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Question for "Virgin or Nothing" Crew



Nov 8, 2017
Would you date a 16 y/o girl who has had sex but only once or twice with one "boyfriend"?

Explain why.

I am stuck in between. I think at the age it's possible that they are not too corrupted, but only if it was once or twice. If it was a lot of sex in an LTR then it would definitely be a 'No' for me.
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.
if u care about that shit u are just ensuring u will be sad and alone forever............. women are super freaks nowadays
Don't even desire a relationship or sex. Rotting has numbed me
ghostcell said:
if u care about that shit u are just ensuring u will be sad and alone forever............. women are super freaks nowadays

I'm rather be alone than be with some emotionally used up cumrag. They're incapable of genuine loyalty and pure emotional attachment due to buildgind and breaking bonds with other men.
Spidey said:
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.
You really think you can get a 9/10 girl? This is beyond delusional but what can I expect from a teenager
ghostcell said:
if u care about that shit u are just ensuring u will be sad and alone forever............. women are super freaks nowadays
This ^

Lol @ permavirgins
ghostcell said:
if u care about that shit u are just ensuring u will be sad and alone forever............. women are super freaks nowadays
NeverSubmit said:
You really think you can get a 9/10 girl? This is beyond delusional but what can I expect from a teenager

Her body is pretty dead tbh but her face is like 7/10. I was exaggerating when I said 9/10.

Nope, im 22 so she should be atleast 18 imo.
The rule is like *2 your age/7 or something?

Also I wouldnt take a non virgin of that age.
If she has already fucked 2 times at the age of 16, shes a slut tbh.
ItheIthe said:
Would you date a 16 y/o girl who has had sex but only once or twice with one "boyfriend"?

Explain why.

I am stuck in between. I think at the age it's possible that they are not too corrupted, but only if it was once or twice. If it was a lot of sex in an LTR then it would definitely be a 'No' for me.

Lol, yeah.
I'll take any opportunity to stick my dick in something as long as it's not a man or a landwhale.
ItheIthe said:
I'm rather be alone than be with some emotionally used up cumrag. They're incapable of genuine loyalty and pure emotional attachment due to buildgind and breaking bonds with other men.

even virgin girls are not loyal and emotionally attached these days, remove the last hope from ur mind already 

and JFL do u even think a virgin would want to settle for a guy like any of us here?

best we can hope for is some roastie who is just too horny and doens't care about who she fucks, or some chad's leftovers who just don't want to be lonely

accept ur not chad and make the best of it.

its not that weird to sleep with some1 who alrdy had sex before. its not like STD tests/showers/toothpaste doesn't exist
If she had sex it doesn't matter if she had sex once or 1000 times, with one or 1000 guys. I am not interested. And by sex I mean every sexual activity, her puss being touched also counts as losing virginity.
Nope. I wouldn't touch a female who has done anything more than kissed before.
ghostcell said:
even virgin girls are not loyal and emotionally attached these days, remove the last hope from ur mind already 

and JFL do u even think a virgin would want to settle for a guy like any of us here?

best we can hope for is some roastie who is just too horny and doens't care about who she fucks, or some chad's leftovers who just don't want to be lonely

accept ur not chad and make the best of it.

its not that weird to sleep with some1 who alrdy had sex before. its not like STD tests/showers/toothpaste doesn't exist

How would you rate yourself ? I saw your hair and it's not bad actually and you're tall. Is your face holding you back ?
Stanx22 said:
How would you rate yourself ? I saw your hair and it's not bad actually and you're tall. Is your face holding you back ?

honestly don't know, one day i feel butt ugly, other day i feel handsome. i guess i'm between 5/6 but i was a truecel for most of my life due to very bad acne/glasses/frame. i looksmaxxed for years already and can't even ascend

my face is pretty neutral i guess. it doesn't put people off but also doesn't attract anybody. then my lack of confidence and personality destroys any chance i have left. plus i don't have a social circle so girls soon realize im just a loner hermit

my body is pretty bad though even after years of gym, im just so tall and cant fill in my lanky frame,  i guess girls often already reject me mentally when i approach them from a distance, before i even get a chance
ghostcell said:
honestly don't know, one day i feel butt ugly, other day i feel handsome. i guess i'm between 5/6 but i was a truecel for most of my life due to very bad acne/glasses/frame. i looksmaxxed for years already and can't even ascend

my face is pretty neutral i guess. it doesn't put people off but also doesn't attract anybody. then my lack of confidence and personality destroys any chance i have left. plus i don't have a social circle so girls soon realize im just a loner hermit

my body is pretty bad though even after years of gym, im just so tall and cant fill in my lanky frame,  i guess girls often already reject me mentally when i approach them from a distance, before i even get a chance

Lack of confidence and personality are bluepilled things, neither one of those things matter. Have you tried approaching girls before ?
Stanx22 said:
Lack of confidence and personality are bluepilled things, neither one of those things matter. Have you tried approaching girls before ?

o yeah i tried, i think i have like 50-75 approaches which were shot down IRL, once i got blackpilled i actually found it quite easy to approach and talk to people, but nothing ever comes out of it. never even got a girls number

and then i have my dating apps open, well i got like 2 matches since the start of the year, and one was a tranny. 

have been rated 5.5 by zyros even on here so i don't think i'm that ugly, i just have nothing going for me at this point and i look neutral
ghostcell said:
o yeah i tried, i think i have like 50-75 approaches which were shot down IRL, once i got blackpilled i actually found it quite easy to approach and talk to people, but nothing ever comes out of it. never even got a girls number

and then i have my dating apps open, well i got like 2 matches since the start of the year, and one was a tranny. 

have been rated 5.5 by zyros even on here so i don't think i'm that ugly, i just have nothing going for me at this point and i look neutral
Women are too hypergamous sluts nowadays. I'm sorry bro.
Kointo said:

High school is only chance for you to get a virgin wife, buddy boyo.

Peter Parker has gotta do what he can.
This crossed my mind because I know a young jb who I believe has only had sex once, and I don't even think they went all the way, from what I heard she told the guy to stop before he got all the way in.

It's murky territory but I'm debating whether or not I should make a run at it.
ItheIthe said:
This crossed my mind because I know a young jb who I believe has only had sex once, and I don't even think they went all the way, from what I heard she told the guy to stop before he got all the way in.

It's murky territory but I'm debating whether or not I should make a run at it.

You should go for it, lucky bastard.
Spidey said:
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.


This is a joke right?
whogivesafucc said:
Spidey said:
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.

This is a joke right?
ItheIthe said:
Would you date a 16 y/o girl who has had sex but only once or twice with one "boyfriend"?

Explain why.

I am stuck in between. I think at the age it's possible that they are not too corrupted, but only if it was once or twice. If it was a lot of sex in an LTR then it would definitely be a 'No' for me.

Sounds like you have a crush on someone. I had a crush on this 20yo girl and I started having thoughts like "Well, if she got fucked by 1 or 2 dicks that's not that bad". You need to get these thoughts out of your head IMMEDIATELY. Non virgins women are not fit to be wives. They will have vivid memories of cocks of their previous lovers ingrained in their minds FOREVER. A woman CANNOT unsuck/unfuck a dick. You can't get more intimate than sex, so if you marry a non virgin, there will be guys out there who have been just as intimate with your wife as you.
incel4life said:
Sounds like you have a crush on someone. I had a crush on this 20yo girl and I started having thoughts like "Well, if she got fucked by 1 or 2 dicks that's not that bad". You need to get these thoughts out of your head IMMEDIATELY. Non virgins women are not fit to be wives. They will have vivid memories of cocks of their previous lovers ingrained in their minds FOREVER. A woman CANNOT unsuck/unfuck a dick. You can't get more intimate than sex, so if you marry a non virgin, there will be guys out there who have been just as intimate with your wife as you.

I don't have a crush at all lol
Would you marry a virgin woman of another race and/or religion? If you are GL and hwhite, wouldn't be impossible to find one in small christian community in places like Egypt or in the Orient itself.
Bruh, im looking for a girl who's 16-22, if she's already had sex then i dont even want her.
I will not marry a girl even if she has just kissed another guy. Infact I will not marry a girl who has a past boyfriend regardless of the fact that whether she has done anything physical with her boyfriend or not.

If a woman loves sex she will cheat on you Period.
The only women who will remain loyal to you is a woman who does not love sex.
Get this ingrained in your head.
dawn said:
I will not marry a girl even if she has just kissed another guy. Infact I will not marry a girl who has a past boyfriend regardless of the fact that whether she has done anything physical with her boyfriend or not.

If a woman loves sex she will cheat on you Period.
The only women who will remain loyal to you is a woman who does not love sex.
Get this ingrained in your head.

I would "date" a girl with a previous "relationship", but only if she was still a full virgin (No blowjobs).
ItheIthe said:
I would "date" a girl with a previous "relationship", but only if she was still a full virgin (No blowjobs).

will you marry her ?
dawn said:
will you marry her ?

Theoretically yes. I believe in JBF Theory, so the girl would also have to be in high school, preferable below age 17, before her mind is completely corroded by degeneracy. If I can get to her then, then there is a solid chance she'll be loyal.
ItheIthe said:
Theoretically yes. I believe in JBF Theory, so the girl would also have to be in high school, preferable below age 17, before her mind is completely corroded by degeneracy. If I can get to her then, then there is a solid chance she'll be loyal.

A girl having a past bf will surely contact him while still with you. A woman never forgets her first love. Will you not feel jealous , insecure or suspicious of her when she will do this ?
dawn said:
A girl having a past bf will surely contact him while still with you. A woman never forgets her first love. Will you not feel jealous , insecure or suspicious of her when she will do this ?

It depends on how long that "relationship" lasted. If it was a long time, then I would still be apprehensive. If it was a few weeks then I wouldn't really mind, as long as she was still a virgin. But you make good points.
One thing is to be noted here is that all these discussions are hypothetical because there is no way know about the sexual past of a girl. Women are expert liars and will always lie to you about her sexual past.

Also , it is not practical to ask a girl about sexual past. It is not socially acceptable and looks retarded to ask a girl about things like "Have you given blowjob ? If you ask this question to a girl , she will reject you then and there because it is retarded thing to ask.

Get that through your head even if you are with a woman for 10 years and she loves you she will never tell you fully about her sexual past.
dawn said:
One thing is to be noted here is that all these discussions are hypothetical because there is no way know about the sexual past of a girl. Women are expert liars and will always lie to you about her sexual past.

Also , it is not practical to ask a girl about sexual past. It is not socially acceptable and looks retarded to ask a girl about things like "Have you given blowjob ? If you ask this question to a girl , she will reject you then and there because it is retarded thing to ask.

Get that through your head even if you are with a woman for 10 years and she loves you she will never tell you fully about her sexual past.

That's why I would likely only go for young high school girls. I think I said somewhere that they would hopefully be under age 17. Preferably younger. They're less likely to have a past, and I could tell if they do because I'm real;y good at reading people.
ItheIthe said:
That's why I would likely only go for young high school girls. I think I said somewhere that they would hopefully be under age 17. Preferably younger. They're less likely to have a past, and I could tell if they do because I'm real;y good at reading people.

But how can you go for them as a older man ? Also , if you marry them as a old man , she might become disinterested in you after a while.

Also, after some time she might think that she has "missed out" all the fun and she might divorce or cuck you.
dawn said:
But how can you go for them as a older man ? Also , if you marry them as a old man , she might become disinterested in you after a while.

Also, after some time she might think that she has "missed out" all the fun and she might divorce or cuck you.

Oh I'm in college so I'm not old
If you think that a woman who has only kissed is a good girl while a girl who has had sex is a bad girl then you are no less a delusional hypocrite like most women who think that only doing p-i-v is what make them slut while giving blowjobs does not.
whogivesafucc said:
Spidey said:
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.

This is a joke right?

Jockcel said:
whogivesafucc said:

This is a joke right?

Kointo said:
whogivesafucc said:
Spidey said:
I kind of agree with you but right now I'm aiming for this 9/10 girl in my school who is virgin and not corrupted yet.
She doesn't like parties and keeps to herself.

This is a joke right?

completely srs. she's not exactly 9/10 (dont wanna put her on a pedestal) BUT SHE IS good looking stacy.
SaintMarcLepine said:
Nope. I wouldn't touch a female who has done anything more than kissed before.

I respect your choice but you don't have any right to hate women and other men for having sex before marriage if you yourself kisses women before marriage and hamster it as "kissing is not as dirty as sex"

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