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[QUIZ] Who are you politically in 1920s Germany?



Hope for more mass shootings in 2025
Nov 24, 2017

Substitute German for (your people).

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Joseph Stalin wasn't a German thinker (the others were though)
A gleem in my great grandfather's eye
KAPD/KPD. Not even close to Weimar Republican, Volkinist, Democratic Nationalist or Socialist, or Friekorps.
Also RIP Rosa Luxemborg. It must have been painful to be persecuted (and subsequently murdered) for resisting contemporary social movements.
Also RIP Rosa Luxemborg. It must have been painful to be persecuted (and subsequently murdered) for resisting contemporary social movements.
A foid member of the radical left swing intelligentsia
KAPD/KPD. Not even close to Weimar Republican, Volkinist, Democratic Nationalist or Socialist, or Friekorps.
Funnily enough I score left on polls where option of third positionism (such as fascism) isn't on them

Q1 is retarded. being anti-capitalist doesn't mean anti-fascist and vice versa. also besides joseph stalin and rosa luxembourg I didnt know who the other two were so I just chose stalin. so this is inaccurate but I still consider myself a tankie
basically if I were alive at the time I would support KPD but also be willing to ally with SPD and NSDAP against capitalism as long as they all cooperated. it would've been more interesting to see communists, social democrats, & nazis vs capitalists rather than communists vs social dems vs nazis vs capitalists
Also RIP Rosa Luxemborg. It must have been painful to be persecuted (and subsequently murdered) for resisting contemporary social movements.
Kike lover

This is what I got.

Of course I support Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. It's an obvious fact that not only Conservatives but political moderates, liberals, and Left-wing social-democrats and anti-communist Anarchists (the three arrow crowd) helped the Nazis come to power, so unless you're cool with that (as plenty on this forum, being pro-white nationalism, unfortunately are) it's time to learn from history and understand why the Communist position is the correct one. (It has nothing to do with the USSR, China, etc. These were just peasant revolutions in undeveloped countries that developed capitalism.) Fascism and the Far-Right is of course not a threat like Leftists make it out to be; if anything, contemporary corporate fascism comes through the Left/technocrats. Antifascism is indeed part of the problem. To obfuscate these facts, they insist on nonsense like Elon Musk supposedly being "Far-Right," when many of his supporters were former Democrats. (Trump himself funded the Democratic Party in the past.) The point is anything less than a revolutionary position can only run cover for fascism, because capitalism resorts to this as it becomes more unstable.

Because I'm not a Stalinist, I didn't answer 3 "The Social-fascists in the SPD!" to the first question. (I answered 4, of course) Note I said that social-democrats helped usher in the Nazi takeover: I didn't say they weren't to be distinguished from Fascists. The "Social Fascist Theory" comes from Stalin, who used it to justify purging anyone he saw as a potential threat to his dictatorship in the USSR. Read this.

Obviously I'm completely against Stalinism and hate Stalinists. (this includes Maoists, and I also dislike Trotskyists.) I wouldn't be on this forum otherwise. At the very least, everyone here understands that Wokes, Liberals, Leftists, Tankies, and Anarchists are all just not to be distinguished, they're all just Leftists/Feminists that hate incels. (there are actually Right-wing Conservative Stalinists, the historic countries mostly upheld social-conservatism, but Conservatives hate us too, everyone hates us.)

As a matter of fact, every "Leftcom" you see online is consistently a Leninist, not to be distinguished from Trotskyists and Stalinists. I'm fine with Luxemburg, but not people who derive their understanding from her in the present, because it's just outdated and irrelevant now. These people are all just idiots. Doctrinaire "Marxists" especially so. Basically they are not interested in a sober objective historical revolutionary position, but compromise this for the real reason they are spending time online talking about it: a self-interested vicarious sense of purpose. They are to be looked at as religious cultists. I was even banned from their subreddit for saying that all current orgs/parties are useless religious cults and revolution need not and will not come through a party. This is no different from being banned from a subreddit because you say you are sympathetic to incels. Ironically Marxism is the best way to understand and criticize their positions. They aren't interested in revolution, they're just a gaggle of middle-class idiots who want to control the working-class.

In case anyone is interested, I explained my views with links to articles that clarify them last August here.
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Q1 is retarded. being anti-capitalist doesn't mean anti-fascist and vice versa. also besides joseph stalin and rosa luxembourg I didnt know who the other two were so I just chose stalin. so this is inaccurate but I still consider myself a tankie
True. In fact, capitalism is anti fascism and internationalistic, just like communism.


an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
"an era of free-market capitalism"

Private owners will seek profit, and profitable is when they attract international customers and low wage third worlders.
id fucking know
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht got what they deserved

Yes, because you are a reactionary fascist, not an anomaly on this site. You'd rather sell out your fellow poorest incels, utterly immiserated in poverty, unemployment, or minimum-wage slavery to the ruling-class, business and property owners, for the sense of a chance of getting your "just yours" even only in your projected imagination (all fascists consider themselves temporarily embarrassed elites, no matter how objectively despondent) than have any sense of solidarity with the working-class on an international basis, and to see a world with no classes, where these senseless issues manufactured by capitalism are no more.

And look how successful your beloved Hitler was.
Yes, because you are a reactionary fascist, not an anomaly on this site. You'd rather sell out your fellow poorest incels, utterly immiserated in poverty, unemployment, or minimum-wage slavery to the ruling-class, business and property owners, for the sense of a chance of getting your "just yours" even only in your projected imagination (all fascists consider themselves temporarily embarrassed elites, no matter how objectively despondent) than have any sense of solidarity with the working-class on an international basis, and to see a world with no classes, where these senseless issues manufactured by capitalism are no more.

And look how successful your beloved Hitler was.

Every left leaning goverment is throwing MUH PROLETARIAT under the bus shut the fuck up man
Every left leaning goverment is throwing MUH PROLETARIAT under the bus shut the fuck up man

I hate and am against Leftism and every existing government. Cuba, China, Laos and Vietnam are nothing but capitalist. As you yourself just said, they merely invoke and pay lip-service to the proletatiat, including their own which they just exploit and repress like any other country. The movement of the proletariat will eventually necessitate the overthrow of all states. The four that are ruled by parties that call themselves "Communist" included. The issue is fundamentally Capital, the label is just there to divert from understanding that.

The comment of mine you replied to had me say that I dislike every existing org and party that calls itself "Communist," and every single person who insists revolution will come through a party at all, (because it obviously will not) not just ruling governments.

You construe me as an idiot Tankie or Leftist who supports these countries in an attempt to neuter my point, despite my comment going out of my way to clarify my position and that I'm against these stances.
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I hate and am against Leftism and every existing government. Cuba, China, Laos and Vietnam are nothing but capitalist. As you yourself just said, they merely invoke and pay lip-service to the proletatiat, including their own which they just exploit and repress like any other country. The movement of the proletariat will eventually necessitate the overthrow of all states. The four that are ruled by parties that call themselves "Communist" included. The issue is fundamentally Capital, the label is just there to divert from understanding that.

The comment of mine you replied to had me say that I dislike every existing org and party that calls itself "Communist," and every single person who insists revolution will come through a party at all, (because it obviously will not) not just ruling governments.

You construe me as an idiot Tankie or Leftist who supports these countries in an attempt to neuter my point, despite my comment going out of my way to clarify my position and that I'm against these stances.

I dont care what you are against be cause i know what you worship.

I dont care what you are against be cause i know what you worship.

Nice, accuse me of having a position I do not hold in response to my comment that already clarified my position, and refuse to read my response that makes clear I do not have the views you accuse me of having. You're a joke.

The idiot Tankies/Leftists you baselessly lump me into worship Capital as much as any Liberal, Conservative, or Fascist.
Nice, accuse me of having a position I do not hold in response to my comment that already clarified my position, and refuse to read my response that makes clear I do not have the views you accuse me of having. You're a joke.

The idiot Tankies/Leftists you baselessly lump me into worship Capital as much as any Liberal, Conservative, or Fascist.
I wish you only the best on your revolution
I wish you only the best on your revolution
It isn't "my revolution." I'm a determinist, it doesn't happen because people advocate it, it happens out of historically conditioned necessity. Capitalism will obviously not be able to last indefinitely, it will take civilization and humanity down along with it, or the Communist mode of production will come to be. Only utopians think there is some way to preserve and reconcile capitalism forever.

For the last time, I am not a Leftist or Tankie. These people are against revolution; the way they make sense of their false conception of revolution, and their delusions that their actions have something to do with revolution, makes that clear.

I am completely poor, not a middle-class Leftist delusional idiot.
It isn't "my revolution." I'm a determinist, it doesn't happen because people advocate it, it happens out of historically conditioned necessity.

For the last time, I am not a Leftist or Tankie. These people are against revolution; the way they make sense of that, and their delusions that their actions have something to do with it, makes that clear.

I am completely poor, not a middle-class Leftist delusional idiot.
OHHHHH so your revolution wont even happen
OHHHHH so your revolution wont even happen

No, it will happen. I never said or implied anything to the contrary.

It could happen now if enough working men said, "enough." But it will obviously not happen until conditions force them, until they must either revolt or face death due to deprivation of necessities.

I do not think it will occur in our lifetimes. I think it will occur in the 22nd century. However, the signs of it and true collapse are here now.

Why are there more lonely single men than before? What changed to make the economy worse? The positions we are in, the internet/information age, the very concept and rhetoric surrounding incels, is all related; that is, it's historically conditioned and a product of these conditions. In the past, the economic reality meant an average man could more easily meet and marry a woman. It is not just us. Incel-esque movements exist in Japan, China, Korea.

Foids are the worst reactionaries, clamping down on warped standards and increasing demands for money and material comfort more than ever to fuck over men as we only get poorer and more bereft of oppurtunities for work. I still prefer reactionaries on this site and Redpilled bros to them. But their framing misunderstands the economic side of our struggle and runs cover for the rich, because even if they are as poor as me, their views derive from mere self-interest and a desire to class ascend.

My mindset is simply the only way to properly make sense of things. Everyone else has idealism, moralism, sentiment, discrimination, and class-based apologia interfering with a completely sober, analytical understanding of society and history.
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None of that will happen

Oh right, capitalism will just last like this forever until the last human being goes extinct on earth. There is a way for it to survive the violence of its own contradictions if only enough humans try enough, what a realistic statement. No utopianism here.

Communism is historically necessary. But it is technically teleological to state with 100% certainty that it will happen in the future. Capital certainly would would not mind dragging modern human society down with it instead at all.
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WTF I am a social democrat apparently. Odd.

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