this is some form of advanced cuckoldry.

Normies only pretend to care about autists until those autists hit puberty, at which point they're in a free for all.

this. normies abuse the shit out of autists behind their back and in their face yet they pretend to care
Not surprising. Autist groups are heavy on 'admitting what's wrong with yourself' stuff and really hate projection, and the common normalfag bullshit about us is that we blame everyone else, don't self-improve, etc... when 99% of us repeatedly state it's because we're physically ugly.

They also act like many of us haven’t been going to therapy or haven’t even tried bettering ourselves. I feel like many of us have tried therapy of some sort, but then realized that it was not helping anything, because therapy isn’t going to be able to fix our faces.
said this before but reddit isn't going to be a thing in a few years. most places will just launch their own fourms and get around the censorship.
said this before but reddit isn't going to be a thing in a few years. most places will just launch their own fourms and get around the censorship.
They also act like many of us haven’t been going to therapy or haven’t even tried bettering ourselves. I feel like many of us have tried therapy of some sort, but then realized that it was not helping anything, because therapy isn’t going to be able to fix our faces.
5 years and then people realize how m uch time they wasted. could of been enjoying stuff setting up for either a mgtow life style or played more video games. lot of the time sthe therapy shit and giving up shit you love to become some fake normie is what some of the problem is.
I used scientific method and realised that no femoid ever may like me. What's wrong guys? Do i need to shower more? Or be confident? Maybe get a new haircut?
I used scientific method and realised that no femoid ever may like me. What's wrong guys? Do i need to shower more? Or be confident? Maybe get a new haircut?

You need new clothes, obviously.

If those didn't work, then you need a new car.
And if that didn't work, you need to work on your personality.
If that didn't help, you need to work on it even more.
And if that didn't help, you're a disgusting misogynist who needs to back and shower.
You need new clothes, obviously.

If those didn't work, then you need a new car.
And if that didn't work, you need to work on your personality.
If that didn't help, you need to work on it even more.
And if that didn't help, you're a disgusting misogynist who needs to back and shower.
And if my personality is below 6'2 what do i do then? I hope i'm not opress women with that.
And if my personality is below 6'2 what do i do then? I hope i'm not opress women with that.

You need at least 10 hobbies and do them for 5 years minimum. Then you need to read books, but only the right books. Wrong books are misogynist, they'll reduce the height of your personality.
"Aspie" and "Incel" are practically synonymous terms. I doubt this new rule will go over well.

Use the scientific method to determine what is causing rejection.

There is probably no surer path to misogyny and pessimism than employing the scientific method. It's pretty much what brought us here.

have been some of the nastiest, most argumentative and disrespectful users

JFL Being argumentative is a negative quality on leddit. Why people continue to go there, I will never understand.

>Remember this simple truth. There's 7 billion people in this world you could have a romantic relationship with depending on your sexual orientation.

It is impossible to have met all 7 billion people and thus know beyond a reasonable doubt that nobody loves you.

Yes, bro, just approach literally all females who exist on planet earth. What the fuck is this logic hahahaahhahahahha

It's even worse. Only half of those 7 billion are female. Of the 3.5 billion female, like 13% are adolescent. The vast majority of the adult women have bfs. Of the remainder, only a microscopic portion might date us as opposed to remaining single and having casual sex from the more desirable men. And this portion has the highest inhibition of females, thus they're the least likely type of women we'll encounter in public. Lastly, and most importantly, there's nowhere near enough of these women to go around. So even if a dating site were created specifically for incels to find partners, it would fail miserably.

I followed the guy's advice and employed the scientific method here. It hurts.

reddit is the biggest hunk of garbage on the internet. Worse than Facebook, worse than CNN.
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The fact that they have to do this is encouraging. Rightful thoughts spread like the plague. You cannot suppress truth. The more you try, the more people will see the lies behind your reasons.

Red pill culture is spreading at an almost exponential rate because it is the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

That they have to call us thought criminals because they can't argue with our reasoning is a good sign. It means they understand they can't win with arguments, and must instead try to win through censorship, which is a losing strategy.
This. The red pill demographic only moves in one direction. Time will prove us right.

Humanity learns slowly and we heretics must show patience and forbearance: “If we see the individual obstinately clinging to his errors, with the mass of men it is even worse. Once they have acquired an opinion, experience and instruction can labor for centuries against it and labor in vain.”
Oh my fucking god. You know I was diagnosed with autism in early childhood, avoided social contact since infancy, missed lots of developmental milestones, and this is largely why I've always avoided Assburgers forums and the like: 99% of them are just self-diagnosed retards. Mostly just failed normies and attention whores.
there's nothing worse than bluepilled aspies.

Because most of them aren't remotely autistic in reality, I promise you.
It's so hilarious. "Hmm.. there is growing discontent among the people. Something must be done. I know! Make them stop showing their discontentment. Surely that'll solve everything. Ostracizing normal people into fringe hate groups will never have any consequence."
that's the thing with normals in general, they don't actually care about the problems in society, they just want people to shut up about them.
aspies rejecting the blackpill? JFL
Joke's on them
This is why I use Islam, feminists can try to fuck with me but I use logic and if worst comes to it I shove the religionpill down the throat to explain my choices :)
Pretty funny since aspergers is quite LITERALLY a death sentence for males. Downright impossible to get a girl with it, won't relate to people at all, won't even be able to make eye contact, weird interests in things, etc.
Read my user name

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