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JFL ‘Quite depressing’: Incel community was so sad researchers studying it felt bad



Jul 10, 2022

Some interesting snippets from this article:
“Furthermore, we find that there is no statistically significant overall association between a user’s post frequency and their use of misogynistic terms, which suggests most users posting on incels.is do not become misogynistic on incels.is but arrive already endorsing misogyny.”

“We also noticed that incels targeted themselves, seeing themselves as failed men, seeing their bodies as ugly, and seeing themselves as being doomed to be ‘forever alone,'” Halpin said. “The way they talk about themselves made most of us on the research team sympathetic to a degree, because it is quite depressing.”
Halpin added that around 50% of incels are men of color, making the use of racist language towards women of color surprising. Men of color also regularly referred to women of color as “race traitors” for expressing interest in white men.
I hope these soy """researchers""" kill themselves.
Still the incel community condiered a far wh1te right wing community. Most incels are Ethnics lololol.
So he thinks we're just larping here considering ourselves ugly while soyciety is showing us everyday that we're second class citizens because we're ugly.
finally a good article, intriguing
Halpin added that around 50% of incels are men of color, making the use of racist language towards women of color surprising. Men of color also regularly referred to women of color as “race traitors” for expressing interest in white men.
There's almost nothing more depressing than our lives. Finally someone from the outside acknowledges that.
new study shows :soy::soy::soy:
maybe one day leftist cucks will realize that the incel community isn't just white men but mostly colored men and i am sure that in the future this place will be 90% ethnics since toilets are becomming more white only every day.
i still don't need their sympathy, they could go and kill themselves
They need to go find new jobs AI is here to stay then be herded into camps
soy researchers need eugenics and genocide
Tbf they support both. We, as prime genetic trash, are the real victims of genocide/eugenics here
Lmao. At least they’re not like the rest of the fucking normiescum who’d feel good about themselves whenever they read our shit.
Lifefuel for greycels if there's no correlation between a user post frequency and his degree of blackpillness
There isn’t. In fact I think the most blackpilled users are the greys who eventually disappear after a few dozen of posts.
Breaking News: Researchers attempting to disprove the blackpill end up admitting that it's over
Every mf that earns money out of zoo watching us should be put to sleep
So he thinks we're just larping here considering ourselves ugly while soyciety is showing us everyday that we're second class citizens because we're ugly.
Those that do not live through something rarely understand it yet thanks to the structure of reading books to aquire a piece of paper, those that have never experienced the thing they talk about are accepted as an authority figure or "expert" on the matter. The irony.
new study shows :soy::soy::soy:

Polls find
Experts agree
Study reveals
Scientific consensus is
Research suggests

There isn’t. In fact I think the most blackpilled users are the greys who eventually disappear after a few dozen of posts.
Cope harder. We are both fakecels. The only reason we have a low post count is because we are too occupied taking care of our personal harens to worry about incel issues
Cope harder. We are both fakecels. The only reason we have a low post count is because we are too occupied taking care of our personal harens to worry about incel issues
The way I see it is realizing that most users here are living lives x10 better than you so you begin to ponder whether or not you even belong here so you just leave and make an account forgetting why you left in the first place, leave again and the process continues.
Uh yes uh
The incel community is pretty I would say uh
Pretty sad

Some interesting snippets from this article:

The way they’re framing these statements suggests they think we’re incorrect and rather “evil” because we dare say disparaging things about women as a group. Does it ever occur to these people that maybe sometimes groups deserve criticism? That some criticism can be valid? Hell, men as a group also deserve a ton of ridicule.

We didn’t start out being filled with hatred, we were treated horribly en masse despite our best efforts to fit in over the course of many years primarily due to looks and/or lack of status/wealth. When others despise you is it surprising you’d grow to be filled with resentment towards them? No — it is no surprise. It is the natural sane response when your own community would rather you just not exist. Or, they’d rather you exist but only so they can extract resources from you and use you a serf.

All it takes is a small amount of observation, without the top down brainwashing filter of western education and indoctrination, to see that women enjoy a tremendous amount of privilege in modern western society and most men are basically treated like taxpayer workhorses where women’s “problems” are valued and matter while male problems do not. Women’s problems are men’s dreams.

It’s not that we “view ourselves” as failed men, we ARE failed men. Many of us tried very hard for many many years before falling into hopelessness as reality set in.
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So he thinks we're just larping here considering ourselves ugly while soyciety is showing us everyday that we're second class citizens because we're ugly.
Really good comment man, well said
Thanks for being sympathetic to a degree
They were "surprised" :foidSoy::horror: that 50% of us are ethnics, because they cant stand that were are more inclusive than their shitty liberal academic efforts. Guess what... we are united by pain and suffering. Only thing you do is virtue signal for the sake of being progressive and participating in the sexhaver meme culture

cope and seethe more with your extremely biased "surprise"
According to the article 1525 users NEVER employ misogynistic language. They should be banned, methinks.

Finally, we find that incels engage in specific forms of misogyny that advance both racist and misogynistic views of women.

It's that same old: they want me to apologize for being a misogynist, but never mention the foids who turned me into a misogynist.
50% of incels are men of color, making the use of racist language towards women of color surprising
Nigger chink gook raghead spic street shitter jiggaboo
don't kid yourself. these people still hate you because you profane their sacred cow that is the human fuckhole
So he thinks we're just larping here considering ourselves ugly while soyciety is showing us everyday that we're second class citizens because we're ugly.
Society cant make the Female the Problem Not even for once . So of Course It blames the Man
researchers need stone therapy
So he thinks we're just larping here considering ourselves ugly while soyciety is showing us everyday that we're second class citizens because we're ugly.
literally, you can't even cope without feeling harassed. Minding your business and someone decides to make your life a living hell. Being an ugly man can only ever make one feel depressed.
Yes, being an ugly man who is constantly made to know that he is ugly by society will of course make him depressed, What GREAT RESEARCH!
Yes, being an ugly man who is constantly made to know that he is ugly by society will of course make him depressed, What GREAT RESEARCH!

Exactly I mean brilliant observation Sherlock.
Doing research after a billion people already have :feelsseriously:

And the point of the research is always, "Incel bad".

We are a Zoo for these insecure morons.

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