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Dec 9, 2017
Holy shit, those are filled with fucking suicide fuel.
Just have a look at these threads:

All of these are fucking recent threads aswell.
Fuck, it's like we live on different worlds.
Why do you do this to yourself?
Jockcel said:
Why do you do this to yourself?

Because I am human trash and I deserve to suffer until my demise.
I can't believe I share a world with normies who actually turn down sex.
How many attractive people do you think are on Reddit?
/r/chadproblems. First one pure suifuel imagine having to reject sex lmao
JFL @ how much those people like to LARP and JFL @ you guys not being able to see through their obvious LARPing.
Octopusgun2 said:
JFL @ how much those people like to LARP and JFL @ you guys not being able to see through their obvious LARPing.

what does larp mean
iiiTeMpeR said:
what does larp mean

Live action roleplay, just people calling out others on bullshitting.

Octopusgun2 said:
JFL @ how much those people like to LARP and JFL @ you guys not being able to see through their obvious LARPing.

Cope, normies have much better lives than us.
they both fucking bluepilled echochamber circlejerk cesspools hivemind yada yada yada you name it.
All those posts are tales from the basement. Incels have quite the imagination don't they ?

Guys who get laid or have girlfriends, don't have time to make posts on r/askmen. Bunch of subhuman cucks in denial.

Those are the same type of faggots that attack and shame us like we're delusional. Pfft... bluepilled scum in denial.

SunnyBunny said:
All those posts are tales from the basement. Incels have quite the imagination don't they ?  

Guys who get laid or have girlfriends, don't have time to make posts on r/askmen.  Bunch of subhuman cucks in denial.

Those are the same type of faggots that attack and shame us like we're delusional. Pfft... bluepilled scum in denial.

Major cope.

VST said:
TheRealChincel said:
How many attractive people do you think are on Reddit?
A lot more than on here.


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_incelinside said:
/r/chadproblems. First one pure suifuel imagine having to reject sex lmao

that happens if sex is a regular think for you, not something exotic you can only dream about. Kind of sci-fi over here.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:

Major cope.

Alright fine don't believe me. But you have ask yourself this. How many nt men who get laid have the time or the motivation to post on sites such as reddit describing intimate details of their abundant sex lives (under the guise of advice) ?  And in turn hoping for responses from anonymous social misfits. 

Use your brain. buddy boyo

Furthermore. Even if 2% of those posts turned out to be true. Why would anyone be triggered by such a thing ? Pathetic if you ask me.
SunnyBunny said:
Alright fine don't believe me. But you have ask yourself this. How many nt men who get laid have the time or the motivation to post on sites such as reddit describing intimate details of their abundant sex lives (under the guise of advice) ?  And in turn hoping for responses from anonymous social misfits. 

Use your brain. buddy boyo

They want to brag about their sexual experiences, and reddit is an infestation of NT normies.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
They want to brag about their sexual experiences, and reddit is an infestation of NT normies.

Real chads are allocating their internet usage to messaging sluts on facebook, hooking up with sluts in their social circle, using tinder, actually having a real social life, etc.  Not posting on reddit about their sexual conquests.  

Once again think.

Men who have good sex lives don't really give a shit what some anonymous dude bro or incel thinks about his sex life.
SunnyBunny said:
Real chads are allocating their internet usage to messaging sluts on facebook, hooking up with sluts in their social circle, using tinder, actually having a real social life, etc.  Not posting on reddit about their sexual conquests.  

I not talking about Chads. N O R M I E S.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
I not talking about Chads. N O R M I E S.

Okay then. Yeah, some normies on reddit might be getting some pussy. So what ?  If they have time to  make posts about it then they aren't getting it very often are they?  And even if they do. Obviously there is something missing in their lives to brag about it on reddit as if that's the highlight of their existence.

Anyway, I'm gonna end this discussion with you. Nothing personal boyo. But the topic just doesn't rustle my jimmies like it does for others here. 

Peace out.  ;)
SunnyBunny said:

@ OTaKu_WarrIOr_N : I've never watched that. I honestly can't recall the first time I heard that expression, it was many many moons ago.
more like

Hunter said:
more like


Call them what you want, doesn't change the fact that they get laid and we don't
VST said:
Call them what you want, doesn't change the fact that they get laid and we don't

id rather be an incel than a cuck.

inb4 cope.

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