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Blackpill Questions to christiancels



يا حبيبتي٫ يا مستحيلي
May 18, 2023
Hey everyone, I've been thinking about Christianity a lot recently and wanted to see what you guys think about it, especially in relation to the blackpill and everything we've come to understand about human nature.

On one hand, Christianity talks a lot about forgiveness, love, and turning the other cheek, but honestly, that seems a bit out of touch with the reality most of us face. We see the way the world really works, especially when it comes to dating and relationships, and it doesn’t feel like the Christian values always match up with what we experience. Like, how are we supposed to be forgiving and loving when we're constantly overlooked and ignored?

Also, there's a lot of emphasis in Christianity on the idea of having faith, that things will work out if you believe or act a certain way, but that’s tough when you’re constantly seeing evidence to the contrary. What are your thoughts on reconciling this? Do you think Christianity still has any relevance for people like us, or is it just another way to keep people complacent and hopeful in a world that doesn’t give them a fair shot?

I’m curious to hear what you guys think, is there any part of Christianity that makes sense within the blackpill worldview, or is it just not realistic in today’s world?
Blame Eve for defying God and introducing mankind to sin in the first place. It alllll goes back to the blackpill in the end
Blame Eve for defying God and introducing mankind to sin in the first place. It alllll goes back to the blackpill in the end
On one hand, Christianity talks a lot about forgiveness, love, and turning the other cheek, but honestly, that seems a bit out of touch with the reality most of us face. We see the way the world really works, especially when it comes to dating and relationships, and it doesn’t feel like the Christian values always match up with what we experience. Like, how are we supposed to be forgiving and loving when we're constantly overlooked and ignored?
Theres a debate over this, especially whats turning the other cheek meant at that time. Yeah hating others easily or for no reason is bad, but hating sinners and degenerates who beguile masses dooming them to hell is not. King David and Elijah prayed to God to kill their enemies and wicked people and God did so, Elijah called God to burn those false prophets, which God did. What the majority of the worlds is. We are called not to be of this world and to call out degeneracy. I used to think that Bible says hate the sin not the sinner, but after watching John Piper im not so sure.

Jesus said "If you dont have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Which could mean that we should prepare ourselves to have the means to defend ourselves. Also said “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword” Maybe he meant to not escalate things and attack others but to be prepared to defend yourselves.

Peter wasnt exactly a timid turn the other cheek guy, yet Jesus chose him for a leader. I dont think that Jesus meant for us to be punching bags to evil assholes. Jesus's parable of good Samaritan teaches to love the ones who treat us good. We are called to pray for others and to call out their sins, but if they dont repent its said to treat them as nothing ours.

Jesus clearly teaches to be humble, to deny yourself, not to be led by your pride. If someone takes advantage of you in some way, your priority shouldnt be to pay them back. Saving your soul and others soul is more important than anything, since this world and its problems are short timed and souls are eternal.

Bible also teaches that the revenge its not our, its God's. Doesnt say that things will go unpunished, God will punish the wicked people who hurt you, if those people dont repent and deserve the punishment. Bible teaches that sins always have consequences, even if God forgives us or them, consequences might bite in the ass.
Also, there's a lot of emphasis in Christianity on the idea of having faith, that things will work out if you believe or act a certain way, but that’s tough when you’re constantly seeing evidence to the contrary. What are your thoughts on reconciling this?
It doesnt says this, Christians always had shitty lives and suffered and died in worst possible ways. Paul did everything for God and yet God didnt took away his chronic pain. Bible teaches to focus on God primarily and leave everything in His hands, not to put our faith in our own strength.
I’m curious to hear what you guys think, is there any part of Christianity that makes sense within the blackpill worldview, or is it just not realistic in today’s world?
Doesnt matter, you cant choose your beliefs to whatever matches you. If you think that Almighty, Allknowing God exists, then we dont have a luxury to barter with His decisions, our role is to obey and put our faith in Him and earn mercy that way to be saved.
Doesnt matter, you cant choose your beliefs to whatever matches you. If you think that Almighty, Allknowing God exists, then we dont have a luxury to barter with His decisions, our role is to obey and put our faith in Him and earn mercy that way to be saved.
What Christian sect you support?
What Christian sect you support?
I go to evangelist Protestant church. From what i saw, my opinions match the best with some Baptist churches. Primarily following the Bible.
I go to evangelist Protestant church. From what i saw, my opinions match the best with some Baptist churches.
How you know christianity IS the truth? I'm not looking for a debate, just to simply know why you believe Christianity is the truth.
Seneca says, “religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”

there was a study that found that religiousness increased sharply right after a natural disaster event such as an earthquake. belief in religion evolved as an adaptive trait because it provides comforting answers and eases our mind when faced with the unforgiving nature of existence.

IMG 9056
Seneca says, “religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”

there was a study that found that religiousness increased sharply right after a natural disaster event such as an earthquake. belief in religion evolved as an adaptive trait because it provides comforting answers and eases our mind when faced with the unforgiving nature of existence.

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Yeah, but this thread was not about the psychology of the believer, but a contrast between Christians and the blackpill.
Religion is cope. Abrahamic religions are the worst of the bunch. Whites have all left Christianity and the only followers left are brown spics and blacks. In the future, the only Christian left will be guinea pig-eating Central Americans and 70 IQ Sub-Saharans. Whites will move onto a racialist religion focused on eugenics or die out.

My foreskin was forcefully taken from me and I now have a mutilated penis because of this desert nonsense.
How you know christianity IS the truth? I'm not looking for a debate, just to simply know why you believe Christianity is the truth.
Probably growing up in Christian region impacted my forming of beliefs. Still majority of my life i was lukewarm, i didnt believed that God exists more than i believed that it does. Then 4 years ago i just felt strong need to go to church, i wasnt driven by loneliness or depression, those things bother me since always. I felt called. Then i got baptized which i postponed my entire life since i didnt believe enough. Since then, i simply feel God's presence, often i feel overwhelmed by God. Ive been reading the Bible and watch studies and preaching for years now. I feel like God is calling me. Personal experience i guess. Also theres countless teachings which have a strong case that Bible stories and characters were real, that New Testament is fulfillment of the Old Testament. I dont know, its mix of beliefs and logic from my perspective. If God which calls me isnt teh Biblical God, then He wouldnt lead me into studying Christianity.
This is state Christianity made to acquire followers, true Christianity is practiced by mystical hermits
Probably growing up in Christian region impacted my forming of beliefs. Still majority of my life i was lukewarm, i didnt believed that God exists more than i believed that it does. Then 4 years ago i just felt strong need to go to church, i wasnt driven by loneliness or depression, those things bother me since always. I felt called. Then i got baptized which i postponed my entire life since i didnt believe enough. Since then, i simply feel God's presence, often i feel overwhelmed by God. Ive been reading the Bible and watch studies and preaching for years now. I feel like God is calling me. Personal experience i guess. Also theres countless teachings which have a strong case that Bible stories and characters were real, that New Testament is fulfillment of the Old Testament. I dont know, its mix of beliefs and logic from my perspective.
Lucky you, I guess.
Yeah, but this thread was not about the psychology of the believer, but a contrast between Christians and the blackpill.
ah, i was in fact doubting if my post was relevant
I am not Christian, but both Islam and Christianity make it clear that God is very aware of how he made human beings, and what he thinks of them.

1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV):
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”

Surah 89:15-16
Now, whenever a human being is tested by their Lord through ˹His˺ generosity and blessings, they boast, “My Lord has ˹deservedly˺ honoured me!”
But when He tests them by limiting their provision, they protest, “My Lord has ˹undeservedly˺ humiliated me!”
God is talking specifically about those who have received stuff like wealth, power, or in this case in modern society, you can very easily interpret this as looks & height. Which, of course means that you can interpret the following as God talking about incels.

Surah 89:17-20
Absolutely not! In fact, you are not ˹even˺ gracious to the orphan,
nor do you urge one another to feed the poor.
And you devour ˹others’˺ inheritance greedily,
and love wealth fervently.
1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV):
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”

I fervently wish to believe.
They tried once, they failed.
There will be a second civilization wide spanning attempt this century. Keep your eyes on Europe. Islam will likely shrink and be reduced to the Middle East and Southern Asia. Kazakhs, Bosnians, Malaysians, and likely Indonesians will leave Islam and go for ethnic faiths. Islam will be the brown mans religion, it already mostly is.
There will be a second civilization wide spanning attempt this century. Keep your eyes on Europe. Islam will likely shrink and be reduced to the Middle East and Southern Asia. Kazakhs, Bosnians, Malaysians, and likely Indonesians will leave Islam and go for ethnic faiths. Islam will be the brown mans religion, it already mostly is.
We'll see.

Remind me 40 years later, if I am still alive.
Hey everyone, I've been thinking about Christianity a lot recently and wanted to see what you guys think about it, especially in relation to the blackpill and everything we've come to understand about human nature.

On one hand, Christianity talks a lot about forgiveness, love, and turning the other cheek, but honestly, that seems a bit out of touch with the reality most of us face. We see the way the world really works, especially when it comes to dating and relationships, and it doesn’t feel like the Christian values always match up with what we experience. Like, how are we supposed to be forgiving and loving when we're constantly overlooked and ignored?

Also, there's a lot of emphasis in Christianity on the idea of having faith, that things will work out if you believe or act a certain way, but that’s tough when you’re constantly seeing evidence to the contrary. What are your thoughts on reconciling this? Do you think Christianity still has any relevance for people like us, or is it just another way to keep people complacent and hopeful in a world that doesn’t give them a fair shot?

I’m curious to hear what you guys think, is there any part of Christianity that makes sense within the blackpill worldview, or is it just not realistic in today’s world?
I'm no theologian but me personally
It keeps me in cheek since I'm vindictive and turning the other cheek is not pacifism, it means forgo retaliation for personal offenses. Which is borderline impossible
But it doesnt mean you can defend yourself physically
Do you think Christianity still has any relevance for people like us, or is it just another way to keep people complacent and hopeful in a world that doesn’t give them a fair shot?

The latter
Probably growing up in Christian region impacted my forming of beliefs. Still majority of my life i was lukewarm, i didnt believed that God exists more than i believed that it does. Then 4 years ago i just felt strong need to go to church, i wasnt driven by loneliness or depression, those things bother me since always. I felt called. Then i got baptized which i postponed my entire life since i didnt believe enough. Since then, i simply feel God's presence, often i feel overwhelmed by God. Ive been reading the Bible and watch studies and preaching for years now. I feel like God is calling me. Personal experience i guess. Also theres countless teachings which have a strong case that Bible stories and characters were real, that New Testament is fulfillment of the Old Testament. I dont know, its mix of beliefs and logic from my perspective. If God which calls me isnt teh Biblical God, then He wouldnt lead me into studying Christianity.
Lucky you
How you know christianity IS the truth? I'm not looking for a debate, just to simply know why you believe Christianity is the truth.
That's the hard part
For me its likelihood and combinations of things
Hey everyone, I've been thinking about Christianity a lot recently and wanted to see what you guys think about it, especially in relation to the blackpill and everything we've come to understand about human nature.

On one hand, Christianity talks a lot about forgiveness, love, and turning the other cheek, but honestly, that seems a bit out of touch with the reality most of us face. We see the way the world really works, especially when it comes to dating and relationships, and it doesn’t feel like the Christian values always match up with what we experience. Like, how are we supposed to be forgiving and loving when we're constantly overlooked and ignored?
If someone is a christian and his immediate environment is not, then that life will almost always be worse than if he wasn't christian. At least objectively speaking, because they'll have to abstain from whoremongering, they shouldn't revenge themselves, obey the government and so on. The early christians were getting tortured and killed for their beliefs. What's happening psychologically I can't judge, but from the outside your life would get worse.
Also, there's a lot of emphasis in Christianity on the idea of having faith, that things will work out if you believe or act a certain way, but that’s tough when you’re constantly seeing evidence to the contrary. What are your thoughts on reconciling this? Do you think Christianity still has any relevance for people like us, or is it just another way to keep people complacent and hopeful in a world that doesn’t give them a fair shot?
It's not about believing that things work out actually. For some of us life is just not enjoyable and the new testament does acknowledge that and it doesn't give any bluepills either.
A lot of people nowadays are treating religion as a form of self help, they're using it to grow form a psychoanalytical point of view or as a form of cope or whatever. This would work better with far eastern philosophies. Or ancient greek philosophies like stoicism for example. There you don't necessarily have to believe in anything supernatural either. But real christianity is certainly not like that.
I’m curious to hear what you guys think, is there any part of Christianity that makes sense within the blackpill worldview, or is it just not realistic in today’s world?
The blackpill doesn't contradict anything that's said in the new testament. I'd say it makes sense and it's realistic but it won't make your life more enjoyable, apart from the community aspect.

How you know christianity IS the truth? I'm not looking for a debate, just to simply know why you believe Christianity is the truth.
I don't know anything with certainty, but I do believe in what is written in the bible. And nobody knows either if they're being honest. There is a passage in the bible stating that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich person to enter heaven. Maybe it's similar if you're a very rational person. Some passages indirectly relate to this topic. One that addresses how the greeks were calling the early christians fools for believing in reincarnation, and another one about the mindset or state of heart that people are supposed to have when they become christians. With a pure heart like a child, or something along those lines. Now of course people will say that this is perfect to make everyone obedient and to stop them from critically questioning anything. Maybe, but it would make sense that a decision that impacts your afterlife shouldn't primarily be dependent on your iq or worldly knowledge. It's a difficult question for sure. There is a group of people that follow the discipline of apologetics. I've talked to one of them but his arguments didn't convince me.
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Theres a debate over this, especially whats turning the other cheek meant at that time. Yeah hating others easily or for no reason is bad, but hating sinners and degenerates who beguile masses dooming them to hell is not. King David and Elijah prayed to God to kill their enemies and wicked people and God did so, Elijah called God to burn those false prophets, which God did. What the majority of the worlds is. We are called not to be of this world and to call out degeneracy. I used to think that Bible says hate the sin not the sinner, but after watching John Piper im not so sure.

Jesus said "If you dont have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Which could mean that we should prepare ourselves to have the means to defend ourselves. Also said “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword” Maybe he meant to not escalate things and attack others but to be prepared to defend yourselves.

Peter wasnt exactly a timid turn the other cheek guy, yet Jesus chose him for a leader. I dont think that Jesus meant for us to be punching bags to evil assholes. Jesus's parable of good Samaritan teaches to love the ones who treat us good. We are called to pray for others and to call out their sins, but if they dont repent its said to treat them as nothing ours.
There is also a semi-related verse where Paul tells the Corinthians to act like men (What was generally associated with "acting like a man" 2000 years ago)

1 Corinthians 16:13
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

But Jesus says, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

Meek: "quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive." What is it now? Do you know? I'd imagine this isn't the right translation for meek because if you're someone where any belief can be "easily imposed on" you, then you can not stand firm in faith and be strong.
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.

Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
She exodus on my leviticus till I genesis
it has no relevance to us. retarded ancient man in sky cope, when it worked to hold society together and curb holes' nature somewhat it was fine, maybe you'd still be better off with a christian hole compared to non-christian (questionable, they are certainly lower IQ but perhaps more agreeable) but for yourself, just forget it
No one is more toxic nor evil nor vindictive like Christians
Nigger what are you even talking about

Have you ever lived in a christian demographic? Have you ever interacted with actual christians? Because you clearly havent.

I'm not even Christian, but as someone who lives in possibly the most christian part of the world, your take is retarded.
Nigger what are you even talking about

Have you ever lived in a christian demographic? Have you ever interacted with actual christians? Because you clearly havent.

I'm not even Christian, but as someone who lives in possibly the most christian part of the world, your take is retarded.
he's not completely wrong, they are often very materialistic, shallow and pretend nice

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